To gain world peace and development, President Xi's speech urges Shanghai Cooperation and Unity Chairman | Xi Jinping | Cooperation

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:59 AM

President Xi Jinping attended the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by video in Beijing on the afternoon of July 4 and delivered an important speech entitled "Keeping in mind the original mission, persisting in unity and cooperation to achieve greater development.

The international community generally believes that President Xi Jinping's important speech will promote the SCO member states to enhance unity and mutual trust, maintain regional peace, focus on practical cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, improve global governance, promote the continuous development and growth of the SCO, and inject more certainty and positive energy into the maintenance of world peace and development.

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Inject more certainty and positive energy into the world -- The international community highly appreciates President Xi Jinping's important speech at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States

President Xi Jinping attended the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by video in Beijing on the afternoon of July 4 and delivered an important speech entitled "Keeping in mind the original mission, persisting in unity and cooperation to achieve greater development.

The international community generally believes that President Xi Jinping's important speech will promote the SCO member states to enhance unity and mutual trust, maintain regional peace, focus on practical cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning, improve global governance, promote the continuous development and growth of the SCO, and inject more certainty and positive energy into the maintenance of world peace and development.

Adhering to the "Shanghai Spirit" and moving forward along the way

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization injects certainty and positive energy into a turbulent world, and China's growing international influence and development opportunities brought to the world greatly enhance the attractiveness of the organization.

From severe power shortages 10 years ago to safe and stable power supply today, numerous energy projects under the corridor have been successfully completed. In Rahman's view, this is not only a witness to the friendly cooperation between the two countries, but also a witness to the members of the "SCO family" standing by and helping each other on the path of revitalization.

To gain world peace and development, President Xi's speech urges Shanghai Cooperation and Unity Chairman | Xi Jinping | Cooperation

From the "dual wheel drive" of security and economic cooperation to the multi track progress of the "four communities", the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has explored a path of mutual benefit and common prosperity. Saudi Arabian international expert Abdul Aziz Shabani said that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become a model for regional international organizations to make positive and constructive contributions to world peace and development, and has formed a strong centripetal force.

"Practice the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security," "uphold the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing," and "adhere to the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness among civilizations."."The fact has proven that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become an important platform for practicing multilateralism, improving global governance, and promoting the construction of a more equitable international system, playing a positive role in promoting regional security, stability, and economic development."

Korrumbayev said that as a founding member state and a major economy in the world, China has always promoted the "Shanghai Spirit" and upheld the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. It plays an important role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, making important contributions to promoting its development, strengthening economic and trade cooperation among countries, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

"More and more countries are applying to become members and dialogue partners of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, indicating that the organization has broad appeal on the international stage and makes practical contributions in maintaining regional security and promoting common development."

Enable development achievements to benefit more countries and people

"Promoting economic growth is the common task of the countries of the region" "China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Development Initiative" ...... President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road should be strengthened to dovetail with the development strategies of various countries and regional cooperation initiatives, and welcomed all parties to participate in the third Belt and Road Summit Forum on International Cooperation to be hosted by China, "Together, we will pave the road of happiness for the benefit of the world wider and farther".

Witnessing the active promotion of a number of transnational road and railway projects connecting China and transiting the country, and looking forward to the bright prospect of Uzbekistan's transformation from a "land-locked country" to a "land-linked country", Uzbek political analyst Kurbanov was deeply touched by President Xi Jinping's statement on "the road to happiness for the world" in his speech.

Kurbanov said that under the cooperation of jointly building the "the Belt and Road", the infrastructure of many countries in Asia, Europe and Africa has been continuously improved, trade and economic exchanges have become closer, and countries in Central Asia have also opened new prospects for development. For Ukraine, this initiative can bring new opportunities for promoting regional cooperation, expanding transportation corridors, and promoting cultural exchange and cooperation.

"This year marks the 10th anniversary of the'Belt and Road' initiative and the 10th anniversary of the launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. China's experience and expertise in infrastructure construction are of great value." Rahman has personally experienced the vigorous development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the past 10 years. He strongly resonated with President Xi Jinping's speech on implementing the global development initiative and building the "Belt and Road" with high quality.

To gain world peace and development, President Xi's speech urges Shanghai Cooperation and Unity Chairman | Xi Jinping | Cooperation

Rahman believes that the global development initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping focuses on inclusive economic development and sustainable social development, which will greatly enhance regional connectivity and promote regional economic integration. in particular, the joint construction of "Belt and Road Initiative" embodies China's commitment to promoting regional common prosperity and development, from which members of the "SCO family", including Pakistan, can benefit.

In the view of Afdonin, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, China has made important contributions to the current world economic recovery by implementing the global development initiative and jointly building the "the Belt and Road". Belarus is willing to constantly strengthen cooperation with China.

Mahmoud Hassan Khan, executive director of the Center for South Asian and International Studies in Islamabad, Pakistan, said that the SCO member states have been looking forward to the establishment of the SCO development bank, which reflects the deepening of financial cooperation under the SCO framework. It will be an important benefit for promoting the economic and social prosperity of the countries of the organization.

Korrumbayev believes that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization plays a positive role in regional economic development, and China plays an indispensable role in it. "Through the Global Development Initiative, China is promoting countries to strengthen communication and coordination, align with their development strategies, and further strengthen regional cooperation," Korrumbayev said. "China's approach is in line with the interests of Central Asian countries and the expectations of Central Asian people, injecting strong momentum into today's world peace and development."

Promoting the construction of a better world

"Over the past 20 years, we have been saddened by the frequent casualties of Afghan people due to war. Currently, the security situation in Afghanistan remains tense and urgently requires the support of the international community." Afghan international relations scholar Jalal Baz expressed mixed feelings.

Russian scholar Kashin said, "With China's unremitting efforts, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is developing in a more comprehensive direction, shouldering broader and important responsibilities on the regional and international stage, and playing a role in strengthening stability and security, combating terrorism, developing economic cooperation and energy partnerships, and deepening scientific and cultural cooperation."

"To promote the common values of all mankind", "oppose hegemonism and power politics", "promote the modernization of human society in the joint efforts to continuously promote fair rights, fair opportunities and fair rules" ...... Jin Ping, director of the Institute of International Relations of the Royal Cambodian Academy of Sciences, said that President Xi Jinping's speech called on the international community to work together to promote global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction and jointly build a community of human destiny.

"The global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative proposed by China are crucial for promoting peace and cooperation, multilateralism, unity and mutual trust, and cultural integration. They are crucial for addressing regional and global challenges and promoting common interests," Jin Ping said.

To gain world peace and development, President Xi's speech urges Shanghai Cooperation and Unity Chairman | Xi Jinping | Cooperation

In the view of Gurru Geizer, a foreign policy analyst of Türkiye, the world is going through a turbulent period, and it is particularly important for countries to conduct dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and trust.

"In today's world, instability and uncertainty are increasing day by day. The propositions put forward by President Xi Jinping in his speech will play a very important role in promoting mutual trust and mutual benefit among all countries in the world." Shiradir Bakogulov, foreign affairs adviser to the Kyrgyz National Institute for Strategic Studies, said that China is committed to promoting peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation among all countries in the world, and implementing the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. I believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, the SCO will usher in greater development and the people of all countries in the world will join hands to create a better future.


Visual: Xu Xiaolei, Zhang Dailei, Wang Shen

Produced by the International Department of Xinhua News Agency

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