To promote the high-quality development of the network information industry with practical actions -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on network security and informatization work to gather the strength of progress Xi Jinping.

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:20 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 16th. Title: Promote the high-quality development of the Internet information industry with practical actions -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on network security and informatization work to gather forge ahead

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Attendees and all sectors of society should combine reality and deepen their learning and understanding.

Everyone said that it is necessary to follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on a network power, earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks of the new era and new journey, and use the new achievements of the construction of a network power to make new achievements in comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. contribution.

Encouraging: China's Cyberspace Industry Achieves Major Achievements

In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has made great achievements in the cause of network security and informatization," and the broad masses of cadres and masses empathize with this.

"The historic achievements and historic changes in my country's cybersecurity and information industry are most fundamentally due to the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on cyber power." After listening to the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the spot, Li Zhigao, deputy director of the Policy Research Bureau of the Central Internet Information Office, was very excited. "We will further learn and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on network power, and continue to deepen the study of this important thought. Research and propaganda interpretation, carry out theoretical research, policy research, investigation and research in the field of Internet information, and contribute to the high-quality development of Internet information industry with learning results and practical actions."

The achievements in the development of China's internet information industry have attracted worldwide attention.

"Since the new era, China has promoted the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, actively participated in global Internet governance, and won more recognition and support for a series of Chinese ideas, Chinese propositions, and Chinese programs on global Internet development and governance." Shen Yi, director of the Research Base for International Governance in Cyberspace of Fudan University, said that all countries share weal and woe in cyberspace, and should adhere to the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and work together for a better "digital future".

After learning the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping through news reports, Chen Angui, principal of Huaxi Primary School in Huaxi Yi and Miao Township, Qianxi City, Guizhou Province, has a deep understanding of "new steps in the construction of a network power.

"In recent years, thanks to the improvement of network infrastructure and the promotion of digital education, our mountain village primary school has achieved full coverage of digital education and gradually improved its educational level. With the help of digital education platforms, students can enjoy high-quality teaching resources even without leaving the village." Chen Angui believes that with the continuous development of information technology, digital education will further promote the balanced development of urban and rural education, and light up the dreams of more mountain village children.

Guiding direction: providing fundamental guidance for the development of the new era and new journey of the internet information industry

In his important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the mission and task of "raising the banner to gather the hearts and minds of the people, preventing risks and ensuring safety, strengthening governance to benefit the people's livelihood, increasing momentum to promote development, and seeking win-win cooperation", and made clear the important principles of "ten persistence", which provided a fundamental basis for doing a good job in the work of Internet information in the new era and new journey.

"The five aspects of mission tasks and the important principle of 'Ten Adherences' have elevated the Party's understanding of the regularity of online information work to a new height, pointing out the direction for us to carry out online social organization work." Zhao Hui, Secretary General of the China Federation of Online Social Organizations, who attended the meeting on site, felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

"Internet social organizations are born and thrive because of the Internet. We will give full play to the role of network social organizations as bridges, adhere to the Party's management of the Internet, strengthen political leadership and industry self-discipline, guide network social organizations and member units to fulfill their social responsibilities, and continue to promote the healthy development of the Internet industry in a standardized manner," she said.

In the summer season, the ancient capital of Nanjing is experiencing a wave of innovation.

Learning the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, Huang Tao, director of the Future Network Research Center of Purple Mountain Laboratory, said: "Our team has always been taking the realization of network autonomy and control as the direction of scientific research, which is also an important guarantee for the realization of network security."

In response to the national strategic needs in the field of network communication and security, Zijinshan Laboratory has conducted forward-looking and fundamental research, and has achieved a series of technological achievements in the fields of future networks and network security. "We will strive to break through a batch of new original and disruptive key technologies, continuously improve the future network technology system, promote the construction of China's independent and controllable future network industry ecosystem, and contribute to building a national network security barrier and achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement." Huang Tao said.

"The General Secretary emphasized the importance of 'raising the flag to gather the hearts of the people', which has made my future work direction clearer." Tang Sheng, director of the Integrated Media Center in Dongkou County, Hunan, said that in recent years, they have focused on traditional media and developed emerging media, and many of their integrated media products have been well received by local people.

Tang Sheng stated that he will continue to work hard to promote the voice of the Party in a form that is easy to understand and enjoyable for the masses, and use more innovative and down-to-earth integrated media products to better "fly the Party's innovative theories into the homes of ordinary people.".

Responsible and responsible: contributing to the construction of a strong online country

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in the new era and new journey, the important role of the Internet and information industry has become increasingly prominent.

"Jiaxing Wuzhen is the permanent host of the World Internet Conference, and it is of great significance to do a good job in online information work." Chen Wei, Secretary of Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee, Zhejiang Province, said, "The General Secretary requires Party committees at all levels to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen overall coordination, and ensure that the Central Party Committee's decision-making department on online information work is implemented. We will further improve the 'big online information' work pattern of the municipal Party Committee's online information committee under the unified leadership, the online information department taking the lead in grasping the general office, and the members of the online information committee performing their respective duties, to form a strong joint force to promote the high-quality development of online information."

"Cyberspace departments at all levels must be loyal to the party and the people, be brave to act, be good at pioneering and innovating, dare to fight and shine, and be willing to work hard and contribute." The important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping made Zhang Huiqun, director of the Cyberspace Affairs Office of the Hongqiao District Committee of Tianjin, feel the responsibility. heavy.

Zhang Huiqun stated that he will focus on the key tasks of "Party building leading practical work and responsibility", make good use of the online and offline dual line classrooms of Hongqiao "Internet Information College", further improve the level of network management, network usage, and network governance of Internet information cadres, and strive to build a loyal, clean, and responsible Internet information work team, providing strong guarantees for promoting the high-quality development of the Internet information industry.

The new era endows new missions, and the new journey calls for new achievements.

At the Institute of Electromagnetic and Information Technology, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, doctoral student Nan Qin and his team are conducting related research work.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the core technology is the cornerstone of the development of information technology. At present, China's multi-physics simulation software is developing rapidly, but there is still a gap with the international advanced level. I and the team will continue to actively carry out relevant research, strive to develop independent and controllable core algorithms, and contribute to the development of information technology and the construction of a network power." South Qin said.

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