Young people striving for a new era | China | Era

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:56 PM

On June 19th, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened in Beijing. Nearly 1500 representatives from all over the country attended the congress, shouldering the heavy responsibility of over 73 million Communist Youth League members.

The spiritual outlook of an era is always vividly reflected in young people. Chinese youth in the new era, they persist in ordinary positions and realize their life value through hard work; They are brave enough to explore and innovate, constantly exploring on the front line of scientific research; They take root at the grassroots level and sweat their youth on the journey of national rejuvenation

Adhere to your position and strive to become a backbone and young pioneer in the industry

"We should be a model of hard study and innovation, take the lead in standing on our posts, practicing our skills, striving for excellence, and striving to become the backbone of the industry and the vanguard of youth." at the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged and sent messages to young people.

The Chinese youth in the new era carry out the general secretary's earnest instructions, stick to their posts, fight on the front line, sharpen in hardship, and grow up in practice.

Wearing welding caps, holding welding wires and welding guns, the construction site flickers with arc lights. Under the high temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius, Yan Cai, a post-90s nuclear level welder, is busy with welding operations. The steel structure dome he and his team are welding is the nuclear island dome of a unit of China's independently developed third-generation nuclear power technology, "Hualong No.1".

When Shi Yancai received vocational and technical education, he studied welding skills diligently; After taking up the job, he devoted himself to studying technology and finally became a nuclear level welder for "Hualong No.1".

The secret to Shi Yancai's continuous improvement in welding technology is to lead practice with competition and promote competition with practice. In international competitions, it is often necessary to avoid multiple obstacles in narrow spaces and complete delicate welding tasks, combining precise and exquisite craftsmanship, extraordinary endurance, and innovative wisdom. "We constantly accumulate experience in our daily work, overcome difficulties in on-site construction, and also accumulate experience for participating in competitions," said Shi Yancai.

In Shi Yancai's view, zero defects are the basic requirement for nuclear level welders. "I treat every weld seam as a 'lifeline'." After more than 10 years of effort, Shi Yancai has grown from a shepherd to a national technical expert, and has also witnessed China's independently mastered welding technology in the nuclear power field from "following" to "running parallel", now reaching the world's advanced level.

"In this era where everyone has the opportunity to showcase their talents, being down-to-earth and working hard will definitely bring rewards," said Shi Yancai.

Li Meng's daily work involves dealing with public toilets. 34 year old Li Meng works at the 10th Environmental Health Service Center in Dongcheng District, Beijing. Her team is mainly responsible for the pumping of feces from over 160 public toilets and residential toilets in alleys. Shi Chuanxiang, the famous national model worker, had worked here as a dung collector before his death.

When she first arrived at the unit, the old class monitor saw her and happily said, "After more than 10 years, we finally have young people here." However, the hard work of environmental sanitation exceeded the imagination of a girl in her twenties.

In order to master the technology, Li Meng would summarize her work experience and draw pictures to analyze the technical essentials after work every day. In less than half a year, she mastered her job skills proficiently.

Even more difficult is to earn the respect and recognition of residents for environmental sanitation work. To this end, Li Meng rode her bicycle along the work route to observe and research, and determined her work hours based on the living habits of residents. In addition to doing her job well, Li Meng and her colleagues always take the initiative to help the people do practical and good things in their leisure time. Gradually, Li Meng gained recognition from the people in her jurisdiction.

"Find the right position for yourself, every position can stand out. To do one's job well and steadfastly is to do something practical for the country and the people," said Li Meng.

Rooted in the grassroots, the road ahead can be more stable and far-reaching

At the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "it is necessary to cultivate a work style of taking on practical work, not to talk about it, to do more practical work, and to have the courage to go to the difficult environment and the front line at the grass-roots level to bear hardships, difficulties, heavy burdens, and dangers, to be honest and down-to-earth."

In the new era, Chinese youth always bear in mind the teachings of General Secretary, root themselves in the fertile fields of grassroots, and continuously absorb nutrients and grow vigorously from their dedication to serving the people and practical responsibilities.

Recently, Wen Zhu, Deputy Mayor of Mohe City and Party Secretary of Beiji Town in Heilongjiang Province, has been busy preparing for a grand festival - the Northern Lights Festival.

Mohe City is located at the northernmost point of China and is known as the "Arctic" in China. The Arctic Town is located in the northern part of Mohe City and is an excellent viewing place for wonders such as aurora, polar day, and polar night. Wen Zhu humorously said, "If you come here, you'll find the north in life!" At the age of 24, she gave up a job opportunity in a large southern enterprise and returned to her hometown of Mohe to become a college student village official. She devoted herself wholeheartedly to her work, leading her fellow villagers to develop sightseeing agriculture and infrastructure construction. Nowadays, the railway has opened a "Chasing Light Special Train" to send off batches of tourists, and the "Polar Day Marathon" attracts long-distance running enthusiasts from all over the world to come and experience.

