The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:02 PM

Over the past 20 years, a blueprint has been drawn to the end, and one after another, we have worked hard for a long time and persevered, achieving remarkable changes in Zhejiang.

The picturesque Anjiyu Village.

Yucun, with a village area of 4.86 square kilometers, is negligible above 9.6 million square kilometers of land. She is also an ordinary member in over 19000 villages in Zhejiang. But Yucun is also an extraordinary presence in China's development history.

For eighteen years, this concept has guided the transformation of Yucun Butterfly——

It seems like a coincidence: Yucun already has a mountain called Qingshan, which hides gold mines, but its condition is too poor, and the road to "open Qingshan and mine gold" in the village is not clear.

However, the power of truth fulfilled Yucun's dream.

A small village is a microcosm of Zhejiang's ecological civilization construction and a dazzling spray in the wave of Chinese path to modernization.

On the eve of the first National Ecological Day, we spent a month squatting in Yucun, looking back at the path it had taken. Through the exploration process of wandering at intersections and steadfast direction time and time again, we saw the tremendous changes in a village and also realized the choices of a country and the hope of a nation under the guidance of truth.

The mountains are vast, where to find the way ahead

The beautiful Tianmu Mountains, winding southwest, have nurtured the Liangzhu culture, which is a testament to the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization; Extending northeast, the ending point of the Yumai is located in Yucun, Anji County, Huzhou City.

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

The story begins here.

From the end of the last century to the beginning of this century, China's economic and social structure underwent profound changes. Zhejiang, which was in a high-speed development stage, was the first to feel the "growing troubles", and the increasingly prominent environmental pollution problem became the crux.

In 1996, the State Council assigned Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai the task of controlling water pollution in the the Taihu Lake Lake basin within a time limit; The next year, the "Zero Action" plan was established, requiring that the industrial enterprises in the the Taihu Lake Lake basin must discharge sewage up to the standard by zero on January 1, 1999. Subsequently, the national environmental protection policies became increasingly strict.

When presiding over the second plenary session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, he proposed to actively implement the sustainable development strategy, with the goal of building a "green Zhejiang" and the main carrier of building an ecological province, striving to maintain the coordinated development of population, resources, environment, and economy and society.

The surging tide of the times has driven the tremendous changes in the river and earth, rippling into small villages.

That was a morning in the summer of 2003.

The small village committee meeting room is crowded with more than 20 people inside and outside, and the village representative meeting is being held. Everyone's faces were half bright and half dark, some were angry, some were tired, and some were melancholy.

Everyone knows the topic well: about the fate of a cement plant and three mines. I don't know how many times this matter has been discussed, but there is always no consensus.

Since the reform and opening up, the whole society has been playing a joyful note of economic development, and China has entered a good season for wealth creation. The people of Yucun, who are so poor that they dream of "mud turning into rice", discovered that the rocks at their doorstep are natural building materials. Stone can be burned into ash and used to make bricks and cement.

The old appearance of Yucun during the mining period

For a while, relying on stones, the villagers became wealthy, and Yu Village also transformed from a "poor village" to a "prosperous village.". The villagers finally drank tap water, connected their phone lines, and erected the county's first satellite TV "big iron pot".

But the green mountains are bald, the green water is black, and the sky is filled with gradually layered black and white "smoke roses". The vast bamboo forest is soaked in the yellow of withered grass, and the people on the road are all gray from their bodies to faces

Who doesn't know that green is good! But if the factory closes, what will the people do? The village collective income of several million yuan per year has disappeared in a snap? Can a thriving life still be sustained?

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

"The whole of Zhejiang is talking about ecology and greenery. Where can our village get involved?" The village party branch secretary, Bao Xinmin, had a thin face and a scholarly expression, but his tone was resolute.

He stood up, clenched his fists against the table, and his sharp gaze swept across the room. "We must solve the problem today!"

What drives the change in Yucun is not only the tide of the times, but also the unavoidable pain.

Another nickname for Yucun, also known as "Fuyu Village", is "Disabled Village". Every day, there are hundreds of explosions of various sizes in the mine. The elderly at the foot of the mountain cannot enjoy their old age peacefully. Their hearts, half holding their children who work in the mine, and half holding their grandchildren who are eager to run out and play. Exploded stones never have eyes. Those who broke their legs and hands from being crushed, as well as those who were killed by the mountain explosion and those who were crushed by stones... Bad news comes from every three to five.

