[Xi Sheng Echo] Precise Poverty Alleviation Initiates: "Fingertip Economy" Drives Futong Village, Shanmei Village | Villagers | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:59 AM

We must make our lives better and better for our fellow villagers.

-- On November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech during a discussion with village cadres and villagers in Shibadong Village, Paibi Township, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province

In the scorching summer of the Wuling Mountains, a cool mountain rain rushed in and out, and before the ground was wet, it was clear after the rain.

In Shibadong Village, Paibi Township, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, villager Shi Ba San often remembers the sunny afternoon after a rainy day 10 years ago.

On November 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Shibadong Village for investigation and research and put forward the concept of "precise poverty alleviation" for the first time.

The history of Miao Village has opened a new page.

Shi Ba San still remembers that 10 years ago, the only electrical appliance in the house was a 5-watt energy-saving lamp, and the annual electricity bill was only a few yuan.

During this visit, the reporter did not have a detailed understanding of the changes in the elderly's home, but was attracted by the skillful operation of Shiba San holding his smartphone.

Between ten fingers, it reveals the tremendous changes in life.

When asked about the income situation at home, the elderly man Shiba San carefully calculated and said, "There is this income, selling books, selling water..." Compared to the annual income data of the poverty-stricken households in the village, Shiba San's family of four had an income of over 80000 yuan in 2022.

The arrival of the general secretary has brought great changes to the life of the Shiba Sanyi family, and also brought vitality to this small mountain village that once slept in poverty.

27 year old Shi Kang is a native of the Eighteen Cave Village. He lightly pressed the keyboard and used another account to calculate the changes in the village over the past ten years. "The per capita net income of the Eighteen Caves was 23505 yuan last year, which is more than 10 times higher than the 1668 yuan in 2013."

Shi Kang, who grew up in Shiba Dong Village, started serving as the secretary of the Youth League branch in 2021. What he and the young people in the village want to do is to make the future of Shiba Dong Village better. "In the new stage of rural revitalization, we not only need to develop industries well, but also improve the rural culture, civilization, and living environment."

In the view of the old secretary Shi Shunlian, the development of Shibadong Village goes far beyond this.

In 2014, after stepping down as the village branch secretary, Shi Shunlian established the Miao embroidery specialty farmer professional cooperative, which revitalized the Miao embroidery industry in the deep mountains and enhanced its hematopoietic function for poverty alleviation. By February 2017, when 136 registered impoverished households in the village were lifted out of poverty, the income from the Miao embroidery industry accounted for more than one-third of the annual income.

Nowadays, the embroidery women in the community can earn 2000 to 3000 yuan per month, and "fingertip skills" have transformed into "fingertip economy".

My waist has bulged, and the villagers have also increased their pursuit of spiritual life.

Under the leadership of the old secretary, a literary and artistic team was established in Shibadong Village, performing the encouragement of self writing and self acting. The civilized rural style of Shibadong Village is also vividly portrayed in the needlework and dance of the embroidery women's fingertips.

Regarding how to enhance the happiness of his fellow villagers, Shi Jinbiao is more focused on how to let more people know about his hometown and good things.

In 2020, Shi Jinbiao joined the Shiba Dong Collective Economic Federation, responsible for promoting and selling the Shiba Dong brand. Camellia oil, rice, cured meat and other "mountain goods" from villagers have transformed into 11 products of the 18 hole brand.

The name of Shiba Dong Village has become increasingly well-known through e-commerce platforms on the fingertips. As the villagers' wallets become increasingly abundant, the collective economic income of the village has jumped from a gap in 2013 to 3.8 million yuan in 2022. The per capita income of villagers and the collective economic income of the village have both increased, and Shibadong Village has also embarked on the path of revitalizing the village with rich people and strong industries.

"Our stationed work team vigorously develops the industry of increasing income and becoming prosperous, and vigorously develops the five major industries according to local conditions, driving the people to increase income and become prosperous." Zhang Liming, a member of the stationed work team in Shiba Dong Village, appeared confident.

When people are united, Mount Taishan will move. With the joint efforts of the two committees and the resident work team of Shiba Dong Village, one stick after another, the "fingertip economy" bloomed the prosperity of Shiba Dong Village.

When industries become rich, the environment also needs to be beautiful. Zhang Liming stated that the village work team also needs to work hard to build beautiful and livable rural areas, with the concept of "repairing the old as before" and "building rural areas more like rural areas", to create beautiful rural areas that can see mountains, water, and retain homesickness.

Chief Producer: Li Fangsen

Dubbing: Hu Chufei

Material: Huayuan County Integrated Media Center

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