The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:59 AM

On the afternoon of July 26, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the new Sanxingdui Museum to visit exhibitions such as "Dream of the Century", "majestic King", and "Heaven, People and God" to learn about the excavation process of the Sanxingdui site and the achievements of ancient Shu civilization.

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed warm congratulations on the completion and use of the new Sanxingdui Museum, and expressed heartfelt thanks and high respect to the archaeologists.

Exhibits filmed on July 26th at the new Sanxingdui Museum. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xi

Archaeology is an important task in showcasing and constructing the history of the Chinese nation and the treasures of Chinese civilization. Understanding the long history of Chinese civilization and perceiving the profoundness of Chinese culture cannot be separated from archaeology.

"Archaeological work is an important cultural undertaking and also a work of significant social and political significance."

A 7000 year old pottery figurine from the Neolithic Age, turquoise dragon shaped artifacts from the Erlitou Site, ivory cups from the Shang Dynasty, bronze sacrificial statues from the Zhou Dynasty

On the afternoon of June 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Chinese Archaeological Museum in the Chinese Academy of History to investigate and carefully inquire about the latest archaeological excavation results.

Subsequently, a symposium focused on "cultural inheritance and development" was held.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

"We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

The inheritance and development of culture are closely related to the archaeological cause. Chen Xingcan, the director of the Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, still remembers a scene from three years ago.

On September 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium of representatives of experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports. The atmosphere was warm and lively.

Chen Xingcan introduced the development of China's archaeological industry to the General Secretary.

"I was also preparing to study archaeology, but I didn't learn it later." After listening to Chen Xingcan's introduction, the general secretary said cordially, "Archaeology is a money-spending business, and there was no money in the past, but now we should invest more to do a good job in archaeology. It is important to study the origin of Chinese civilization, and we should continue to do it in depth."

Six days later, the 19th Central Political Bureau held its 23rd collective learning session on the topic of the latest archaeological discoveries in China and their significance. As the presenter, Chen Xingcan had the opportunity to listen to General Secretary's profound thoughts on site——

"Understanding history cannot be separated from archaeology. Today, China is undergoing extensive and profound social changes, and is also carrying out great practical innovations in adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Our practical innovations must be based on the laws of historical development and must move in the correct direction of history."

In the eyes of General Secretary Xi Jinping, archaeology "is a work of great social and political significance".

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

In the historic and cultural city of Fuzhou, cultural relics workers are still passionate about the stories of the "Four Ones".

Derived from these 7 facts are the "Four Ones" - one bureau, one team, one seal, and one million yuan.

The city level cultural relics management bureau was established as the first in the country, and an archaeological team was established. It was required that the approval of urban construction projects must be stamped with the seal of the Municipal Cultural Relics Management Commission. It was decided that the city's finance department would allocate one million yuan annually as cultural relics repair funds, which would increase year by year. At that time, the total economic output of Fuzhou city was only ten billion yuan

The effect of the "Four Ones" will benefit the long-term. The Fuzhou Archaeological Team, established in June 1991, has made contributions in multiple archaeological fields for over 30 years, especially in underwater archaeology. From underwater archaeology in Xisha to underwater archaeological investigation and excavation sites such as the "Nanhai No.1" sunken ship site and the "Wanjiao No.1" sunken ship site in Pingtan, their presence has been left behind.

Visitors stop in front of the Song Dynasty gold jewelry display cabinet of "Nanhai No.1" at the Maritime Relics Exhibition of the China Maritime Museum in Lingang New City, Shanghai. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Zhe

Millions of years of human history, ten thousand years of cultural history, and more than 5000 years of civilization history... The magnificent land of China has nurtured the world's only continuous and great civilization that has developed in the form of a nation to this day.

Fu Qiaomei, a "post-80s" female scientist who has been engaged in paleogenetics research for a long time, will never forget General Secretary Xi Jinping's encouragement and inspiration to herself.

Fu Qiaomei is one of the speakers.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

"My job revolves around human paleogenomics, conducting research on evolutionary genetics, which involves exploring 'who we are and where we come from' through ancient DNA."

"Where did you come from?" asked General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Fu Qiaomei replied, "I'm working hard to figure it out!"

Archaeology may seem obscure, but its importance is self-evident.

In the northwest suburbs of Anyang, Henan, the Huan River winds through the city. For over 90 years, generations of archaeologists have been exploring history here, delving deeper and uncovering the true essence of the Yin ruins layer by layer with each shovel.

The excavation site of the third site in Shangwangling District, Yinxu, Anyang City, Henan Province in 2022. Shen Jizhong

On October 28, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Anyang to inspect the ruins of Yin Ruins, which he had longed for for a long time.

Observation of bronze, jade, oracle bone inscriptions and other unearthed cultural relics, in the exhibition hall of the horse and horse pit to see the physical specimens of the animal cart and road relics of the Shang Dynasty ...... General Secretary Xi Jinping said with emotion: "Our cultural self-confidence is from the long history that can truly prove our long history, the archaeological cause has made great contributions. The archaeological work of cultural relics should be valued and strengthened."

