Xinhua Review | Exploring Theoretical and Institutional Innovations for the Future - Deeply Understanding the Significant Significance of "Two Combinations" Series Review Part 5 Innovation | Culture | Two

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:58 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 22 (Xinhua) - Exploring Theoretical and Institutional Innovation for the Future - Deeply Understanding the Significance of "Two Combinations" - Part 5 of a Series of Commentaries

Xinhua News Agency reporters Sun Shaolong, Gao Lei, Zhang Yan

"The 'combination' has opened up space for innovation, allowing us to grasp the initiative of thinking and culture, and effectively play a role in the path, theory, and system. More importantly, the 'second combination' is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space, and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovation."

At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly explained the importance of the "two combinations" to theoretical and institutional innovation.

The era is the mother of thought, and practice is the source of theory. Rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, maintaining and promoting the theoretical character of Marxist political parties that keep pace with the times, and daring to promote theoretical and institutional innovation based on practice, the centenary party is like a towering tree, deeply rooted and thriving.

"Integration" opens up innovation space

"Only by not forgetting history can we open up the future, and being good at inheritance can we be good at innovation."

In September 2014, at the International Symposium to commemorate the 2565 anniversary of the birth of Confucius and the opening meeting of the Fifth General Assembly of the International Federation of Confucianism, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that excellent traditional culture is the foundation of the inheritance and development of a country and a nation. If it is lost, it will cut off the spiritual lifeline.

The long-standing and profound Chinese excellent traditional culture has provided rich spiritual nourishment for the Chinese nation to move towards modernization.

The CPC is not only a firm believer and practitioner of Marxism, but also a faithful inheritor and promoter of China's excellent traditional culture.

Combining has opened up a new realm of socialism with Chinese characteristics——

In October 2022, less than a week after the closing of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yan'an, Shaanxi, to pay homage to the site of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the old homes of the older generation of revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong.

General Secretary sighed, "The former site of the Yan'an Revolution witnessed the glorious process of our party leading the Chinese revolution and exploring the sinicization and modernization of Marxism during the Yan'an period. It is an endless book to read."

When we embark on an unprecedented path of Chinese path to modernization, and when socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is showing unprecedented vitality, more and more people are thinking and asking:

How can a great idea originating from Europe take root in the vast land of the East of the world and produce fruitful results full of Chinese spirit and the essence of the times?

Adhere to combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture.

On July 1, 2021, on the occasion of Communist Party of China's centenary, standing on the Tiananmen Tower and at the historical intersection of the "two centenary" goals, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a firm and forceful answer.

From emphasizing "cultural self-confidence" to proposing the "two combinations", and then to in-depth interpretation of the "second combination", General Secretary Xi Jinping has widely applied Chinese culture to all aspects of governance, based on Chinese excellent traditional culture and activating China Excellent traditional culture is created and developed from the height of value and civilization, making it a powerful force to promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Combining has opened up a new space for the development of Chinese culture——

"Chonglong Shangyu" Hongshan Site, "Civilized Holy Land" Liangzhu Site, "Yuhua Germination" Lingjiatan Site

On May 27th, the "Why Civilization - Digital Art Exhibition of the Exploration Project of Chinese Civilization" was launched, utilizing digital technology to build a mobile, fully immersive, and interactive temporal and spatial framework, allowing the public to experience and experience the long history and brilliant civilization of the Chinese nation more intuitively and vividly.

Immersing oneself and connecting ancient and modern times, traditional culture and modern technology blend together, giving new vitality to the ancient civilization landscape.

From the "Opinions on Implementing the Project of Inheriting and Developing Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture" to promoting the continuation of Chinese culture and the inheritance of Chinese cultural genes in the form of a central document for the first time, to the construction of national cultural parks such as the Great Wall, Grand Canal, Long March, Yellow River, and Yangtze River to create important symbols of Chinese culture

Under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of "creative transformation and innovative development", cultural creation and cultural self-confidence are surging with each other, demonstrating the spirit of the times and rising Chinese atmosphere in the vast space of innovation.

