Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:19 PM

On August 4th, news came from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, which was hit by severe flooding disasters——

All 28 villages with hidden risks of disconnection have been investigated, and a total of 402 villages in the city have been contacted. The waterlogging on the main roads in the urban area has basically subsided, and power has been restored to 75 residential communities that were cut off due to the disaster.

At the same time, a total of 1.5897 million people have been relocated in Hebei Province, including 961200 people from flood storage and detention areas. All highways have been fully opened to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

In late July, it is the main flood season in China, with seven days down and eight days up.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

On the 28th, Typhoon Du Suri, the 5th of this year, made landfall along the coast of Fujian. Unlike other typhoons that gradually weaken after landfall, Dussuri continues to travel long distances, with precipitation clouds gradually moving northward and approaching the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

The latest forecast from the Central Meteorological Station indicates the powerful "power" of "Du Suri" - from July 29 to August 1, there will be heavy rainstorm in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, western Shandong, northern Henan and eastern Shanxi, and extremely heavy rainstorm in piedmont and south of western Beijing and central and southern Hebei. Meteorological experts remind us that this round of heavy rainfall is highly extreme and poses a high risk of causing disasters.

people first, life first

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

The officers and soldiers of the Hebei Armed Police Force are driving boats in the flooded area of Zhuozhou to transfer the affected people. Shen Jizhong

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, a series of emergency responses were immediately launched:

——At 12:00 on the 28th, the Ministry of Water Resources launched a three-level emergency response for flood prevention in six provinces and cities: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi.

——On the 29th, the China Meteorological Administration launched a Level 1 emergency response for major meteorological disasters.

——On the 30th, the National Flood Control Administration launched a second level emergency response for flood prevention in provinces such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Rainstorm swept in.

More than half of the counties in Hebei Province have been hit by floods, and a large amount of floods have flowed into Hebei through rivers such as Dashi River, Xiaoqing River, Tang River, and Shahe, with a total affected population of 2.2229 million. Among them, the flooded area of Zhuozhou once reached 60% of the urban area, with an average of 1 to 1.5 meters of accumulated water and the deepest reaching 5 to 6 meters!

Rescue workers took a stormboat in the urban area of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province to evacuate the affected people. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

He had a detailed understanding of the water level situation in Zhuozhou and other places, and instructed Hebei Province to mobilize forces, timely transfer trapped personnel, do a good job in urban drainage, and restore normal urban operation order as soon as possible.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, issued a directive requesting the National Defense Administration, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Water Resources, and others to fully guide and assist in the search and rescue of missing and trapped individuals in disaster stricken areas, minimize casualties, and properly resettle the affected population, in order to restore normal production and life order as soon as possible. All relevant parties should further strengthen monitoring, early warning, and patrol duty, implement detailed flood and typhoon prevention measures, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

In Shawo Village, Wharf Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, a flood stricken area, Guizhou Blue Sky Rescue Team members are transferring stranded villagers. Shen Jizhong

The flood situation is the command, and the dangerous situation is the war situation. Hebei Province has invested a large number of rescue forces to rush to the scene for emergency response, making every effort to fight against the flood situation:

——Organize the sealing of the western gap in the urban area of Zhuozhou to slow down the speed of floods entering the city;

——Mobilize drainage facilities such as dragon suction and drainage pumps to increase drainage efforts;

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

——Emergency departments at all levels implement daily "call and respond" coordination for rescue teams, maintaining a state of readiness. The province dispatched 4705 rescue teams with 105988 personnel;


Rescue is a race against time——

"Thanks to being sent to the hospital in a timely manner, otherwise one's life would be in danger." At around 19:00 on August 2nd, Liu Dezhong, a 78 year old villager from Zishikou Village, Laishui County, Hebei Province, woke up from the County People's Hospital and felt like he had broken through the gates of hell.

Liu Dezhong's family is located by the village and was surrounded by floods on August 1st. The rescuers tied a rope around their waist and ventured into the water, swimming towards the opposite side. They successfully pulled up a rope and used a rubber boat to rescue Liu Dezhong, who was almost unconscious.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Transfer over mountains and mountains——

"Someone has come to save us!" On August 3rd, a group of students trapped in Yesanpo, Laishui County for four days cheered happily as they saw the rescue workers arrive.

Due to the road collapse and road obstruction caused by rainstorm, 45 teachers and students of a school were trapped in Yesanpo Wanxin Hotel, along with 15 staff of the hotel. Six firefighters from the Laishui County Fire Rescue Brigade in Baoding City risked their lives and, after more than three hours of trekking, finally transferred the trapped personnel to a safe area.

Through efforts at all levels, the affected population is being properly resettled.

