Xin Shiping: Transforming the "Worry Index" into the "Happiness Index" in Practical Action Beijing | Index | Xin Shiping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:34 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 3 (Xinhua) - Turning "Worry Index" into "Happiness Index" in Practical Action

Xin Shiping

Recently, the "Worry Index" launched by Baohua Industrial Community in Shangli County, Jiangxi Province, has attracted attention due to difficulties in recruiting and employing employees, issues with children of migrant workers studying, and inadequate supporting facilities in the park. On the basis of in-depth research, the local government has refined and quantified the urgent and difficult problems faced by enterprises and the public, generating a "distress index" chart, making the thoughts and expectations of the people clear at a glance, and pointing out the focus for party members and cadres to solve practical problems.

Beijing makes good use of the "one question per month" mechanism to solve common problems that are strongly reflected by the masses. Qingdao, Shandong Province has established a "problem list" to respond to people's concerns, while Suizhou, Hubei Province has created a "four talk" work chain to listen to the voices of the masses... Proactively asking for needs from the people, identifying and understanding the worries, worries, and worries of the masses, aiming to solve problems, and making work that benefits people's livelihoods, warms people's hearts, and conforms to public opinion more effective, making theme education more warm and effective.

Facing problems and contradictions, reflecting the value pursuit of caring for the people and benefiting them. With the people in mind, the eyes can see problems and actions can be more proactive. The "Worry Index" often connects the expectations and voices of the people, and is a true reflection of the people's emotions and opinions. Putting the well-being and well-being of the people in mind, doing more work to provide assistance in times of need, and avoiding unnecessary efforts to add embellishments or build flowers on flowers, and doing good deeds well ultimately lies in truly placing the people at the highest position in our hearts and making serving the people the greatest political achievement.

Strive to solve prominent problems and demonstrate a strong work ethic of not seeking easy solutions and not seeking refuge in situations. Grassroots problems are diverse and complex, with diverse and complex demands from the masses. There are both easy to handle and difficult to handle. If everyone picks on the "soft persimmon" and walks around and avoids conflicts, ignoring the issues that concern the masses, it will only distance itself from the masses. Breaking through bottlenecks, relieving pain points, filling gaps, and solving prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses is not only a practical process for party members and cadres to strengthen their muscles and bones, enhance their abilities, and build new achievements, but also a powerful proof of seeking practical results in doing practical things.

The people are the examiners. Whether the work is done realistically or not, and whether the problems are solved well or not, the masses see it most clearly, feel it most sincerely, and have the most say. Allowing the masses to participate, supervise, and evaluate is essential to avoid talking to themselves, avoiding the importance and neglecting it, and effectively promoting problem-solving and work improvement. Widely listening to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, taking their answers, high levels of dissatisfaction, and high levels of dissatisfaction as the starting point and foothold of work, one after another, and one year after another, can truly make the people see the changes, benefit from them, and feel satisfied. Using the "hard work index" of party members and cadres to break through the "annoyance index" of the masses, continuously improving the "happiness index" of the people, practicing endlessly, and demonstrating responsibility through practical work.

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