The General Secretary has always been concerned about this "only way". From the scene of the two sessions to the front line of scientific and technological innovation, Xi Jinping | General Secretary | Science and Technology

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:53 AM

After four months, General Secretary came to Jiangsu Province for inspection again.

From the afternoon of July 5th to the morning of the 6th, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and successively visited the Suzhou Industrial Park Exhibition Center, Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd., and Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District to learn about the construction and development of high-tech parks, Enterprise technological innovation and protection of historical and cultural cities. On the afternoon of July 6, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Zijinshan Laboratory and Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, to learn about the promotion of major scientific and technological tasks, the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and the promotion of high-quality development.

"Accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is the only way to promote high-quality development." General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest exhortation during the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation conveyed the profound meaning of this trip to Jiangsu. From the scene of the National Two Sessions to the front line of scientific and technological innovation, for high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, the general secretary is here.

Look at the sample——

"Continue to lead in high-quality development"

At the National Two Sessions ten years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping placed high hopes on Jiangsu to "take the lead in building a well-off society in an all-round way and take the lead in basically realizing modernization. At the National Two Sessions this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that Jiangsu will continue to work hard, forge ahead, and continue to be at the forefront of high-quality development.

Practice instructions and write a good answer sheet. Suzhou Industrial Park, which has 2489 national high-tech enterprises, is currently constructing an open and innovative world-class high-tech park; Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd., as a private high-tech enterprise, has 43% R&D personnel and an average annual growth rate of over 15% in R&D investment; The Zijinshan Laboratory is aimed at meeting the major national strategic needs in the field of network communication and security, and has been included in the national strategic scientific and technological force layout; NARI Group Co., Ltd. has become a leading enterprise in the field of energy and power in China for smart grid, energy Internet, industrial Internet and other fields

Focusing on this investigation, we can see innovative explorations of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement everywhere, as well as vivid practices of "bravely taking on major challenges and leading the way".

Look at the support——

"Whether we can fully build a socialist modernized strong country as scheduled depends on technological self-reliance and self-improvement."

"In the fierce international competition, if we want to open up new fields and new track of development and shape new momentum and new advantages of development, fundamentally speaking, we still have to rely on scientific and technological innovation." At the National Two Sessions this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping focused on high-quality development, the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, made new judgments and put forward new requirements.

For several months, General Secretary Xi Jinping paid attention to this theme during his local inspection. In April, General Secretary Xi Jinping was deeply impressed in the GAC E'an assembly workshop and the GAC Research Institute, and once again emphasized: "We must attach importance to the real economy, take the road of self-reliance, and achieve scientific and technological self-reliance." In May, the general secretary praised the China Electric Science Industry Basic Research Institute in Shijiazhuang as "both cutting-edge technologies, and also the most important national weapon for us to achieve scientific and technological self-reliance." In June, in the Central Industrial Park in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, the General Secretary took a long-term view: "Now, we must rely on high-level technology to become self-reliant and build a new development pattern to overcome technological difficulties."

The General Secretary has always been concerned about this "only way". From the scene of the two sessions to the front line of scientific and technological innovation, Xi Jinping | General Secretary | Science and Technology

Since the beginning of this year, high-level scientific and technological self-reliance has become an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's domestic investigation, and the reasons behind it have been answered at the two sessions this year: "whether we can build a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way as scheduled depends on scientific and technological self-reliance".

Looking at the overall situation——

"We must place technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the country."

"When I became the general secretary, I was the first to come to the science and technology group." At the National Two Sessions ten years ago, the general secretary's cordial opening remarks when he participated in the first meeting of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Association for Science and Technology, and the joint group meeting of the scientific and technological circles sent a clear signal.

"Technological self-reliance and self-improvement are the foundation of national prosperity and the key to security." From Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd., a national energy group that realizes the full industrial chain production of coal from black to white, to the Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory in Sanya that "firmly holds the seeds in its own hands"; From Jiangsu XCMG Group, which has made great efforts in technological innovation, to the production workshop of Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd., which has "made 100 steel mills flexible around the fingers";

Looking back on the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has insisted on taking innovation as the first driving force for development, placing scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall national development, and accelerating the promotion of scientific and technological self-reliance.

As the general secretary said in a local inspection, "now we are experiencing great changes unseen in a century, and we will inevitably encounter competition and various challenges and pressures. In this case, we have to take a higher level of self-reliance." If every city, every high-tech development zone, every science and technology enterprise, and every scientific research worker undertake the glorious mission and work hard with confidence and strength, we will certainly be able to achieve the set goals.

Author: Xu Qing

Checked by: Wu Yue

Image: Xinhua News Agency

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