"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:18 AM

Jiangsu, with the grandeur of connecting the Jianghuai River and the vast Yellow Sea, accounts for 1% of the country's land area and 6% of its population, creating over 10% of its total economic output. It plays an important role in China's reform, opening up, and socialist modernization construction.

On March 5 this year, on the opening day of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to his Jiangsu delegation to participate in the deliberations and delivered an important speech, encouraging Jiangsu to "continue to be at the forefront of high-quality development".

This is also the fourth time since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that General Secretary has come to Jiangsu.

"Jiangsu has always been my focus, research point, and research point. As early as when I was working in Zhengding, I had visited Jiangsu for research. My attention here has always been ongoing."

During this inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Jiangsu to take the lead and demonstrate in promoting Chinese-style modernization, and to write a new chapter in the modernization of "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Jiangsu. At the same time, all localities are required to fully grasp the scientific connotation and essential requirements of Chinese-style modernization., Based on reality, give full play to its own advantages and characteristics, move forward steadily, and turn the beautiful picture of Chinese-style modernization into reality step by step.

"The key to Chinese path to modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology"

To the east of Suzhou, by the banks of Jinji Lake, the new landmark of Suzhou, the "Gate of the East", stands tall and witnesses the modern transformation of this ancient historical city.

Outside the car window, within the view, tall buildings are arranged in rows, vividly interpreting the surging vitality of this "innovative city, extraordinary park".

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

In the 1990s, an important cooperation project between the governments of China and Singapore, the China Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, landed in Suzhou.

In the past 30 years, the paddy fields and fish ponds outside the city of Gusu have undergone tremendous changes and become a modern high-tech park. It has gathered nearly 2500 national high-tech enterprises and 62 listed companies, creating a total import and export value of nearly 1.5 trillion US dollars. It has achieved "seven consecutive championships" in the comprehensive development level evaluation of the Ministry of Commerce's national level economic development zone.

Assembly photo: The above picture is a hand drawn planning map of Suzhou Industrial Park drawn in 1994; The middle picture shows the Suzhou Industrial Park captured in 2007; The following image is taken by a drone on July 4, 2023, in Suzhou Industrial Park. Shen Jizhong

Standing at thirty, amidst great changes, there is also constant.

Industrial Park exhibition center, a display board attracted the attention of general secretary Xi Jinping.

There are three pictures printed on the exhibition board: one is a hand drawn planning map of the park when it was established in 1994, and the other two are real-life scenes of the park taken in 2012 and 2022, respectively. Compared to the past, real-life photos are astonishingly similar to planning maps.

"We always adhere to a blueprint in the process of urban construction and industrial development," said the person in charge of the park.

In the exhibition hall, Suzhou boasts a wide range of "star products" in high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation information technology, nano new materials, biomedicine, and other fields, including a 180 ton new energy electric drive system, foldable and flexible screens, silicon cubic immersion liquid cooled computers, and nano vacuum interconnection experimental stations. The General Secretary walked and looked at them.

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

When he heard that more than 100 patients had already used this device, and the earliest patient had been using it for over 6 years, the General Secretary was very happy.

Now, Suzhou Industrial Park has targeted this goal and refined its action plan and specific indicators until 2025.

The General Secretary encouraged, "In order for China's economy to develop upwards, achieve high-quality development, and become an economic powerhouse, we need to rely on science and technology. I once said that we need to build Suzhou Industrial Park into a science and technology innovation center with international influence. You bear such a historic mission, which is both great and glorious."

Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd., located in the park, is the first listed company on the China Science and Technology Innovation Board. Focusing on semiconductor testing equipment, this enterprise has demonstrated core competitiveness in the segmented field track.

Walking into the enterprise R & D workshop and photoelectric laboratory, the young faces beside the cutting-edge instruments and equipment made General Secretary Xi Jinping very pleased: "they are all very energetic!"

"What school did you graduate from?" "How many years have you been working?" "What major did you study?" General Secretary kindly asked.

The company manager introduced that the average age of employees in the company is only 32 years old. They also established a "Mount Everest Business Unit" with young people as the main force, accelerating core technology breakthroughs and bravely climbing scientific and technological peaks.

