The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:08 PM

At 2:10 am on August 3rd, the last batch of passengers stranded at Anjiazhuang Station and Luopoling Station in Mentougou District, Beijing arrived at Fengtai Station. So far, all stranded passengers of K396, K1178 and Z180 trains trapped by rainstorm have been safely evacuated.

As of now, communication and power in disaster stricken areas such as Mentougou, Fangshan, and Changping have gradually been restored, roads have been gradually opened, and disaster affected people have been properly resettled. Post disaster reconstruction is being carried out urgently

In the past few days, Beijing has experienced a rare flood in history——

From 20:00 on July 29th to 7:00 on August 2nd, Beijing experienced extreme heavy rainfall, which was the highest recorded rainfall in 140 years by instruments in the Beijing area. Rainstorm poured in and mountain torrents surged.

The flood situation is an order, and life is more important than Mount Tai.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attach great importance to it, and Beijing and relevant departments unite and work together to carry out flood control and disaster relief, fully ensuring the safety of people's lives and property and social stability.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On July 29th, a special train returning to Beijing flew over the land of North China.

At this time, in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the rainstorm warning signal has been repeatedly upgraded, indicating the upcoming extreme heavy rainfall weather.

At 8 pm that evening, rainfall began in Beijing.

Entering the critical flood prevention period of "Seven Down and Eight Up", the seven major river basins have fully entered the main flood season.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

To provide scientific disaster relief, prevent secondary disasters, minimize casualties and property losses, and restore normal production and life order as soon as possible.

Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall processes have occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas, causing floods and geological disasters.

The sudden heavy rainfall in Beijing has caused serious water damage to the Fengtai Shacheng Railway. On July 30th, trains K396, K1178, and Z180 on the way were urgently detained.

Food is in urgent need, drinking water is limited, signal is interrupted, temperature drops, and rainstorm breaks down, so external materials can only be delivered by human walking along the muddy road... More than 2800 stranded passengers on three trains are waiting in anxiety.

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

In the pouring rain, the staff of Luopo Ridge Station purchased instant noodles, ham sausages and other supplies from surrounding villages and delivered them to the K396 train. The staff at Yanhecheng Station delivered two bags of flour to train K1178. The staff of Anjiazhuang Station bought instant noodles, Babao Congee and other materials in an emergency, and moved to train Z180 with the crew. The food shortage has been temporarily alleviated.

During heavy rainfall, multiple areas in the Mentougou area experienced dangerous situations; Communication signals were interrupted in 62 villages in 7 townships in Fangshan District; The Yongding River has surged in volume, and the Xiaoqing River Bridge on the west side of Lugou Bridge has collapsed... Disaster continues to spread, and the difficulty of rescue continues to increase.

In recent days, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have made a series of deployments:

——Party and government leaders in various regions should stick to their positions, command from the front, and mobilize all aspects. We need to strengthen centralized and unified command, integrate various forces, and restore roads, electricity, and communication as soon as possible;

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

——The railway department should work together with local authorities to urgently repair and interrupt the railway;

——The General Administration of Flood Control and Prevention of the People's Republic of China should make every effort to coordinate river basin operations, organize flood prevention and disaster relief work, and relocate people in advance when launching flood storage and detention areas;

——The military dispatched troops to support flood control and disaster relief

Follow the guidelines and resolutely implement them. Comrades in charge of Beijing went to the front line of flood prevention and control to inspect and continuously dispatch flood prevention and mass relocation and resettlement work. All levels, departments, and units in the city have made early judgments and responses, transferred the masses in advance, strengthened material reserves, and further strengthened embankments. More than 3100 flood prevention and rescue teams and more than 200000 people have been implemented

On August 2nd, a certain unit of the Central Theater Command Air Force set up a human wall and filled sandbags on the south side of Beishahe Town in Changping District, Beijing. Shen Jizhong

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

The National Defense Administration, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the National Health Commission, the China Meteorological Administration, China Railway Group and other relevant departments and units closely cooperate with Beijing to provide full support; The Air Force of the Central Theater Command took action upon hearing the order and immediately launched emergency rescue operations; The Beijing Armed Police Force quickly mobilized more than 2000 officers and soldiers to participate in emergency rescue and disaster relief

"I am a party member, so I should charge ahead." On the K396 train, the scene where the train attendant Zhao Yang choked up and comforted the passengers moved countless netizens. "It's because I'm wearing this outfit that I have to respect everyone."

"The soldiers are here!" The officers and soldiers of a certain unit in the Beijing Garrison have been continuously fighting on the front line of flood prevention and rescue, establishing a "Party member assault team". Party members and cadres are at the forefront, with camouflage green and bright red flags, making the local people feel more friendly.

