This heavyweight document concerning the private economy has been released nationwide | Private enterprises | Document

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:34 AM

July 19th

Opinions on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy

Heavyweight discharge

28 measures in 6 major areas

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Involving a wide range of groups

Look at three pieces of data! As of the end of May, the number of registered individual industrial and commercial households in China exceeded 118 million, and the number of private enterprises exceeded 50 million, accounting for over 92% of the total number of enterprises.

First mention: New Force

This document makes an important statement about the positioning of the private economy! The private economy is a new force to promote Chinese path to modernization, an important foundation for high-quality development, and an important force to promote China to build itself into a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and achieve the second century goal.

Li Zhaoqian, member of the 14th CPPCC National Committee and president of the China Private Economy Research Association, said that this person must directly link private enterprises with the grand goal and task of Chinese path to modernization, and with the primary task of high quality, highlighting the important position of private economy.

Government agencies and public institutions cannot breach or breach contracts

This heavyweight document concerning the private economy has been released nationwide | Private enterprises | Document

The document proposes to improve the government's integrity and performance mechanism, establish a system for recording and punishing government dishonesty, and include dishonest information such as breach of contract, overdue payments, and refusal to comply with judicial judgments from government agencies and institutions in the national credit information sharing platform.

Improve financing support policies and systems

The document proposes to support eligible private small and medium-sized enterprises in financing in the bond market, encourage eligible private enterprises to issue technology innovation corporate bonds, and promote the special support plan for private enterprise bond financing to expand coverage and enhance credit enhancement. Support eligible private enterprises to go public for financing and refinancing.

Teng Tai, member of the think tank of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce and director of the Wanbo New Economic Research Institute, said that such policies can not only reduce the financing costs of private enterprises, but also improve the ease of obtaining financing, which is a tangible support for the development of private enterprises.

Single column for preventing and clearing outstanding debts

The document also attaches great importance to the issue of overdue payments to small and medium-sized enterprises! It is proposed that government agencies, public institutions, and large enterprises shall not refuse or delay payment to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households on the grounds of internal personnel changes, fulfilling internal payment processes, or waiting for completion acceptance approval, final accounting audit, etc. in the absence of contractual provisions. Establish a system of regular disclosure, advice, and proactive law enforcement for outstanding debts. Improve the complaint handling and credit supervision mechanism for overdue payments, and strengthen the exposure of cases of malicious overdue payments.

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Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy

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