What is harder to hide than stone is lime. It slides into the nasal cavity and throat, passes through the trachea, and directly reaches the lungs. At first, people may not feel it, but later they may cough, hemoptysis, and difficulty breathing. Three words on the diagnosis book: pneumoconiosis. Doctor's explanation: Lime adheres layer by layer to the trachea and lungs. When it encounters water vapor, it solidifies into cement. Can filling the lungs with cement suffocate a person? People were shocked and threw a lot of money into the hospital.

"Do you want money or life?" Hu Jiaren, the director of the village committee, took the conversation and raised his arm. The centipede like scar was particularly eye-catching. This is a scratch from the blasted ore.

The old appearance of Yucun during the mining period

With a horizontal heart and a stomping foot, everyone finally decided: to shut down the cement factory back then; In 2005, the mine was shut down as soon as the contract expired.

The factory shut down, and then what? Learn to run a small restaurant in the neighboring village? Relying on bamboo forests to establish bamboo product factories? Or go out to work?

The meeting ended in question marks.

However, village officials still have to go door-to-door to convey their decisions, mobilize villagers to seek alternative livelihoods, tell them that there are always more methods than difficulties, and tell them to stay in the green mountains without fear of burning firewood.

In those days, village cadres received a lot of support and recognition. However, there are also many villagers who do not understand or support the situation. Some villagers even knock loudly in front of the village committee office building with bowls and chopsticks... Of course, more often than not, they are faced with a pair of eyes, flickering with helplessness, confusion, and anticipation

The most intuitive data is that in 2004, the collective income of villages plummeted from 3 million yuan to 200000 yuan.

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

Several times, Hu Jiaren would go to the hundred year old ginkgo tree in the village, look at the newly sprouted tender buds on the branches, and silently ask: How do you think we should go?

The path of development has never been straight. At every critical moment in history, humanity often stands at a crossroads.

Ginkgo trees cannot answer.

A brave explorer needs a beam of light that can break through the fog.

A word that widens the world

It's another summer day.

The topic naturally shifted to ecological protection.

Faced with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Bao Xinmin was a bit nervous. When he was nervous, he couldn't speak Mandarin well, so he decided to withdraw the manuscript. "We closed mines and polluting enterprises through democratic decision-making," he reported, his voice lowered and his confidence was insufficient.

In that era when GDP was commonly used as a criterion for judging the quality of work, what kind of development path should we take and what is the purpose of development? Seeking answers to these questions is not only for Yucun, but also for the entire Zhejiang and even China

"Closing the mine and shutting down the factory is a wise move!"

He also spoke a fresh word - "anti urbanization". "Anji is a treasure trove, only one or two hours' drive from Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. When the economy develops to a certain extent, the phenomenon of anti urbanization will become more apparent, and we must focus on vacation tourism."

This is the beam of light that breaks through the fog!

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

Word by word, word by word, has entered the ears of the villagers.

A piece of joy——

"The provincial leaders said that our mine was properly closed!"

"They also say that green mountains and clear waters are treasures that can transform into mountains of gold and silver."

A case of doubt——

"Do city people really want to come to the village?"

At this moment, the green seeds have already been buried in the hearts of the villagers.

But getting through this road is not easy.

The mine is closed, but the ecology has not been fully restored yet. To turn "green mountains and clear waters" into "golden mountains and silver mountains", the first step is to make the village more beautiful——

The village road that was once run over by transport vehicles and pitted has been renovated; Ecological restoration of mountains damaged by mining; The once withered bamboo forest has grown new shoots, becoming a forestry tourism park

Old appearance of Yucun Village

The Beautiful Yucun Village

In sync with ecological environment improvement, villagers have also spontaneously started exploring the ecological industry.

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

"Listen, the provincial party secretary said that vacation tourism is good, so I don't believe I can't do it!" Pan Chunlin's index finger tapped the wooden table with a bang.

He is less than 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body and bright eyes. From his physique and appearance to his business acumen, he is a typical Zhejiang man. After the mine was shut down, he refused the invitation from his cousin to partner in opening a bamboo processing factory. He and his wife spent 600000 yuan on their own and borrowed a large amount of money from the bank to open a rural leisure called Chunlin Mountain Villa.

Reverse urbanization. Pan Chunlin firmly remembered these four words.

Starting from September 2005, he went to Shanghai every once in a while to "open source", specializing in running in mid to high end residential areas and squares with a large number of elderly people, distributing flyers made by himself, and went there for three or four days.

One day, after distributing the flyers, Pan Chunlin returned to his hotel room to rest. On the table was the best-selling Xinmin Evening News from Shanghai, and a full page of classified advertisements caught his eye. Recruiting and attracting investment, big and small, densely packed, like a bountiful rice field.

