The beauty of the countryside | small toilet big people's livelihood general secretary | Xi Jinping | rural

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:55 AM

Over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has created countless beautiful rural areas and benefited the vast majority of farmers.

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the most arduous and arduous task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way is still in the countryside", and clearly called for "comprehensively promoting rural revitalization" and "building livable, business-friendly and beautiful villages".

The "Hot Interpretation" column of CCTV has specially planned a series of interpretation articles from the "Ten Million Project" to the "Beautiful Countryside", closely adhering to the overall requirements of the rural revitalization strategy of "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural culture, effective governance, and prosperous life", comprehensively showcasing the vivid practice of China's multiple measures to build livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in the new era.

The hot interpretation of "small toilets" contains "great people's livelihood".

"I 've always been concerned about changing toilets in the countryside. I'm also a person from the countryside, and I know it's really inconvenient to go to the toilet in the countryside." The improvement of toilets in rural areas, a "trivial matter" of people's livelihood related to the health and civilization of life, has always been a "major event" in the hearts of General Secretary Xi Jinping ".

Time flies back to the beginning of this century. At that time, in Zhejiang, the urban-rural gap gradually widened, and rural living environment problems became increasingly prominent. Many rural areas still had toilets that people couldn't go to, smell, or squat down, greatly affecting the daily lives of rural residents.

Starting from addressing the strong public feedback on the problem of dirty, disorderly and poor environment, we will take toilet improvement as one of the entry points for environmental improvement, and reshape the rural living environment in the province from point to surface.

After 20 years of hard work, the transformation of toilets in rural Zhejiang has become a vivid epitome of China's "toilet revolution".

The beauty of the countryside | small toilet big people's livelihood general secretary | Xi Jinping | rural

At the beginning of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", Zhejiang province promoted rural toilet renovation at a rate of around 2000 villages and 500000 households per year; Starting from 2018, Zhejiang Province has carried out renovation and upgrading of 50000 rural public toilets throughout the province; In 2020, Zhejiang launched a major initiative to improve rural public toilet services - rural public toilets in Zhejiang are gradually moving towards convenience, intelligence, humanization, uniqueness, and standardization... Currently, there are 67000 rural public toilets in Zhejiang, with an average of 3 in each administrative village. The province has achieved full coverage of harmless sanitary toilets in rural areas.

Left: On July 15, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the home of Zhang Guoli, a villager in Maanshan Village, Henan Street, Harqin Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Right: On August 21, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Li Yingchuan, a villager of Fumin New Village, Huanghuatan Ecological Immigration District, Gulang County, Gansu Province.

He had a strong desire to launch a "toilet revolution" in the countryside, allowing villagers to use hygienic toilets.

In July 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for the "toilet revolution" to be extended to the vast rural areas. In January 2017, in the courtyard where Xu Hai, a villager in Desheng Village, Zhangbei County, Hebei Province, made clear requirements for the village's planning: "The problem of toilet improvement must also be scientifically designed." A few months later, the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Improvement of Rural Human Settlements" was adopted at the first meeting of the 19th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. At this meeting presided over by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the "toilet revolution" rose. To the national level.

In recent years, the general secretary often asked about the renovation of local rural toilets in the process of domestic investigation and research. He asked the villagers in detail whether they used water toilets or dry toilets. He would also learn more about the relevant situation when inspecting the appearance of the village.

During his investigation in the Lvliang Mountain area of Shanxi Province, he visited Zhang Guiming, a villager from Songjiagou New Village who had just moved to his new home, to inspect his house. He was sincerely pleased that Zhang Guiming's living conditions had improved and he had used a flushing toilet.

At the National Health and Health Conference, he fully recognized the important significance and achievements of the "toilet revolution", proposed to continue carrying out urban and rural environmental sanitation and cleanliness actions, and once again emphasized the need for a "toilet revolution" in rural areas.


The beauty of the countryside | small toilet big people's livelihood general secretary | Xi Jinping | rural

The rural "toilet revolution" is not a temporary achievement. The situation in rural areas varies greatly in various parts of our country, and toilet improvement requires a clear understanding of the situation, scientific implementation of zoning and classification, and both efforts and measures.

In the instructions given by the General Secretary, there were two documents that were not long apart. A warning: "Formalism and bureaucracy are the biggest threats to poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and should not be revived." A warning: "Strive for good or bad, and firmly oppose labor and wealth, and formalism."

General Secretary Xi Jinping has grasped it carefully and practically.

In 2018, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Three Year Action Plan for Rural Living Environment Improvement", which clearly identified the "toilet revolution" in rural areas as a key focus for improving the rural living environment.

In 2019, eight departments jointly issued guidance on the special action of promoting the "toilet revolution" in rural areas, guiding the work of toilet renovation in various regions.

In 2021, the Five Year Action Plan for Improving Rural Living Environment was announced, proposing to solidly promote the rural "toilet revolution".


Never forget, there will always be an echo. In recent years, the achievements of rural toilet renovation have been evident to all.

The beauty of the countryside | small toilet big people's livelihood general secretary | Xi Jinping | rural

In 2022, the county renovated and upgraded 48000 rural toilets, achieving the goal of making all necessary improvements.

In the Shenshan Village of Jinggangshan, Jiangxi, where the "toilet revolution" was completed, the hygiene conditions of every family in the village have improved, and the appearance of the village has become cleaner and tidier.

In Guangdong Village, Yanbian, Jilin Province, flush toilets have become a standard feature for every household, and villagers lament that "toilets have changed and life is vastly different.".


Today in China, the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets exceeds 73%. But to let the light of the "toilet revolution" illuminate every village and household, there is still a long way to go.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

The beauty of the countryside | small toilet big people's livelihood general secretary | Xi Jinping | rural

Planning by Liu Zhen

Editor Cai Chunlin

Vision: Zhang Zixi

Proofreading, Li Shanshan, Wang Zhuojie, Song Chunyan, Liang Yaqin, Lou Hao

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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