The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to study the deployment of flood prevention, flood relief and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. Flood prevention | Grassroots | Post-disaster

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 23:42 PM

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on August 17th to discuss and deploy flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction work.

The meeting stressed that at present, China is still in the main flood season, rainstorm, floods, typhoons and other disasters are still high in many parts of the country, some river basins still have the risk of flood disasters, soil moisture has been saturated in northern China and some mountainous areas in northeast China, and the risk of mountain torrents and geological disasters is high, so there is still no relaxation. The emergence and development of drought in certain regions should not be taken lightly. All relevant regions, departments, and units should always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, always prioritize the safety of people's lives and property, and with a sense of responsibility of "always feeling at ease", carefully and consistently carry out all flood prevention and disaster relief work.

The meeting pointed out the need for precise warning response, further strengthening the linkage between meteorological warning and disaster forecasting, highlighting temporary disaster warning, doing a good job in point-to-point accurate forecasting and rolling updates, strengthening the directionality of warning, implementing a temporary disaster warning "response" mechanism that directly reaches the grassroots flood prevention responsible persons, strengthening the linkage between warning and emergency response, implementing emergency plan action measures, and grasping the initiative of work. To highlight the key points of defense, watershed floods have always been the top priority of flood control work. It is necessary to plan and implement flood control dispatch work in river basins, comprehensively prepare contingency plans, teams, materials, and flood storage and detention areas, and ensure the safe passage of large rivers during flood season; We need to refine and implement flood control and security measures for weak links such as floods in small and medium-sized rivers, floods in small and medium-sized reservoirs, mountain floods and geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging, and eliminate various risks and hidden dangers before disasters occur; We need to coordinate flood control and drought resistance work, and strictly prevent the occurrence of concurrent and sudden changes in drought and flood. To decisively transfer and avoid risks, it is better to take ten precautions and nine emptiness than to accidentally lose them. At critical times, it is important to decisively evacuate and transfer people from dangerous areas, further refine personnel transfer and avoidance plans, and ensure that all necessary transfers are made as soon as possible and those that should be transferred are made as early as possible.

The meeting emphasized the need to make full efforts in emergency rescue, coordinate and dispatch various rescue forces such as national comprehensive fire rescue teams, the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force, central enterprises and social rescue forces, ensure efficient and scientific rescue, make every effort to reinforce embankments and eliminate risks, rescue trapped people, search and rescue missing persons, and minimize casualties; Weak embankments and critical embankments should be reinforced and raised in advance, and specialized forces should be arranged for uninterrupted patrol and inspection. Major risks such as piping and dam failure should be dealt with in a timely manner, and the bottom line of safe flood control should be firmly maintained. We should properly resettle the masses. This disaster has a wide range of victims, more flood storage and detention areas have been opened, and more people have been relocated. We should do everything possible to ensure the basic life of the victims, do a good job in environmental disinfection and sterilization and sanitation and epidemic prevention, strengthen the market to ensure supply and price stability, and restore normal production and living order in the disaster area as soon as possible.

The meeting pointed out that we should make good use of disaster relief funds, accelerate recovery and reconstruction, accelerate the repair of damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity, repair damaged farmland and agricultural facilities, increase the guarantee of agricultural supplies, strengthen agricultural technology guidance for farmers, organize farmers to actively replant and rescue, do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention and reduction, minimize agricultural losses, and ensure national food security. We need to accelerate the restoration and reconstruction of public facilities such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes to ensure that affected students can return to school on time. We need to quickly initiate the repair and reconstruction of damaged houses, ensuring that affected people can return home or move into new homes before winter, and live safely and warmly during the winter. Financial institutions should optimize and simplify relevant procedures, strengthen credit support and insurance claims for disaster stricken areas, and continue to conduct risk and hidden danger investigations, striving to help disaster stricken people and business entities overcome difficulties.

The meeting emphasized the need to carefully investigate and summarize, make up for weaknesses and strengths, and further enhance China's disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities. We need to further strengthen the emergency command system at all levels, improve facilities, equipment, and systems such as dispatch and command, consultation and judgment, and business support, to ensure seamless and integrated response from top to bottom. We need to strengthen the capacity building of national regional emergency rescue centers, focus on executing urgent, difficult, and dangerous tasks, highlight the needs of regional major natural disaster rescue, and quickly form regional rescue practical capabilities. Efforts should be made to enhance the disaster prevention and avoidance capabilities at the grassroots level, improve the emergency management organizational system at the grassroots level, strengthen and standardize the construction of comprehensive emergency rescue teams at the grassroots level, equip necessary equipment for key disaster prevention areas and high-risk townships and villages, and enhance the self rescue and mutual rescue capabilities at the grassroots level. We need to accelerate the improvement of the flood control engineering system in major river basins, especially in the northern region, strengthen the safety construction and operation management of flood storage and detention areas, and overall enhance defense capabilities. We need to strengthen the planning and construction of urban flood control and drainage capacity, update and improve the operational capacity of urban drainage networks and other infrastructure, effectively connect with river drainage projects, and ensure the smooth flow of urban backbone drainage channels.

The meeting requires that party committees and governments at all levels conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, further fulfill their main responsibilities, and that leading cadres at all levels, especially the main leading cadres, should command from the front. Relevant regions, departments, and units should each fulfill their respective duties. Fire rescue teams, the People's Liberation Army, and the People's Armed Police Force should bravely advance. Grassroots party organizations and the vast number of party members and cadres should fully play the role of battle fortresses and vanguard models, shoulder heavy responsibilities, be pioneers, and lead the front line in flood prevention and disaster relief, closely rely on the people, and transform the party's political advantages, organizational advantages, and close ties with the masses into strong political advantages for flood prevention and disaster relief and post disaster recovery and reconstruction, fully ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

The meeting also discussed other matters.

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