Outside the steel research material reserve point in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, there is a long queue of vehicles transporting materials. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Bottles of mineral water and bags of bread are delivered to the hands of the people... At the resettlement site of Suqiao Town Middle School in Wen'an County, Langfang City, disaster stricken people are receiving rescue supplies.

"There are two dishes, one soup, and main course for three meals a day. After the meal, fruits such as apples, bananas, and watermelons are also provided." Yang Xiaoling, a villager from Yuankou Village, said that being at the resettlement site is more reassuring, and the most important thing is the safety of the family.

Residents of Xinxing Community in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province receive water from a water supply truck. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Beijing Drainage Group dispatched 4 sets of large-scale emergency drainage units, 14 vehicles, and 63 people to support the emergency drainage work of accumulated water.

"At present, the waterlogging on the main roads in the urban area of Zhuozhou has basically subsided, and some areas still have severe waterlogging that urgently needs to be drained." Qu Hui, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Drainage Group, introduced that the current total pumping capacity is 12000 cubic meters per hour, and priority will be given to pumping important public infrastructure such as hospitals and substations, as well as large residential areas that are heavily flooded.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Regarding the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, relevant departments and the entire province of Hebei are working tirelessly and vigorously to implement them, strengthen disaster relief and resettlement, and restore production and daily life. We are fully committed to fighting the battle of flood prevention and disaster relief and ensuring the protection of the affected population.

Staff and volunteers will load donated materials into trucks and transport them out of the steel research material reserve point in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

The National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management immediately launched a national level four disaster relief emergency response for Hebei, and then upgraded it to level three. They quickly dispatched disaster relief teams to the front line of flood stricken areas to guide the work. The National Health Commission selects staff and medical experts to participate in the working group. The National Development and Reform Commission has arranged for Hebei Province to allocate 100 million yuan for post disaster emergency recovery and reconstruction. The Chinese Red Cross Association arranges funds to support the resettlement of disaster stricken people and the recovery of production and daily life.

Hebei Province is making every effort to strengthen disaster relief. The Provincial Disaster Reduction Commission dispatched 9 working groups overnight to various cities to carry out disaster relief work, timely allocating disaster relief funds and materials; The health department in the disaster area has established a mobile medical team to provide door-to-door health services to the affected people, ensuring that injured and sick people receive timely treatment, and implementing a full coverage inspection of contaminated drinking water in the disaster area.

The hospital of Hebei Armed Police Force dispatched a medical team to carry out the treatment of the injured at the rescue handover point in Zhuozhou High tech Development Zone. Shen Jizhong

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

One road after another is striving to be fully connected——

The Department of Transportation of Hebei Province follows the principle of "grabbing and connecting at any time", and takes measures such as setting up emergency bridges and opening temporary access roads on cut off road sections. Cut off road sections are opened 24 hours a day, and in special circumstances, they are opened 48 hours a day to ensure smooth transportation of disaster relief personnel and materials. Strengthen patrols on non cut off water damaged road sections, promptly clean up slope rockfalls, dispose of roadbed collapses, eliminate hidden dangers, and strictly prevent secondary disasters from occurring.

Zang Yanqin, Minister of Maintenance and Communication Department of Hebei Provincial Highway Development Center, introduced that as of 16:00 on August 4th, 1011 locations have been successfully connected, accounting for 81%. 90 ordinary national and provincial trunk roads have been completed, accounting for 70%, while 916 rural roads have been completed, accounting for 82%.

A bundle of signals is restored——

In the early morning of August 3, many people in Zhuozhou disaster area in Hebei received a short message: "The villagers in Zhuozhou, communication was interrupted due to the rainstorm... At present, public network communication in the area where the network was suspended can be recovered from the air. Please contact your family as soon as possible and wait patiently for rescue. Wish you peace!"

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Emergency communication vehicles are parked outside the resettlement site of Zhuozhou Third Middle School. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Smooth communication is the foundation and guarantee of flood prevention work. After the disaster, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urgently held a special scheduling meeting for flood prevention and communication support work in key areas, and the three major communication operators quickly responded and rushed to assist Zhuozhou.

One lamp after another gradually lights up——

The third level power departments of cities and counties in Hebei Province have launched 24-hour emergency duty, making every effort to repair damaged power facilities. State Grid Corporation of China dispatched operation and maintenance personnel from State Grid Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and other regions to deploy low-voltage emergency power generation vehicles and small generators to support Hebei.

To stabilize the people's "vegetable basket", the province has smooth channels for the supply of essential goods such as meat, eggs, vegetables, milk, and fruits, with sufficient supply; Strictly prevent secondary disasters, strengthen the inspection and early warning of geological disasters such as landslides, mudslides, etc., and identify and rectify risk hazards in large and medium-sized reservoirs; Strengthening environmental disinfection and sterilization, the province has sent more than 320 health and epidemic prevention teams with more than 1000 people

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Workers operate machinery to carry out hazard removal and reinforcement work in Gaoqiao Village section of Baigou New City on the left embankment of Baigou River. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Xudong

At a landslide site in Qiyu Township, Yi County, Baoding City, more than 70 villagers have set up a more than 100 meter material relay "conveyor belt" to transport bread, instant noodles, and other items.

