Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:51 PM

Luopo Ridge Station: Train attendant Zhao Yang choked up and shouted, causing more than 900 passengers to evacuate and take refuge

At 12:50 on July 30, the rainstorm poured in, and the K396 train from Wuhai West to Fengtai, Beijing was stopped at Luopoling Station of Fengsha Railway.

"At 14:57 on July 30th, upon receiving a request for material support from train conductor Yang Long of K396, I immediately contacted the village snack shop and led the staff to deliver the first batch of 20 boxes of instant noodles to the train in the rain." Ma Ruixin, the station director of Luopoling Station, Beijing West Depot of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., introduced.

Food consumption was rapid, and at 16:00, Ma Ruixin received the second urgent message from the train conductor regarding supplies. They urgently prepared 13 types of supplies, including 16 boxes of instant noodles and 1 box of ham sausages, from a village several miles away.

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

On the night of July 30th, two passengers fell ill and needed to get off the train for treatment. The station, together with train staff, immediately escorted the two sick passengers to a 120 ambulance.

On the morning of July 31st, passengers gradually gathered towards the dining car, with more and more people. Many passengers were emotional, and train conductor Yang Long led the crew members to distribute supplies while comforting the passengers. Train attendant Zhao Yang choked up and shouted to everyone, "Don't crowd, don't cause any danger. It's because I'm wearing this outfit that I have to live up to everyone." At this moment, the passenger's emotions gradually calmed down.

The rain has been falling continuously. On the noon of July 31st, the signal was interrupted and the roadbed erosion became more severe. The railway department has decided to transfer all passengers to a safe location for refuge.

One hour later, more than 700 people were dispersed by 6 station staff and local neighborhood committees to rest at community squares, railway engineering areas, and residential homes. Another group of over 200 people rested in the train carriages parked at the station. Due to limited shelter, the railway workers on the square stood outside under the eaves to take shelter from the rain, and their bodies were mostly wet.

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

There are 43 children in the car who participate in postgraduate studies, all aged around 11 to 13. They board the car from Wuhai, Hohhot, Baotou and other places in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, accompanied by only 3 teachers. During the transportation process, the staff left the relatively best community auditorium for them.

There is a disabled passenger in carriage 7 who has difficulty moving. Seven active duty soldiers volunteered to take turns carrying the disabled passenger to the village's home.

Anjiazhuang Station: Maritime satellite telephone transmitted Z180 safety news, railway station staff and more than 900 passengers entered and exited together

"More than 900 passengers on train Z180 are all safe." At 21:20 on August 1st, the voice of Lin Jingyin, the head of Anjiazhuang Station, came from the maritime satellite phone. The duty officer of the Beijing West Railway Depot Dispatch Command Center breathed a sigh of relief.

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

The maritime satellite telephone kept by Lin Jingyin is the only link between the Z180 train at Anjiazhuang Station and the dispatch and command center. In order to save telephone power, station staff turn on the power every once in a while and report the latest situation of the station and passengers to the dispatch and command center in a timely manner. At present, more than 900 passengers have been safely transferred to Anjiazhuang Village near the station, some living in the village auditorium, and some living in the homes of villagers.

"Please rest assured that we will definitely advance and retreat with the passengers to ensure everyone's safety!" Lin Jingyin said with firm confidence as he heard that a surprise team will be dispatched to deliver rescue supplies to the station.

It was Ma Mingyang, the section leader, who led the delivery of rescue supplies. At 4am on August 2nd, he led the carefully selected 30 assault team members from Duan Li to set off. "Affected by water damage and road disruptions, each of us carried 30 kilograms of food materials and walked a few kilometers to the station and village to quickly solve the urgent situation," Ma Mingyang said.

