Xi Jinping publishes signed article in South African media

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 04:09 AM

Let the giant ship of friendly cooperation between China and South Korea set sail for a long journey

the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping

At the invitation of President Ramaphosa, I am about to conduct a state visit to the Republic of South Africa and attend the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting. This is my sixth time stepping onto the land of the rainbow. The great politician Mandela was born here, with Africa's richest tourism resources, longest road network, largest stock exchange, busiest airport and port. The perfect fusion of ancient and modern, nature and culture endows South Africa with unique charm.

Every time I come to South Africa, I have different feelings, but what impresses me the most is the friendly friendship between the two countries, which is as close as brothers. Our friendship spans a long river of time. As early as the mid-20th century, the People's Republic of China firmly supported the struggle of the South African people against racial segregation and established a camaraderie with the African National Assembly. Our friendship transcends the barriers of mountains and seas. In the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, China took the lead in providing anti epidemic materials to South Africa, demonstrating a special brotherly friendship. Recently, China has provided emergency power equipment support to South Africa. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 25 years ago, China South Africa relations have achieved a leapfrog development from partnership, strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership, becoming one of the most dynamic bilateral relations among developing countries. China South relations have entered a "golden age", with a bright future and a promising future.

In recent years, I have maintained close communication with President Ramaphosa through mutual visits, meetings, phone calls, letters and other means, discussing cooperation, seeking development, facing challenges together, and deepening strategic mutual trust. We firmly support each other on issues related to each other's core interests and major concerns, maintain cooperation on major international and regional issues, practice true multilateralism, and promote the development of the international order towards a more just and reasonable direction.

South Africa is the first African country to sign the "the Belt and Road" cooperation document with China, has become China's largest trading partner in Africa for 13 consecutive years, and is one of the countries with China's largest investment stock in Africa. The cake of cooperation between the two countries is getting bigger and bigger, with South African wine, Ruyi Doctor tea, and aloe vera gel becoming popular products in China. A large number of Chinese companies are expanding their business and giving back to society in South Africa. Chinese branded cars and appliances made in South Africa are deeply loved by local consumers and have entered thousands of households in South Africa. South African companies are also investing in the Chinese market, which is full of business opportunities, and making positive contributions to the development of the Chinese economy.

The Ubantu ideology in South Africa advocates for "benevolence and sharing", which coincides with the Confucian philosophy of "benevolence to the people, love for things, and universal harmony" in China. I participated in the "China Year" event in South Africa in 2015 and witnessed the gratifying achievements of the mutual hosting of the National Year between China and South Africa. In April of this year, teachers and students from the Confucius Institute at Durban Institute of Technology wrote a letter to me in Chinese, expressing their love for Chinese culture and thanking China for providing valuable opportunities for African youth to pursue their dreams, which made me feel very warm. The rich and diverse cultural exchanges effectively promote people to people communication and pass on the torch of friendship between the two countries.

Standing at a new historical starting point, China South relations have surpassed bilateral boundaries and have increasingly important global impacts. I look forward to drawing a new chapter in the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and South Africa through this visit, together with President Ramaphosa.

Central and southern regions should be like-minded travelers. We need to strengthen the exchange of experience in governance, firmly support the other party's independent exploration of a modernization path that is in line with their own national conditions, not afraid of power and hegemony, stand by and help each other, and promote China South relations to forge ahead in the ever-changing international situation.

Central and southern regions should be leaders in unity and cooperation. Strong economic complementarity and a solid foundation for cooperation are our greatest advantages in working together. We need to strengthen the alignment of development strategies, expand and strengthen cooperation in areas such as infrastructure construction, digital economy, technological innovation, and energy transformation, so that the achievements of development can more benefit the people of both countries. The Chinese side welcomes more South African goods to enter the Chinese market, encourages more Chinese enterprises to invest and develop in South Africa, and supports South Africa's plan to attract double foreign investment in the next five years.

Central and South China should be the inheritors of China Africa friendship. We need to leverage the comprehensive, multi-level, and institutionalized development advantages of cultural and cultural exchanges between the two countries, continue to promote exchanges and cooperation in areas such as culture, tourism, education, sports, media, universities, local areas, and youth, and further inherit and carry forward the spirit of China Africa friendly cooperation on the vast land of China and Africa.

Central and southern regions should be defenders of common interests. What the world needs today is peace, not conflict; What is desired is collaboration, not confrontation. As a natural member of the "Global South", Central and South China should unite and call for the expansion of the voice and influence of developing countries in international affairs, accelerate the reform of international financial institutions, jointly oppose unilateral sanctions and "small courtyards and high walls", and work together to safeguard our common interests.

Another important agenda for my visit to South Africa this time is to attend the BRICS Leaders Meeting, which is the third time that the BRICS Summit has entered this dynamic and hopeful continent of Africa. I vividly remember that in the picturesque Sanya of Hainan, South Africa participated in the BRICS family gathering for the first time as a formal member. Over the past 12 years, South Africa has made significant contributions to the development of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, promoting more comprehensive and influential BRICS cooperation. Nowadays, more and more countries hope to open the door of the BRICS and participate in BRICS cooperation, fully demonstrating the strong vitality and influence of the BRICS cooperation mechanism. China is willing to work with its BRICS partners to uphold the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, consolidate consensus on major issues, carry forward the tradition of independent diplomacy, firmly defend international fairness and justice, promote the international community to refocus on development issues, lead the BRICS cooperation mechanism to play a more important role in the global governance system, and issue a louder BRICS voice.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of my proposal of the policy concept of genuine, friendly, and sincere towards Africa. Over the past 10 years, China and Africa have been working together on the path of building a new era of community with a shared future. A large number of projects, such as the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Fangjuni Bridge in Senegal, the Kenya Airport Expressway, and the Mombasa Nairobi Railway, have been completed and handed over. The voice of friendship between China and Africa echoes through the vast land and mountains of China and Africa.

Faced with a century of changes, if China Africa relations remain stable and China Africa cooperation is well conducted, there will be more new momentum for global development, and the world will have more stability. This is the international responsibility and historical mission that 2.8 billion Central African people shoulder. We will hold a China Africa Leaders Dialogue. I am willing to work with African leaders to promote more positive, effective, and sustainable development measures to be implemented in Africa, expand cooperation in agriculture, manufacturing, new energy, digital economy, and other fields, and help Africa achieve economic integration, industrialization, and agricultural modernization. China will continue to promote the substantial progress made by the African Union in joining the G20 this year, and looks forward to African countries and the African Union playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

Looking ahead to the next 25 years of China South relations, the giant ship of friendly cooperation between the two sides will set sail and achieve greater success in building a new era of China Africa community with a shared future and a community with a shared future for mankind.

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