Xinhua News Agency's Mid Year Economic Research Tour | Interview Notes: New Occupation Opening up New Employment Space Journalist | Occupation | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:36 AM

Chengdu, July 19th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - Interview notes: New professions open up new employment opportunities

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yao, Jiang Lin, and Li Qianwei

"Structural contradictions," "difficulty in recruiting for grassroots positions," and "inability to find professional related jobs..." These are words that journalists often hear during their recent research on employment in Sichuan's employers, universities, and human resources departments.

However, the interviews with new professional practitioners revealed another optimism.

After several years of working in real estate sales, Li Xiaoyue, who was looking for a breakthrough, decided to become a organizer and organizer. From learning and organizing storage knowledge and skills a little at the beginning, to being proficient and effortless in technology, she is now able to lead a team of storage technicians to come and receive consultation and pre purchase after accepting orders, understand customer pain points, plan reasonably based on space, and develop solutions.

With the improvement of people's living standards, personalized and diverse beautiful lives need to give birth to many new professions. Organizing and organizing is a new profession that is different from traditional cleaning. "Some customers have a whole house full of handmade items, some like to buy shoes, and some have many cats at home..." Li Xiaoyue said, in addition to basic organization and storage, it is also necessary to have corresponding aesthetics to help customers showcase their personality.

Li Xiaoyue's company is located in Chengdu, and the composition of its organizing and organizing staff is very diverse, including music graduates, retired soldiers, former national standard dance teachers, and housewives. She said, "There are various customer needs, and the professional background, experience, and lifestyle of a storage specialist can all be a work aid, with a place for them to come into play."

For the increasingly segmented market demand, Li Xiaoyue is very optimistic about the industry prospects. She believes that in addition to providing more refined sorting and storage services, the company can also explore one-stop home services, personalized furniture maintenance, corporate office space organization, and even develop parent-child activity courses in the future. "Treating interests as work can earn money and constantly acquire new skills, which feels very valuable." Li Xiaoyue is very satisfied with her current work and lifestyle.

The revised National Occupational Classification Dictionary last year resulted in a net increase of 158 new occupations. Some are driven by market demand, while others are derived from traditional professions, creating new employment opportunities and providing more possibilities for job seekers.

The job of "house inspection" has long existed in the real estate industry, and a house inspector was officially included in the new profession last year.

Ding Yuebin, who is 44 years old, has many years of experience in supervision. Three years ago, he changed his career to become a professional house inspector because he saw that there were more and more young people in Chengdu and the demand for the inspection market was increasing.

From the perspective of work content, Ding Yuebin did not feel much change, but rather became more meticulous - he contacted the customer in advance to confirm the on-site service time, checked 167 small items including water and electricity, wall and floor tile flatness, finished doors and windows, etc., and posted the problematic items at the corresponding points

The main areas of change are psychological feelings. "Using one's own professional knowledge to test the problems has a great sense of achievement. Once, a suite was tested with hundreds of questions of different sizes, and the customer was surprised and repeatedly said, 'The test was really detailed.'" Ding Yuebin said.

Regarding the industry outlook, Ding Yuebin is not very certain. "After all, new houses will be decreasing and demand will also decline." However, he is not in a hurry. "He has relevant professional skills, even if he goes back to work as a supervisor, but the experience of a house inspector has indeed given me a lot, including many new experiences and new experiences."

Tang Shiwei, founder of Chengdu Gumao Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., once worked at the Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. Leveraging his professional advantages, he began researching museums in 2021.

"The first point is to be interesting and fun." In Tang Shiwei's view, museum study cannot be turned into a tutoring class, and children must be willing to go.

Simulate archaeology in Sanxingdui, bury gold masks and bronze figures in the soil, and teach correct excavation methods; On site inspection of the Baodun site to determine where the inner wall and outer wall are, and what to do if a flood occurs; Know the structures of arch of wooden architecture and Guanyin Temple in the "Moonlight Treasure Lotus" camp, and copy them in the carpentry workshop

This summer, Tang Shiwei's research tour guide team was very busy, with courses such as "Chinese Character Exhibition", "Xiaoluban Independent Team", and "The Birth of the Land of Abundance" fully booked.

Tang Shiwei hopes to achieve his ideals and make more achievements in the new field of research and learning.

At present, more and more people are joining the ranks of new professions. No matter whether they regard it as a "safe haven", a "new outlet" or a "Xintiandi", on every track, only those who have excellent professional knowledge and skills and are good at learning and improving according to the changing situation can go further.

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