Taking responsibility in the construction of Chinese-style modernization -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League inspired the majority of young people to continue their struggle and dream forward Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:20 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 27th. Title: Taking responsibility in the construction of Chinese-style modernization -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League inspires young people to continue their struggle and move forward

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"I hope that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League can deeply implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journey, inherit and promote fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, and better unite the younger generation around the Party, striving to continue the great cause of promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation."

On June 26, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during a collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the League Central Committee pointed out the theme and direction of the Chinese youth movement and youth work in the new era, and strengthened the confidence of the majority of league cadres to do youth work. Determination has inspired the will and fighting spirit of the majority of youth league members to work tirelessly for national rejuvenation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's full affirmation of youth work in the new era has made the majority of young people proud.

The Party Central Committee has implemented a series of top-level designs and reform deployments, which have significantly enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of youth organizations, and revitalized the fighting spirit and spirit of young people.

Wang Rui, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Tsinghua University, organized the school's cadres to study the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

"the general secretary calls for efforts to strengthen political guidance to the broad masses of young people, and the League organizations of colleges and universities should put this task in the first place." Wang Rui said that we will guide the majority of young people to learn and understand Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics through the development of "Reading China" student theme education and reading classes, and use the party's innovative theories to arm their minds, guide practice, and hold the course of youth.

Zhao Jianming, a student at the Central University of Finance and Economics, stated that we should carefully read the original work, study the original text, and understand the principles. We should work hard to integrate knowledge and action, apply what we have learned, maintain our determination to uphold our original aspirations, and enhance our ability to shoulder our missions. Let our youth be filled with the power of truth, and let truth burst forth with even stronger strength in our youth's struggle.

Flags lead the direction, beliefs gather strength.

"The fiery youth requires firm ideals and beliefs." Hou Guisong, Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Hebei Province, said that we should fully utilize the advantage of Hebei's rich red resources and profound red heritage, strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs for the vast number of young people, tell good red stories to the youth, build strong red education platforms, continuously consolidate the ideological foundation of young people's unwavering listening to and following the Party, and unite them under the banner of the Party's ideals and beliefs.

The theme of the Party's struggle is the direction of the Youth League's actions.

"For over a hundred years, the Communist Youth League has always adhered to its original mission of 'steadfastly following the Party and striving for the Party and the people', continuously consolidating the foundation of youth movement development." Liao Chuanjin, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, said, "In the new era and new journey, the Communist Youth League must inherit and promote excellent traditions, closely focus on the central task of the Party determined by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unite, organize, and mobilize young people in the widest possible way, and gather the magnificent youth force to achieve national rejuvenation."

From the front line of scientific research to the field, the Communist Youth League is organizing young people to actively participate in the hot practice of Chinese path to modernization in all walks of life.

"General Secretary's important speech emphasized the need to be the vanguard and new force in fields such as scientific and technological innovation, inspiring me to bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and face difficulties." Liu Qi, a young teacher at the University of Science and Technology of China, stated that he will closely focus on the central task of the Party and the major needs of the national economy and people's livelihood, bravely challenge key core technologies, cultivate and cultivate more young scientific and technological talents, and consciously shoulder the mission of building a strong country with the youth of struggle.

Han Jiawei, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Cuijiaqiao Town, Anyang County, Anyang City, Henan Province, has a deeper understanding of the need to comprehensively promote rural revitalization to promote Chinese path to modernization. He stated that he will keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary, continue to root in the front line of rural areas, leverage the advantages of youth organizations, and do a good job in serving rural youth employment and entrepreneurship, caring for left behind children in rural areas, and uniting and leading the youth members of the town to take on responsibilities in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

Fang Chuihong, a young volunteer from Fujian, was deeply inspired by the General Secretary's emphasis on "actively participating in the construction of Chinese path to modernization". Nowadays, he and more and more young people are participating in ecological and environmental protection actions such as protecting the mother river and garbage sorting.

Ruan Hailiang, a national young talent and model worker from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and a delivery guy born in the 1990s, studied the important speech of General Secretary carefully during his break from work. He said, "I want to pass on the instructions of General Secretary to more young people in the express delivery industry, and work with them to continue serving the people as hardworking 'little bees'."

For the Communist Youth League, what kind of youth organizations to build and how to build them are fundamental and significant issues.

Learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements of "adhering to the problem orientation, daring to blade inward, advancing the reform of the league in depth, and comprehensively and strictly managing the league", Yin Jianyu, deputy secretary of the Zhongxiang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League in Hubei Province, has more clearly defined the direction and focus of future work.

Yin Jianyu stated that he will continue to deepen the work pattern of strictly grasping political construction, youth league organization construction, and youth league cadre team management in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary, and walk the development path of socialist mass organizations with Chinese characteristics with a more uplifting spirit.

Only by strengthening the grassroots organizational construction of the Youth League can we improve its service efficiency.

Ma Yiwen, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Maguan Town, Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, and his colleagues learned the important speech of the General Secretary through the internet and engaged in lively discussions.

"General Secretary emphasized the need to adhere to the clear guidance of strengthening the grassroots level, which has inspired us grassroots youth league cadres." Ma Yiwen said that the next step is to regularly carry out visits to villages and households, close the relationship between cadres and the masses, and focus on grassroots governance and rural revitalization, so that the work of youth league organizations can cover various aspects such as conflict resolution, improvement of living environment, and industrial development.

After studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, Li Xue, a cadre of the Ningji Garden Community, Qiaobei Street, Ninghe District, Tianjin, was deeply touched by "winning the trust of the party, winning social respect, and winning the reputation of young people with solid achievements.

In recent years, under the organization of community youth league branches, the youth volunteer team has become an active force in the community. By organizing volunteer services, not only has the spirit of dedication and social responsibility of young people been cultivated, but also their sense of belonging to the Communist Youth League has been strengthened.

"When dealing with young members of the Youth League, we can always find that they have the spirit of ideals, courage to take responsibility, ability to endure hardship, and willingness to work hard. This also infects our Youth League cadres to cherish the precious opportunity to do youth work, focus on doing their job well, and work together with the vast number of young people to forge a new journey." Li Xue said.

He said that he would work with the youth to become a practitioner of innovation and creation, a builder of revitalization and development, and forge ahead with the strength of youth to promote Chinese path to modernization.

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