The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:47 PM

From January to July, automobile exports reached 2.533 million units, a year-on-year increase of 67.9%, reaching a historic high; It is expected that China's automobile exports will exceed 4 million in 2023, with new energy vehicles steadily exceeding 1 million.

On August 10th, a set of data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers attracted attention.

With strong resilience and sufficient quality, China's foreign trade in the first half of the year "withstood pressure, stabilized scale, and improved quality". The steady increase in automobile exports is not only a silhouette of China's stable and high-quality foreign trade, but also a microcosm of China's stable economic development.

In the first half of this year, China's economic growth rate was 5.5%. This is the growth rate of structural improvement and kinetic energy optimization, as well as the growth rate of innovation driven and development mode transformation, or the growth rate of high-level opening up expansion and trade structure optimization.

Give an example. In the first half of this year, China's final consumption expenditure contributed over 70% to economic growth, indicating a significant increase in the contribution of consumption to economic growth.

China's economic development is shifting from relying too much on investment and exports to relying more on domestic demand, especially consumer demand. Nowadays, consumption has become the main engine of China's economic growth, with profound significance.

Recently, all GDP data for the first half of the year in 31 provinces, regions, and cities across the country have been released. Among them, the GDP growth rate of 13 provinces exceeded 6% in the first half of the year, and the total economic output of Guangdong and Jiangsu exceeded 6 trillion yuan for the first time in the first half of the year.

From the development situation of each province, there are both "effective improvement in quality" and "reasonable growth in quantity".

The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy


The Central Political Bureau held a meeting on July 24th, stating: "After a smooth transition in epidemic prevention and control, economic recovery is a process of wave like development and tortuous progress."

The description of "wave like development" and "tortuous progress" accurately and vividly illustrates the trend of China's economic recovery.

In the first half of the year, China's new three types of products, including electric passenger vehicles, solar cells, and lithium batteries, saw a year-on-year increase of 61.6% in total exports, driving an overall year-on-year increase of 1.8 percentage points in exports. This can be seen as a vivid example of China's economic recovery and improvement.

Developing through overcoming challenges, growing through trials and tribulations, and growing through trials and tribulations are the endowments of China's economic development and the spiritual spirit that the Chinese people have always demonstrated.

Where does confidence come from in doing a good job in the economic work of the second half of the year? On the one hand, China's economy has enormous development resilience and potential, and the long-term positive fundamentals have not changed. On the other hand, the central government has made specific arrangements on how to do a good job in economic work in the second half of the year. The key to promoting high-quality economic development lies in making good use of policy space and finding the right direction for development.


The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy

The meeting held by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on July 24th reiterated that "promoting the effective improvement of quality and the reasonable growth of quantity in the economy." This statement not only has dialectical thinking, but also highlights the essence of high-quality development.

To achieve high-quality development, both quality and quantity need to be emphasized simultaneously. Quality comes before quantity, highlighting the importance of winning with quality to ensure effective improvement of quality while maintaining a reasonable increase in quantity.

Therefore, GDP growth cannot be ignored, but GDP alone cannot be ignored. As General Secretary emphasized, "At any time, we cannot take the path of hasty decision-making, focusing solely on GDP, and focusing solely on development. That is why we must firmly establish a new development concept."

As a developing country, China must maintain a reasonable economic growth rate, but will not blindly pursue economic growth.

The economic growth we pursue is effective, quality, and sustainable growth; The development we pursue is high-quality development, driven by the concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing. In this process, we will coordinate and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy.


To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.

The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy

In April this year, the General Secretary pointed out during his inspection in Guangdong that Chinese path to modernization cannot go away from the real to the virtual path, and must accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy.

In May of this year, General Secretary emphasized during his research at the China Electric Power Industry Basic Research Institute in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, the need to build more technological self-reliance and self-improvement as a major power.

In June of this year, General Secretary visited the modern agriculture demonstration park located on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai during his inspection in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia. General Secretary pointed out that demonstration parks should truly play a role in promoting modern agriculture and form replicable and scalable experiences.

In July of this year, General Secretary emphasized during his inspection in Jiangsu that we should smooth the domestic and international dual circulation, actively break through bottlenecks and connect breakpoints, and demonstrate new achievements in strengthening, supplementing, and extending the supply chain.

In August of this year, General Secretary emphasized during his inspection in Sichuan that we must fight the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land with higher standards, actively explore mechanisms for realizing the value of ecological products, improve ecological protection compensation mechanisms, and enhance the modernization level of ecological environment governance.

To the vast and subtle. We will conscientiously implement various deployments, take every step steadily and accurately, and achieve new results in promoting high-quality development with the new atmosphere and new achievements.


General Secretary once said, "The key to overcoming obstacles is to boost confidence."

The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy

Currently, China's economic operation is facing new difficulties and challenges, mainly due to insufficient domestic demand, operational difficulties for some enterprises, numerous risks and hidden dangers in key areas, and a complex and severe external environment.

"Those who do not seek easy goals will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will advance." On the way forward, it is inevitable that there will be risks of crossing beaches, difficulties in climbing slopes, and difficulties in passing levels. If there are difficulties, solve them; Resolve any challenges.

The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" released last month, as well as the subsequent measures issued by relevant departments, have helped private enterprises to enhance confidence, take action lightly, and develop boldly.

The survey shows that the confidence in the development of Chinese enterprises has been boosted, directly leading to an increase in the macroeconomic sentiment index.

As of the end of June, the number of registered individual industrial and commercial households in China reached 119 million. In the first half of this year alone, the country added 11.365 million households, a year-on-year increase of 11.3%. The recovery trend of individual industrial and commercial households is obvious, and the overall development is stable, especially with the increasing number of individual industrial and commercial households in the "four new economies".

The growth of individual businesses is promising, which is conducive to stable employment, promotes innovation, and injects fresh impetus into high-quality development.

The latest statistics show that as of August 10th, this year's summer film season has lasted for 92 days, with a total box office of nearly 16 billion yuan. "After 2019, it has once again returned to the era of 10 billion yuan in the summer season.". A glimpse reveals the whole leopard, and the summer box office has been soaring, witnessing the enthusiasm of the public for watching movies, reflecting people's greater consumer confidence and more stable expectations for the future.

Since the beginning of this year, China has continuously increased the proportion of emerging industries and made its industrial structure greener. At the same time, we will continue to develop characteristic industries and seek motivation from innovation. As of now, 140 advantageous characteristic rural industrial clusters have been established nationwide, and the channels for increasing people's income are constantly expanding.

The key is to boost confidence, and the key is to climb the slope and overcome obstacles in the economy

A small lighter can create a big market. According to a recent report from Frontline Research by the headquarters, a small commodity in Hunan has become a popular overseas industry by upgrading technology, optimizing production lines, and building industrial clusters.

Moving forward without any obstacles, competing with heaven and earth for spring return.

Anchoring the direction, highlighting stability, strengthening progress, and achieving excellence, the big ship of China's economy will ride the wind and waves and sail towards a better future.

Producer | Li Zhe

Editor in Chief | Wang Shichuan

Editor | Zhan Xingcen

Proofreading | Zhang Tianyu

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