"Arctic Town plays a radiating role in the 'Great Arctic Tourism Circle', with 'one village, one product' as the center, forming a development trend of 'one village, one scenery, one brand'. It receives more than 2 million tourists annually. According to Wenzhu, last year, the village level collective economy of Arctic Town accumulated 2.35 million yuan, and the per capita income of farmers was 31700 yuan, an increase of 17.4% in the past three years. The sense of gain and happiness of villagers has significantly improved.".

As the deputy mayor in charge of tourism in the local area, Wenzhu feels that he is also a "light seeker". "The light in my heart is to truly make Arctic Town a business card, attracting more people to come here for tourism, life, and employment."

"Dare to think, dare to venture, dare to do, even remote small towns have great achievements." Lei Xiaohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Maoyang Township, Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, has been rooted in remote towns for 13 years.

When she first arrived in Maoyang Township, there were few mountains and inconvenient transportation. Ninety percent of the villagers went out to work, and most of them were elderly people at home. A local person told her, "It's impossible for remote towns like ours to develop industries without land or capable people."

But Lei Xiaohua has a tenacity that never gives up.

She led everyone to build Houjin Village into a well-known red education base, and to create a national level scenic spot in her hometown; Based on ecological advantages and high-altitude wetland resources, we will introduce the moss industry and form a moss industry chain that integrates moss planting, cultural and creative products, homestay complexes, and green engineering construction, with an annual output value exceeding 10 million yuan.

"As soon as I graduated, I started working at the grassroots front line. The countryside 'contracted' my entire youth, and I accompanied the development and growth of the countryside." Lei Xiaohua said that the vast land of the countryside can turn young people's ideas into reality. "I hope more talents can root in the countryside, dance on the 'small' stage at the grassroots level, and create the 'big' and wonderful life."

Heart is bound, body is bound.

More than 100000 young cadres have served as the first secretary in poverty-stricken villages, hundreds of thousands of college student village officials work at the grassroots level, and millions of young students participate in the "Three Down to the Countryside" social practice activities, helping poverty alleviation and rural revitalization; As of 2021, 470000 "Three Supports and One Assistance" personnel have participated in grassroots education, agriculture, and medical support... A group of ambitious young people have taken root, integrating their personal "small goals" into the "big blueprint" of the Party and the country, realizing their life values and elevating their life horizons.

Pioneering and leading the way in innovation and creation

"Youth is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation and the future of innovation." General Secretary Xi Jinping has always encouraged young people to pursue their dreams and let their youth shine in innovation and creation.

Chinese youth in the new era are brave enough to explore, innovate and create, becoming an important force in promoting national development.

——Embrace ideals and dare to be the first.

The young research and development team of "Haiyan" at Tianjin University is one of the first teams in China to carry out underwater glider technology research and development. They broke the world record for diving depth of 10619 meters in the Mariana Trench. Wang Yanhui, Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Tianjin University, introduced that the young people in their team, aged 26 or 27, are already the backbone.

In the past 10 years, the "Haiyan" has flown faster and farther, setting numerous world firsts in diving depth and range.

——Pursuing excellence and striving for excellence.

Over the past twenty years, Wu Dan, a member of the Party Committee and Director of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science at Zhejiang University, has devoted his passion and intelligence to China's scientific and technological innovation, from being introduced to the field of biomedical engineering by chance, to becoming a "research star" of top foreign universities after graduating with a doctoral degree, and then to becoming an expert in the research and development of cutting-edge magnetic resonance imaging technology for the human body.

Constructing a spatiotemporal developmental map of the brain with ultra-high resolution of "rice grain carving" to depict a detailed structural map of the fetal brain; Developing 3D high-resolution diffusive magnetic resonance imaging technology to help clinical doctors make more accurate judgments... Wu Dan led his team to bravely strive on the road of scientific research, forming a series of new devices, methods, and technologies that lead the forefront of international magnetic resonance technology, support the development of brain science in China, and promote the upgrading of China's medical imaging industry.

——Pioneering and innovating, tirelessly exploring.

Gan Lin, assistant director of the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center and director of the R&D Center, has to deal with the supercomputer "Shenwei the Taihu Lake Light" every day. In December 2015, Gan Lin, who is still studying in the blog, and a group of young people with an average age of only 25, engaged in the trial calculation and debugging of "Shenwei · Light of the Taihu Lake Lake", shouldering the important mission of creating a system for this domestic supercomputer.

