"This is another proof of the EU's submission to the United States"

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 20:11 PM

According to the "Russia Today" website, Giuseppe Conte, Chairman of the Italian Five Star Movement Party and former Prime Minister, stated on August 26 local time that the West has "completely failed" to achieve its goal of using the conflict in Ukraine to defeat Russia. It has neither isolated Russia and defeated its military, nor damaged or weakened the Russian economy. Instead, it has exposed the weakness of the EU's lack of common strategy and exercise of independent leadership, highlighting the EU's servile attitude towards the United States.

On the same day, Conte wrote on social media Facebook that NATO had completely failed to achieve its goal of defeating Russia in the Ukraine conflict, and Russia persisted in Ukraine's powerless counterattack and Western sanctions. He believes that the year and a half long battle between Russia and Ukraine has shown that it is time to "abandon the optimistic assessment formed under the noisy and superficial propaganda of war in the West.".

Former Italian Prime Minister Conte/surging images

Conte stated that so far, the strategy of military groups led by the United States has relied on large-scale military aid to Kiev and "escalation logic," but the Russian military has not collapsed as expected. He recalled that since the Russian army took control of the key stronghold of Bakhmut in the Donbass region in May, the Ukrainian army has never repelled the Russian army there.

"Military and quasi military institutions have not collapsed, nor have they retreated due to Ukraine's counterattack," Kondt added, and the West's desire for political turmoil within Russia has not been realized.

"This is another proof of the EU's submission to the United States"

He said that at the same time, the severe sanctions imposed by the West on Russia "have not led to Russia's bankruptcy or weakened its economy", and the West's long-standing goal of isolating Moscow "has not been achieved".

Conte also mentioned the recent highly anticipated BRICS summit, stating that Russia is a member of the BRICS and that the BRICS mechanism is expanding at an unprecedented pace.

Kondt emphasized that the conflict in Ukraine "exposed the EU's inability to develop effective common strategies and exercise autonomous political and economic leadership." This also became another proof of the EU's submission to the United States.

Poster for the BRICS Summit outside the Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg, South Africa/Echo, France

Conte served as the Prime Minister of Italy from 2018 to 2021. After the outbreak of the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, he repeatedly called on the warring parties in Ukraine to conduct peace negotiations. At the same time, he opposed the West to further send weapons to Ukraine, and warned that doing so might lead to an escalation of the situation.

"This is another proof of the EU's submission to the United States"

In June of this year, Conte stated at an event that Europe has plunged him into the quagmire of war. Because once the method of providing weapons to Ukraine is adopted, it will in turn force Europe to fall into it step by step, even if the risk increases, it will continue to escalate the conflict. He asked in response, "Isn't it wiser to sit back at the negotiating table?"

It is worth mentioning that recently, German Foreign Minister Berbok also admitted in an interview with German media that the economic sanctions imposed by the West on Russia have not been effective, which disappointed her. She claimed that "economic sanctions should have an economic impact, but in reality, they do not, because the logic of a 'democratic country' does not work in an 'authoritarian country'.".

"Washington is not letting go of its allies, trying to maintain hegemony at the cost of sacrificing them." Russian State Duma President Vyacheslav Volodyn posted on social media Telegram on August 25th, stating that based on purchasing power parity, the world ranking of the Russian economy has risen from 6th place a decade ago to 5th place last year, making it the largest economy in Europe, but France, the UK, and Germany have seen a decline in rankings. He satirizes that the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West on Russia are actually like "boomerangs hitting oneself.".

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