Combining to make new contributions to the progress of human civilization——

In 2018, before President Xi Jinping's visit to the United Arab Emirates, Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates made a request to China:

One book will be kept in the Presidential Library, while the other will be read by oneself.

Through this authoritative work, which focuses on the latest achievements of the localization of Marxism in China and the modernization of Marxism, and reading the essence of traditional culture, people can understand the initiative and consciousness of the CPC people in the new era to use the excellent traditional Chinese culture to create a new realm of governance, and feel the world influence of the innovative theory of the CPC.

From stunning the world with the Beijing Winter Olympics, to the millennium dream of the Tang Dynasty Lotus Garden showcasing the grace and magnanimity of Chinese culture that embraces all rivers and embraces the world, to a series of home diplomacy showcasing China's "one family under heaven" mentality, such as the Boao Forum for Asia, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, the Shanghai International Import Expo, and the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference

Looking at China today, Chinese civilization is shining with even more brilliant and dazzling brilliance, and the new form of human civilization is showing a more beautiful prospect.

"Combining" effectively affects roads, theories, and systems

The CPC History Exhibition Hall stands at the north end of the central axis connecting the ancient and modern "cultural ridge" in the capital Beijing. Inside the museum, the Jiaxing Red Boat model seems to sail out of history, telling the story of the beginning of China's road.

This path was taken under the guidance of Marxism and has also emerged from over 5000 years of Chinese civilization history.

Tracing back to the original intention, the Communist Manifesto expresses the unremitting pursuit of communists: "There, the free development of each person is a condition for the free development of all people."; Looking back at history, the ideal of a Datong society is deeply buried in the fertile soil of Chinese culture: "to ensure that old age has a happy ending, strong and useful, young children have strengths, and those who are modest, widowed, lonely, isolated, and disabled are all nurtured.".

The CPC combines the two, and is committed to working for the happiness of the Chinese people, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the broad road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

From the increasingly broad path of China, our confidence in our path has become increasingly firm; Our theoretical confidence is increasingly strengthened by the powerful truth and moral power of the "Chinese Doctrine".

On May 18, 2018, at the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Man and nature are the community of life. There is no substitute for the ecological environment, and it is difficult to survive if it is not used and lost. 'The heaven and earth are born with me, and all things are one with me. '"

These words are profound and profound, elucidating a systematic ecological view and a profound view of civilization.

Draw rich ecological culture from the Chinese nation's tradition of respecting and loving nature, unify heaven and earth, link natural ecology with human civilization, and innovate and develop Marxist view of nature. Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization marks the new contribution of Chinese civilization to human civilization.

Inheriting and promoting the materialist view of history that "the people are the creators of history", inheriting and continuing the excellent traditional Chinese culture of "the people are the foundation of the country", and proposing the development concept of putting the people at the center; Combining the Marxist concept of "seeking liberation for humanity", creatively transforming the ancient concept of "the world", and proposing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has searched for the source of living water from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, so that the Chinese practice of Marxism has flourished, and the tree of Marxist truth rooted in the fertile soil of China has yielded fruitful results.

Culture is the soil of institutions, and institutions are the carriers of culture. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system are guided by Marxism, rooted in the land of China, with a deep foundation of Chinese culture, and deeply supported by the people.

"The people's congress system and political consultation system created by our party are deeply related to the people-oriented ideology of Chinese civilization, the concept of universal governance, the governance traditions of 'republic' and 'consultation', and the political wisdom of 'inclusiveness, seeking common ground while reserving differences'."

At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly: "We have not engaged in federalism or confederation, established a unitary state form, and implemented a system of regional ethnic autonomy, which is to conform to the general trend of inward cohesion and pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation. Inherit the Chinese cultural tradition of the unity of Kyushu, the six-in-one style, and the four seas."

Those who know how to change will win, while those who uphold righteousness and innovate will advance.