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

Tourists visit the tomb of Fu Hao in the ruins of Yin Ruins Palace and Ancestral Temple in Yin Xu in Anyang, Henan Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ang Lee

"Strive to build archaeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style", this is the expectation of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the cause of archaeology, and it is the direction of the struggle of archaeologists in the new era--

The Exploration of the Origins of Chinese Civilization Project has empirically demonstrated the more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization history and proposed the "China Plan" to judge the signs of entering a civilized society; The application of space exploration technology, carbon-14 dating, ancient DNA analysis, isotope analysis and other technologies is becoming more widespread; Over 8000 basic construction archaeological excavation projects have been carried out to rescue and protect a large number of precious cultural relics; Underwater archaeology unveils the mysterious veil of ancient sunken ships beneath a thousand kilometers of deep blue

Under the cordial care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Chinese archaeology has ushered in a "golden age".

"Archaeological relics and historical relics are witnesses to history and must be well protected and utilized."

On a scorching summer day, the ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City are filled with murmuring water and the chirping of deer.

This is the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park captured in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

At the beginning of the new century, here is a different scene.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

At that time, in Liangzhu, there were more than 30 stone mines distributed in the ruins area, with loud noise and thick dust. Archaeologists painfully criticize "the sound of artillery rumbling like a battlefield.".

In July 2003, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, came to the Liangzhu site for research. In a small conference room of Liangzhu Museum, Xi Jinping watched a documentary on the protection of Liangzhu culture and listened to the report.

"The Liangzhu site is a sacred place to demonstrate the five thousand years of Chinese civilization. It is a rare and precious asset. We must protect it!" Xi Jinping's words were categorical.

From then on, the green mountains remain green, and the ruins are reborn.

General Secretary issued an important instruction: "We must strengthen the effective protection of ancient sites, carry out systematic archaeological excavations with emphasis, and continuously deepen our understanding of the long history and valuable value of Chinese civilization."

Three years later, Liangzhu Ancient City Site was included in the The World Heritage List.

Chen Xingcan recalled that at the symposium of experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports held on September 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned the past: "The protection of Liangzhu is a cost-free place, and this place cannot be built."

Tracing back to history is the key to better opening up the future.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Archaeological relics and historical relics are witnesses of history and must be protected and utilized."

The inheritance of a long civilization is not just a yellowed memory in history books. Archaeological relics scattered throughout the land of China contain codes that connect history and the future, and also leave a profound inspiration for coordinating economic development and cultural continuity.

"It is necessary to formulate the system design and supporting policies of'archaeology first, then transfer', and the land that may have historical and cultural relics shall not be used before the archaeological investigation, exploration, and excavation are completed in accordance with the law." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words hit the floor.

Sanming, Fujian, is home to the Wanshouyan Site, known as the "Southern Zhoukou Store", which attracts a constant stream of tourists.

Tourists are visiting the Shipfan Cave at the Wanshouyan Site located in Yanqian Town, Sanyuan District, Sanming City, Fujian Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong

Here is a record of the long years of ancient human reproduction 185000 years ago, and the touching story of Xi Jinping, then acting governor of Fujian Province, rescuing the site.

Due to the abundant limestone resources in Wanshouyan, a local steel plant has been mining on the mountain since the 1970s. At the end of December 1999, the Department of Culture of Fujian Province submitted an emergency report to the provincial government on the protection of the Sanming Wanshouyan Paleolithic cave site.

On January 1, 2000, Comrade Xi Jinping quickly issued instructions: The Paleolithic cave site of Wanshouyan in Sanming City is the first important discovery of prehistoric archaeology in our province, and it is also an important prehistoric relic rare in China, which must be carefully and properly protected.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

The instructions emphasize that the Wanshouyan Paleolithic cave site, as a precious and non renewable cultural relic resource, belongs not only to us but also to future generations. No individual or unit can harm the interests of the whole society and future generations for the sake of seeking immediate or partial benefits.

Under the care of Comrade Xi Jinping, the steel plant immediately stopped mining and blasting in Wanshou Rock, and the Fujian Provincial Cultural Department launched further excavation, textual research and protection of the site area.

In 2019, the Wanshouyan National Archaeological Site Park officially opened. The passage in the guidebook clearly explains the original intention of site protection: "To restore ecology, protect cultural relics, and continue the context... to integrate green water, mountains, caves, forests, countryside, and ancient culture.".

For the protection of archaeological sites, General Secretary Xi Jinping has both foresight and thoughtful care.

In the Xiaoshan Cross Lake Bridge Site Museum in the south of Hangzhou, a canoe with a history of about 8000 years is quietly anchored in the site hall.

A photographer on site stepped into the site protection area in search of the best shooting angle.

The people present were deeply educated. A journalist said, "Later on, every time I went to the Cross Lake Bridge Site Museum, I remember to take my steps lightly."

The light footsteps reflect the heavy weight of cultural relics protection.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

He carefully watched and listened to the introduction while communicating and discussing with experts.

The words were warm and profound, moving everyone.

In 2021, an article entitled "on the serious shortage of staff and practitioners in China's archaeological work" attracted the attention of general secretary Xi Jinping.