In November 2016, the Gordon Bell Award, known as the highest award in the field of high-performance computing applications in the world, was announced. As a member of the team, Gan Lin achieved the first award for the Chinese team in 29 years with the achievements of the "Ten Million Nuclear Scalable Global Atmospheric Dynamics Fully Implicit Simulation" project. This is the first time in the world that atmospheric simulations with a resolution of over 500 meters have been completed on an effective time scale. Afterwards, Gan Lin and his team continuously made new breakthroughs in domestic supercomputing systems, applying new achievements to important areas urgently needed by the country.

Nowadays, in industries where innovation and creativity are the key competitiveness, the proportion of young people exceeds 50%. The average age of young talents participating in the Chang'e-5 mission is 32.5 years old, and the youngest system commander was born in 1996; The Long March 3A series carrier rocket is a specialized train for launching Beidou navigation satellites, and the overall design team of the rocket is less than 30 years old on average; The average age of the quantum science team is 35 years old, and the average age of the China Tianyan FAST R&D team is 30 years old... More and more young talents are thriving on the front line of technological innovation, converging into a surging wave of building a strong technology country.

Struggle and dedication, tirelessly striving for the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed, "The development of the Party and the people's cause cannot be separated from the hard work and dedication of generations of aspiring young people. Only when youth is highly compatible with the cause of the Party and the people, will the spectrum of youth be broader and the energy of youth fully burst out."

Chinese youth in the new era are brave contributors who are at the forefront of the times, integrating their personal spirit of dedication into the tide of the times, and integrating their life ideals into the struggle for building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

During the anti epidemic period, community doctor Gan Ruyi, born in 1995, braved the cold wind and rain and rode 300 kilometers alone back to the city, dedicating herself to the defense of Wuhan.

She said, "My surname is Gan, and I am not afraid of hardship. Wearing protective clothing, we are soldiers, and we must shoulder this responsibility on our shoulders."

In 2020, Xie Bangpeng, an employee of State Grid Shanghai Pudong Power Supply Company, led a team to conduct hidden danger investigations for fever clinics in the jurisdiction, ensuring uninterrupted power supply. In response to the urgent task of increasing power supply, Xie Bangpeng created a "Shanghai speed" where all the construction conditions for the internal and external lines were in place within a week.

More than 500000 youth assault teams and over 9 million young people are fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic; Among the 28600 nurses in the medical team assisting Hubei, 90% are born in the 1980s and 1990s... Countless young people have gone against the tide and experienced special adulthood rituals on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control.

33 year old Yu Ruofei comes from the Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team. This civilian rescue team was originally composed of only 3 people and has grown to over a thousand in 10 years, with over 70% of them being born in the 1990s, all volunteers from different industries. Vice captain Lu Zhaoxu said that emergency rescue work goes hand in hand with danger, but each team member thinks most about how to help others in the first place.

In the 2021 rainstorm disaster in Henan, more than 30 members of Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team went to Zhengzhou, Xinxiang and other places for rescue. The team members spend more than ten hours a day soaking in water, and can only find relatively dry places to sleep on the ground at night, sleeping only for one or two hours a day. Wet clothes with mud and water stuck to their bodies, unable to wait for them to dry completely, the team members jumped into the water again.

As of the end of 2021, there were over 90 million registered volunteers aged 14 to 35 in the national volunteer service information system. They are active in various fields of society, including emergency rescue, allowing people to continuously feel the upward and good power of Chinese youth.

Before this year's May Fourth Youth Day, Huang Lidong, a student at Tianjin Medical University, donated hematopoietic stem cells. He was the 50th volunteer at the university to complete the donation of hematopoietic stem cells.

When he enrolled, Huang Lidong, like many classmates, registered 8 milliliters of blood samples with the China Bone Marrow Bank, and this collective registration process has been ongoing for 21 years. As of now, blood samples from 7557 teachers and students at Tianjin Medical University have been loaded into the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank, and one out of every seven donors in Tianjin comes from here. "This year is the largest single donation, with one in every two freshmen donating blood," said Lin Yi, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Tianjin Medical University.

The Party and the people have their needs, and the youth of the times have their responses. No matter when, where, or in any position, there are always Chinese youth who tirelessly strive and demonstrate their youthful achievements; No matter what kind of risks and challenges we encounter, there are always Chinese youth who carry forward the spirit of struggle and showcase their youthful style.

On the new journey of realizing Chinese-style modernization, Chinese youth in the new era will certainly bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and write a magnificent chapter of building a strong country and national rejuvenation in the course of continuous struggle with an indomitable state of mind and an indomitable attitude of progress.

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