Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 01:52 AM

Those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as distant.

"Building a more comprehensive, close, pragmatic, and inclusive high-quality partnership"

A cup of clear tea, fragrant across the four continents. The BRICS countries cross mountains and seas in unison and seek common ground.

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

The 14th BRICS Leaders' Meeting coincides with a crucial juncture in the direction of human society. What choices should BRICS countries make and what actions should they take?

We must adhere to cooperative development and jointly address risks and challenges; We must persist in exploring and innovating, and stimulate the potential and vitality of cooperation; We must adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and gather collective wisdom and strength.

In 2015, in Ufa, Russia, the proposal was made to build the "four major partnerships" among the BRICS countries; In 2016, in Goa, India, it was proposed to continue expanding and consolidating the circle of friends of the BRICS countries.

Under the promotion of China, cooperation among BRICS countries has achieved an accelerated shift - upgrading from a dual wheel drive in politics and economy to a three wheel drive structure in economic, trade, finance, political security, and cultural exchanges.

On September 4, 2017, the 9th BRICS Leaders Meeting was held at the Xiamen International Conference Center.

"Having the right way of doing things, we are as good as each other for thousands of miles, fixed in glue and paint, and firm in gold and stone."

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

The BRICS cooperation has gone beyond the old routine of political and military alliances and established a new relationship of partnership and non alignment; Beyond the old ideological line, we have embarked on a new path of mutual respect and common progress; Beyond the old concept of "you lose, I win" and "winner takes all", we have put into practice the new concept of mutual benefit and cooperation. The BRICS countries have reached cooperation consensus in multiple fields, injecting more stability and positive energy into the turbulent international situation.

The world witnesses the extraordinary journey of the BRICS countries and the strong Chinese imprint of BRICS cooperation.

"Make the cake of cooperation bigger and bigger, and gather the power of progress stronger and stronger."

The BRICS countries have different national conditions, but their pursuit of prosperity and development is common.

As the largest economy among the BRICS countries, China adheres to the concept of mutual benefit and common development, and works together with all parties to expand the "economic cake", allowing more countries in the world to catch the fast train of China's economic development and share the dividends of China's development. China continuously promotes the extension of cooperation among BRICS countries to a wider and deeper scope, and strengthens the resilience and vitality of practical cooperation among BRICS countries.

On the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, China, the headquarters of the New Development Bank is located here, indicating the solid achievements of the BRICS cooperation.

△ Pudong New Area, Shanghai, the headquarters building of the BRICS New Development Bank.

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

Since its opening in July 2015, the New Development Bank has approved nearly a hundred loan projects with a total loan amount exceeding 33 billion US dollars, providing financing support for cooperation projects in infrastructure construction and sustainable development between BRICS countries and developing countries.

South of Shanghai, Xiamen, Fujian witnesses the firm steps of BRICS cooperation towards the second "golden decade".

Since its launch, the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership Innovation Base has delivered a remarkable cooperation "transcript": promoting think tank cooperation research, and by the end of 2022, it has carried out talent training covering over 865000 people in 46 countries and launched more than 100 BRICS demonstration projects

As the foundation of BRICS cooperation, pragmatic cooperation is deepening and solidifying at all levels.

At present, the COVID-19 and the impact of the Ukrainian crisis are intertwined, leading to the chaos of the global industrial chain supply chain, the continuous rise of commodity prices, and the more fragile international monetary and financial system, casting a shadow on the development of countries, with emerging market countries and developing countries bearing the brunt.

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

Since 2022, China has launched the BRICS Initiative to Strengthen Supply Chain Cooperation, Trade Investment and Sustainable Development, and has adopted the Customs Cooperation and Administrative Mutual Aid Agreement, Food Security Cooperation Strategy... These new platforms will greatly promote the interconnection of industrial and supply chains, and jointly address challenges in poverty reduction, agriculture, energy, logistics, and other fields.

In May 2022, a Brazilian cargo ship carrying 54000 tons of soybeans arrived in Nantong, Jiangsu.

At the same time, China has accelerated the construction of the Xiamen Innovation Base of the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership, held the Industrial Internet and Digital Manufacturing Development Forum and the Big Data Forum for Sustainable Development, reached the framework of the digital economy partnership, and released the cooperation initiative for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry... More people will enjoy the scientific and technological achievements brought by the BRICS cooperation.

The Chinese plan embodies global development consensus and has received widespread support from all parties.

"BRICS countries are not closed clubs or exclusive 'small circles'."

During the BRICS summit that year, a dialogue meeting between emerging market countries and developing countries was specifically held, inviting five representative countries from different regions to attend.

On September 2, 2017, national flags of various countries fluttered in front of the Xiamen International Convention Center.

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

Over the past six years, the "BRICS+" cooperation model has continuously deepened and expanded, becoming a model for emerging market countries and developing countries to engage in South South cooperation and achieve joint self-improvement. From technological innovation to cultural exchange, and then to sustainable development, the rich and diverse "BRICS+" activities run through multiple fields, providing new development cooperation platforms for emerging market countries and developing countries.

In 2022, under the "BRICS+" model, China will initiate and host a high-level dialogue on global development. In addition to the BRICS countries, leaders from 13 emerging market countries and developing countries from around the world will be invited to attend. The broad representativeness is a distinctive feature of this dialogue.

The unprecedented changes in global governance call for a major transformation, and the BRICS mechanism represented by the "BRICS+" will provide a broad platform for more emerging market countries and developing countries to participate in multilateral dialogue and cooperation, becoming an important force that cannot be ignored in strengthening global governance.

In 2021, the BRICS New Development Bank, headquartered in Shanghai, welcomed four new members: the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Bangladesh, and Egypt. In 2022, China invited guest countries to attend the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting for the first time. The newly established BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center clearly adheres to the principle of openness... All of these demonstrate the openness and inclusiveness of the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

In recent years, many countries have expressed their desire to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

During this meeting, the leaders of the five countries reached important consensus on the issue of expanding the BRICS membership, supporting the discussion of expansion standards and procedures. At present, multiple countries have applied to join the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, which will become one of the main topics of the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting to be held in Johannesburg.

For many years, in the face of turbulent waves and wind and rain, the BRICS ship has bravely sailed forward, forging a path of mutual refinement and win-win cooperation.

Xi Jinping's BRICS Time: Meeting the Way of BRICS | Countries | Time

The great road is not alone, and everyone's actions go far. Under the strong guidance of the head of state's diplomacy, China will continue to work together with countries around the world, including the BRICS countries, to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and jointly create a better future for mankind!

Producer | Li Zhe

Editor in Chief | Wang Xingdong

Editor | Xie Yujie

Proofreading | Zhang Tianyu

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