Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:51 AM

A video summit across Asia and Europe opened the prelude to China's head of state diplomacy in the second half of this year.

From the initial 6 member states to now covering 26 countries, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization carries the expectations of the international community, and the "voice of China" is particularly noteworthy.

Political News Eye interprets for you.


A "Date": Attending the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit for the 11th consecutive year

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

22 years ago, also in midsummer, the first meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held in Shanghai, China. The heads of state of the six countries signed a declaration of establishment, declaring the official establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the first intergovernmental international organization named after a Chinese city.

△ Shanghai, China.

The highest decision-making body of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the Council of Heads of State, which is held once a year to decide on all major issues of the organization.

Afterwards, he attended various summits and hosted the SCO Qingdao Summit in 2018.

The Qingdao International Conference Center is the main venue of the Shanghai Cooperation Qingdao Summit and has now become a new landmark of Qingdao.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

In September last year, President Xi went to Samarkand for the 10th time to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Summit, which was the first offline gathering of the "Shanghai Cooperation Family" after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic. This trip to Central Asia is also President Xi's first visit since the outbreak of the epidemic.

In September 2022, the SCO Summit was held at the Samarkand International Conference Center.

This year's summit will be held via video, with India as the chair country.On that day, the heads of state or government of all SCO member states attended the meeting.

△ In the afternoon, President Xi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Summit by video in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.


Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

An answer: The aspiration of people from all countries for a better life is our pursuit

Every time he attended the SCO summit, President Xi Jinping made an important speech to draw a blueprint for the development and growth of the SCO.

At this year's summit, President Xi delivered an important speech entitled "Keeping in mind the original mission, persisting in unity and cooperation to achieve greater development.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) emerged at a time when many challenges were faced internationally and regionally.

The flag formation in the venue.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

"What's wrong with the world, what should we do?" has become a question of the times.

In this year's speech, he once again pointed out that the current world is intertwined with turmoil, and the century long changes are accelerating, posing unprecedented challenges to human society. Unity or division? Peace or conflict? Cooperation or confrontation? Once again, it has become a question of the times.

△ On the same day, President Xi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Summit here by video.

In the face of the question of the times, President Xi replied clearly: "my answer is that the yearning of the people of all countries for a better life is our pursuit, and the trend of the times of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results is unstoppable."


Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Two Decades: Shanghai Cooperation Organization Leading the Way

In his speech, President Xi Jinping talked about two "10 years".

One is the 10th anniversary of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Afterwards, he proposed at the Qingdao Summit to build a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The China SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone located in Qingdao.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Over the past 10 years, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community, and is being transformed from a concept into action and from a vision into reality.

At this summit, President Xi said, "In this process, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is at the forefront of the times, upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, promoting the'Shanghai Spirit', and building a community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization."

Fate is shared, and Shanghai Cooperation takes the lead.

On November 10, 2022, the China SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone booth of the 5th China International Import Expo was held.

The other is the 10th anniversary of the the Belt and Road Initiative.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Just a few days later, at the SCO Bishkek summit, President Xi again talked about the Silk Road: "The six member states and five observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are located along the ancient Silk Road. It is our responsibility to carry on and carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road."

On January 31, 2021, the first leg of the Qilu Eurasian Express Shanghai Cooperation Express departed.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the pioneer in building a community with a shared future. SCO is also a pioneer in jointly building the "the Belt and Road".

At this summit, President Xi issued an invitation: China will host the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum. All parties are welcome to participate in the forum activities and jointly pave this road to happiness for the benefit of the world.


Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Five suggestions: The Great Way is Not Alone, Let Everyone Go Far

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has embarked on a unique path from the "dual wheel drive" of security and economic cooperation to the "four communities" of health, safety, development, and culture.

How will the SCO develop in the future?Maintaining regional peace and ensuring common security; Focus on pragmatic cooperation and accelerate economic recovery; Strengthen communication and mutual learning to promote mutual understanding among the people; Practice multilateralism and improve global governance.

Overlooking the "Pearl of Shanghai Cooperation" International Expo Center in Qingdao.

Among the five suggestions, the first one is to strengthen strategic communication and collaboration.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

He emphasized the need to independently formulate foreign policies based on the overall and long-term interests of the region. We must be highly vigilant against external forces inciting a "new cold war" and creating confrontations within the region. We firmly oppose any country interfering in its internal affairs or instigating a "color revolution" for any reason, and firmly grasp the future and destiny of our own development and progress in our own hands.

On September 19, 2022, the China Europe freight train departed from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Agricultural Base for the export of agricultural products.

The main part of the five-point proposal corresponds to the Global Security Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi.

President Xi clearly pointed out that he opposes protectionism, unilateral sanctions, generalizing the concept of national security, opposes "building walls" and "decoupling and breaking chains", and strives to make the "cake" of mutually beneficial cooperation bigger.

As early as his first meeting in 2013, he proposed promoting the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Development Bank.

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

At this summit, the leaders of member countries signed and issued the New Delhi Declaration, jointly issuing a statement on cooperation in combating extremism, a statement on cooperation in the field of digital transformation, approving a series of resolutions on granting Iran status as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, signing a memorandum of obligations for Belarus to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and discussing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's economic development strategy until 2030.

As President Xi said, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization conforms to the trend of the times and conforms to the direction of human progress, and will certainly be able to continue to develop and grow with our joint efforts.

Producer | Shen Yong

Editor in Chief: Gong Xuehui, Liu Ruilin

Reporter | Li Zheng, Fan Yiming, Zhang Yao

Xi Jinping's Message "Shanghai Cooperation Family", Current Affairs News Eye, 11th Attendance at Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Summit

Visual | Chen Kuo, Zhang Jing, Wang Haihan

Editor | Wang Zun

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