Writing Loyalty to the Party and the People through Action

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 20:45 PM

"No matter how difficult it is, we must seize the road!" On August 17th, a vanguard team of Party members from a certain brigade of the 82nd Army Group cleared the mud on the road in Zhaitang Town, Mentougou District, Beijing. First class sergeant Ren Guangxue operated a loader to shovel up the mud and debris, and quickly pushed them to a temporary storage point on the roadside. Since August 1st, when the brigade was urgently assigned flood prevention and disaster relief tasks, Ren Guangxue and his comrades have successively moved to 8 villages and 16 mission points, always fighting in the areas where the people need it the most.

Recently, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to study and deploy flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work. The meeting pointed out that significant phased achievements have been made in the fight against floods and disaster relief. The meeting emphasized that all relevant regions, departments, and units should always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, always prioritize the safety of people's lives and property, and carry out flood prevention and disaster relief work with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease.

"Seven down and eight up" is a critical period for flood prevention in China. In North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other places, rainstorm swept in under the influence of typhoon, causing floods and geological disasters, threatening the safety of people's lives and property.

people first, life first

Wind and rain unite, our mission must be achieved!

A signal sounded, and the wind and thunder moved.

On the land of North China, between the white mountains and black waters, the soldiers of the people braved heavy rain and raging floods, making every effort to search and rescue missing persons, urgently transporting trapped people, rushing to repair damaged roads, actively participating in the treatment of injured people, and making every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief, as well as post disaster recovery and reconstruction. They wrote their loyalty to the Party and the people with their actions.

Urgent reinforcements, people's soldiers always make people feel at ease

After the rain in North China, the sky cleared and the water level of rivers continued to fall. The surging flood flowed into the sea in Tianjin, located at the bottom of the Nine Rivers. Looking at the receding peak, a soldier from a certain brigade of the 81st Army Group, Shen Xiangdong, breathed a sigh of relief.

Underneath their feet were dams built by Shen Xiangdong and his comrades with thousands of sandbags; Behind, there is the home that the officers and soldiers, covered in mud stains, are doing their best to protect. "This kind of peace is hard won," Shen Xiangdong sighed.

Time goes back more than 20 days ago. In the storm, a message was sent to the troops. The flood situation is a command. As soon as possible and at the fastest speed, the People's Army was in full swing, and rescue operations were carried out like thunderbolts.

——The Joint Command Center of the Military Commission tracks and evaluates the development trend of flood and disaster situations, closely coordinates and connects with the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Emergency Management Department, and other departments, strengthens the overall control of disaster relief operations in all directions, and guides the task forces to scientifically and orderly implement emergency rescue operations;

——The Central Theater Command urgently deploys troops and, in accordance with the principle of using troops nearby, quickly organizes theater troops to participate in emergency and disaster relief work. The theater joint command center is a pre command post, providing orderly support for flood prevention and disaster relief in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places;

——As the typhoon moved northward, the Northern Theater Command quickly dispatched forward command posts towards Heilongjiang and Jilin, insisting on using troops nearby, professionally, and according to the situation, coordinating the rescue and disaster relief efforts of various branches of the military and various fields of mission forces;

——The combat service command center of the People's Armed Police Force operates 24 hours a day, dispatching troops and dynamically coordinating various types of support according to changes in flood conditions in various directions. The People's Armed Police officers and soldiers in each task area charge ahead;


Wherever there is danger, there are soldiers of the people; Wherever there is a need, the children's soldiers will fight there!

From the Yongding River to the Baigou River, from the Lalin River to the Mudan River, in the streets, alleys, and fields of the disaster area, the tired but determined figures of the soldiers can be seen everywhere. "In times of crisis, the people's children and soldiers always bring peace of mind." "The camouflage of military uniforms is the warmest color of this summer!" In the relevant news comment section, netizens express their love for children and soldiers.

Acting upon hearing the order, they conscientiously fulfilled their mission and demonstrated strong combat effectiveness——

The Tianjin Garrison urgently mobilized over a hundred fixed wing drones, multi rotor drones, and underwater robots, using a combination of aerial and underwater inspections to scientifically set routes, transmit real-time images, and use technological means and forces to conduct flood control patrols, providing efficient and accurate disaster and risk information for military and civilian command and decision-making.

Combat effectiveness is always tested in missions. Under the command of the joint command centers in each theater of war, the task force's disaster information acquisition is more rapid, the command and scheduling of troops is more efficient, the coordination of various branches of the military is smoother, and the assault force of task officers and soldiers is stronger.

Traveling towards danger, they cross mountains and mountains to transport supplies, bringing a sense of security to the people——

When the K396 train on the way was urgently stopped due to rainstorm, more than 40 officers and men of the Beijing Armed Police Corps formed a leading rescue force, each carrying nearly 100 jin of rescue supplies, and walked for more than 4 hours to deliver supplies to the masses.

"Seeing you coming, we can rest assured!" said a passenger excitedly. With the joint efforts of all parties, all personnel on board were lifted out of poverty. The continuous echoes of "the People's Liberation Army has arrived" have strengthened the belief of the people in the disaster stricken areas in winning the flood.

