Xinhua News Review | With a sense of responsibility of "constantly feeling at ease", do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 07:34 AM

Beijing, August 22 (Xinhua News Agency) - With a sense of responsibility of "constantly feeling at ease", do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief

Xinhua News Agency reporter Du Yifang

Since the end of July, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River, and Northeast China, causing floods and geological disasters. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on August 17th to discuss and deploy flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work.The meeting emphasized that all relevant regions, departments, and units should always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, always prioritize the safety of people's lives and property, and with a sense of responsibility of "always feeling at ease", carefully and consistently carry out all flood prevention and disaster relief work.

I can't always rest assured, what I can't let go of is the safety and well-being of the people.This disaster has a wide range of affected areas, many flood storage and detention areas have been put into use, and many people have been relocated and resettled. To ensure the basic livelihood of the affected people, efforts must be made in every detail, and efforts must be made to help solve practical difficulties with care and effort. The majority of Party members and cadres put the safety and well-being of the people at the top of their minds, properly resettle the people, do a good job in environmental disinfection and sterilization and epidemic prevention, strengthen the market to ensure supply and stable prices, and restore normal production and living order in disaster areas as soon as possible.

What cannot be relieved at all times is a sense of crisis and bottom line thinking. The current flood control and disaster relief efforts have achieved significant phased results. However, China is still in the main flood season, and rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters are still high in many parts of the country. We still need to be cautious and prepare for danger in times of peace. To be proactive in work, it is necessary to prepare in advance, carefully investigate and summarize, make up for weaknesses and strengths, and further enhance disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities. At present, Party members and cadres must firmly build a "psychological dam", not be complacent or lax at all, and cautiously and consistently do a good job in flood prevention, fighting floods, and disaster relief.

The responsibility of post disaster reconstruction cannot be relieved at all times. The time for post disaster recovery and reconstruction is tight, and the task is heavy. We cannot wait, delay, or slow down. Damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity should be repaired urgently, and farmland and agricultural facilities should also be repaired as soon as possible. Multiple major grain producing areas in China have been affected by floods this time, and autumn grain is the mainstay of annual grain production. Currently, it is a critical period for autumn grain production to form, and precise guidance and classified policies are particularly crucial. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that agricultural insurance is fully and quickly compensated, and never let the food and agriculture industry suffer losses. Making good use of disaster relief funds is what the people hope for. We must fully implement the engineering quality responsibility system, strictly supervise the entire process of funding projects, and ensure that every aspect of post disaster recovery and reconstruction work can withstand historical scrutiny.

Doing a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief is related to the production and life of the people, as well as the overall economic and social development. The satisfaction of the masses is an important criterion for measuring the flood prevention and disaster relief work of various regions and departments. Nowadays, Party members and cadres often go to the fields, factories, and workshops to chat with the masses, truly meeting the urgent needs, thoughts, and expectations of the masses, and fully implementing policy measures to every household and every piece of farmland.

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