The general secretary carefully planned this "primary task", and when the study was going on, he went to local places to investigate and research tasks this year | construction | promotion | science and technology | modernization | general secretary | Xi Jinping | inspection | quality | development

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:15 PM

Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Jiaxu

High quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.The original brand column "Workshop" of Xinhua News Agency's "Learning in Progress" has launched an article to sort it out for you.

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.

Intensive investigation and research to promote high-quality development are key and high-frequency words

In April, inspect Zhanjiang, Maoming, and Guangzhou in Guangdong;

In May, we visited Xiong'an New Area, Cangzhou, and Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province. Before hosting the China Central Asia Summit in Xi'an, we specifically listened to the work reports of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Government, and visited Yuncheng, Shanxi on our way to Shaanxi;

In June, inspect Bayannur and Hohhot in Inner Mongolia;

In July, we visited Suzhou and Nanjing in Jiangsu, as well as Guangyuan and Deyang in Sichuan. On the way back from Sichuan to Beijing, we also visited Hanzhong in Shaanxi

In Guangdong, he pointed out that the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area will become a strategic fulcrum of the new development pattern, a demonstration site for high-quality development, and a leading place for Chinese path to modernization.

In Hebei, he pointed out that the Party Central Committee's strategy for major regional development, such as Beijing Tianjin Hebei, is in line with China's high-quality development needs in the new era, and is an effective way to promote Chinese path to modernization.

In Shaanxi, he pointed out that ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin should be taken as the benchmark for high-quality development in Shaanxi.

In Jiangsu, he pointed out that Suzhou has done a good job in combining tradition and modernity, not only inheriting historical and cultural heritage, but also featuring high-tech innovation and high-quality development, representing the direction of future development.

The intensive investigation and research footprint has always been a distinct mainline in promoting high-quality development.

A series of important deployments highlight the key links in promoting high-quality development

Accelerating the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the only way to promote high-quality development.

High tech parks bear a significant and glorious historical mission in achieving technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

To accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, it is necessary to open up the channel from technological strength to enterprise strength, industry strength, and economic strength, and transform achievements into real productivity.

Farming is the foundation of the country.He emphasized that promoting agricultural modernization is an inevitable requirement for achieving high-quality development.

In Hebei, he walked into wheat fields and proposed to play a key role in technological innovation, increase efforts in the transformation and upgrading of saline alkali land, and do a good job in the characteristic agriculture of saline alkali land; In Inner Mongolia, he came to the modern agriculture demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai, inspiring the park to continuously explore and form replicable and scalable experiences; In Sichuan, he guided the local government to focus on the two key points of seeds and farmland, strengthen the matching of good seeds and farmland, and build a higher level "Tianfu granary" in the new era

Focus on long-term development and focus on key areas.

Tailored planning to local conditions, guiding the direction of high-quality development

High quality development is the theme of China's economic and social development during the 14th Five Year Plan and beyond, and is related to the overall construction of socialist modernization in China.

It is not just a requirement for economically developed regions, but a requirement that must be implemented for the development of all regions; It is not a one-time requirement, but a requirement that must be persisted in the long term.

In Guangdong, he proposed to focus on the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, and continue to lead the country in comprehensively deepening reform, expanding high-level opening up to the outside world, enhancing scientific and technological self-reliance, building a modern industrial system, and promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas.

In Hebei, he emphasized that the Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage where both large-scale construction and the relocation of non capital functions from Beijing are equally important. The focus of work has shifted towards high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality relocation development. To strengthen confidence, maintain composure, work steadily, do well and achieve success, and promote continuous new progress in various work.

In Shaanxi, he demands to closely focus on the primary task of high-quality development, focus on the overall development of the country, based on the actual situation of Shaanxi, leverage his own advantages, clarify the main direction of attack, actively integrate and serve to build a new development pattern.

In Inner Mongolia, he emphasized the need to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of the Party Central Committee towards Inner Mongolia, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, closely focus on promoting high-quality development as the primary task, take forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, and adhere to the equal emphasis on development and security.

In Jiangsu, he called for continuing to lead by example in reform and innovation, promoting high-quality development, demonstrating in serving the new development pattern of national construction, and leading the way in achieving socialist modernization.

In Sichuan, he emphasized the need to integrate the implementation of the new development concept, the construction of a new development pattern, and the promotion of common prosperity throughout the entire process of economic and social development, and to deepen the transformation of development mode, driving force, field, and quality, creating a new situation of high-quality development in China.

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