They are very responsible and play a pioneering and exemplary role, building numerous battle fortresses——

On August 5th, the water level of Mudanjiang River rapidly rose, and members of a party member and assault team from a certain brigade of the Air Force of the Northern Theater Command carried sandbags and pushed carts, taking the initiative to undertake the heaviest task of building embankments. After more than 10 hours of continuous fighting by the mission officers and soldiers, a barrier sand wall over 200 meters long and 1 meter high was firmly built.

"The backbone of party members is to dare to overcome difficulties in urgent and dangerous tasks, and always charge ahead." The words of Shen Chen, the instructor of a certain brigade company, tell the voice of party members on the front line of flood control. They shoulder heavy responsibilities, act as pioneers, and take the lead in flood prevention and disaster relief, allowing the Party flag to fly high in places where the Party and the people need it.

Make every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property

"We are the People's Liberation Army, we are here to save you!" On August 10th, officers and soldiers of a special operations brigade of the Northern Theater Command Army discovered four trapped villagers while conducting drone reconnaissance in Gaoli Fanggou, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province. They successfully rescued the four through the flood.

A man in his 90s with tears in his eyes held the hand of the soldiers for a long time, unwilling to let go and said, "Thank you, children. It was you who saved my life!"

On one side are surging floods, and on the other is the homes of the masses. For the soldiers who prioritize the interests of the people, this is a battle that cannot be lost or retreated. They spare no effort in safeguarding the safety of the lives and property of the people.

In Mentougou District, Beijing, some officers and soldiers from the Beijing Garrison rushed 15 kilometers to Yanhekou Village in Zhaitang Town, rolled up their pants, carried villagers on their backs, and traveled back and forth in the turbulent river water;

In Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, officers and soldiers from a certain naval logistics department jumped into waist deep floods and searched continuously for more than 5 hours, escorting 48 trapped people to a safe zone;

In Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province, the officers and soldiers of the Harbin Detachment of the Armed Police Heilongjiang Corps fought tirelessly for 19 hours, building a 1.5 meter high and over 1000 meter long "embankment" to safeguard the safety of the people on one side.

In this battle to defend the people, we remember the resolute oath made by our children and soldiers——

"On my right is the Daqing River, and on my left is the home of the people in Tianjin. As a Communist Party member, at this time, I should stand in the middle and desperately block the river," said Li Jianglong, the squad leader of a certain brigade of the 82nd Army Group.

They fulfilled their promises through actions. In order to cope with potential risks on both sides of the Daqing River embankment, the officers and soldiers of the brigade worked overtime to make more than 500 flood prevention stone cages while patrolling the embankment for disaster relief. They used hundreds of rolls of 40 meter wire mesh. Everyone says to sleep less in order to make Tianjin residents sleep more soundly.

In this battle to defend the people, we have witnessed the fearless courage and courage of our children's soldiers——

"Comrades, we are" like Mount Taishan Company ". Our ancestors were like Mount Taishan in war, and now we should be like Mount Taishan in flood fighting and rescue." Yu Junsong, the instructor of a synthetic brigade of the army in the northern theater, mobilized the soldiers to fight with high morale, and the sound of trumpets resounded through the levee.

Sergeant Gao Junxiao, who had suffered a waist injury before, still insisted on following the company to carry out tasks; Platoon leader Li Keqing remained steadfast in the most dangerous task area, with blood blisters on his hands worn out and still standing on the front line carrying sandbags and building embankments... In front of the task, the entire company's officers and soldiers fought day and night without anyone retreating.

"I don't know who you are, but I know for whom you are." This lyric vividly expresses the purpose of the People's Army to serve the people wholeheartedly.

"Salute to the brave warriors who fearlessly go against the tide" and "Pay tribute to comrades in arms, pay tribute to heroes"... At the entrance of the People's Armed Forces Department in Shulan City, Jilin Province, many people came to mourn the colonel and political commissar Zhou Kunxun who sacrificed his life on the way to the front line of disaster relief. On the flowers sent by the masses, cards were filled with sincere and emotional messages, expressing respect for Zhou Kunxun.

On the early morning of August 4th, the flood situation in Jinma Town, Shulan City was urgent. Zhou Kunxun, who had been fighting continuously for 15 hours, put down the boxed lunch he had just picked up and rushed to the scene for emergency response without stopping. He encountered a flood while driving in a command vehicle, causing the vehicle to lose control, drift, and spin into the water. Zhou Kunxun was washed away by the flood and made a glorious sacrifice. In Zhou Kunxun's dormitory, the words he wrote before his sacrifice were left on the table: "Military and civilians work together to safeguard the peace of Shulan."

Stand up for the front line of flood control; Overcoming difficulties and fighting bravely.

The fact once again proves that the soldiers of the people will always be loyal guardians of the beautiful homeland of the people, and the people's army will always be a heroic army that the Party and the people can fully trust!

