We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:21 AM

In the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea

Facing unfamiliar battlefields and powerful opponents

The repeated victories achieved by the volunteer army

Relying on flexible strategic tactics

Also relying on the intelligence and intelligence of the vast number of commanders and soldiers

It's a competition of weapons and equipment

It's more of a mental confrontation

He drove almost all over northern North Korea

But never bombed by enemy planes

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

In areas with few railways and rugged mountains

Northern Peninsula

The automobile transportation line is

The Lifeline of Volunteer Army Logistics and Operations

For the 10 months starting from August 1951

Initiated by the United Nations Army

North Korean Railway System

A large-scale "strangulation" aimed at the main target

The first batch to join the war in North Korea

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Memories of Automobile Soldier Jiang Jiayan:

At that time, there were over 1000 enemy planes

During the day and at night

They fired mechanism bullets

At that time, our car was damaged quite a bit

Many car soldiers have sacrificed themselves

But on the Korean battlefield

There is a record that he is proud of:

The car he drives

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Never been bombed by enemy planes

This is not luck

But because of his wit

Jiang Jiayan recalls:

In winter, he drove the car to a place with snow

Cover with a white cloth issued by the army

It looks like a rundown house

During the day on flat ground

He drained the oil from the tank

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Open the cab door

Reignite waste tires

The plane is here

It looks like a broken car

He has never participated in frontline combat

But he was a special hero in the Korean War and aid to the United States

In the "strangulation battle"

The enemy also repeatedly bombed railway bridges

Deploy a large amount of equipment that can penetrate several meters underground

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Time bomb

Bringing great difficulties to the emergency repair work of the volunteer army

Guo Jinsheng was a carpenter before entering the court

Later became a soldier of the Railway Engineering Corps

In the memory of his eldest daughter Guo Yaohuan

Although my father only had a primary school education

But he is diligent in using his brain and good at thinking

Guo Yaohuan said:

My father just wanted to

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

The American devils can make bombs

Can we Chinese people remove it

So Guo Jinsheng relied on his courage to take the lead

Relying on one's own intelligence and talent

Successfully dismantled the US military's time bomb

Later, Guo Jinsheng personally imparted his experience

Cultivated over 200 bomb disposal experts within the military

This bomb disposal method

Also promoted by the headquarters of the Volunteer Army to the entire army

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Guo Jinsheng also became a

Special Meritorious Figures in the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea

After 10 months of "strangulation"

The volunteer army has built a road

An unbreakable and constantly exploding "steel transportation line"

The US military finally acknowledges that this is a failed strategy

"Jade Face God of War" relies on his unique cold artillery tactics

Received the title of "Top 100 Snipers Killing Enemies"

In the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Mortar Tang Zhanghong

Due to his thick eyebrows and big eyes, he was called by his comrades

"Jade Face God of War"

He killed hundreds of enemies with his unique cold artillery tactics

Becoming the first team member to win the award

Warriors with the title of "Killing 100 Snipers"

On the battlefield, the firelight and smoke from the firing of shells

It is the most easily exposed risk point for oneself

But a qualified cold sheller

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Self owned methods and clever responses:

We are about 40 meters away from the main gun

Build fake fortifications and let go of grenades

Intentionally letting the enemy discover

The enemy's retaliatory shells in this way

It has never posed a threat to us

According to records

From 1952 to 1953

The Cold Gun and Cannon Movement of the Volunteer Army

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Annihilated a total of 52000 enemy soldiers

Created the highest record in sniper warfare in the history of war

The use of force lies in intelligence, and victory lies in skill

From close combat, night combat, mobile warfare to tunnel defense warfare

From Anti Hanging War to Cold Gun and Cold Cannon Movement

The Chinese People's Volunteer Army has inherited and developed

The People's Army's Excellent Tradition of Clever and Flexible Warfare

Targeting the characteristics of the Korean battlefield

Using new tactics and tactics in life and death confrontation

We have also trained over 200 bomb disposal experts and outstanding contributors! He broke down the American bomb railway with his bare hands | in a hanging battle | by the American army

Find effective ways to win

Created one legend after another

Breaking the myth of invincibility of the US military

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