There will be new changes in a year!,

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:24 AM

"I have always been concerned about the people of Wuhan. After two years, I have come to this heroic city of Wuhan again to visit everyone."

On June 28, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan to have cordial exchanges with scientific and technological workers and the community, emphasizing that the lifeline of science and technology should be firmly in his own hands, and the security of my country's development independence and autonomy should be continuously improved.

Hubei Daily, June 30, 2022, first edition

In the midst of summer, sweat soaked through the clothes of the General Secretary. That scene will never be forgotten by the people of Hubei and Wuhan.

Remember the earnest instructions and express endless concern.

A year has passed, and on the land that General Secretary has walked through, a new city has emerged and grown with vitality.

This new city is named after Wuhan and spans across Wuhan and Ezhou, with a planned area of 719 square kilometers.

There will be new changes in a year!,

Coordinated in Wuhan, looking across the country.

Wuhan New Town is positioned as a world-class high-tech innovation strategy highland, a national strategic emerging industry highland, a national scientific innovation financial center, an international exchange center, and a model of a Chinese path to modernization livable wetland city.

This is a journey of exploration from the template——

Since the launch of the construction of Wuhan New City in January this year, under the overall command of the provincial construction command center, Wuhan has repeatedly refreshed its speed, gathering more than 200 major projects with a total investment of over 400 billion yuan.

On June 2nd, at the southern end of the core area of Wuhan New City, the National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure Project for Deep Geotechnical Engineering Disturbance Simulation was launched, and four other major scientific facilities are being closely promoted.

On June 5th, the first phase of the Digital Economy Industrial Park was completed, with a focus on developing artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and other fields, aiming to build a national level digital economy industrial highland.

On June 13th, the testing room in the Zhuxin Industrial Park was topped out, and the integrated circuit dynamic industry ecology, such as the high-end packaging research and development center and memory component development center, will converge here.

There will be new changes in a year!,

On June 16th, the "Zidong Taichu" full modal large model supported by the computing power of Wuhan Artificial Intelligence Center was released. AI can not only read text, but also understand and generate music and videos, with impressive performance.

An era should have a benchmark for its development.

Entering a new era, answering new questions. Grasping the technological lifeline firmly in one's own hands, Wuhan, Hubei Province answers with a new city.

Forging the "core" of innovative strategies

Stepping into the technology no man's land and completing primitive innovation from 0 to 1

"With the development and growth of our country, it is urgent to break through the 'bottleneck' key core technologies. We must adhere to a problem oriented approach, leverage the advantages of the new national system, work hard and catch up, and accelerate the realization of technological self-reliance and self-improvement."

The earnest teachings of General Secretary inspire the vast number of scientific and technological workers.

There will be new changes in a year!,

"The large-scale scientific facility has become an important indicator of a country's scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength. With the support of the large-scale scientific facility, scientists will advance into the technology unmanned zone and complete the original innovation from 0 to 1." said Fang Yu, President of the Shenzhen Branch of the China Urban Planning and Design Research Institute.

A large-scale scientific device refers to a large-scale scientific research device or facility used for basic research and applied basic research purposes through large-scale investment and engineering construction. Research shows that since 1990, 48% of the Nobel Prize in Physics achievements have come from large scientific facilities.

On June 2nd, the Deep Geotechnical Engineering Disturbance Simulation Large Scientific Device project was launched in the core area of Wuhan New City.

The project is constructed by the Wuhan Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is committed to creating a "Chinese ground mirror" to comprehensively reveal the structural, state, and behavioral evolution laws of deep rock and soil under engineering disturbance conditions, greatly enhancing China's innovation capabilities in the field of deep engineering technology, and providing scientific and technological support for accelerating the expansion of engineering construction to deeper areas.

Currently, in Wuhan New City, there are 5 large-scale scientific facilities that have entered the national sequence, ranking among the top in the country in terms of quantity.

There is both a bright moon and dazzling stars.

Five national innovation centers, five Hubei laboratories, and a large number of new research and development institutions have exploded the innovation power of Wuhan New City.

There will be new changes in a year!,

The National Digital Design and Manufacturing Innovation Center has developed several underlying industrial software engines, initially forming a domestically independent and controllable integrated industrial software ecosystem for design, process, and manufacturing. It serves key technological needs in industries such as ultra precision optical components, aerospace composite materials, and marine engineering, and deeply participates in the development and engineering application of key models and major equipment.

The Optics Valley Laboratory has leveraged its unique advantages in the optoelectronic information industry and rapidly made significant progress in fields such as quantum dot infrared detectors and high-speed and high-precision femtosecond laser micro nano 3D printing. The IC lithography machine mechanical design system developed in the laboratory has been applied to the first domestically produced IC lithography machine and packaging lithography machine, achieving a historic breakthrough.