On August 2nd, in Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, before transferring by vehicle, Wu Tianqi, a third grade elementary school student from Inner Mongolia, saluted and thanked Wang Leiming from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The harder the rain is and the higher the waves are, the more you see the stream flowing through the pillars.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On August 1st, appointed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, Zhang Guoqing, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Vice Premier of the State Council, urgently rushed to Mentougou District, Beijing to guide disaster response.

The care of the Party Central Committee warms the hearts of all the people in the car.

In the pouring rain, relevant departments in Beijing, railway departments, troops stationed in Beijing, armed police, firefighters, and local people worked together to carry out a desperate rescue in Mentougou, Fangshan, and Changping.

On August 2nd, at the exit of Liuli River on the Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway in Fangshan District, Beijing, disaster stricken people took a stormboat to the transfer vehicle pick-up point. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

Accelerate the transportation of food, drinking water, medicine and other materials to the relocation and resettlement sites of the affected population, ensuring their basic living needs——

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On the evening of July 31st, the rain in Mentougou District was still heavy. Armed police soldiers carried bread, instant noodles, mineral water, and ham sausages on their shoulders, hands, and backs, and rushed to Luopo Ridge and Anjiazhuang Railway Station to deliver supplies to passengers stranded due to train shutdowns.

"The first batch of 40 assault team members first traveled 5 kilometers by car and then walked 12 kilometers to reach Luopo Ridge and Anjiazhuang stations. The remaining tons of supplies were delivered one after another," said a person in charge at the scene.

On land, batches of rescue supplies are delivered to villagers and passengers in distress; In the air, transport helicopters loaded with emergency supplies such as food, raincoats, and blankets overcame adverse weather conditions and airdropped emergency supplies into the hands of trapped people.

Give full play to the role of various rescue teams, race against time, search and rescue lost and trapped personnel, and minimize casualties to the greatest extent possible——

"Did it move? Did it move?" On July 31st, in a half basement of the Dayu South Road community in Mentougou, three firefighters were trapped in mud and water, using their hands and feet to rescue an octogenarian buried in mud and sand.

On August 1st, in Shuiyuzui Village, Mentougou District, Beijing, firefighters from the Beijing Daxing District Fire Rescue Detachment who were reinforced here were transporting an injured villager. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

After more than two hours of emergency rescue, the elderly man, whose half body was buried and his legs were still stuck by debris, was successfully rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment.

On August 1st, in Shuiyuzui Village, Mentougou District, Beijing, firefighters from the Beijing Mentougou District Fire Rescue Brigade were transporting an injured villager. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

In Beiluyuan Community, Xilu Street, Fangshan District, the deepest water level in the community reaches 1.7 meters. Rescue personnel use assault boats to transport trapped people from inside the community outward in one trip;

In Nanxinfang Village, Mentougou District, the access road to the village has been submerged by floods. Rescue personnel crossed the river to build a rope system and pushed into the village along the rope, transferring the trapped people to a safe area across the river;

In Jingzhuang Town, Yanqing District, there is a shortage of water and electricity in the village. Living supplies are scarce and the only road in the village has been washed away. Rescue workers fought overnight, using the light of car lights to march through the flood, delivering rescue food and drinking water to the opposite bank

On August 1st, on a blocked railway line near Shuiyuzui Village in Mentougou District, Beijing, staff from China Railway Sixth Bureau cleared debris on the track and made every effort to restore traffic. Photo by Ju Huanzong, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

Urgently repair and connect damaged railways, highways, bridges, as well as important infrastructure such as communication and electricity, and as soon as possible to open up the lifeline of emergency rescue——

After the flood disaster, more than 270 villages in Beijing experienced communication interruptions and more than 210 villages experienced power outages.

In Changping District, the search and rescue team advanced into Liucun Town, crossed the river with a rope, touched rocks and climbed mountains, and finally connected 5 lost villages with the outside world, helping 583 trapped people to be relocated and resettled.

In order to quickly establish contact with the outside world and seek help from the villagers, Yang Weiguang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Fucheng Village in Zhaitang Town, Mentougou District, climbed two mountains and walked to the town on foot to report on the situation in the village. "There is no problem with the villagers' personnel. None of the houses have collapsed, and the roads are flooded with water. The houses have all been submerged in water."

The transportation line is the lifeline of emergency rescue. Each unit and department twisted into a rope, mobilized personnel and mechanical equipment overnight, rushed to clear silt on roads, and carried out construction and repair work.

The scene is touching: in Mentougou District, on National Highway 109, the flood has torn apart some of the roads. On the road filled with landslides and falling rocks, hundreds of rescue workers are racing against time to repair this vital passage entering and exiting the mountainous area.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

Exciting news one by one: On August 2nd, the railway department successfully connected the Fengsha Line between Shacheng and Jiuzhuangwo;

On August 3rd, the life passage of National Highway 108 in Fangshan District, which serves as a gateway for external travel in the northern mountainous areas of Fangshan District, was successfully opened;

At noon on August 4th, roads leading to the outside world were opened in 10 villages in Qinglonghu Town, Fangshan District

Yin's earnest instructions are transformed into a driving force for hard work. Faced with the merciless natural disaster, lines of defense poured by the hearts of the Party and the people stood firm and tenacious.