"After the rescue team cleared the emergency passage, the villagers also actively rescued themselves and transported materials. Looking at the gradually decreasing water level, Zhao Feifei, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Qiyu Township, said," Please rest assured, General Secretary and the Party Central Committee. We are confident that the disaster stricken people can resume production and life as soon as possible. "

At present, the current rainfall process has significantly eased, but flood control is still at its most difficult time.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

Water conservancy engineering is an important safety barrier for flood prevention and control.

The officers and soldiers of the Iron Army Brigade of the 82nd Group Army of the Central Theater Command reinforced the embankment in the Baigou River task area of Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province. Shen Jizhong

At around 12:00 on August 2nd, the first spillway of Lincheng Reservoir located in Xingtai, Hebei Province. With the adjustment of the gate, the discharge water flow has significantly decreased, and the outflow flow has decreased from 100 cubic meters per second to 50 cubic meters.

"Since the heavy rainfall, Lincheng Reservoir has fully played its role in flood interception, detention, peak shaving, and peak shifting, and timely adjusted the outflow flow to reduce downstream pressure." Wang Xing, Deputy Director of Lincheng Reservoir Affairs Center, introduced.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

According to the Flood Control and Drought Relief Command of Hebei Province, as of August 4th, the province has coordinated the operation of 32 large and medium-sized reservoirs to cut and intercept peaks; The Xiaoqing River flood diversion area, as well as multiple flood storage and detention areas such as Langouwa and Dongdian, have been gradually put into use, reducing floods by 1.8 billion cubic meters.

Focusing on the risk areas of mountain torrents and geological disasters, cities and counties in Hebei Province strengthened real-time monitoring and early warning, issued early warning of rainstorm, mountain torrents, geological disasters and other disasters in a timely manner, and scientifically and effectively prevented and responded.

As of 7:00 am on August 4th, 40 counties in 7 cities including Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Baoding, Handan, Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, and Qinhuangdao have issued 10934 mountain flood disaster warnings. A total of 389800 warning messages have been sent to 90700 flood control responsible persons through monitoring and warning platforms, and 28500 warning broadcasts have been launched at the county level.

The Water Resources Department of Hebei Province and the Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly issued 7 meteorological risk warnings for mountain flood disasters, sending 220 million meteorological warning messages to the public through the three major operators.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

At present, the flood is advancing from the upstream and midstream to the downstream, and the next focus is on how to ensure that the flood flows safely into the sea.

The officers and soldiers of the Baoding Detachment of the Hebei Armed Police Force are clearing mud along the 107 National Road in the west of Zhuozhou City. Shen Jizhong

The Water Resources Department of Hebei Province requires that we resolutely ensure the safety of flood detention, especially strengthen the inspection and duty of embankments and cofferdams, reasonably regulate the diversion flow, strictly control the inundation range, and make every effort to reduce flood detention losses.

As of now, eight flood storage and detention areas have been put into use in the Haihe River Basin, including Ningjinbo, Dalu Ze, Xiaoqing River Flood Diversion Area, Langouwa, Dongdian, Xian County Flood Area, Gongquxi, and Yongding River Flood Area.

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

The masses are resting at the vocational education center resettlement site in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Basic disaster relief materials are fully guaranteed.

The Emergency Management Department of Hebei Province has established a communication and coordination mechanism for disaster relief material management, a planning and procurement management and allocation mechanism for disaster relief materials, and a sharing mechanism for disaster relief material information to ensure smooth material allocation and timely rescue support after flood disasters occur.

At the resettlement site of Zhuozhou Vocational Education Center in Hebei Province, the reporter saw that disaster relief supplies from various regions have arrived here one after another and been distributed to about 2600 disaster stricken people.

The staff at the vocational education center resettlement site in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province are transporting meals and preparing to distribute them to the resettlement population. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Together in the same boat-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Hebei flood control and flood relief across the province | the masses | the Party Central Committee

The emergency rescue team is always ready for battle.

Zhuozhou City has established 28 emergency rescue teams with a total of 8755 people, and has cooperated with the stationed troops to fully provide rescue support. All of them are equipped with assault boats and large rescue equipment, and troops and professional emergency rescue teams are arranged to be on standby 24 hours a day.

At this moment, Hebei is still conducting a comprehensive investigation and rescue of trapped individuals, promptly transferring and properly resettling the affected population, ensuring that no household or individual is left behind, and the rescue efforts are still ongoing.

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