The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:45 AM

Guangzhou, the Flower City, stands tall in the southern frontier of our motherland.

Over 1000 years ago, Guangzhou was a starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. More than 100 years ago, it was here that the door to progress in modern China was opened. More than 40 years ago, it was also here that a path for the construction of special economic zones was first paved.

This place is both international and local; Both modern and traditional; Both gentle and strong; Both leisurely and hardworking

Perhaps it is precisely this humanistic character that has accumulated the economic volume of nearly 3 trillion yuan and the profound cultural heritage of a national commercial center city in this city.

This is Guangzhou, the most "Guangzhou" here.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Both international and local

Guangzhou integrates all civilizations with an inclusive mindset, where Eastern and Western cultures complement each other and create an enduring legend.

"All department stores are transformed into drama cities, and the atmosphere in all five regions is different from that in the Central Plains." In the pen of Huang Zunxian, who is known as the "first person in modern China to enter the world", Guangzhou is a city that is busy with world trade and integrates various foreign cultures.

The two sides of the the Pearl River are glittering at night. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Dawei

Merchants from all over the world gather in Guangzhou, relying on hard work and wisdom to realize their dreams here. In 2010, Tanzanian businessman Tamim came to Guangzhou to pursue his dreams. 13 years later, he became the General Manager of a freight company in China and was elected as the Chairman of the Guangzhou Tanzania Chamber of Commerce.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Guangzhou is both international and local. Cantonese retains the most elements of ancient Chinese and also absorbs the most loanwords from English. In Cantonese, "Shiduo" is a transliteration of "store" in English, which has a distinct and distinctive style that demonstrates the tremendous inclusiveness of Cantonese.

Strolling through the old urban areas of Yuexiu and Liwan, arcades can be seen everywhere. This type of architecture evolved from the combination of ancient Western architecture and traditional culture in southern China can avoid wind, rain, and sun. The part that crosses the street can also make up for the lack of indoor space, especially suitable for the hot and rainy subtropical climate of Lingnan. Citizens can leisurely shop, shop, and relax here. Maintaining stable commercial flow without obstruction is the clear commercial logic behind the arcade.

The intersection of China and the West still creates a brilliant and dazzling artistic peak in Guangzhou - the Lingnan School of Painting. Gao Jianfu, Gao Qifeng, Chen Shuren, and others adhere to the principle of "balancing China and the West, blending ancient and modern", integrating Eastern and Western painting techniques on the basis of Chinese painting, and emphasizing both work and painting, becoming one of the three major painting schools in the 20th century Chinese painting world.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Liede Village, located in the CBD of Guangzhou, will have a spectacle: on the the Pearl River, with the clanging drums, "charterers" will join forces to row boats and compete in the dragon race, and tenants will gather on both sides of the strait to shout cheers, which is so strange and harmonious.

The villagers of Liede Village located in the CBD of Guangzhou are undergoing dragon boat training to prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat race. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Dawei

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Li Yun, who works in the Pearl River New City and rents in Liede Village, was once a member of the shouting team on the shore. In his eyes, Guangzhou is a diverse city where both outsiders and locals can coexist harmoniously and find their own living space. There are numerous industries in the nearly 3 trillion yuan economy, and anyone with a dream can integrate here, live and work in peace, and flourish.

In the early stages of reform and opening up, Guangzhou became one of the earliest cities in China to accept foreign workers. In recent years, Guangzhou has continuously innovated its system and mechanism, allowing migrant populations to fully integrate into Yangcheng. The key to Guangzhou's success is to build a first-class international business environment with a broad and inclusive approach, allowing all external personnel, capital, and enterprises to integrate into the local economic development. From January to May 2023, 2175 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in Guangzhou, with actual use of foreign investment exceeding 20.8 billion yuan. Accumulated investment in over 50000 companies in Guangzhou, including over 300 Fortune Global 500 companies.

Chen Li, who moved his company headquarters to Guangzhou more than a year ago, said that Guangzhou's tolerance is equal treatment and inner recognition. As the people of Guangzhou call the landmark Guangzhou Tower "Xiaomanyao", they do not worship or look down, just like seeing the girl in their heart, standing on the bank of the the Pearl River, giving birth to inner joy.

The two sides of the the Pearl River are glittering at night. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Dawei

Both modern and traditional

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Over 1000 years ago, Guangzhou was a starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. From then on, the former land of the Southern Barbarians became a millennium old commercial capital and a place of openness.

