Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:07 AM

In midsummer, the world once again welcomes the "SCO moment".

On July 4, President Xi Jinping attended the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by video in Beijing and delivered an important speech.

The current world is intertwined with turmoil, and the century long changes are accelerating. Human society is facing unprecedented challenges. Unity or division? Peace or conflict? Cooperation or confrontation?

"The aspiration of people from all countries for a better life is our pursuit, and the trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win is unstoppable."

Maintaining regional peace and ensuring common security; Focus on pragmatic cooperation and accelerate economic recovery; Strengthen communication and mutual learning to promote mutual understanding among the people; Practice multilateralism and improve global governance.

The five-point proposal is in line with President Xi Jinping's global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative, fully demonstrating China's responsibility to promote the building of a community of human destiny.

After 22 years, as the most populous and vast regional cooperation organization in the world, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has continued to grow. Significant achievements have been made in cooperation in the fields of security, economy, and culture, with more and more equitable development benefits for people of all countries, becoming a model of a new type of regional organization.

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

Security - "Achieving Long Term Regional Peace and Security"

The countries on the Eurasian continent have a long history of communication, similar development tasks, and closely linked destinies. They work together to build a closer community with a shared future for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, injecting vigorous momentum into its development.

In his video speech, President Xi Jinping used "walking in the forefront of the times" to evaluate the role of the SCO in promoting the process of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and reviewed this process from five aspects. One of the most important points is to "practice common, Comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept".

On July 4, President Xi Jinping attended the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by video in Beijing and delivered an important speech entitled "Keeping in mind the original mission, persisting in unity and cooperation to achieve greater development.

Security cooperation is the foundation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. At the beginning of its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization clearly prioritized security cooperation. At the first summit, member states signed the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism, and Extremism, which clearly listed combating the "three forces" as an important task of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

In recent years, from cooperating to combat the "three forces" and jointly curbing the spread of drugs, to holding joint anti-terrorism military exercises, establishing meeting mechanisms at all levels, and then leveraging the platform role of the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Afghanistan Liaison Group" and the Afghanistan Neighborhood Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism to promote the resolution of the Afghanistan issue, the SCO's ability to resolve security risks has continuously improved.

At last year's Samarkand Summit, President Xi Jinping pushed the heads of SCO member states to issue heavy statements on safeguarding international energy security, safeguarding international food security, tackling climate change, and maintaining the security and stability of the supply chain. unite all parties to issue a strong voice of the times of close cooperation, meeting challenges and moving forward hand in hand.

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

This summit officially accepts Iran as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and approves the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Belarus' obligations to join the organization. Since then, the number of SCO member states has increased to 9. More and more countries are realizing that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is not a closed and exclusive "small circle", but an open and inclusive "big family", and is a new type of international organization with vitality and vitality.

Development - "Expanding the cake of mutually beneficial cooperation"

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. China will hold the third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

From China's first cross-border gas pipeline, the China Central Asia Natural Gas Pipeline, to the first long tunnel in Central Asia, the Angrian Pap Railway Tunnel; From the Zanatas Wind Power Project, the largest wind power project in Central Asia, which is jointly built by China and Kazakhstan, to the New North South Highway in Kyrgyzstan, which is called the "China Road"... Over the years, SCO countries have deepened the high-quality construction of the "the Belt and Road", and achieved fruitful results.

Qingdao SCO Pearl International Expo Center located in the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone

In May this year, the China Europe freight train "SCO Express" commercial vehicle special train departed from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Zone Multimodal Transport Center in Qingdao, China, transporting 150 Chinese made cars to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, adding new members to the "Steel Camel Team" shuttling between Asia and Europe. At present, the SCO Demonstration Zone has regularly operated 31 international train routes, reaching 54 cities in 23 countries along the the Belt and Road.

On June 1st, Qingdao Customs staff inspected the "SCO Express" international train at the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone Multimodal Transport Center.

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

During the Samarkand summit, President Xi Jinping and Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz talked about adding new momentum to the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mongolian President Khuel Sukh to discuss the construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, and with Uzbek President Mirziyoyev planned to improve the construction of the Eurasian transport corridor ...... The strategic docking of countries continues to advance, and the construction of Eurasian connectivity has achieved remarkable results.

At this summit, President Xi Jinping further put forward a series of cooperation initiatives and announced a series of practical measures--

"Expanding the local currency settlement share of our organization's countries", "Promoting the establishment of our organization's development bank", "Implementing the action of empowering young professional farmers", "China will also hold theme activities such as rural revitalization and addressing climate change"

These initiatives and measures are both long-term and practical, in line with the development needs of various countries, demonstrating China's leading role as a founding member state.

Civilization - "Promoting mutual understanding and kinship among people of all countries"

To this end, he proposed the Global Civilization Initiative.

At this summit, he once again stated, "We welcome all parties to work together to implement the Global Civilization Initiative, promote inclusive coexistence of different civilizations, and promote mutual understanding and affinity among people of all countries."

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

The friendship between nations lies in mutual affinity between the people, and mutual affinity between the people lies in close hearts. The harmonious development of diverse civilizations is a beautiful vision for the people of regional countries.

On January 25, 2022, President Xi Jinping told a story at the video summit on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the five Central Asian countries: the words "I am a foreigner, but not an outsider" by Ma Wenxuan, a Kazakh boy who supported the fight against the epidemic in Shaanxi, touched countless Chinese people.

Volunteer Ma Wenxuan from Kazakhstan

As a foreign graduate student, Ma Wenxuan immediately registered as a volunteer during the epidemic and, like countless Chinese people, actively participated in the fight against the epidemic. Now, Ma Wenxuan, who has obtained a master's degree, has returned to Kazakhstan to open a clinic, dedicated to spreading the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine learned in China and bringing more health and well-being to the people of Kazakhstan.

Activities such as Language Year, Culture Year, Tourism Year, and Youth Day have been held successively, and the first Luban Workshop in Central Asia has continuously supplied Tajikistan with professional talents; Ruslan, who donated "panda blood", and Kazakhstani ophthalmologist Kapelabekov, who has been practicing medicine in China for more than 20 years... These stories all prove that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a warm family that knows and learns from each other.

At this summit, President Xi Jinping said that more people-to-people exchanges will be held, including "in the next three years, China will provide 1000 international Chinese teacher scholarships and 3000 'Chinese Bridge' summer camp places to the countries of the organization, and invite 100 young scientists to come to China to participate in scientific research exchanges.

On June 15th, actors from Belarus took a group photo with volunteers after their performance. On that day, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Industrial Chain Supply Chain Forum and the 2023 SCO International Investment and Trade Expo opened in Qingdao.

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

The great road is not alone, and everyone's actions go far.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in line with the current trend of the times and in line with the direction of human progress, is demonstrating increasingly strong vitality and bright development prospects. It will undoubtedly inject more positive energy and new impetus into maintaining peace and prosperity in the Eurasian continent and the world.

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Producer | Geng Zhimin

Xi Jinping Re-Solves the Question of the Times, Micro-Observations of Current Affairs, Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Times

Producer | Xinglai

Editor in Chief | Ning Lili

Written by Luan Xiyan

Visual | Jiang Yuhang

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