Wuhan Industrial Innovation and Development Research Institute, a "four different" institution, just turned one year old in April this year. It has established and listed 11 professional research institutes, 14 enterprise joint innovation centers, invested in and transformed nearly 60 scientific and technological achievements, and introduced 13 core teams of leading scientists and innovation and entrepreneurship teams.

The Wuhan New City Science and Technology Matrix, consisting of a large scientific facility, a national innovation center, a Hubei laboratory, and a new research and development institution, is surging with the power to change the future.

Seizing the "New" of Future Industries

New technologies and industries, new fields and new tracks, constantly attracting new forces to join

"We will keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary and resonate with the major needs of national strategy and industry development." Ma Xinqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huagong Technology, said that the company is grateful for its progress and has launched the construction of an innovation space for the optoelectronic information industry in Wuhan New City, mainly laying out new industries and tracks, including the research and development of silicon optical modules, next-generation optical modules, intelligent terminals for vehicle communication, and energy storage products.

There will be new changes in a year!,

Promote the emergence of new technologies and industries, and open up new fields and tracks.

Since the beginning of this year, Wuhan New City has held three major project concentration groundbreaking events——

On January 31st, 30 major projects began construction with a total investment of 47.42 billion yuan;

On May 18th, 18 major projects began construction with a total investment of 16.07 billion yuan;

On June 6th, 10 major projects were launched with a total investment of 30 billion yuan.

Nowadays, Wuhan New City has planned over 200 major projects with a total investment of over 400 billion yuan, many of which are industrial projects worth over 10 billion yuan.

In early June, the construction project of the high-end optoelectronic device industry base of Guangxun Technology with an investment of 10.3 billion yuan was completed, and the first phase of the factory was capped.

There will be new changes in a year!,

As a leading global manufacturer of optoelectronic devices and modules, Guangxun Technology ranks first in China and fourth globally in terms of market share. After the project is completed and put into operation, it will accelerate the pilot process validation and intelligent manufacturing process of high-speed optoelectronic devices and modules, develop and produce products for 5G, F5G, 6G, and AI data center applications, and further accelerate the company's entry into the ranks of global pioneers and leading enterprises in optoelectronic device research and development.

The Wuhan New City Plan proposes to vigorously develop strategic emerging industries such as optoelectronic information, life and health, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, and robot intelligent manufacturing, continuously promote the construction of industrial clusters such as integrated circuits, new display devices, and next-generation information networks, cultivate and strengthen new digital industries such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, build a new highland of the digital economy, actively participate in economic globalization and international industrial division, and cultivate world-class industrial clusters.

New forces are constantly joining in. Since the beginning of this year, Wuhan has carried out special investment promotion for Wuhan New City in Shenzhen, Xiamen and other places, with a total of 34 signed projects and a signed amount of 101.9 billion yuan.

Great rivers and lakes, fresh breeze brushing against the face. The land of Jingchu, with grand plans to rise again.

Caring for the "Heart" of People's Cities

Attracting world-class talents with a world-class environment and world-class challenges

No matter how far you go, you cannot forget why you set off.

There will be new changes in a year!,

Putting the people at the center, green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. Wuhan New City has a unique landscape and rich and diverse mountain and lake landscapes, with 58 mountains to the north facing the Yangtze River and Liangzi Lake to the south, Jiufeng Mountain and Longquan Mountain, as well as 9 lakes including Baoxie Lake and Wusi Lake, scattered all over.

The planning of Wuhan New City highlights the co construction and co governance of the people's cities, adhering to the concept of "green and low-carbon, people-oriented, and smart governance". It coordinates the management of mountains, water, and urban areas, layout spatial units for harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and the integration of industry and city development, build livable city models that meet the needs of a better life, and create "landscape city, home city, and smart city".

Based on the ecological pattern of mountains and rivers, manage mountains and water. Wuhan New City will take Liangzi Lake as the regional landscape center, create a landscape pattern of mountains reflecting the lake and cities facing each other, build a comprehensive park system with wetlands as the core, and achieve the goal of "seeing green within 300 meters and gardens within 500 meters" of the city.

To meet the needs of a better life and promote the integration of industry and city. On June 6th, the construction of Central Park and Future Park was launched, with an area of 344 hectares and 220 hectares respectively. Wuhan New City Citizen Center and Youth Community were also launched at the same time.

At the same time, international schools, international hospitals, as well as public service facilities such as the Optics Valley Cultural Center, Optics Valley Concert Hall, and Optics Valley Grand Theater, are also accelerating their development.

Connect the world with the support of two major airports. Located at the two major airports of Tianhe and Huahu, the construction of Wuhan New City High speed Railway Station, the construction of a multi-level rail transit network, and the improvement of the "seven vertical and seven horizontal" skeleton road network, a transportation pattern based in Hubei, radiating to China, and connecting to the world is about to emerge.

"Only a world-class living environment, combined with world-class challenges, can attract world-class talents," said Li Guang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology Policy Research and former Dean of the Development Research Institute of Wuhan University.