On the broad river bank of the White Goose Pond section of the Pearl River in Guangzhou, the 34 storey White Swan Hotel stands among green flowers and trees, like a white jade screen surrounded by green water, or a white swan spreading its wings.

This is the first Sino foreign joint venture hotel in mainland China, and it is also a landmark building for Guangzhou's opening-up and investment attraction. In the early stages of reform and opening up, this was an inevitable choice for foreign merchants and political figures to settle in Guangzhou, with over 90% of the guests being foreigners. Over the past 40 years, the White Swan Hotel has hosted over 150 heads of state and members of the royal family from over 40 countries.

The Mangmang Pearl River flows down from the the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and spans more than 2000 kilometers, forming a magnificent scene of "three rivers converging and eight mouths entering the sea" in the the Pearl River Delta. Located on the coast of the South China Sea and the bank of the the Pearl River, Guangzhou is geographically linked to the river and the sea. From the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty to today's opening window, Guangzhou Port is a rare and prosperous port in the world's maritime transportation history for more than 2000 years. Tang Xianzu praised in a poem, "With such a strong pulse, it originated from Guangzhou."

The flow of the Pearl River water is also the flow of wealth. For thousands of years, the character of the commercial capital has been increasingly shaped, and the tradition of openness has also been renewed over time. During the Tang Dynasty, the Shibo Bureau was first established in Guangzhou. In the Old Book of Tang, it is stated that Guangzhou is located in the South China Sea, and every year Kunlun ships with precious items to exchange with China, which is an authoritative record of the prosperity of Guangzhou's foreign trade in official historical documents. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the poet Qu Dajun's "Guangzhou Bamboo Branch Poems" described the prosperous economy of Guangzhou at that time with lines such as "the cross gate opens to the two oceans" and "thirteen rows of silver coins piled up". After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Canton Fair took on the mission of opening up to the outside world as a "window".

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

The 133rd Canton Fair was held offline for the first time since the COVID-19 epidemic. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Dawei

Nowadays, as China's first exhibition, the Canton Fair is an important window and barometer for China's foreign trade. In April this year, the 133rd Canton Fair was held offline for the first time after the COVID-19, attracting overseas buyers from more than 220 countries and regions to participate in the fair, and nearly 130000 overseas buyers flew across the oceans to Guangzhou. The gathering of thousands of merchants highlights the attractiveness of Guangzhou as a highland for opening up to the outside world.

In the first half of this year, the total import and export value of goods in Guangzhou reached 545.012 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.8%. In the context of constantly promoting high-level opening up and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, Guangzhou has in recent years focused on promoting the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, vigorously promoting the institutional innovation of the Nansha Pilot Free Trade Zone, actively participating in the "the Belt and Road" international cooperation and the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and gradually forming a comprehensive, multi-level and wide-ranging opening up pattern.

The White Goose Pond Dawan District Art Center by the the Pearl River River in Guangzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Deng Hua

Both gentle and strong

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Guangzhou, a water town, is rich in the gentleness of water, but it is also the spiritual pillar behind the achievement of Guangzhou's trillion yuan economy, which is daring to venture and take the lead.

"Pretty guy, you have to put on your helmet, otherwise I'll keep following you." "The white car, the blue sky, and the smoke and rain are waiting for me. What are you doing here when you wait for me?"... The gentle shouting of Guangzhou traffic police officer Liang Jiaxin during law enforcement reveals the gentleness of Guangzhou people.

Guangzhou people living in the water town have a flexibility deeply influenced by water. Guangzhou people, who enjoy the colorful and colorful flowers in the Flower City all year round, often treat the world with tenderness.

Citizens are shopping and shopping on Enning Road Qilou Street in Guangzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Hanxin

Guangzhou is a gentle city, but at important historical junctures, it is also resilient.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

In April, amidst the lush greenery of the tall and dense banyan and mango trees, standing on the starting point of Yuexiu Mountain on the central axis of the old city of Guangzhou, occasionally a fiery red tree leaps out like a blazing torch. This is kapok, the "hero flower" of Guangzhou, a gentle flower with indomitable bones.

The heroic deeds of resisting Britain in Sanyuanli, Guangzhou will not be forgotten. The Northern Expedition, which started from Guangdong, sparked a revolutionary struggle against imperialism and feudalism. In the fight against "SARS" and the COVID-19, Academician Zhong Nanshan from Guangzhou Medical University was an octogenarian, and was honored as the "unparalleled national scholar".