After being stranded at Anjiazhuang Station, the Z180 train experienced water and power outages, causing fluctuations in passenger sentiment. The deputy station manager Sun Shuhua saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. On July 31st, he rode the rail car "wading the road" with the engineering and maintenance personnel. "The rain kept falling, and there were occasional falling rocks on the several kilometers' journey from the station to the village." Recalling the scene at that time, Sun Shuhua still felt heart wrenching. "After conducting on-site inspections of the route conditions and reporting to the higher authorities for thorough risk assessment, it was finally decided to transfer passengers to Anjiazhuang Village."

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

In order to ensure the safety of transferring passengers, Sun Shuhua inspected the route several times on foot and coordinated the transfer details with the Anjiazhuang Village Committee. There is no hardened road from the station to the village, so passengers can only use railway lines when transferring. Sun Shuhua alternated between the left and right sides of the passenger queue, sometimes guiding the way forward, and sometimes sheltering key passengers from wind and rain.

"Thank the railway! Thank the villagers!" A passenger held the hot rice porridge sent by the local villagers, his eyes moist. The village also cut off water and electricity. The villagers with liquefied gas at home still cooked hot Congee to give to the stranded passengers.

In the past few days, Sun Shuhua has been going from house to house, promptly assisting in solving the urgent needs and anxieties of passengers. After walking a lot and wearing out a pair of sports shoes, he decided to put on slippers that were convenient to put on and take off. "Let's wait until the rescue is over before reporting safety to our families. As railway families, they are used to us occasionally 'losing contact' for a few days."

Yanhecheng Station: Make every effort to appease the emotions of passengers on train K1178, and transport 6000 supplies on an 8-kilometer hike

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

At 12:57 on July 30th, train K1178 was stopped at the Fengsha Railway Yanhecheng Station located in Mentougou District, Beijing. The station has a high terrain and good geological conditions inside. The railway department has decided to leave 841 passengers and 30 staff members in the train to rest.

After the train was detained, a temporary party branch consisting of staff and party members and passengers was immediately established on the train to assist in distributing supplies, calming passenger emotions, and maintaining train order.

"On the morning of the 31st, passengers woke up and found that the train was still stopping at Yanhecheng Station, experiencing emotional fluctuations one after another. Our train attendants immediately divided into 15 emergency teams and comforted the passengers one by one in the carriages." Ni Peng, the attendant of K1178 train, said.

After the train was blocked, Yanhecheng Station provided 150 boxes of instant noodles, 6 boxes of mineral water, 60 kilograms of eggs, 20 boxes of Babao Congee and other living materials for passengers and crew twice.

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

On the 31st, the supplies on the train were in short supply, and passenger emotions fluctuated again. The staff of Yanhecheng Station will send the remaining two bags of rice onto the train, boil them into rice porridge, and distribute them to passengers. "First, please hold onto the passengers' food. We're fine," said the staff at Yanhe City Station.

At the same time, Zhangjiakou Train Depot quickly assembled 6000 pieces of bread, Babao Congee, ham sausage, mineral water and other relief supplies and organized loading. At 20:56 on July 31st, the 57402 material transportation train was shipped from Zhangjiakou Station to Yanhecheng Station.

Floods cover the steel rails, broken branches and debris cover the railway lines, and mudslides and falling rocks can be seen everywhere. Railway workers clean up the lines while trains transporting goods advance towards their destination.

"There are still 8 kilometers to reach Yanhecheng Station, and the road conditions ahead are complex and the train cannot continue to move. Without a way, we waded out a path and walked in with supplies on our backs!" At around 7 o'clock on August 1st, 195 members of the material delivery assault team transported daily necessities to Yanhecheng Station in batches by carrying them on their shoulders and walking.

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

On the morning of August 1st, the person in charge of transporting supplies and the emergency response team met with the passengers and train attendants of K1178 train with the first batch of rescue supplies.

In the future, the railway department will overcome difficulties, actively connect the lines, and safely transfer passengers on train K1178.

Material: Beijing Journalist Station of People's Railway Newspaper Co., Ltd

Text: Li Rong, Wang Zhaojie, Chai Na

Train K396, Z180, K1178 Emergency Rescue Record Passengers | Train K1178

Reviewed by: Li Xiaoquan

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