Drawing on the governance philosophy of "the prosperity of politics lies in following the hearts of the people", proposing a full process of people's democracy to ensure complete and orderly institutional procedures and participation in practice;

Drawing on the wisdom of "harmony without uniformity" and "seeking common ground while reserving differences", the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC has been constantly improved;

Drawing on traditional legal beliefs such as "those who follow the law are strong, the country is strong, and those who follow the law are weak, the country is weak", we will use the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics to distinguish and stop disputes;


The people of the CPC in the new era are constantly improving and developing the national system and governance system by crossing thousands of years, adhering to integrity and innovation, deeply applying the basic principles of Marxism, and absorbing the nourishment of China's outstanding civilization for more than 5000 years.

Exploring future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations in a broader cultural space

Wen is a tool that runs through the Tao. Observe the humanities and transform into the world.

Contemporary China is experiencing the most grand and unique practical innovation in human history. Under the guidance of the "second combination", we will realize another ideological liberation, explore more scientific and perfect theories and systems in a broader cultural space, and show the bright prospects of Chinese path to modernization.

Exploring future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations to better absorb the nourishment of excellent traditional Chinese culture——

The hometown of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong, attracts tourists from all over the world to experience the wisdom of ancient sages tempered by time.

The prosperity of a country or a nation is always supported by cultural prosperity.

Excellent traditional Chinese culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. Exploring future oriented theoretical and institutional innovation cannot be separated from cultivating and creating socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

To understand the cultural inheritance of "discipline is the 'ruler' of governing the party" from the perspective of "no rules, no square can be formed", and continuously strengthen the construction of party discipline; Comprehending the oath of "reform will not stop" from "striving for daily renewal, daily renewal, and daily renewal", and continuously promoting comprehensive and deepening reform

On the new journey, we must adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and lay a more solid cultural foundation for theoretical and institutional innovation.

To explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovations, we must always firmly grasp the world outlook and methodology of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era--

To present Marxism with more Chinese characteristics, style, and atmosphere.

The process of theoretical innovation since the new era fully proves that the "two combinations" are the fundamental way to promote the theoretical innovation of the Party, and the mystery of the evergreen tree of Marxist theory with Chinese characteristics and modernization. Practice has proven that the better the combination of the two, the richer the sources of theoretical innovation, and the stronger the power of theoretical innovation.

Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is the quintessence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and a brilliant example of adhering to the "two combinations" and daring to promote theoretical innovation.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stated that we must adhere to the supremacy of the people, must adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, must adhere to integrity and innovation, must adhere to the problem orientation, must adhere to the system concept, and must adhere to the "six must adhere to" for the first time from the perspective of world outlook and methodology. It profoundly expounds the scientific method and correct path of promoting theoretical innovation.

On the new journey, only by mastering, adhering to, and making good use of the world outlook and methodology of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, can we better sum up China's experience with Chinese principles in the great practice of the new era, upgrade China's experience to Chinese theory, and explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation.

Explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovation, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization——

Maoming, Guangdong, is a hometown of lychees that has been passed down for thousands of years.

In the face of enthusiastic villagers, General Secretary said, "We must promote common prosperity by leading the rich first and pushing the latter forward. No matter how much money we earn, we cannot ignore spiritual civilization. Our rural customs and traditions must be civilized. Ecology and economy must be harmonious, and 'individual modernization and village dirtiness and disorder' cannot be achieved. Rural revitalization must be combined with these 'great leaders of the country'."

In a word, Chinese path to modernization not only has the common characteristics of modernization in all countries, but also has Chinese characteristics based on their own national conditions.

The long and magnificent river of history. The practical exploration of modernization by humans is constantly shaping the development pattern of modern civilization, deepening our understanding of the essence and laws of modernization. Fully absorbing the profound connotation of Chinese civilization for more than 5000 years, Chinese path to modernization shows a new picture of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation different from the western modernization model.

The vast and boundless journey, sailing but the trade wind.

Standing at a new historical starting point, fully activating and effectively applying the valuable and rich Chinese values, Chinese wisdom and Chinese spirit contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, answering the topic of the times with "China's principles", and promoting "China's governance" with "China's system", the road of Chinese path to modernization will be wider and wider.

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