The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:52 PM

The Party building conference of the entire army was held in Beijing from July 20th to 21st.He emphasized that holding this military party building conference is of great significance for consolidating the achievements of our army in strengthening party leadership and party building since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and creating a new situation for our army's party leadership and party building work in the new era and new journey.

On July 24th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held its seventh collective study on comprehensively strengthening military governance.

On the eve of August 1st, within ten days

Three important speeches were delivered and a letter was replied to regarding the construction of a strong military

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Deep affection and love for the vast number of officers and soldiers

High emphasis on military construction

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Placed in a prominent position in the overall work of the Party and the state

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Fully implement the strategy of strengthening the military through reform

Leading the entire army to vigorously promote reform

Deepening the reform of national defense and the military with great openness and stability

The People's Army After Reform and Reconstruction

The system, structure, pattern, and appearance have been completely transformed

Looking Back on the Ten Year Strong Military Road

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Major weapons such as aircraft carriers and large destroyers have emerged one after another

Batch loading of advanced fighter jets such as J-20 and Y-20

Under the guidance of the strategy of building a strong military through technology

National defense technology innovation enters the "fast lane"

What changes accordingly is

The training philosophy has undergone profound changes

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

The weapons and equipment in hand are constantly iterated and updated

More solid technological literacy among officers and soldiers

The technological content of military combat effectiveness construction is becoming increasingly abundant

On the road to building a strong military in the new era, accelerate the improvement of the modernization level of the military!

March 11, 2013

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

"Obey the Party's command, be able to win battles, and have a good work style"

To strengthen national defense and military construction under the new situation

Provided fundamental compliance

October 31, 2014

Convene the "New Gutian Conference"

This is a major event in the history of party and military construction

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Having milestone significance

September 3, 2015

Fully demonstrating China's cooperation with countries around the world

Sincerity and aspiration to protect peace, seek common development, and share prosperity together

December 31, 2015

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Establish Army Leadership Organization, Rocket Force, and Strategic Support Force

This is a major decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission with a focus on realizing the Chinese Dream and the strong military dream

February 1, 2016

Establish a five war zone

It is a landmark measure for the comprehensive implementation of the strategy of strengthening the military through reform

November 1, 2016

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

The new generation stealth fighter jet J-20, independently developed by China, has made its public debut for the first time

J-20 rapid trajectory extension

Lay a solid foundation for enhancing the new combat capabilities of the Air Force

April 2017

Thirteen group armies established

This is a holistic reshaping of the Army's mobile combat forces

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

It is a crucial step towards building a strong modern new army

July 19, 2017

The newly adjusted Academy of Military Sciences, National Defense University, and National Defense Science and Technology University have been established

Creating a new situation in the cultivation of military talents and military scientific research work

July 30, 2017

Celebrating the 90th Anniversary Parade of the Founding of the People's Liberation Army of China

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

To be held at Zhurihe Joint Training Base

This is a brand new appearance of the People's Army after its overall and revolutionary transformation

October 2017

The amendment to the Party Constitution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clarifies that the Central Military Commission implements a system of chairman responsibility

The Central Military Commission implements a chairman responsibility system

It is an urgent requirement for our party to promote the rule of law in the military

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

April 12, 2018

The largest sea parade in the history of New China was held grandly in the South China Sea

December 17, 2019

China's first domestically produced aircraft carrier, Shandong, was delivered to the Navy at a military port in Sanya, Hainan

The construction and deployment of Shandong ships

This means that China has officially mastered modern aircraft carrier construction technology

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

January 12, 2020

The first ship of China's newly independently developed 10000 ton destroyer, Nanchang, has been launched

This marks a leap from the third generation to the fourth generation for naval destroyers

July 1, 2021

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC

On a new journey

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

We must fully implement the Party's strong military ideology in the new era

Implementing the Military Strategic Policy of the New Era

October 2022

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was convened

Propose to achieve the centenary goal of building the military as scheduled

Accelerate the construction of the People's Army into a world-class military

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Reflecting the strategic requirements for comprehensively building a socialist modernized country

The journey of building a strong military in the new era is magnificent and majestic, swallowing mountains and rivers with great momentum


We are closer than ever before in history

The goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

More needed than any other period in history

The Road to Building a Strong Military in the New Era: Accelerating the Modernization of the Troops Theater Command | Chairman | Era

Building a Strong People's Army


It's August 1st Army Day

Click on the poster below

Let's walk together on the road to a strong military

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