For over 40 years, Guangzhou has been a pioneer in China's reform and opening up, known for being the first to eat crabs and enjoying soup. In 1978, Guangdong took Guangzhou as a pilot and relaxed the prices of some vegetables and fresh fish in ponds and rivers. In the 1980s, Guangzhou gave birth to the first batch of 10000 yuan households and the first individual business street in China after the reform and opening up.

At present, Guangzhou, which is bold and innovative, is taking great strides forward. In 2022, the total social R&D expenditure in Guangzhou increased by 13.79% compared to the previous year, with R&D expenditure accounting for 3.12% of GDP, making it a first tier city that has achieved stable growth for 8 consecutive years. Efforts to make greater progress in breaking through key core technological challenges have become a consensus among all sectors of Guangzhou society.

A series of major innovation platforms and projects are constantly being laid out. The Guangzhou laboratory led by Academician Zhong Nanshan is currently tackling scientific research challenges related to human health. The National Technology Innovation Center for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area has been put into operation, and the human cell lineage scientific research facilities and cold spring ecosystem research facilities have been included in the national special plan. The trial production of combustible ice and the supercomputing application of Tianhe-2 have been selected as one of the top ten scientific and technological advancements in China.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

Peng Peng, Vice President of the Guangdong Provincial System Reform Research Association, believes that the reason why Guangzhou can lead the way is because the people here have active thinking and mentality, and are easy to accept new things and innovate boldly.

Both leisurely and hardworking

Being low-key and pragmatic, it has created a vibrant and vibrant city of fireworks, a city of hope that marches step by step with a resounding head towards the future.

There is a popular culture in Guangzhou called "sighing for morning tea". The word "sigh" here means to taste and enjoy. Drinking ordinary tea can taste the leisurely and calm taste of life.

Making soup is an unforgettable imprint of Guangzhou that every person who has lived in Guangzhou cannot forget. In the "food capital" of Guangzhou, the genes that people love and know how to eat are engraved in their bones. The rich and fresh river and sea ingredients have turned into delicious soup in the skill of "everything can be cooked". Dreams from all over the world are also in the inclusive "big pot" of Guangzhou, simmering slowly over low heat to create a beautiful life.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

This is the city of flowers during the day and the sea of lights at night. When night covers the burning kapok, red rhododendron and colorful bauhinia flowers in the city, the two sides of the Pearl River will spread colorful pictures. Among the colorful neon, cruise ships are the symbol of the city's dynamic modernization in the strong economy.

Scenery on both sides of the Pearl River in Guangzhou. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Deng Hua

In 2022, Guangzhou was once again awarded the title of "China's Most Happiest City", marking its fifth time receiving this honor.

People's happiness and cultural prosperity. The cultural industries such as anime, gaming, and digital cultural and creative industries are developing rapidly, and intangible cultural heritage such as Cantonese opera, Cantonese embroidery, and lion dance are also shining with new brilliance. The cultural landmark located at the foot of Phoenix Mountain in Guangzhou, the Guangzhou branch of the China National Version Museum, embodies the concept of "Chinese classics, Lingnan mountains and waters, new charm of the times, and a beacon of civilization" in the Lingnan garden style that blends culture and nature.

Professor Huang Tianji from Sun Yat sen University used the words "calm" and "vigorous" to describe Guangzhou people in "Lingnan New Language". On the one hand, Guangzhou people know how to treat themselves well and enjoy life; On the other hand, Guangzhou people have a fast pace of life, flexible minds, and dare to be the first in the world.

The vitality of the commercial capital is so strong - an observation of Guangzhou from the perspective of humanistic economy

The spirit of "adventure", the energy of "innovation", and the style of "work" are the internal forces of Guangzhou's economic development. Young people from all over the country rushed here, showcasing their most beautiful years, thus creating Guangzhou as a city of struggle. Material wealth and spiritual richness are becoming the new style of Guangzhou in the new era.

Across from the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, the "Cultural Giant Wheel" of the Guangdong Art Museum, Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Center, and Guangdong Literature Museum is about to be completed, becoming another iconic building of Lingnan culture. This "cultural ship" carrying Lingnan civilization and Chinese civilization is carrying the hope of Guangzhou, heading towards the sea and the future.

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