The editorial department of "Qiushi" magazine: cultivating a high-quality young cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. Young cadres | era | quality

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:52 AM

Cultivate a high-quality young cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation

The editorial department of Qiushi magazine

The key to building a socialist modernized strong country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party and the people. Ultimately, it is to cultivate and cultivate generations of reliable successors.

In the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping focuses on the far-reaching considerations of carrying forward the cause of the party and the long-term stability of the country, and puts the building of the contingent of young cadres in a prominent position in governing the country and governing the party. A series of important expositions have been made on how to train and bring up a contingent of high-quality young cadres, and a series of new ideas, new ideas and new judgments have been put forward. In particular, since March 2019, the general secretary has attended the opening ceremony of the training course for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party school six times and personally taught the "first lesson". He has comprehensively, systematically and profoundly expounded the major issues such as how young cadres grow into talents and for whom to start their own businesses, It has pointed out the direction and provided follow-up for the fundamental plan of strengthening the construction of young cadres in the new era and grasping the successors of the cause of the party and the people.

In this important article, General Secretary focuses on how young cadres can grow into loyal and reliable pillars of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the important responsibilities of the times. He elaborates on six aspects, including "building a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs," "guarding the line of defense against corruption and change," "establishing and practicing the correct view of political achievements," "mastering hard skills," "promoting the spirit of responsibility and struggle," and "implementing the Party's mass line," and puts forward clear requirements for young cadres. The article is rich in connotation, profound in meaning, sincere and meaningful, and full of profound and insightful principles and philosophies. It has strong political, ideological, guiding, and targeted characteristics.

Deep care and earnest expectations

"Cultivating talents and cultivating talents is the foundation of the country."

The construction of a strong country and the national rejuvenation require generations of CPC to continue their struggle. Only when there are successors can they pass on the torch and continue to grow.

Our party has always attached great importance to the education, training, selection, and appointment of young cadres. As early as the Yan'an period, our party proposed that "cultivating a large number of new cadres in a planned manner is our combat task.". In the early 1960s, our party proposed the strategic task of cultivating and nurturing millions of successors to the proletarian revolutionary cause. After the reform and opening up, the Party Central Committee and relevant departments held multiple special meetings and issued special documents to arrange and deploy the training and selection of outstanding young cadres. The Party organizations at all levels have conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, vigorously cultivated and selected outstanding young cadres with both moral integrity and talent, and achieved significant results.

Liao Junbo has always been steadfast in his beliefs, never forgetting his original intention, and infinitely loyal to the Party and the people.The picture is a photo of Liao Junbo conducting research at Dongjian Flower Base in Nanping City and County, Fujian Province. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan/Photo

Since entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the construction of young cadres and has continuously increased the work of young cadres. In June 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the standards for good cadres in the new era of "firm belief, serving the people, diligent and pragmatic, daring to take responsibility, and honest and clean", emphasizing that "the training and selection of young cadres is related to the passing on of the party's cause. It is related to the long-term stability of the country". In July 2018, at the national organizational work conference, the general secretary creatively put forward the organizational line of the party in the new era, taking "training and bringing up generations of reliable successors" as "a century-old plan for the development of the cause of the party and the state." it is stressed that "it is necessary to build a contingent of high-quality professional young cadres who faithfully implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, meet the standards of good cadres in the new era, are loyal and clean responsibility, sufficient quantity, and full". On March 1, 2019, at the opening ceremony of the training course for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School in the spring semester of 2019, the General Secretary clearly pointed out: "training and selecting outstanding young cadres is a major event. It is related to the fate of the party, the country, the nation, and the well-being of the people. It is a hundred-year plan." In October 2022, the General Secretary once again emphasized in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that to build a team of high-quality cadres worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation, it is necessary to "grasp the fundamental plan of successors, and improve the normalization of training and selection of outstanding young cadres. mechanism".

Since March 2019, there have been six sessions of the middle and young class. "Every time the class starts, I will give a lecture," and "I have focused on each speech, but the requirements are consistent. I hope that young cadres can grow into loyal and reliable pillars of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times.".It not only emphasizes the direction of goals and education to guide young cadres to become what kind of people they are, but also discusses how to do it and how to do it, containing scientific thinking and work methods, providing important worldview and methodological guidance for young cadres; Both the historical experience and lessons, the teachings and admonitions of ancient sages and revolutionary predecessors, and the truth of Marxism and the course of the CPC from personal experience, make people feel deeply amiable, trustworthy and learnable, full of care, encouragement and encouragement, and provide scientific guidance for young cadres to stand up and do things and grow healthily.