The article says, "In the foreseeable future, the workload of field archaeological work will double, and there will definitely be a greater demand for archaeological workers on the frontline of the field."

After seeing the article, General Secretary Xi Jinping quickly made important instructions to promote the resolution of related issues.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the cultivation of archaeological talents, pointing out that "it is necessary to actively train and strengthen the archaeological team, so that more young people can love and devote themselves to the cause of archaeology, so that there will be successors and talents".

In June 2012, when Xi Jinping, then member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and vice president of the state, went to Peking University to investigate the work of party building in colleges and universities, he specially visited the students of Grade 2009 of the School of Archaeology, Culture and Museum, and encouraged them to learn their majors well. make more contributions to the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and the construction of the motherland.

On the eve of the May Fourth Youth Day in the second year, all the students of the 2009-level undergraduate league branch of the Institute of Archaeology, Culture and Museum wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on their study, life, and thinking in the past year.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately in his reply: "I am very pleased to learn that you have not only made new progress in campus learning in the past year, but also gained a lot in field archaeology practice."

More and more archaeologists are busy in the fields, exploring the roots of Chinese civilization while exploring ancient civilizations.

"Let the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on vast land, and the characters written in ancient books come to life."

Among the gifts given to the heads of Central Asian countries, there is a "He Zun". The earliest written record of the word "China" is left in its inscription, which reads "I am here in China".

The audience visited He Zun, the early ritual vessel of the Western Zhou Dynasty, at the exhibition of "Zhaizi China - essence of bronzes and inscriptions unearthed in Baoji" at the National Museum of China in Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liang

Cultural relics can speak. Through "staying in China", people constantly understand "what China is".

In 2018, during the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping elaborated on his profound thinking on cultural confidence: "We are now the closest era to the cultural renaissance of the Chinese nation. We are confident. How people think about the problem is related to the genetic blood accumulated in five thousand years of culture. One's own baby has to know the treasure by oneself, and one should not be taken lightly."

The Zhejiang Longquan Celadon Museum records a past when Comrade Xi Jinping was working in Zhejiang.

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

Once, Comrade Xi Jinping went to Longquan for investigation and reported that the archaeological excavation of the Fengdong Rock Site in Longquan Kiln had achieved significant results, but the existing museum could not accommodate the unearthed cultural relics. Comrade Xi Jinping said on the spot that Longquan celadon is a treasure of national culture and it is necessary to build a celadon museum.

He also reminded that the new building may not be very large, but it must have personality and characteristics.

Quickly, the provincial finance department implemented the subsidy funds, and the museum construction project was launched accordingly.

The people of Longquan said that in a poor mountainous county like Longquan at the time, it would never have been possible to build this museum without the care of Comrade Xi Jinping.

Always with this deep sense of historical responsibility, General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about guiding the archaeological cause to constantly glow with new brilliance.

On April 19, 2017, during his inspection in Guangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Han Dynasty Culture Museum in Hepu County, Beihai City.

Tourists are visiting the Han Dynasty Cultural Museum in Hepu County, Guangxi. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Peng

Looking closely at the ancient Chinese bronzes, pottery, and foreign pottery, amber, and colored glaze unearthed from the Hepu Han Tomb, General Secretary Xi Jinping felt: "The Road to the Sea is an important way for a country's development. The cultural relics displayed here around the ancient Maritime Silk Road are all history and culture."

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

"Let cultural relics speak, let history speak, let culture speak." General Secretary Xi Jinping said meaningfully.

In the mind of General Secretary Xi Jinping, archaeology is still an important way to promote international humanities cooperation.

"Where are you from?"

"We must protect cultural relics well."

On June 22, 2016, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

At the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru, pointing to the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty, he proudly introduced: "This cultural relic comes from Shaanxi, the birthplace of Chinese civilization. It is also my hometown."

At the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris, France, taking the unearthed glassware from Famen Monastery as an example, it is demonstrated that civilization is colorful through exchange and enriched through mutual learning.

Hubei Provincial Museum staff debugged and installed Zeng Houyi's chimes. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

The Story of General Secretary Xi Jinping Concerned about Archaeology General Secretary | Archaeology | Xi Jinping

At the Hubei Provincial Museum, listen together with foreign leaders to the pleasant sound of Zeng Houyi's chimes.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally acted as the disseminator of Chinese excellent traditional culture time and time again, making Chinese treasures famous all over the world and moving the world with Chinese stories.

Nowadays, 32 institutions in China have carried out 36 joint archaeological projects abroad and established good relationships with more than 40 foreign research institutes, museums, etc. Joint archaeology covers cutting-edge topics such as human origins, ancient world civilizations, and archaeological research on the Silk Road, and has achieved significant results in promoting talent training and cultural exchange.

"We should strengthen archaeological work and historical research, so that the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books can be brought to life, so as to enrich the historical and cultural nourishment of the whole society." The vivid words of General Secretary Xi Jinping have pointed out the direction for the development of archaeology in the new era.

On the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, archaeology, a discipline that has always been known, will undoubtedly contribute inexhaustible strength to promoting cultural prosperity, building a strong cultural nation, and building modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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