"What you are doing here is climbing mountains, which is very meaningful. Young people can showcase their talents, great!"

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

Upon hearing the encouragement of General Secretary, everyone applauded warmly.

Facing the vibrant employees of the enterprise, General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "If the country wants to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance, you are born at the right time, it is the time to show your skills, and you must seize the historical opportunity. In the future, you will certainly be proud of your contribution to national rejuvenation!"

On the morning of the 7th, when listening to the work report of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about the experience of this trip and believed that the Suzhou Industrial Park is indeed at the forefront of technological innovation and high-quality development: "It is worth watching. I have the confidence to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance."

"The key to Chinese modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology." General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for Jiangsu, hoping that Jiangsu will take the lead in making new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, build an important industrial scientific and technological innovation highland in the country, and make high-quality development more dependent on innovation-driven connotative growth.

"Building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese path to modernization"

In June of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping explained for the first time the major proposition of "building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation" at the cultural inheritance and development symposium.

More than a month later, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the ancient city of Suzhou to inspect the protection and cultural inheritance of the ancient city and profoundly pointed out that building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese-style modernization and an important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

Suzhou urban area. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

A city of Gusu, half of the Jiangnan poetry.

Suzhou has a history of over 2500 years since Wu Zixu built the city of Helu in the Spring and Autumn period. Time flows, and the historical and cultural memories of this city are preserved and continued.

Tourists are relaxing and playing in the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District of Suzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

On the morning of the 6th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the historical and cultural district of Pingjiang, located in the northeast corner of the ancient city of Suzhou, for investigation and research.

On the display board, there is a "Pingjiang Map" carved during the Southern Song Dynasty, which clearly displays the plan outline and street layout of ancient Suzhou.

General Secretary approached and carefully examined.

The arrangement of city gates, crisscrossing streets and alleys, and intertwined waterways, after experiencing the vicissitudes of time, the current ancient city of Gusu is basically consistent with the overall layout in the "Pingjiang Map". On one end is the highest point of the ancient city, the North Temple Pagoda built during the Southern Liang Dynasty, and on the other end is the towering skyscraper in Suzhou Industrial Park. The two cross time and space, echoing each other from afar.

Tourists take a boat to relax and play in the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District of Suzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

Following the slate road, General Secretary walked into the ancient streets and alleys. Small bridges and flowing water, adjacent to rivers and streets, with white walls and black tiles, changing scenery, are the typical Jiangnan water city style.

In a shop on the street, the General Secretary met Lu Jianying, a representative inheritor of Su embroidery. A embroidered bandage, a pair of glasses, a steel needle, and a strand of silk thread, the mind is as calm as water, and between the flying needles and threads, there is a vivid "Taiping Bird" pattern.

Lu Jianying has been deeply studying embroidery skills for over 30 years. She presented two works she collaborated with her mother and daughter on to the General Secretary: "It has been passed down to the fourth generation, and her daughter is a student of painting and design. She also loves this field and can innovate by combining tradition."

"How long will it take for such a work?" the General Secretary asked.

"Some take a year," said Lu Jianying.

The general secretary was very emotional: "How strong the inheritance of Chinese culture is can be seen through this Su embroidery. Kung fu like this fully reflects the resilience, patience and determination of the Chinese people, which is part of the spirit of the Chinese nation."

General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the store and asked the merchants what hot-selling goods were available, how much they were priced and how their business was.

Intangible cultural heritage inheritor Qiao Lanrong is making Taohuawu woodblock New Year paintings in the store. When she sees General Secretary here, she warmly invites him to experience them. Brush the paint evenly onto the woodblock, then carefully print it onto the artwork... A representative New Year painting from Suzhou, "A Unity of Harmony," stands out on paper. The General Secretary said, "The meaning of the New Year painting 'Unity and Harmony' is very good. We must promote the formation of a harmonious social atmosphere!"

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

The local responsible comrade told the General Secretary that in addition to Suzhou gardens and the Suzhou section of the Grand Canal, there are also seven World Intangible Cultural Heritage sites in Suzhou.

"Which seven items?" General Secretary asked with interest.