From the battlefield of poverty alleviation to the hot land of rural revitalization, from the front line of fighting against the epidemic to the forefront of reform and grassroots governance, countless young cadres have bravely faced difficulties, shouldered heavy responsibilities, dared to fight and overcome difficulties, and effectively played the role of a new force in the development of the Party and the people's cause. General Secretary Liao Junbo, who led local cadres and masses to devote themselves and work hard, and was worthy of the title of "National Excellent County Party Secretary", Huang Danian, who "has a big heart and is sincere in serving the country", and Huang Wenxiu, who "has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the front line of poverty alleviation, interpreting the original aspiration and mission of communists with beautiful youth"... He sincerely praised one good example after another of young cadres, highly praised their spirit and character of dedication, and called on all party members and cadres to learn from them.

The editorial department of "Qiushi" magazine: cultivating a high-quality young cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. Young cadres | era | quality

"Young cadres are the hope for the development of the cause of the party and the country, and the party and the people have high hopes for you." In this important article, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward ardent expectations for young cadres: "Everyone must temper the political character of loyalty to the party, establish a family and country that does not live up to the people, pursue a noble and pure ideological realm, and develop a worthy task. Excellent skills, hard work and dedication to the cause of the party and the people, and leave unrepentant footprints in the new era and new journey!"

The foundation of establishing and revitalizing the party, the foundation of settling down and establishing one's own destiny

"Without determination, there is nothing that can be achieved in the world."

"Firm ideals and beliefs are the first criterion for good cadres. Whether a good cadre should look at this first." "Only when ideals and beliefs are firm, and the 'King Kong's unbreakable body 'is tempered with firm ideals and beliefs, can cadres take a clear-cut stand in the face of major right and wrong, be fearless in the face of wind and waves, stand firm in the face of various temptations, and be reliable, trustworthy and at rest assured at critical moments." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on the long-term development of the party and the country, and has continued to educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, encourage and inspire young cadres to build the foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thought.

The ideal and belief of the CPC is the belief in Marxism, the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The General Secretary clearly pointed out that the most important thing for young cadres to take over the class is to "take over the class that adheres to Marxist beliefs, strives for the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics". "If the people we cultivate no longer believe in Marxism, communism, or hold the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, there will be tragedies such as the Eastern European upheaval, the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, where the 'motherland cannot look back on the bright moon'." In response to the several situations that need to be paid attention to in the ideal beliefs of some party members and cadres under the new situation, the General Secretary deeply analyzed the reasons for the lack or wavering of ideal beliefs of some party members and cadres, "nothing but untrustworthiness", and "some people always believe that Marx is not true." Marxism is too old, communism is too far away, socialism is too long, power is hard, money is real, and enjoyment is real.For more than a hundred years, generations after generations of the CPC have been willing to sacrifice their lives for their ideals and continue to do so. Their heroic deeds and moving deeds are inspiring and inspiring for future generations. General Secretary once again recounted the stories of exemplary Communist Party members such as Li Dazhao and He Gongwei, passionately praising their noble spirit, and further elaborating on major issues such as what the ideals of Communist Party members are, how to uphold their ideals and beliefs, and how to strive for them.

The pursuit of ideals is the pursuit of truth. The firmness of ideals and beliefs comes from the firmness of ideological theory. Understanding the truth, mastering the truth, believing in the truth, and defending the truth are the spiritual prerequisites for firm ideals and beliefs.The reason why people of the CPC have firm ideals and beliefs is that they pursue truth, follow laws, and represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

After graduating from graduate school, Huang Wenxiu voluntarily volunteered to serve as the first secretary of a poverty-stricken village, dedicating his life to the cause of poverty alleviation.The picture is a photo of Huang Wenxiu visiting impoverished households in Xiatun. Shen Jizhong

Take striving for the happiness of the people as one's greatest happiness. Only when young cadres have lofty ideals and firm beliefs can our party, country, and nation have an endless driving force for progress. The development of the country and the progress of the times are the grand stage for the growth and progress of young cadres.The General Secretary cites Marx's famous quote in "Youth's Considerations in Choosing a Career" to inspire young cadres to "have a broad mind, lofty aspirations, never forget their original aspirations and missions, integrate their life ideals into the cause of the Party and the people, and regard striving for the happiness of the people as their greatest happiness.".

