The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:07 AM

Over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has created countless beautiful rural areas and benefited the vast majority of farmers.

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the most arduous and arduous task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way is still in the countryside", and clearly called for "comprehensively promoting rural revitalization" and "building livable, business-friendly and beautiful villages".

The "Hot Interpretation" column of CCTV has specially planned a series of interpretation articles from the "Ten Million Project" to the "Beautiful Countryside", closely adhering to the overall requirements of the rural revitalization strategy of "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural culture, effective governance, and prosperous life", comprehensively showcasing the vivid practice of China's multiple measures to build livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in the new era.

Hot interpretation of "pay attention to the local flavor, retain the rural style, retain green mountains and rivers, and remember nostalgia". Only by protecting the traditional villages can we retain the charm of the countryside.

Some traditional villages have abundant natural and cultural resources, which are a microcosm of agricultural civilization and local culture. Many traditional villages have a history of hundreds or even thousands of years. They not only preserve the historical scene, but also continue cultural traditions, recording the life trajectory of generations, and are important carriers of homesickness.

As early as 20 years ago, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, stressed at the launching meeting of the "10 million Project" in Zhejiang Province that it is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between the protection of history and culture and the construction of villages. protect, renovate and scientifically and rationally develop and utilize valuable ancient villages, ancient dwellings and landscapes, and effectively protect the former residences of celebrities, ancient buildings and historical and cultural relics. To achieve the organic unity of inheriting historical culture and integrating into modern civilization.

The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

"To carry out rural revitalization is not to demolish and build large cities, but to transform these traditional villages with unique styles."

Surrounded by streams, shaded by green trees, with upturned eaves and white walls and green tiles. The beautiful Erhai Lake is located in Gusheng Village, Wanqiao Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province, with a history of thousands of years.

Gusheng Village is a typical Bai ethnic settlement village, with various cultural relics such as ancient stages, trees, and bridges.Seeing the clean and rustic environment here, the General Secretary couldn't help but sigh: "Seeing your life, I am quite envious and reluctant to leave." "I can keep the green mountains and remember the homesickness. What is homesickness? Homesickness is what you will miss when you leave this place.".

In recent years, Gusheng Village has adhered to the principle of "restoring the old as before", and has improved and repaired cultural relics and historical sites such as Fengming Bridge and ancient stage in the village. It has also implemented signboard protection for ancient Bai ethnic residences and courtyards with strong historical and cultural heritage, preserving the style and historical context of a millennium old village.

Gusheng Village is built along the Erhai Lake, winding for several miles from south to north, exuding a strong local flavor everywhere.

Retaining homesickness not only requires retaining green tiles and white walls, but also bringing the cultural heritage of the old village to life.

The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

Maona Village, Shuiman Township, Wuzhishan City, Hainan Province is a typical Li ethnic settlement village. The local intangible cultural heritage craft - Li ethnic brocade weaving - can be regarded as a "living fossil" in the history of Chinese textile industry, with a history of more than 3000 years.

"Very good! Intangible cultural heritage, the Chinese nation's craftsmanship, both traditional and fashionable." In April 2022, the General Secretary came to Maona Village to inspect the Li nationality's characteristic agricultural products and the display of intangible cultural heritage such as Li brocade and rattan weaving along the promenade, and gave his sincere admiration.

Based on the unique resources of the village, showcase the rural characteristics through culture. In 2022, Maona Village received a total of 58800 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 245.31%; Tourism revenue was 2.9421 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 245.48%; The per capita disposable income of villagers reached 17681 yuan.

In November 2022, a rural reality performance called "Rainforest Time" was held in Maona Village, showcasing a beautiful scene of the integration of tropical rainforest, rural countryside, and Li ethnic culture.

The vivid practice of Gusheng Village and Maona Village shows that protecting traditional villages is not about building walls and being complacent, nor is development about making major changes or excessive development.

The countryside is the "stabilizer" and "reservoir" of Chinese path to modernization. The protection of traditional villages is related to the overall plan of rural revitalization and the vital interests of farmers. Only by promoting and integrating the concepts of development and protection, can traditional villages radiate more vitality.

The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

Xikou Town, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, is an ancient town with a history of nearly a thousand years. Based on the concept of "restoring the old as before", it explores new ideas for renovation.

Here, facial recognition is available for dining, borrowing books, and more; The "Neighborhood Box" not only enables unmanned operations, but also utilizes intelligent devices to connect workers to resolve disputes; The successive landing of new facilities such as shared auditoriums and maker bases has attracted a group of young people returning to their hometowns to start businesses; The entry of makers and enterprises has sparked a wave of cultural and creative product design, truly revitalizing the "nostalgic economy".

The ancient village has a new charm and a long and elegant cultural heritage. In order to protect traditional villages well, relevant support policies have been continuously implemented in recent years.

In 2012, China established a system for the protection of traditional Chinese villages and implemented a project to protect traditional villages. In 2014, four departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Effectively Strengthening the Protection of Traditional Chinese Villages, which refined the measures for the protection and development of traditional villages. In 2020, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development jointly organized and implemented the demonstration work of centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages.

From Shanshui Tunpu to quaint streets and alleys, from Huizhou style courtyards to Li ethnic wooden houses, traditional villages scattered on the land of China are like pearls, not only an irreplaceable cultural landscape, but also a spiritual dwelling of rural charm and nostalgia.

Only by protecting and constructing traditional villages well, retaining their roots, souls, and attracting people, can the beautiful vision of "seeing mountains, seeing water, and remembering homesickness" be turned into reality as soon as possible.

The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning by Liu Zhen

Editor Wang Zhuojie

Vision-Chen Teng

The Beauty of Countryside | Remembering Homesickness Village | Countryside | Homesickness

Proofreading, Cai Chunlin, Sun Xiaoyuan, Fan Lijun, Li Yingzhuo, Yan Tiantian, Song Chunyan

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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