Following the prompts, he called and said, "Hello, I want to do an advertisement... 600 yuan per episode... Okay, I'll buy it!"

For about three years, a piece of "tofu jerky" appeared irregularly in the Xinmin Evening News - only a few simple information: Chunlin Mountain Villa, 100 yuan per person, 3 days and 2 nights, including food and accommodation, phone number xxx. Each advertisement can attract at least half a month's worth of customers.

In Yucun, these "mountain villages" and those "mountain villages" sprout out like spring bamboo shoots, attracting city dwellers to eat farmhouse food, pick farmhouse fruits, fish, and play with farmhouse water, experiencing the life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains".

Tourists from Yucun Experience African Drums Under Bamboo Buildings

Green waters and green mountains have returned, with more and more people coming and going, and the mountains of gold and silver have also appeared.

The light of truth illuminates Yucun, and people increasingly realize the true meaning of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver". Ecological environment protection and economic development are not contradictory relationships, but dialectical unity. By protecting the ecology well, it will give back and be more determined to embark on the path of green development.

Nowadays, the whole of China has opened up one avenue after another from "green mountains and clear waters" to "golden mountains and silver mountains"——

Lujia Village, located in Anji, has turned idle ecological resources such as mountains and forests into capital, invested in village projects, and leveraged hundreds of millions of yuan in social investment;

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

Datian Village in Suichang, Zhejiang Province has released the country's first village level GEP accounting report, providing clear prices for ecological products;

The forest farm on the north bank of the Daxing'an Mountains in Inner Mongolia focuses on the word "forest" and promotes the development of forest tourism, achieving the goal of "getting rich without cutting down trees";

In Changkou Village, Sanming, Fujian, ecological public welfare forests can be converted into carbon emission reductions for trading. Villagers can earn money by selling carbon tickets without cutting down a single tree;


The mind broadens as time goes by. Starting from Yucun, the new miracle of "turning green into gold" is unfolding in every corner of the country.

Overlooking the beautiful village of Yu. Photo taken by Pai You Pan Xuekang

Day by day, the galloping horse leaps forward with one final leap

Guided by the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are mountains of gold and silver", the beautiful picture of Yucun slowly unfolds. But the times always put forward new requirements for explorers, and the understanding of the people in Yucun is still deepening, and the path is constantly upgrading, making the green mountains and clear waters more beautiful and the mountains of gold and silver bigger.

In 2008, Anji sounded the horn of "China's Beautiful Countryside" construction. Yucun, who was moving forward, encountered difficulties.

Firstly, it is a human issue. The village committee members are young and inexperienced, let alone "fighting a bloody path". Five village cadres, the youngest of whom is almost 50 years old, urgently need to inject younger blood with a broader perspective and more vigorous energy.

They recruited a group of young people, including Yu Xiaoping, some to join the village committee, while others returned to the village to start their own businesses.

The first time we saw Yu Xiaoping, we felt like six little boys. People who know him say: Xiao Ping is a monkey spirit, capable of speaking fluently. He worked as an accountant in Yucun Mine and later ventured into Jinhua and Ningbo, working in finance and accounting, as well as in the computer business. He is a person who has seen the world.

Speaking of becoming a village cadre, he was still a bit embarrassed. At that time, he wanted to make money outside, but it was the town cadres who forcibly pulled him back.

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

Back then, Zhu Qiulin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianhuangping Town, grabbed Yu Xiaoping's hand and said, "If you calculate 3000 yuan per month, you can earn 360000 yuan in ten years. There are a total of 36 party members in Yu Village, and each of them has cast a vote for you. Do you think the trust of these 36 people is worth 360000 yuan? I know that Yu Village's job is not easy to do. Well, if you really want to make money and don't want to go back to the village, you can make a statement at the next party member meeting not to vote for you."

In the end, Yu Xiaoping bravely made this decision that he did not regret.

Secondly, it is a matter of money. The collective economic income of the village has plummeted sharply, but it costs money for cleaning, repairing and reinforcing the Lengshuitong mine, and repairing the damaged village road from the central village to the mine. There are expenses but no input, and the money in the account flows away like water. Yucun has no surplus food left.

Fortunately, the village has been bustling around and there is still some wealth left. The old school buildings, factories, and village committee office buildings have been vacated, and the shoe factory, down factory, and clothing factory have been demolished. With the help of property rental and industrial land quota replacement, the annual income of the village collective economy has returned to over 2 million yuan.

Most importantly, how can the rural industrial structure keep up with the times?

