Zhejiang Promotion | Zhejiang Road Project | No.1 | Promotion | Zhejiang

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:10 AM

From then on, Zhejiang embarked on a great path of transformation.

Along the way, the mountains in Zhejiang have become greener, the water clearer, the sky bluer, and the ground cleaner. The urban and rural areas are beautiful, picturesque everywhere, and scenery is seen step by step. The lives of the people in Zhejiang are becoming better and better, and the path of development in Zhejiang is becoming wider and wider.

This morning, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee held a press conference, where the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Yi Lianhong, and the Governor, Wang Hao, told the wonderful story of the "88 Strategy" for 20 years to all sectors of society. Looking back and looking forward to the future, what is the path of Zhejiang?

The Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference with the theme of "consistent and in-depth implementation of the'eight-eight strategy', and using the'two firsts' to play an exemplary and leading role to create a'important window '"

Returning to the beginning of this century, Zhejiang at that time was facing dual development pressures, one being "innate shortcomings" and the other being "growing pains".

Why is there an innate deficiency? Zhejiang, with its seven mountains, one water, and two fields, is a small resource province with limited potential for development; The so-called "growth troubles" are due to the fact that Zhejiang's industrialization has reached a certain stage, facing bottlenecks such as resource and environmental constraints, and insufficient development momentum.

Zhejiang Promotion | Zhejiang Road Project | No.1 | Promotion | Zhejiang

How to "climb over obstacles" and answer the question of transformation? People crave a strategic strategy that can penetrate the fog and win the future.

After Comrade Xi Jinping went to work in Zhejiang, he traveled to 11 cities in the province in 10 months. After in-depth investigation and research and systematic planning, he finally refined and formed the "August 8 Strategy".

Time is silent, but it carries the most weight. By stretching the timeline, we can better understand the power of thought and the energy of strategy. The "88 Strategy" faces the questions of the times such as "what's wrong with Zhejiang" and "what should we do", and provides the "century's answer" of "how to look at the situation" and "where to take the path". The land of Zhijiang has undergone a systematic and holistic brilliant transformation, achieving four historic leaps.

One is from a province with small resources to a province with a large economy. Guided by the concepts of "Teng Cage for Bird, Phoenix Nirvana" and "Based on Zhejiang to Develop Zhejiang, Jumping Out of Zhejiang to Develop Zhejiang", Zhejiang's "little guy" has unleashed "great energy", opening up a new era of economic and social development: the gross domestic product of the province has jumped from 800 billion yuan in 2002 to 7.77 trillion yuan in 2022, laying the foundation for its position as a "major economic province" in China; The per capita GDP has increased to 17600 US dollars, close to the level of moderately developed countries; The number of specialized and innovative "little giants" and single champion enterprises has ranked first in the country for three consecutive years; In 2022, the proportion of added value of the digital economy to GDP ranked first among provinces and regions in China.

Ningbo Zhoushan Port has evolved from a major province in foreign trade to an open and strong province. Under the guidance of the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has jumped out of the "Zhejiang" and broken through the "besieged city", entering a new realm of vast land and soaring freely: the total import and export volume of the province has increased from 347.24 billion yuan in 2002 to 4682.62 billion yuan in 2022, ranking third in the country; In 2022, the contribution rate of Zhejiang's exports to the national export growth reached 18.5%, ranking first in the country; Yiwu's small commodity trading volume has ranked first in the national professional market for many consecutive years;

Thirdly, from environmental improvement to beautiful Zhejiang. Say goodbye to "getting rich through mining" and welcome "planting trees can make money"; Say goodbye to "smelling the stench when going out" and welcome "enjoying the air when going out". Every Zhejiang resident is a witness, beneficiary, and witness to the saying that "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets". A set of data outlines the increasingly moving background of Zhejiang's development - green: the proportion of Class I-III water quality in surface water provincial control sections has increased from 42.9% in 2002 to 97.6% in 2022; The proportion of days with good urban air quality has increased from 68.4% in 2013 to 89.3% in 2022; The province has achieved full coverage of urban and rural garbage classification, becoming the first province to achieve zero growth and zero landfill of household waste.

Zhejiang Promotion | Zhejiang Road Project | No.1 | Promotion | Zhejiang

The fourth is to move from an overall well-off society to a high-level comprehensive well-off society. The "88 Strategy" guides Zhejiang to recite the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and sing the "Song of Common Prosperity". In the past 20 years, the income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed from 2.37 to 1.9, and the highest and lowest income difference among regional residents has narrowed to 1.58. The average life expectancy in the province has increased by 7.33 years, reaching 82.3 years. The spiritual and cultural life of the masses is rich and colorful, and the "most beautiful Zhejiang people" effect continues to amplify. There are study rooms in cities and cultural auditoriums in rural areas. More than 8000 "15 minute quality cultural life circles" have been built, and the rural areas now make cities more eager.

Today, the grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Zhejiang is becoming a reality step by step. The "picture" of enriching the people and strengthening the province, balanced development, green development, co-governance and sharing, and diligent and honest progress is laid out in the land of the river.