"Kunqu opera, Guqin, Song brocade, Kesi, traditional architectural techniques of Xiangshanbang, Suzhou Dragon Boat Festival customs, and Biluochun."

"It's a blessing to live here. It's antique. There are monuments, places of interest and culture everywhere. 'Within a hundred steps, there must be grass', which can be used here." The general secretary said.

On the small square by the street, under several large camphor trees, local residents and tourists enjoy a Pingtan performance while sipping tea.

The audience watched the Pingtan performance in Suzhou Netmaster Park. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"There is a heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below, gardens in the city, and water towns outside the city..." Wu Nong said softly, with a lingering charm. After singing the song "Beautiful Scenery of Suzhou", the General Secretary took the lead in applauding.

"I came here in admiration. Yesterday I visited Suzhou Industrial Park, and today I have come to see Suzhou's excellent traditional culture. Suzhou has done a great job in combining tradition and modernity. It not only inherits historical and cultural heritage, but also has high-tech innovation and high-quality development, representing the direction of future development. The Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District is a precious treasure for inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. It should be well protected, excavated, and utilized, not only in material form, but also in the heart."

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

"Adhere to the real economy and build a modern industrial system"

Academician Liu Yunjie, who is 80 years old, has gray hair, but when it comes to her current career in technology, it is full of passion.

On the afternoon of the 6th, at the Purple Mountain Laboratory in Jiangning District, Nanjing, I saw General Secretary Xi Jinping again. Academician Liu Yunjie was very excited: "We have initially conquered a series of core technologies with ten years of persistence."

General Secretary Xi Jinping listened carefully to the latest situation and fully affirmed the progress made by the scientific research team.

The Zijinshan Laboratory has also gathered a research team from China that has been researching 6G earlier.

A woman passed by the entrance of the exhibition hall of Zijinshan Laboratory. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

General Secretary Xi Jinping was very happy to learn that this team not only achieved a substantial increase in transmission rate and system efficiency, but also achieved independent control of key technologies by advancing key technology research.

The General Secretary urged the local comrades in charge: "We must seize the opportunity, make new contributions, and do this with one heart and one mind. The Party Central Committee will pay attention to and support you."

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

The dominant position of enterprises is crucial in building a modern industrial system.

When listening to the work reports of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the real economy and build a modern industrial system as the key to a strong province, and to show new deeds in the strong chain.

In recent years, Nanjing has been committed to building a national advanced manufacturing cluster for smart grids, with 1200 such enterprises and an industrial scale accounting for 80% of the national market.

On the afternoon of the 6th, General Secretary visited one of the representative enterprises - Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. for inspection.

At the Automation Equipment Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory of Nanrui Group Co., Ltd., researchers are preparing for radiation emission experiments. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

In the enterprise exhibition hall, the person in charge of the enterprise introduces core products and technologies such as ultra-high voltage transmission technology, power grid dispatch automation system, power grid safety and stability device and control system, giant hydropower station monitoring system and equipment, etc., making it a treasure trove.

The person in charge told the General Secretary that their products have been widely used, including the Wudongde Hydroelectric Power Station on the Jinsha River, which ranks seventh in the world's installed capacity, the Baihetan Hydroelectric Power Station, which ranks second in the world's installed capacity, and the Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station, which is the largest in the world.

The General Secretary encouraged the company leaders, "Your company has played a significant role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and intelligence of the entire national power grid system, and we will continue to do it well."

"turn the beautiful picture of Chinese modernization into reality step by step" -- General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Jiangsu documentary development | science and technology | culture | Jiangsu | enterprise | modernization | industrial park | Xi Jinping | Suzhou | General Secretary

In the intelligent manufacturing production area of the enterprise, enthusiastic employees gathered around and greeted the General Secretary loudly.

"Are everyone satisfied with their work here?"


"Do we all have the next step to strive for?"


Seeing that everyone is full of vigor and vitality, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are full of expectations:

"When we say 'great things come late', what are they? They are the best and most exquisite things that cannot be made overnight. They require a lot of effort and even a lifetime of energy. We hope that everyone can aspire to high ideals, be down-to-earth, and move forward step by step. With the perseverance of ten years of sharpening a sword, and the persistence of 'completing one thing for a lifetime', we can achieve a valuable life."

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