Xi Jinping presided over the second meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee, emphasizing the effective strengthening of cultivated land protection, making every effort to improve the quality of cultivated land, steadily expanding agricultural production space protection | cultivated land | protection

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:40 AM

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the Central Finance and Economics Committee presided over the second meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee on the afternoon of July 20 to study issues such as strengthening the protection of cultivated land and the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land. In an important speech at the meeting, Xi Jinping emphasized that food security is the "big country" and cultivated land is the lifeblood of food production. It is necessary to implement the strategy of storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology, effectively strengthen the protection of cultivated land, and make every effort to improve the quality of cultivated land. Tap the potential for comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, steadily expand agricultural production space, and improve comprehensive agricultural production capacity.

Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Premier of the State Council, and Deputy Director of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Secretariat, and member of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, and Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and member of.

The meeting heard reports from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Central Finance Office, and the National Development and Reform Commission on strengthening the protection of arable land and the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline alkali land.

The meeting pointed out that our party has always attached great importance to the protection of arable land. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has implemented a series of hard measures to maintain the red line of arable land and initially curb the continuous decline in the total amount of arable land. At the same time, it is important to be aware that China's national situation of having more people and less land has not changed, and the problem of "non grain" and "non agriculturalization" of arable land remains prominent. The foundation for maintaining the red line of arable land is not yet stable, and there is still a lot of debt in the field of agricultural water conservancy. On the new era and new journey, the task of protecting arable land has not been reduced, but has become even more arduous. We must adhere to a problem oriented and goal oriented approach, respect laws, guide according to the situation, adapt to local conditions, and work for a long time to further strengthen the protection of arable land.

The meeting emphasized that the protection of arable land is a systematic project, and it is necessary to highlight the important requirements of balancing quantity and quality, strict law enforcement, systematic promotion, and sustainable utilization, and further adopt solid practical measures. We must strengthen the responsibility for protecting arable land, implement the clear task of protecting arable land and permanent basic farmland in the new round of national spatial planning, and ensure that the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land will never be exceeded. We must make every effort to improve the quality of arable land, and truly build arable land, especially permanent basic farmland, into modern and high-quality fields that are suitable for cultivation, drought and flood protection, and high and stable yields. We need to reform and improve the system of balancing the occupation and compensation of arable land, including all types of occupation of arable land in the management of balancing the occupation and compensation, adhering to the principle of "determining occupation based on compensation", and improving the quality inspection system for supplementary arable land. We need to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and local governments to protect arable land and cultivate grain, establish a mechanism for ensuring the income of grain farmers, develop various forms of moderate scale operations, establish a mechanism for compensating the interests of major grain producing areas, and form a joint force for protecting arable land in major grain producing areas, major sales areas, and production sales balance areas. Strengthen the management of abandoned land, determine the bottom line, promote classification, and adapt to local conditions to plant and use abandoned land well. We should actively develop various non-traditional arable land resources, strengthen scientific and technological research and production investment, explore effective development models, and break through the natural limitations of traditional arable land scarcity in China. To rectify and reclaim illegally occupied farmland, it is necessary to seek truth from facts, respect laws, protect the interests of farmers, strengthen publicity and interpretation, appropriately leave a transitional period, and gradually promote it.

The meeting pointed out that the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline alkali land is an important aspect of farmland protection and improvement. China has a large amount of saline alkali land, and the trend of farmland salinization is intensifying in some areas. Therefore, carrying out the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline alkali land is of great significance. We need to fully tap into the potential of comprehensive utilization of saline alkali land, strengthen the transformation and improvement of existing saline alkali farmland, effectively curb the trend of saline alkali land, and do a good job in promoting characteristic agriculture of saline alkali land. We need to comprehensively understand the status of saline alkali land resources, study and formulate the overall plan and special implementation plan for the comprehensive utilization of saline alkali land, carry out saline alkali land management and improvement in different zones and classifications, use saline alkali land according to local conditions, demand food from various saline alkali land resources, combine "planting for land" with "planting for land", accelerate the selection of saline alkali resistant characteristic varieties, vigorously promote effective practices for saline alkali land management and improvement, and strengthen the guarantee of water sources, funds and other factors.

The meeting reviewed and approved the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Comprehensive Utilization of Saline alkali Land.

The meeting also discussed other matters.

Members of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics attended the meeting, and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs attended the meeting as observers.

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