Strive step by step, relay generation after generation. Ideals and beliefs are never empty or abstract, but concrete and practical.Realizing the ideal of communism is a long process that requires generations of people to continue striving. The General Secretary warned young cadres, "We cannot think of it as a mirage and not strive for it.". Taking the example of the common excellent qualities of the recipients of the "July 1st Medal", who embody their firm ideals and beliefs in their respective positions and implement them in specific actions, General Secretary emphasized that "as long as every Communist Party member starts from themselves, starts from the things in front of them, strives step by step, and generation after generation takes the lead, 'Yingtenxiong Nair' will definitely be achieved.".

Practice and practice regularly, and constantly comprehend and progress. Staying firm in ideals and beliefs is not an easy task. Being firm in the past does not mean being firm in the present, and being firm in the present does not mean being firm in the future.The General Secretary requires young cadres to remember: "Firmly adhering to ideals and beliefs is not a matter of a short period of time, but a lifelong effort. We must constantly practice and refine, constantly understand and advance, remain steadfast in both good and bad times, and withstand the test of great waves and sand."

Building a solid ideological defense line and guarding the bottom line of integrity

"Integrity is the foundation of government."

"It is necessary to promote the style of integrity, educate leading cadres at all levels to firmly establish a correct concept of power, comprehensively find out the risk points of integrity, build a strong ideological line of defense, and adhere to the red line of law and discipline." On June 8, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound explanation of the righteousness of learning during an inspection in Inner Mongolia, emphasizing the need to improve relevant systems, strictly enforce discipline, and build guardrails in accordance with the requirements of the "three non-corruption.

The editorial department of "Qiushi" magazine: cultivating a high-quality young cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. Young cadres | era | quality

In this important article, General Secretary reiterated this requirement, emphasizing that young cadres should "remember it in their hearts, always self evaluate and reflect, and strictly abide by discipline, laws and regulations.".

The most important thing is to hold onto one's inner self. Only with fear in the heart can one speak with caution and act with restraint.Holding onto one's inner self is the key to understanding. The General Secretary used a thought-provoking confession letter from the investigated and punished cadres as an example, emphasizing that young cadres should "diligently sweep away the dust of their thoughts, think more about the harm caused by greed, and constantly break through the 'thieves in their hearts', without any reckless thoughts within and ensuring no reckless actions outside.".

Starting from small details. A stitch in time saves nine. A person's transformation often starts with eating, drinking, and playing.

Build defenses layer by layer and everywhere. Nowadays, society is very complex, with intertwined interests and various temptations and tests.One is to "hold onto the political barrier". General Secretary emphasized that "political discipline and rules are the most fundamental and important in the discipline and rules of the Party", and demanded that young cadres "always maintain a clear political stance, be particularly clear headed and firm in the face of major issues of right and wrong, and on political principle issues, never engage in double dealing, never trade with the Party's principles, and never engage in the" Seven Haves "system.". The second is to "hold onto the power barrier". Power is a double-edged sword. The General Secretary demanded that young cadres "always maintain a sense of awe towards power, adhere to the principles of fair, lawful, civil, and clean use of power," and emphasized that "public power should not be turned into a tool for seeking personal or interest groups or" small circles "for personal gain, and should not be the spokesperson or agent of any interest group, power group, or privileged class.". The third is to "maintain communication barriers". Cadres do not live in a vacuum, and necessary interpersonal communication is inevitable. The General Secretary emphasized that "communication must have principles and rules, install a 'firewall' and 'filter' on oneself, and continuously purify social circles, life circles, and friend circles.". The fourth is to "hold onto the threshold of life". The General Secretary demanded that young cadres "cultivate a healthy temperament, advocate a simple life, have a determination to be 'unjust yet rich and noble, like floating clouds to me', and maintain their true nature as Communist Party members.". The fifth is to "hold onto the bond of family". Family conduct is closely related to the Party and government conduct. General Secretary demanded that Party members and cadres "strictly educate themselves on family conduct, not only lead by example, but also pay close attention to and manage their relatives and children diligently, resolutely prevent them from using their own banner to gain privileges and personal interests, and resolutely prevent them from being" hunted "and exploited.".

