Xi Jinping's Cultural Footprint in Chaozhou: Continuing the Millennium Context, Ancient and Modern Complement Chaozhou

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:15 PM

Guangzhou, August 13th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) Question: Gongfu Chaozhou: Continuation of a Thousand Year Cultural Context, Ancient and Modern, Complementing Each Other

Xinhua News Agency reporters Chen Kaixing, Ye Qian, and Mao Xin

Chaozhou, a cultural ancient city with a history of over two thousand years, has been known as the "first city of Lingdong" since ancient times. It is surrounded by three mountains and the Han River, with a continuous cultural heritage and profound heritage.

Following the footsteps of General Secretary, walking through ordinary alleys and alleys in Chaozhou, one can see beautiful mountains and rivers, flourishing culture, and exquisite craftsmanship. Standing at a new historical starting point, Chaozhou will better shoulder its new cultural mission, promote the continuous creative transformation and innovative development of Chaozhou culture, and make the millennium old city more prosperous.

Jigu Runjin Continues the Cultural Context of the Ancient City

Outside the east gate of Chaozhou Ancient City, Guangji Bridge spans both sides of the Han River. On the bank of a millennium old bridge, Guangji Tower stands tall and towering, with the river controlling the mountains and protecting the town bridge. Downstairs of Guangji, there are 23 ancient memorial archway connecting 51 ancient streets and alleys, and there are many shops, which are antique.

The Guangji Bridge, built during the Southern Song Dynasty, spans both sides of the Han River with a unique style. It integrates beam bridges, floating bridges, and arch bridges, and is known as the "earliest open and closed bridge in the world". It is one of the four ancient bridges in China.

In 2007, the ancient bridge underwent a 4-year comprehensive restoration and opening up, reproducing a unique scene of "18 shuttle boats on 24 continents, 24 buildings and 24 styles", continuing the historical style of "one mile long bridge, one mile city".

"In history, Guangji Bridge has undergone several reconstructions and repairs, embodying the craftsmanship and wisdom of the working people of different periods. As a bridge keeper, Zhong Min, the director of the Chaozhou Ancient City Cultural Relics Protection and Management Center, has been committed to the protection, revitalization, and development of the ancient bridge's cultural relics." My greatest wish is to let this bridge survive and become popular. "

Nowadays, taking a stroll through Guangji Bridge, you can admire the ancient and elegant pavilions and towers on the bridge, and enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river. Whenever night falls, the once peaceful and quaint millennium old bridge, carved and portrayed by the lights, shines brightly on the other side.

On the west side of the ancient bridge, the ancient city of Chaozhou, with memorial archway Street as its cultural landmark, has maintained the block pattern of the Song Dynasty, which is "outside and inside, four horizontal and three vertical". Walking through it, one can turn around for a thousand years: the Kaiyuan Temple of the Tang Dynasty, the Xufu Mansion of the Song Dynasty, the city walls and gatehouses of the Ming Dynasty, the old government offices, and the old residences of the Qing Dynasty... At first glance, one can see the rich cultural heritage and deep cultural inheritance.

In recent years, Chaozhou has promoted the conservation and repair of the ancient city with "embroidering" efforts. memorial archway Street, celebrities' former residences, and characteristic residential buildings are "as old as the old". Historical buildings, cultural museums, and residential shops are all integrated into the block. They are antique and unique, and truly make the ancient city "see people, see things, and see life".

Today, the economy and society of Chaozhou are developing rapidly, and the new urban area is bustling with lights and bustling with traffic, while the ancient city still has blue bricks, gray tiles, and peaceful times.

"Just like a cozy mansion, the family always maintains their original appearance, making the returning wanderers feel more familiar." In Zhong Min's view, "this is the soul of our Chaozhou ancient city and the root of Chaozhou culture. Protecting and revitalizing the historical and cultural district is to keep the nostalgia of the millennium old city."

Take Guangji Bridge, go to Guangji Tower, go to memorial archway Street, taste Gongfu tea, taste Chaozhou cuisine... The tourist market in Chaozhou is growing. In 2022, the number of tourists will reach 27 million. The ancient city culture is the "heat source" to attract tourists.

The Secretary of the Chaozhou Municipal Party Committee, He Xiaojun, said, "Remember the earnest instructions of the General Secretary, we draw nourishment and wisdom from Chaozhou culture, consciously shoulder the historical responsibility of inheriting, protecting and promoting Chaozhou culture, regard protecting Chaozhou, this millennium old city, as a long-term undertaking, and promote the inheritance and continuous growth of Chaozhou culture."

Gongfu culture blooms with charming brilliance

"Gongfu" precisely points out the mysteries of Chaozhou culture.

