The 31st Summer Universiade opened ceremoniously in Chengdu Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Universiade World | Youth | Chengdu

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:36 AM

Share the grand event of the Universiade and compose a brilliant chapter of youth together. The 31st Summer Universiade for University Students was grandly opened on the evening of the 28th in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, as well as leaders and VIPs from around the world, attended the opening ceremony.

Under the night, the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park is brightly lit with flowing lights. Before the opening ceremony, college students from Chengdu presented vibrant cultural performances, creating a very lively atmosphere on site.

A long and enthusiastic round of applause resounded throughout the room.

In the center of the venue, the Chinese cultural heritage symbol "Sun God Bird" rotates flexibly, with twelve golden rays shining brightly. Fireworks burst into the air with countdown numbers, and the entire audience shouted in unison along with the numbers. Amidst the cheers, splendid fireworks bloomed in the night sky. The opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade has officially begun.

Accompanied by the children of Daliangshan singing "The Beautiful National Flag" and 56 ethnic youth singing "Singing of the Motherland", 8 honor guards walked into the scene with firm steps, guarding the national flag of the People's Republic of China. All stand up and sing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. The five-star red flag is slowly rising and fluttering in the wind.

At 20:07, the athlete entrance ceremony began, and college student sports delegations from 113 countries and regions entered along the "Silk Road" paved with Sichuan brocade patterns, receiving a warm welcome from the entire audience.The Chinese delegation consists of over 700 people, including 411 participating athletes, who will participate in all 18 major events of this year's Universiade.

Huai Jinpeng, Chairman of the Chengdu Universiade Organizing Committee, delivered a speech on behalf of the Chengdu Universiade Organizing Committee, warmly welcoming athletes, coaches, technical officials, and guests from various countries and regions around the world, wishing them to promote sportsmanship, showcase youth, and forge unity and friendship.

During his speech, the Acting President of the International Federation of Sports Federations, Ed, expressed sincere gratitude to the Chinese government, Sichuan Province, Chengdu City, and all participants for jointly creating an anticipated sports event, and sent good wishes to the participating athletes.

At 21:16, the opening ceremony ushered in an exciting moment.Suddenly, the whole room was boiling with brilliant fireworks rising into the air, blooming with the words "welcome" in both Chinese and English.

Eight outstanding young athletes and volunteer representatives from China entered the venue holding the flag of the International University Sports Federation. Accompanied by the anthem of the International Federation of the Communist Party of China, the flag of the International Federation of the Communist Party of China slowly rises and flutters high along with the five-star red flag.

Athlete Tang Ziting and referee Liu Jiang respectively took the oath on behalf of all participating athletes and technical officials.

Subsequently, the cultural and sports performance "Chasing Dreams in Youth" was presented brilliantly. The performance is divided into three parts: "Light of Youth", "Youth Vitality", and "Youth Friendship". "The Light of Youth" showcases the eternal pursuit of young people's exploration and soaring towards the light through vigorous and upward climbing; "Youth and Vitality" presents scenes of young college students running hard and full of vitality, expressing the joy and passion that sports bring to people; In the chapter of "Youth Friendship", young college students and the adorable "friendship ambassador giant panda" dance to cheerful music, harvesting friendship in their youth gatherings.

At 21:40, the main torch lighting ceremony began. Over the past month, the Universiade torch, taken from Turin, Italy, has been passed through multiple universities in Beijing, Harbin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Yibin, and Chengdu, and finally arrived at the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park.

In the center of the venue, the sacred flame disk with the pattern of "Sun God Bird" slowly rises. Astronaut Ye Guangfu and 31 torchbearers held the torch high and entered the venue. In front of the crowd's attention, the torchbearer ran to the sacred flame tray, formed a circle, and lit the "Sun God Bird" with the torch in his hand, instantly shining brightly. The flame of the Universiade is blazing brightly, conveying the beautiful wishes of college students from all over the world, shining like sunshine.

"Light up the world, hear the singing of life" and "Light up the future, gaze into the beautiful distance"... Young college students gathered under the holy flame, singing the theme song "Achieving Dreams" at the opening ceremony, and the entire stadium turned into a joyful ocean.

International dignitaries attending the opening ceremony included President Joko of Indonesia and his wife Iliana, President Ghazvani of Mauritania, President Ndayishmiye of Burundi, President Ali of Guyana, and Prime Minister Garibashvili of Georgia.

Wang Yi, Li Ganjie, Wang Xiaohong, and Chen Yiqin attended the opening ceremony.

The main executive committee of the International Sports Federation also attended the opening ceremony.

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