Good cadres are selected, and even more so, they are managed; Strict management is kindness, and it is truly responsible and caring for cadres.He particularly emphasized that "the more key cadres are selected, the more important they should be managed, and the more potential cadres need to be trained, the more strict the requirements must be, and they must not be selected at once.".

Establishing a Correct View on Political Achievements

"The new team is up, we must pay attention to ah, do not have the impulse to do big work fast, that is, can not do things according to the law, eager for quick success, eager to achieve results. We should put this impetuous mentality, impatient mentality are suppressed, down-to-earth, down-to-earth modernization." On March 5, 2023, when attending the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation to the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again mentioned his exhortation at the second plenary session of the 20th Central Committee, further emphasizing: "At any time, we can't take the road of rushing to the chapter, fishing for all, and only GDP. That's why we have to build a new development concept. It's here to establish a correct concept of performance, and success."

Whether the view of political achievements is correct not only affects the healthy growth of individual cadres, but also relates to the development of the Party and the people's cause.

"To create performance, we must solve the problems of who to create performance for, what kind of performance to create, and how to create performance, that is, to solve the problem of the concept of political performance." In this important article, General Secretary Xi Jinping further made a profound exposition on the establishment and practice of the correct concept of political achievements, and put forward clear requirements for young cadres.

The party spirit plays a decisive role. Party spirit is the cornerstone for party members and cadres to establish themselves, their careers, their opinions, and their virtues.

The greatest achievement is to benefit the people. The Party is committed to seeking happiness for the people and serving them. All the work done by the Party is aimed at ensuring a better life for the people.What is a good thing or practical matter should be considered from the immediate needs of the people. Based on his experience working in the local area, General Secretary once again emphasized that "wherever there is a need for the people, good deeds can be done and achievements can be created; whether performance is good or not depends on the actual feelings of the people, and is judged by the people.".

Fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept. Whether the views on political achievements and development are aligned determines the effectiveness and even the success or failure of development. The new development concept is a baton and a traffic light. To create achievements that can withstand the test of practice, the people, and history, the key is to establish and practice a performance view that conforms to the new development concept.

Zou Bihua advocates law and morality, practices the Party's purpose, defends fairness and justice, and vividly interprets the loyalty of a Communist Party member to the cause of the Party and the people.The picture is a photo of Zou Bihua, who was then the President of the Changning District People's Court in Shanghai, receiving the information of the parties involved. Shen Jizhong

The editorial department of "Qiushi" magazine: cultivating a high-quality young cadre team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. Young cadres | era | quality

Conduct in-depth investigation and research. Adhering to the principle of starting from reality is the starting point and foothold for us to think about problems, make decisions, and do things.To persist in starting from reality, it is necessary to delve into reality and understand it; To understand reality, it is important to focus on investigation and research. In response to the problems arising from the lack of scientific spirit and pragmatic attitude among some cadres in reality, General Secretary pointed out that "we must adhere to starting from reality, conduct in-depth investigations and research, strengthen scientific argumentation, and prevent decision-making and reckless behavior.". General Secretary led everyone to revisit Comrade Mao Zedong's important discourse on conducting investigations and research, emphasizing that "these requirements and methods still have important enlightening significance to this day.".

All performance is achieved through hard work. The great achievements of the new era are all achieved through the unity and leadership of the Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. To turn the grand blueprint depicted in the 20th National Congress of the Party into reality, we still need to rely on hard work and hard work.

Relying on learning to enhance skills

Only those who are capable can take responsibility for the mountains.

In May 1939, Comrade Mao Zedong analyzed and pointed out at the Yan'an in-service cadre education mobilization conference that "there is a kind of panic in our team, not economic panic, not political panic, but skill panic", "We want to build a big party, and our cadres must learn.".

In July 2018, at the National Organization Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the profound proposition that "outstanding young cadres must have sufficient skills to take over", emphasizing the need to "strengthen learning, accumulate experience, increase talents, and consciously learn from practice and worship the people. As a teacher". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the general secretary has repeatedly stressed the need to solve the problems of "ability panic" and lack of ability. He has made a series of important expositions on the continuous strengthening of learning and improving the ability and quality of the whole party, and deeply encouraged the majority of young cadres to cherish their time, live up to their youth, study eagerly and improve constantly.

Young cadres need to become talented pillars of society, both in terms of morality and talent.

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