Work together to accelerate the reconstruction of a beautiful home

"These photo frames need to be opened one by one, taken out, and wiped with a damp cloth. If the photos are wet, they should be placed on the windowsill for drying first..." As the flood receded, more than 200 officers and soldiers from a certain regiment in the Beijing Garrison District came to Wayao Village in Changping District, Beijing, to clean and disinfect the cultural and sports activity center, Happiness Post Station, and other places. Wang Delong, the commander of a certain company in the regiment leading the task, reminded the soldiers to carry out the cleaning work in detail.

After the dredging task was completed, many villagers rushed to the post station to bring mineral water and instant noodles to the officers and soldiers, thanking them for their hard work. The on-site commander of the regiment, Ma Hongxu, politely declined everyone's kindness while expressing gratitude on behalf of all the officers and soldiers, saying, "This is what we should do. The people's soldiers are meant to serve the people. Thank you, villagers. I believe that with our joint efforts, this obstacle will soon pass!"

Currently, the affected areas have entered a critical stage of production recovery and post disaster reconstruction. In North China, Northeast China and other regions, various task forces have gradually invested in restoring normal production and living order in disaster areas, and accelerating the restoration and reconstruction work.

In this battle to rebuild their homeland, they are racing against time and working together with all their might——

Recently, the People's Armed Forces Department of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, issued a call to the city's militia to "rebuild a beautiful home". The young militia actively responded and participated in the dredging work of villages and towns nearby, joining the team of rebuilding the home. Teams of civilian soldiers joined in the work of garbage cleaning, mud cleaning, etc., working vigorously.

They use shovel, brooms and dustpans to quickly clean up bricks, garbage and other sundries on the street; In areas with severe waterlogging, riding a stormboat, one by one salvaging debris such as branches, branches, and plastic packaging floating on the river surface. "If the cleaning work is completed earlier, the affected people can resume production and build their homes one day earlier," said Zhu Hongye, commander of the People's Armed Forces Department of Zhuozhou City.

In this battle to rebuild their homeland, they persevered without hesitation and persevered to the end——

"As a retired soldier, this is my responsibility!" In Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, Yang Xiao, a militiaman, wearing rainshoes and holding a shovel, helped villagers clean up the mud in front of their houses.

Nearly half of the militia participating in flood control and rescue in Mentougou District this time are retired soldiers. This news made Yang Xiao very excited: "We can fight with our comrades again!" After the flood receded, many people's homes had mud that was several tens of centimeters thick. Yang Xiao said that retirement will not fade, and he will continue to fight with other militias to help the affected people rebuild their homes as soon as possible.

In this battle to rebuild their homeland, they take care of the people and use their hearts and emotions with care——

In Zhengjiu Village, Dancheng Town, Shuangcheng District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, nearly two-thirds of farmland has been flooded, and hundreds of households have been affected by the disaster. Zhengjiu Village was once a village where a certain brigade of the 78th Army Group paired up to provide assistance. Upon learning of the news, the officers and soldiers of the brigade, who had just completed the flood control and rescue mission by the Lalin River and returned to the construction site, immediately brought various daily necessities and medicines to support the village.

On that day, the brigade drew multiple small teams to enter the village and households. The medical team checked the health of the villagers and came to their homes to deliver medicine to elderly people with mobility difficulties; The epidemic prevention team shall carry out epidemic prevention and disinfection on water sources, garbage disposal sites, etc; The cleaning team provides heartwarming services such as cleaning garbage and repairing houses at their doorstep.

"We are psychologists. If you have any troubles, just tell us and we will help you analyze and analyze!" A medical team from the 962nd Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force conducted a free clinic in Xiqin Township, Shuangcheng District, Harbin. When they heard that some villagers had symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety, they opened a psychological counseling room. Psychological expert Yin Hongmei patiently provided psychological counseling to the public.

After the flood, I didn't sleep well for several days... Yin Hongmei listened quietly to the villagers, gently closed the curtains, played soothing music, and the villagers gradually calmed down.

Whoever cares about the people, the people will care about them. The clothes of the officers and soldiers were dry and wet, wet and dry, with prickly heat and rash on their bodies. The masses spontaneously brought them drinking water, prickly heat powder, and hot meals. An old man held the hand of the officers and soldiers excitedly and said, "The People's Liberation Army is our family. With the Party and the government, and the children and soldiers, the people have confidence in rebuilding their homes!"

Who can resist the collective strength? A stone of one heart can pierce through. In this battle against floods and control, the joint efforts of the military and the local government, through wind and rain, have written a new chapter of military, political, and military civilian unity.

In Mentougou District, Beijing, an armed police soldier was knocked down by the water flow, but his hands tightly hugging the child never let go. Another soldier ran forward in the rapids and immediately picked up the child. A netizen's comment won a lot of approval: "In the torrent, soldiers are the hands that will never be let go."

The love of the military for the people and the support of the people for the military are the most touching "two-way rush" in this flood control battle. At present, China is still in the main flood season, rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters are still high in many parts of the country, and some basins still have flood disaster risks. The hands of the soldiers, who will never let go, will always protect the people and defend their homeland. With the joint efforts of everyone, the disaster stricken areas will definitely be able to restore normal production and life order as soon as possible, and achieve a comprehensive victory in flood prevention, flood relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction!

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