There will be new changes in a year!,

According to statistics, the area where Wuhan New City is located had a permanent population of 576000 in 2020, with an average annual growth rate of 9.7% in the past five years. The proportion of people with higher education is 28%, and the population is characterized by youthfulness and high intelligence. According to the plan, the permanent population of Wuhan New City is expected to reach 2.2 million by 2035.

To serve the needs of the country to the best of Wuhan's ability.

Leap Forward to the City of Heroes

Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone in Hubei Province is unique in the field of optoelectronic information industry. We need to strengthen technological research and development, master more core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, continuously extend the innovation chain, improve the industrial chain, and make greater contributions to promoting the accelerated development of China's optoelectronic information industry.

-On June 28, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection tour in Wuhan, Hubei Province

The train of time stops at the platform of another June.

Last summer season, general secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan, Hubei, in-depth enterprise, community research.

There will be new changes in a year!,

"Hubei Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone is unique in the field of optoelectronic information industry" "If every city, every high-tech development zone, every science and technology enterprise, every scientific research worker can solidly promote scientific and technological innovation around the development direction determined by the state, then we will certainly be able to achieve the set goals" "Wuhan normalized epidemic prevention and control work is good, experience is worth summarizing" ...... General Secretary Xi Jinping's warm words, words earnest and meaning heavy entrustment, moisten Jingshan Chu water, ignite the development of lofty sentiments.

Looking back, the light of thought guides Wuhan to forge ahead and continue to write a chronicle of urban development——

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This year, we have won multiple world firsts

"Breaking through the key core technologies of the 'bottleneck' is urgent. We must adhere to a problem oriented approach, leverage the advantages of the new national system, work hard, catch up, and accelerate the realization of technological self-reliance and self-improvement."

General Secretary Yin Yin entrusted that the spring breeze turns into rain, infiltrating the hearts of science and technology workers and entrepreneurs. Under strong motivation and inspiration, enterprises, research institutions, and innovation platforms have surged and burst with vitality, winning multiple world firsts.

Optics Valley Laboratory has produced the world's fastest light field camera, the world's first "rice hematopoietic" industrialization base has been put into operation in Han, the first core component "Made in China" wafer laser cutting equipment has been produced in Han, and Dongfeng Yuexiang has successfully operated the first unmanned public transportation line in China

There will be new changes in a year!,

Enterprises are the main body of innovation, investing decisively at the forefront of the market and stepping on the strong pulse of technological innovation; Key laboratories focus on original innovation and provide guidance for future development; New research and development institutions are vigorously breaking through the bottlenecks of industry, academia, and research, enabling every innovative achievement to be fully realized.

In recent days, all media reporters from Hubei Daily have gone to the forefront of innovation to conduct in-depth visits and capture the dazzling waves in the innovation wave. Stay tuned.

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Jointly creating a "warm courtyard" for the new era

"I will be selfless and not betray the people."

Every bit of the heroic city concerns the hearts of the people's leaders.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Wuhan five times, went deep into grass-roots communities three times, cared about people's livelihood and well-being, and encouraged Wuhan to actively explore new ways of modern governance in mega-cities.

There will be new changes in a year!,

To solve the problem of governance in mega cities, strengthening party building and optimizing governance are both the foundation and guarantee.

Wuhan City adheres to the guidance of Party building, extensively carries out activities to jointly create a beautiful environment and a happy life, promotes the sinking of resources, services, and platforms to the grassroots level, and continuously enhances the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Resource services sinking into communities, creating a "warm courtyard" for the new era——

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Serving the People with Heart and Emotion, Creating a Better Life Together

——New Exploration of Wuhan's Party Building Leading Grassroots Governance

"Sink more resources into the community and enrich our work force." "As long as it is something beneficial to the people, we must work hard and do everything we can to do well." "Serve the people with heart and emotion."

There will be new changes in a year!,

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Wuhan, Hubei 5 times, and 3 of them have gone deep into the community, requesting to strengthen the construction of community party organizations, strengthen the construction of community service capabilities, and encourage Wuhan to actively explore new ways of modern governance in megacities.

Focusing on answering the "must answer questions" assigned by General Secretary to Wuhan, Wuhan City adheres to the guidance of Party building in grassroots governance, carries out ten major actions such as optimizing governance units, increasing efficiency of grassroots services, and cultivating backbone forces, comprehensively improving the efficiency of grassroots Party building and grassroots governance. We will deepen the implementation of activities to jointly create a better environment and a happy life, give full play to the exemplary role of Party members, and gather diverse governance forces to stimulate new momentum for good community governance. The level of socialization, rule of law, intelligence, and specialization in grassroots governance continues to improve, and the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security continues to increase.

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Editing and hair: Huang Jun, intern Yu Jianai Meng

Reviewed by: Chen Huijun

Production: Hubei Daily Integrated Media Center

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