Xinhua News Review: Patents under "Economic Coercion" Belonging to Economic Coercion in the United States

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 00:50 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 18 (Xinhua) - Patents under "economic coercion" are none other than those in the United States

Xinhua News Agency reporter's permission

Recently, some American politicians have frequently mentioned the term "economic coercion", falsely claiming that "China uses economic means to pressure other countries, achieve strategic and political goals," in an attempt to incite allies to take "coordinated action" against China. China has always adhered to developing friendly and cooperative relations with other countries on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment. The so-called "economic coercion" is just another false accusation imposed by the United States on China. Its purpose is to confuse the public and find excuses to suppress and contain China, build anti China camps around China and the Asia Pacific region, promote "de Sinicization" in regional economic cooperation, and disrupt China's development process.

In fact, the United States is the epitome of economic coercion, and the "intellectual property" of economic coercion is none other than the United States: using the hegemonic advantage of the US dollar to pressure and sanction other countries by cutting off their US dollar supply and trading channels, restricting US dollar financing and trading channels, etc; Establishing numerous trade control lists, wielding "tariff batons" recklessly, and forcing other countries to engage in unequal trade negotiations with them; Implementing "long arm jurisdiction" and forcibly applying its domestic laws to specific countries, organizations, or individuals for sanctions... Just a few days ago, the US President signed an executive order restricting investment in China, restricting US entities from investing in China's semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence fields, in order to curb China's development through pan security and pan politicization means, maintain one's own hegemony and self-interest, and become the latest example of the US's economic coercion.

The United States is addicted to economic coercion, and even its allies cannot escape its harm. In the 1980s, the United States forced Japan to sign the US Japan Semiconductor Agreement, imposing trade sanctions on various products such as Japanese semiconductors and computers; In 2018, the United States imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum products from multiple countries and regions, including the European Union, under the pretext of maintaining national security. French companies such as Alstom, Japanese companies like Toshiba and Toyota, and German companies like Siemens were all targets of US suppression.

Economic coercion is a continuation of the United States' consistent strategy. The US has abandoned the familiar concept of "economic sanctions" and coined new words to avoid using old concepts to harm itself. But no matter how much name or concept is changed, it cannot conceal the truth of the United States abusing economic coercion. Daniel Drezner, a professor at Tufts University in the United States, pointed out bluntly that successive US governments have "abused economic coercion and violence" and made sanctions the preferred solution to diplomatic issues.

The US's economic coercion is notorious and harms the world. As of the beginning of this year, the United States has imposed sanctions on nearly 12000 organizations and individuals worldwide, seriously disrupting the stability of global industrial and supply chains, disrupting the process of economic globalization and regional economic integration, and intensifying friction between countries. As pointed out in an editorial by Japan's Daily News, the United States is using its economy as a weapon to suppress other countries, undermining the interdependence of countries in the process of globalization, and global division will continue to intensify.

The eyes of the world are bright when it comes to the trick of shouting and catching thieves in the United States.

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