After the closure of the mine, the bamboo processing industry was regarded as an "ecological industry" and coexisted with rural tourism. But cutting bamboo and washing bamboo chopsticks still produce dust and sewage; Hanging bamboo shreds to dry can affect the appearance of the village to some extent.

In 2013, with the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China placing ecological civilization construction in a prominent position and integrating it into various aspects and processes of economic, political, cultural, and social construction, Zhejiang launched a new round of comprehensive ecological environment improvement. The "Five Waters Co governance" and "Three Improvements and One Demolition" have kicked off, pushing the transformation of industrial structure like a bamboo pole.

"Zhao, come on, smoke a cigarette first!" A cluster of flames approached.

"Ah, you make me think again..." The crimson cigarette butt burned into an anxious atmosphere.

The person who lit the cigarette was none other than Yu Xiaoping. The person who smokes is named Zhao Shuigen. When his peers were still working in cement factories and mines, he started a bamboo product processing factory early on - chopping bamboo from the mountains, cutting it into bamboo shreds or round rods, cleaning and drying it, and making bamboo chopsticks and mats. The net profit is a whopping 300000 yuan per year!

He knows that Yu Xiaoping is here to do ideological work. A few days ago, he suddenly received a notice: the factory will be shut down immediately.

Are these family workshops and small-scale factories that are unable to transform completely eliminated from the village, or should they be given a way out?

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

How similar this scene is, the "mining shutdown dispute" in the office building of the old village committee is vividly remembered.

This time, Yucun did not hesitate and was more determined to develop green industries.

In the process of overcoming difficulties and exploring time and time again, Yucun has done the right thing, achieved results, and embarked on a wider transformation path of "green waters and green mountains are as valuable as gold and silver"——

By 2016, Yucun had successfully created a national 3A level scenic spot; The beautiful countryside with clear mountains and clear waters, blue sky and clean land, as well as the beautiful business model that can be enjoyed and cultivated, has enabled the passenger flow to exceed 300000 people; The collective economic income of the village and the per capita income of the villagers increased from 910000 yuan and 8732 yuan in 2005 to 3.8 million yuan and 35895 yuan, respectively.

Youth participate in the "Come to Yucun, Gap Summer" themed activity in Yucun

The village has changed, and the fate of people has also changed. After visiting more than 40 rural households, we found that many villagers' changes began during this decade of vigorous progress——

After closing the bamboo processing factory, Zhao Shuigen invested over 2 million yuan to transform his house into a homestay, seizing the opportunity of the times and earning more money than opening the factory;

Yu Jinbao, who used to drive tractors in mines in his early years, returned to his village to start a farm. In his 52 acre garden, he planted more than 30 types of grapes, which attracted the attention of city residents for picking and tasting;

Hu Qingfa and his wife Li Qing left Ningbo and returned to Yucun. They started a homestay and opened two more rooms, one serving as a tea room and the other as a coffee bar;


What guides an era must have full and shining ideas. All the changes began in the summer of 2005.

A stone tablet engraved with the words "Green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" stands in Yucun, which was once the location of the last batch of factories in the village.

The first point of view is that people live up to the green hills and green hills-Yu Cun's 18-year green | Xi Jinping | Yu Cun

That is the belief of Yucun people in constantly mastering laws and practicing truth, as well as the ideal of continuing to surpass oneself and pursue happiness.

The Stone Stele of Yucun "Green Waters and Green Mountains are Gold and Silver Mountains"

The east wind blows, and the greenery fills the Jiangnan region

On October 1, 2019, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was grandly held at Tiananmen Square, with lively voices and fluttering flags.

During the mass parade stage, Wang Yucheng, born in 1985, got on one of the parade floats called "Hope Field".

Three months ago, he first arrived and served as the village party branch secretary in Yucun. Previously, he had worked in multiple townships in Anji, and when he returned to his hometown, he worked hard to make a name for himself. However, he encountered the "ceiling" of the development of Yu Village: the basic land development was completed, and the space for new projects and industries was limited.

At the same time, rural areas across the country are turning their fervent attention to Yucun: After the report on rural revitalization was included in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, everyone wants to see how Yucun continues to explore its path.

What are you doing? How to do it? The dazzling halo, the responsibility of the times, and the embarrassment of space are testing the people of Yucun and testing Wang Yucheng.

Amidst the tide, Yucun once again stood at the crossroads.

Yucun once again welcomed General Secretary.

On this day, a car drove over from the lush greenery in the eyes.

The narrow village roads of the past are hard to find, replaced by flat and wide greenways.Entering the village, he stopped by Chunlin Villa.

Pan Chunlin's family is making a youth league.In the past decade or so,

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