The people of Chaozhou put all their time into it. A trendy embroidery piece called "Afang Palace" takes 12 embroiderers 3 years to complete; In the straw clip art, tens of thousands of knives are carved on a peacock feather; The large-scale wooden carving "Ganlu Temple" features over 130 characters and over 30 horses, which took 23 years to complete.

Gongfu is the dialectics of life for Chaozhou people, which is extremely subtle and extensive. Embroidery needles pick out countless worlds, and beneath the carving knife lies the universe. The fragrance of Gongfu tea is imbued with the traditional cultural connotations of "harmony, respect, refinement, and joy".

"Chaozhou craftsmanship is very particular, disregarding materials and working hours, with rich characteristics that run through the entire social life of Chaozhou people. It is the inheritance of refinement and refinement in traditional Chinese culture, the materialization form of Chaozhou cultural spirit, and an important medium for Chinese culture to convey the charm of Chinese aesthetics to the world." said Chen Xianwu, a Chaozhou cultural and historical scholar.

In the studio of Chaozhou embroidery lady Kang Huifang in memorial archway Street, her nine apprentices are working together to complete a large-scale Chaozhou embroidery called Silk Road Gathering. A few months later, this work that combines Chinese silk hand-painted, trendy embroidery techniques, and American bronze carving techniques will be hung in the lobby of an exhibition center.

When General Secretary came to Chaozhou for inspection, he said that we should strengthen the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, actively cultivate inheritors, and let intangible cultural heritage shine with more charming brilliance. This deeply touched me. Kang Huifang, who has been in the art for a year, has put a lot of effort into leading his apprentices and innovating, and is determined to better inherit the craft of Chao embroidery.

With their efforts, trendy embroidery has evolved from traditional dragon and phoenix themes to a fusion of multiple elements, embroidered with fashionable wedding dresses and evening dresses, women's handbags and handbags, and decorative ornaments, continuously extending the cultural industry chain. "Only with inheritance and innovation can intangible cultural heritage have a market," said Kang Huifang.

In recent years, Chaozhou has established an Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance and Protection Center, established a cultural heritage protection expert database and working group, established a sound intangible cultural heritage list system and genetic map, and formed a "cultural tourism investment" to industrialize the operation of intangible cultural heritage... Tell the story of intangible cultural heritage inheritance with practical actions, and promote the integration of excellent traditional culture and modern production and life.

When the reporter saw Chen Xiayang, the head of the Ancient City Protection and Development Department of the Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Chaozhou City, he was busy with the design competition of non heritage cultural and creative products.

"In the past two months, we collected 587 entries, with 198 entries entering the next round. Ultimately, 50 entries will be shortlisted and 16 awards will be awarded." Chen Xiayang said as he scrolled through his phone page, continuing to incubate and make award-winning entries into souvenirs.

After thousands of years, the intangible cultural heritage of the ancient city is in its youth.

Wen Yi Zai Dao Guang Ji Bai Yue Min

Ji Gu has gained something, moistening things silently.

Where does the "ancient" of Chaozhou people originate from? The Han Wen Temple, located just across the river from Guangji Tower, may provide an answer.

Emperor Wenzong Han Yu was once demoted to the position of Governor of Chaozhou. After 8 months of controlling the tide, Han Yu vigorously promoted culture and education, promoted talent selection, and eliminated crocodile infestations... all of which were practical actions that benefited the people of Chaozhou. The deep belief and profound contemplation of the Chaozhou people have been cherished for thousands of years.

Han Yu's article has started, why? It is "Dao", which means that literature carries the Tao.

"From the naming of Han Shan, Han Jiang and Han Temple to the way of loyalty, filial piety and persuading students in the 23 memorial archway in the memorial archway street, Chaozhou folk respected teachers and respected education, respected literature and followed rites, and the trend of honoring Han has been going on for thousands of years," said Huang Zhimin, deputy director of Chaozhou Ancient City Cultural Relics Protection and Management Center.

Literature carries the way, and literature transforms people. Today, Chaozhou, the core cultural area of the ancient city, embodies the philosophy of "harmony between man and nature". Ancestral temples, memorial archway and other places highlight the value orientation of "loyalty, filial piety, friendship and kinship". Traditional customs and etiquette inherit the elegant style of learning of "respecting culture and ceremony". The beauty of utensils and skills shows the craftsman spirit of "striving for perfection". As an important branch of Chinese culture, Chaozhou culture is a historical scroll with a long history, and is a living specimen of the inheritance of excellent Chinese traditional culture.

"Studying, protecting, and inheriting Chaozhou culture well is a reflection of the 'second combination' that blooms and bears fruit in one place," said Su Huaijie, Deputy Director of the Chaozhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism, and Sports.

The ancient charm is reborn. The Chaozhou culture, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is infiltrating the veins and textures of the entire city, making the ancient city constantly shine with the light of the times.

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