Miaodou Village 2, Zhili Town, Huzhou City

Looking back at the vivid practice of the "88 Strategy" in Zhejiang, the author believes that the reason why the "88 Strategy" can be implemented is because it follows the path of laws and grasps multiple important relationships:

For example, upholding integrity and innovation. In the past 20 years, from "demonstration of thousands of villages and rectification of thousands of villages" to "rural revitalization", from "coordinated development of urban and rural areas" to "demonstration zones for common prosperity" in the province, from "block economy" to "415X" advanced manufacturing cluster, Zhejiang has not only anchored its goals and pursued a straight path, but also responded to changes in the situation, continuously adding bricks and tiles, iteratively upgrading.

For example, overall promotion and key breakthroughs. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has highlighted the vitality and creativity of the private economy in the process of promoting the development of the economy with public ownership as the mainstay and multiple forms of ownership, achieving "two wings flying together"; In the process of improving the level of internal and external openness of the system, we must firmly grasp the key direction of aligning with Shanghai and integrating into the Yangtze River Delta. One of the wisdom of the "88 Strategy" is to drive overall progress through key breakthroughs and seek dynamic balance among multiple goals, which is also a valuable experience for Zhejiang.

Zhejiang Promotion | Zhejiang Road Project | No.1 | Promotion | Zhejiang

For example, forging strengths and addressing weaknesses. The dialectical thinking of the long and short board makes the Zhejiang Road more meaningful and competitive. Under the guidance of the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has successfully promoted two "transformations": focusing on the implementation of "changing cages for birds" and "phoenix rebirth", coordinating urban-rural integration development, and accelerating ecological civilization construction, striving to make its strengths longer and transform comparative advantages into development advantages; At the same time, technological innovation is regarded as the first shortcoming that must be filled, constantly transforming existing disadvantages into new advantages.

For example, market efficiency and government action. From Yiwu, the "world small commodity market", to Longgang, the "first farmer's city in China", Zhejiang continues to revitalize the development of "inexplicable, out of nothing, turning stones into gold"; From the national market to the international market, we support and guide the deepening of the "sweet potato economy" in Zhejiang, and the flourishing of branches and leaves outside the province. There is no best business environment, only better. Zhejiang continues to iterate the "efficiency revolution" of "everyone is an investment environment", striving to make the "soft environment" a "soft gold".

For example, material wealth and spiritual wealth. The connotation of common prosperity includes both the improvement of material life and the enhancement of the spiritual world. In the past 20 years, from the red ship spirit to the Zhejiang spirit of "seeking truth and pragmatism, integrity and harmony, and opening up and striving for strength", from the business philosophy of "righteousness is in the first place" to the "four thousand spirit", Zhejiang has promoted the comprehensive enrichment of things and the comprehensive development of people with the spirit of initiative, and constantly opened a new world for career development.

Future Factory Three of a Company in Zhejiang

Looking at others with an 'appreciative' perspective and looking at oneself with a 'picky' mentality, we realize that the overall momentum of economic and social development in Zhejiang is good, but there are still some gaps and shortcomings compared to Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places.

For example, the level of innovation platforms is not high enough. Currently, Zhejiang only has two national "major scientific facilities", which are major scientific and technological infrastructure, less than Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong; The overall R&D investment intensity in Zhejiang is 3.02%, lower than that in Shanghai and Guangdong, and the total R&D expenditure is also lower than that in Jiangsu; For example, there is a lack of high-level exhibition platforms such as the China International Import Expo, the China International Fair for Trade in Services, and the Canton Fair; In addition, there are only three "Double First Class" universities in Zhejiang, far less than Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shanghai, and so on.

Zhejiang Promotion | Zhejiang Road Project | No.1 | Promotion | Zhejiang

How can Zhejiang make good use of the "88 Strategy", which is a "rich ideological mine" and "strategic asset", to demonstrate and lead the role of the "two pioneers" in benchmarking against the advanced "cannot sit still" and breaking through "cannot wait"? This press conference provided a clear answer:

For example, strengthening the strategic system that connects everything, putting all work on the track of innovation, reform, and opening up for thinking, planning, and promotion, encouraging grassroots exploration and innovation, constantly stimulating new vitality, adding new momentum, and seizing new tracks.

For example, strengthening the strategic advantage of integrated promotion, adhering to a systematic concept, promoting the integrated deployment of strategic goals, tasks, and measures, and forming an integrated effect, fission effect, and multiplier effect of "1+1+1>3".

For example, strengthening the strategic pattern driven by the breakthrough of the three "Number One Projects", vigorously implementing the "Number One Development Project" of digital economy innovation and improvement, the "Number One Reform Project" of business environment optimization and upgrading, and the "Number One Open Project" of sweet potato economy upgrading, fully unleashing the powerful role of the three "Number One Projects" in driving the whole body, and creating a high-level innovative province, a leading province in high-quality and efficient reform, and a high-energy level open province.

Every node is a new starting point. Next, we will continue to push the "August 8th Strategy" deeper and more practical, and strive to play an exemplary and leading role in promoting common prosperity and Chinese path to modernization. What will be the highlights of Zhejiang? We will wait and see.

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