On August 1st, in Shangwan Village, Qinglonghu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, workers cleared fallen trees. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On August 2nd, passengers of the Z180 trapped train, with the help of officers and soldiers from the Mobile Third Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force, walked to the transfer bus. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Yangang

At 5:30 am on August 2nd, the first batch of K396 trains on the Fengsha Line stranded passengers arrived at Xiehejian Station and took a unified train to Fengtai Station in Beijing.

At around 17:30, the last batch of Z180 train passengers, with the assistance of railway staff and armed police soldiers, walked 5 kilometers to the boarding point and were transported by train to Fengtai Station in Beijing.

On August 3rd, stranded passengers of trains K396 and Z180 arrived at Beijing Fengtai Station. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

At 17:30, a temporary high-speed train from Zhangjiakou Station stopped at Beijing North Station, and the stranded passengers of K1178 train arrived safely.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On the early morning of August 3rd, all stranded passengers at Anjiazhuang Station and Luopoling Station on the Fengsha Line safely left the resettlement site and were transported by bus to Fengtai Station in Beijing. At this point, all passengers stranded on the three trains were safely evacuated.

On August 2nd, stranded train passengers rushed to the transfer bus on foot with the help of rescue personnel. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

On August 2nd, rescue personnel hiked into the mountains to help transfer stranded passengers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

At 14:15 on August 3rd, after 10 hours of arduous trek, an assault team consisting of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau's Mobile Brigade and the Fangshan, Tongzhou, Huairou Fire and Rescue Brigades, as well as officials from the towns and villages of Fangshan District, arrived on foot at Xishimen Village and Beishimen Village in Shidu Town, which were lost to the outside world due to flash floods. They reported via satellite phone that the personnel in the two villages were safe. This marks the complete restoration of the lost village in Fangshan.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

The heavy rainfall caused the Luopo Ridge community in Mentougou District, located in the deep mountains, to be in a situation of water, power, and circuit interruption. On August 4th, 180 villagers who were stranded in the mountains of Luopo Ridge Community began to descend from around 6am and headed to the resettlement site in Junzhuang Town, more than 20 kilometers away.

The orderly traffic flow and the gradually resuming business of supermarkets... This is the appearance of the main street of Beicheying Village in Qinglonghu Town, Fangshan District at noon on August 4th. The day before, this place was still covered in mud and a mess.

On August 1st, in Shangwan Village, Qinglonghu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, villagers cleared the silt accumulated after the flash flood. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

Starting from the early morning of August 3rd, Beijing Construction Machinery Construction Group carried out emergency dispatch, overnight organization and deployment, overnight mobilization of personnel and mechanical equipment, and overnight construction and repair work. More than 400 assault team members and more than 100 large construction machinery fought continuously for 36 hours at dozens of locations in Fangshan District, eliminating dangerous situations and connecting breakpoints at the fastest speed.

The road dredging has been fully carried out, communication signals have gradually resumed, and the main roads have resumed traffic... In Mentougou District, the production and daily life of local residents have gradually returned to normal.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

As of August 4th, there were 493 damaged communication infrastructure base stations in Mentougou District, and 36 have been restored; China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom have accumulated 1176 damaged station sites, and 156 have been restored. 62 communication optical cables were damaged by various operators, and 13 have been restored. At present, communication between Tanzhesi Town and Miaofengshan Town has been basically restored. Ten bus routes, including M1 and 383, affected by rainfall, resumed operation from August 5th.

At present, we are in the most difficult stage of flood prevention and disaster relief during the "Seven Down and Eight Up" period, and there must be no relaxation in flood prevention and disaster relief work.

Recently, the Central Organization Department allocated a special fund of 44 million yuan from managing party fees on behalf of the central government to Beijing, Hebei, and Tianjin provinces and cities to support flood prevention and disaster relief work.

On August 4th, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources urgently issued 450 million yuan of central financial water conservancy disaster relief funds to support Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei in seizing the "seven down and eight up" flood control critical period, fully carrying out the repair work of water damaged water conservancy engineering facilities such as embankments, reservoirs, culverts, pumping stations, and river engineering in disaster stricken areas, and ensuring the implementation of various flood prevention and disaster relief measures in detail.

In response to the rainstorm and flood disaster in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the Federation of the Red Cross Society of China has allocated 20 million yuan to support the livelihood resettlement and production and living recovery of the affected people.

The people are supreme -- the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is strong and powerful in directing Beijing's flood control and flood relief work | personnel | Party Central Committee

On August 1st, villagers in Qinglonghu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing dined at a temporary resettlement site. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chenlin

To effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of diseases after rain, the Beijing Patriotic Health Movement Committee Office

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