Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:47 PM

Recently, there has been heavy rainfall in many areas

The disasters caused have touched people's hearts

In the wind and rain, one can see figures standing up everywhere


On the evening of the 11th, CCTV News Special Program

Love, at Luopo Ridge

Inviting rescue witnesses and witnesses

Tell the story behind "escaping danger" together

01 Letter

A series of thank-you letters

Train K396 trapped and forced to be stranded

Four days and three nights at Luopo Ridge in Mentougou, Beijing

The residents of Luopo Ridge Community

Devote all efforts to assist stranded passengers

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

Meng Ermei, Secretary of the Community Party Branch

The choked words were touching

As long as we have a bite to eat

We must never let passengers go hungry

Stranded passengers receive careful care at Luopo Ridge

Meng Ermei said that many tourists have expressed their concerns these days

I still want to go back to Luopo Ridge and take a look

She keeps receiving messages from passengers

Telephone calls and thank-you messages sent

Thank you to Luopoling Community for bringing the last bowl of rice

To passengers on K396

In the future, Ordos and Wuhai in Inner Mongolia will be your home

One by one, rushing back and forth

Misty in my eyes

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Deeply touched everyone's hearts "

02 Fengyoujing

A heartfelt gift

While train K396 was trapped

A team also quickly completed the assembly

On August 1st, Army Day

The Third Mobile Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force

The first batch of 40 assault team members

Backward walking for 12 kilometers

Shoulder, hand, back

Carrying supplies such as bread, instant noodles, and mineral water

Rush to Luopo Ridge Station

Some soldiers have blood blisters on their feet

Reluctant to rinse the wound with bottled water

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Also reluctant to use medical supplies

Directly clean with mud and water

Some soldiers carry their own bags

Pretend to be full and confident

I'll pack more

We can send more to the stranded passengers

The Third Mobile Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force

Memories of Chief of Staff Wang Feng

When distributing supplies to passengers

A student walked up to him

Give him a bottle of essential oil

Uncle Armed Police, thank you very much

I really don't have anything else to give away

I just want to express my gratitude to you all

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You saved our lives

03 Wound

"Even if you sacrifice, don't retreat and become a coward."

Mentougou District, Beijing

Li Zhankun, instructor of Tanzhe Temple Fire Rescue Station

The child is just 5 months old

Received wife on July 31st

After the news of "my home is flooded" and a video

I haven't had a chance to reply to the message yet

He lost contact with his family

Until August 3rd when communication was restored

Li Zhankun just made a video call with his wife

Memories of Li Zhankun

In a rescue operation

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

After just transferring the trapped masses

The flood overflowed the riverbank

A turbulent river

Quickly push oneself over ten meters away

Li Zhankun said

The first thing that comes to mind is when my mother sent me to enlist

The exhortation to return home safely "

Thanks to being tied with a safety rope

Tightly held by the shore team members

Li Zhankun was safely rescued

This perilous experience

Leaving him covered in bruises and bruises

A wound was also cut on the face

But he said

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

Our responsibilities require us to

Encounter difficulties and dangers

Even if we sacrifice, we cannot retreat and become cowards! "

04 Emergency lights

Hope in the Dark

There is also a group of people in crisis

Do your best to escort life

July 31st

Floods Overflow the Power Box of Mentougou District Hospital in Beijing

Causing a complete power outage in the entire hospital

An emergency mother in the operating room

Threatened preterm delivery of twins at 33 weeks of pregnancy

Just completed preoperative anesthesia for cesarean section

Just encountered a power outage in the operating room

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The situation is urgent, and this expectant mother can only switch from a cesarean section to a natural delivery

Multiple medical staff in the operating room

Hand held emergency lights and mobile phone lighting

Successfully delivered the mother

Due to the low weight of these premature twins

Need to be transferred to another hospital for treatment as soon as possible

With the help of multiple efforts, two premature infants

Successfully hospitalized and converted to safety

Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kong Lingrui

Go back to the pitch black office and cry loudly

At that time, I didn't know where the confidence came from

We guarantee with the mother's family that

Adults and children must be fine

Actually, I am also very nervous in my heart

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

I told myself not to panic

We have extensive experience

There must be no problem! "

Netizens give two children

Has given a milk name with a special meaning

Dinghai and Shenzhen

△ Medical staff caring for children

Kong Lingrui also wishes this pair well in the special program

Twin sisters born in rainstorm

Although on your first day of birth

Encountering a fierce beast in a flood

But with the help of so many strangers

I hope you all grow up healthy, safe and happy

The future path of life is always smooth

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

Live program

Tang Huaqing, who stepped forward to organize volunteer work

Yang Demobili, Political Commissar of Mentougou District Fire Rescue Detachment

Deng Lei, who donated supplies during the Thousand Mile Night Tour

Meng Lingpeng, who bravely submerged in the flood and opened the gate of the community

Driving their own speedboat to come for rescue

Yuan Weidong, Zhao Yajie and his wife all came to the scene

Tell a warm story

Salute to the guardianship in the wind and rain

Facing the sudden rainstorm and flood

A sense of trust and responsibility in sharing the same wind and rain

It is our strongest confidence in overcoming all difficulties

Everyone is amazing! Salute!

Live review: Love, at Luopo Ridge | Listening to firsthand witnesses tell the warm stories of Luopo Ridge>>

Very Chinese!, These bits and pieces of stories come together, traveler | community | community | collection

Producer | Wang Xingdong

Editor in Chief | Du Xianhan

CCTV reporter | Zhu Shisong, Wang Feng, He Chang, Wei Yutong, Fu Hailiang, Zhang Fude

Planning and Production | Wang Yuanliang, Ning Quyi, Sun Ying, Fan Ruolin, Wang Haoyu, Wang Chunli, Zhang Xian, Pan Guohua, Shang Jian, Yang Ming, Liu Zheyuan, Liu Hao, Jia Zehui, Lin Xin

Editor | Yu Zijing

Proofreading | Zhang Tianyu

Part of the materials are from Beijing Daily

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