Xi Jinping presided over the second meeting of the Central Committee for comprehensively deepening Reform, emphasizing the construction of a new system of higher-level open economy, promoting the gradual shift of dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, opinions on building a new system of higher-level open economy and promoting the construction of a new development pattern | Chairman | level

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:03 AM

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, presided over the second meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform on the afternoon of July 11, deliberated and passed the "Opinions on Building a New System of a Higher Level Open Economy and Promoting the Construction of a New Development Pattern", "Deepening the Implementation Plan for Rural Reform", "Opinions on Promoting the Gradual Shift of Dual Control of Energy Consumption to Dual Control of Carbon Emissions", "About The Opinions on the Pilot Reform of the Salary System of Colleges and Scientific Research Institutes," Implementation Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of the Oil and Gas Market System and Gas Market System and Enhancing the National Oil and Gas Security Guarantee Capacity the reform of the power system accelerates the guidance of the construction of a new power system.

To anchor the strategic goal of achieving modernization of agriculture and rural areas and building a strong agricultural country, with a focus on handling the relationship between farmers and land, accelerate the filling of the gaps in agricultural and rural development, and lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country. Based on the fact that China's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period with carbon reduction as the key strategic direction, we need to improve the regulation of total energy consumption and intensity, and gradually shift towards a dual control system of total carbon emissions and intensity. We should take promoting the reform of the salary distribution system for university teachers and researchers as an important lever to comprehensively promote the development of education, science and technology, and talent. We should gradually establish a salary system that stimulates innovation vitality, guides knowledge value, manages effectively, and ensures incentives, further stimulating innovation and creativity in higher education institutions and research institutes. To achieve the goal of enhancing the national oil and gas security guarantee capability, and to address the prominent problems in oil and gas production, we should actively and steadily promote the reform of the upstream, midstream, and downstream systems and mechanisms in the oil and gas industry, ensuring stable and reliable supply. We need to deepen the reform of the power system, accelerate the construction of a new type of clean, low-carbon, safe, efficient, supply-demand coordination, flexible and intelligent power system, better promote the revolution of energy production and consumption, and ensure national energy security.

Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening of Reform, Wang Huning, and Cai Qi attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that currently, China's development is facing a complex and severe international situation. We need to improve the top-level design of the new open economy system, deepen the reform of the trade and investment system, expand market access, comprehensively optimize the business environment, improve the service guarantee system, fully leverage China's comprehensive advantages, attract global resource elements through the domestic circulation, and enhance the quality and level of trade and investment cooperation. We must adhere to the bottom line and extreme thinking, accelerate the improvement of the national security guarantee system and mechanism, and focus on enhancing the capacity and level of open supervision. We should closely link the construction of a new system of a higher level open economy with national strategies such as high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system.

The meeting emphasized that in implementing the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to deepen rural reform, efforts should be made to consolidate and improve the basic rural management system, improve the food security guarantee system, improve the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization system and mechanism, improve the policy system for urban-rural integration development, accelerate the breakthrough and implementation of reforms in important areas and key links, and give farmers more sense of gain in the reform. We should organically combine top-level design with grassroots exploration, allow and encourage different regions to explore according to local conditions, be good at discovering and summarizing grassroots practical creations, and provide timely support for those who encounter difficulties in exploration and innovation.

The meeting pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have placed green, low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction in a prominent position, established and implemented a dual control system for total energy consumption and intensity, effectively promoting a significant improvement in China's energy utilization efficiency and a continuous decrease in carbon dioxide emission intensity. Gradually shifting from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, we must adhere to the principle of first establishing and then breaking through, improve the dual control system of energy consumption, optimize and improve regulation methods, strengthen the construction of basic capacity for dual control of carbon emissions, improve various supporting systems for dual control of carbon emissions, and actively create conditions for the establishment and implementation of the dual control system of carbon emissions. We must consistently adhere to the principle of prioritizing conservation, do a better job in energy conservation at a higher level and with higher quality, and achieve maximum benefits with minimal cost. We must maintain a stable work pace, coordinate the relationship between development and emission reduction, seek truth from facts, act within our capabilities, and scientifically adjust and optimize policy measures.

The meeting emphasized that the pilot reform of the salary system in higher education institutions and research institutes should be carried out based on the needs and reality of salary management, optimize and standardize the distribution system, establish a correct distribution orientation, adhere to the principle of talent first, highlight innovation priority, adhere to the close linkage between salary distribution and performance, tilt towards personnel who are rooted in the front line of teaching and research, undertake urgent and difficult tasks, and make outstanding contributions, and tilt towards personnel engaged in basic discipline teaching and cutting-edge research, undertaking national key core technology research tasks, and achieving major innovative results. We need to strengthen the supervision of salary management and ensure that the country's money is used in areas where talent incentives and career development are most needed.

The meeting pointed out the need to further deepen the reform of the oil and gas market system and strengthen the construction of the production, supply, storage, and sales system. We need to increase market supervision, strengthen cross disciplinary and collaborative supervision, standardize the order of the oil and gas market, and promote fair competition. We need to deepen the reform of the oil and gas reserve system and give full play to the emergency and regulatory capabilities of reserves.

The meeting emphasized the need to scientifically and reasonably design the construction path of new power systems, and gradually reduce the proportion of traditional energy through planned and divided steps on the basis of safe and reliable substitution of new energy. We need to improve the institutional mechanisms that adapt to the new power system, promote and strengthen innovation in power technology, market mechanisms, and business models. We need to promote a better combination of effective markets and promising governments, continuously improve policy systems, and ensure the supply of basic public services for electricity.

Members of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform attended the meeting, and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs attended the meeting as observers.

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