The beauty of the countryside | from "ten million projects" to "ten thousand butterflies" Xi Jinping leads the road of rural revitalization Xi Jinping leads the road of rural revitalization-exclusive manuscript | the beauty of the countryside | from "ten million projects" to "ten thousand butterflies" |

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:00 PM

What kind of "engineering" can lead the "myriad changes" of rural revitalization in China?

In 2003, in the land of Zhijiang, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, personally investigated, personally deployed, and personally promoted the "demonstration of thousands of villages and renovation of thousands of villages" project, which is not only a rural renovation project, but also an ecological project that he has always been concerned about.

In 2018, at the United Nations podium, the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project received the highest environmental honor - the "Earth Guardian Award".

20 years of hard work, 20 years of continuous effort. Today, the "Ten Million Project" has created thousands of "beautiful villages", which has not only profoundly changed the appearance of Zhejiang's rural areas, but also played an important exemplary role in implementing the rural revitalization strategy and promoting the improvement of rural living environment throughout the country, providing practical samples and "source water" for the Chinese path to modernization road of harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature.

Focus on "time and momentum", unify "long-term" and "present"——

Time has turned, and in the former Zhejiang, the urban-rural gap has gradually widened, and rural living environment problems have become apparent. Only 4000 villages have good environments, while the remaining 30000 villages generally have poor environments.

After Xi Jinping took office, he immediately launched an in-depth investigation. For more than a year, he went to 90 counties and cities in the province, one village by one, and carefully inspected the problems in the local rural areas.

How to transform development concepts and adjust development methods - the "Ten Million Project" has emerged.

During his work in Zhejiang, Xi Jinping personally formulated the target requirements and working mechanism of the "ten million project" and made important arrangements -- about 10000 administrative villages were selected from nearly 40000 villages in the province for comprehensive renovation, and about 1000 of them were built into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages.

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has always adhered to the spirit of "success does not depend on me", drawing a blueprint to the end, and continuously exploring the balance between development and protection.

People will not betray the green mountains, and the green mountains will not betray them. Nowadays, through the improvement of living environment, good ecology has become a "green business card" for local development. Anji Yucun Village in Zhejiang Province has been rated as the "best tourist village" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The local area focuses on creating Yucun scenic spots in Tianhuangping Town, Shanchuan Township, and Shangshu Township. Last year, the economic income of the village reached 13.05 million yuan, and the per capita income of the villagers reached 64000 yuan.

"Rural construction should be done quickly, steadily and steadily, for a long time. When I was working in Zhejiang, I started from the 'thousand village demonstration, ten thousand villages' to grasp, the successive provincial party committee and provincial government a blueprint to do to the end, more than a decade of efforts to make the rural landscape has undergone major changes." Xi Jinping said.

In the choice between "focusing on the present" and "focusing on the long-term", the "Ten Million Project" has achieved "problem-solving".

Focus on "points and surfaces", combining "one domain" with "global"——

Demonstration leading, overall promotion, deepening and upgrading, transformation and upgrading... From "demonstration of thousands of villages" to "rectification of thousands of villages", and then to "thousands of villages moving towards the future, and thousands of villages striving for common prosperity", the "millions of projects" are gradually iteratively upgrading and continuously deepening.

——Highlighting problem orientation, the "Ten Million Project" aims to change the common "dirty, messy, scattered, and poor" situation in rural areas, and promote the "toilet revolution", "garbage revolution", and "sewage revolution";

The beauty of the countryside | from "ten million projects" to "ten thousand butterflies" Xi Jinping leads the road of rural revitalization Xi Jinping leads the road of rural revitalization-exclusive manuscript | the beauty of the countryside | from "ten million projects" to "ten thousand butterflies" |

——Highlighting the people-oriented approach, closely addressing the urgent needs of the people's lives and production, the "Ten Million Project" takes into account both practical benefits and development needs, introduces diversified business models, strengthens living security, and promotes the return of funds and talents;

——Highlighting goal orientation and taking the construction of rural living environment as a breakthrough, the "Ten Million Project" has driven the development chain of rural revitalization with prosperous industries and livable ecology, gradually promoting the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas and urban-rural integration.

A son fell and was fully revitalized. The "Ten Million Project" is also connected into a line, with points leading to an area, radiating and driving from the "one domain" to the "overall".

Today in Zhejiang, in 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 37565 yuan, an increase of 6.6% compared to the previous year; 70 demonstration counties for beautiful rural areas and 2170 characteristic boutique villages have been established, with a coverage rate of 93% for beautiful rural areas in the new era.

Starting from the "Ten Million Project" and based on rural revitalization, this development path provides direction for Zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity, provides experience examples for China's rural revitalization, and also provides a Chinese solution for global ecological environment governance.

Pay attention to "knowledge and action", "green mountains and clear waters" are "mountains of gold and silver"——

In Xi Jinping's investigation and research footprints, a distinct theme runs through it-the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

On August 15, 2005, Xi Jinping visited Yu Village in Anji and spoke highly of Yu Village's practice of closing the mining area and taking the road of green development, and put forward the scientific conclusion that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains.

After the inspection, Xi Jinping published an article "Green Water and Green Mountains are also Jinshan and Silver Mountains" in the column of "Zhijiang Xinyu" of Zhejiang Daily.

Practice has proven that economic development cannot come at the cost of destroying ecology. Ecology itself is the economy, and protecting ecology is the development of productivity.

Learning investigation and research methods from the "Ten Million Project" - The successful implementation of this project stems from in-depth research on the actual provincial situation and long-term practice of "unity of knowledge, belief, and action", confirming the research method of seeking practical results and practical results.

Exploring the Path of Rural Revitalization from the "Ten Million Projects" - This project has vividly annotated the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" in Zhejiang and China, with practical achievements one after another.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China listed "promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature" as one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization.

In Inner Mongolia, the focus is on sand prevention and control; In Shanxi, pay attention to ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin;

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, a beautiful rural scene moving towards Chinese-style modernization is slowly unfolding from the land of Zhejiang, and it will also paint a magnificent picture of the construction of a beautiful China.

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