Summary of the 20th Anniversary Series of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Part 6: The "Golden Corridor" Project Towards Dreams | Economy | Dreams

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:12 AM

Yuhang Dream Town Entrepreneurship Street Golden Corridor is surrounded by entrepreneurs from all over the world. Information photos

Zhejiang, Yuhang, Dream Town, is one of the landmarks of Internet entrepreneurship and innovation in China.

The iconic building of the town is a golden corridor, connecting rice fields and ponds at both ends, symbolizing the dream of a rice canal. The poetic work environment, strong entrepreneurial atmosphere, and thoughtful policy services attract dream chasers from all over the world. Established for over 8 years, Dream Town has gathered 2944 entrepreneurial projects and 23744 entrepreneurial talents, with a total financing amount of 15.082 billion yuan.

The golden corridor helps realize dreams. In Zhejiang, similar corridors have their own advantages, but they share a common name: business environment.

A good business environment is productivity.

In the past 20 years, from the construction of organizational efficiency to the reform of "four lists and one website", "at most one run", government digital transformation, digital reform, and now to the optimization and improvement of the business environment, the "number one reform project"; From the "Five Billion Project" to the current "Ten Major Projects", Zhejiang's soft and hard environment continues to upgrade, sparking a new trend of becoming a resource intensive province and an economic powerhouse.

Combining software and hardware, making the environment the "main track"

"By improving the soft and hard environment, more production factors such as funds, talents, and technology can be attracted to participate in and support the development of Zhejiang."

-- On July 10, 2003, Xi Jinping interjected during his report at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee

In May, in the East China Sea, the rolling waves couldn't stop the footsteps of Zhejiang people crossing the chasm: the world's longest underwater high-speed railway tunnel - the Ningbo side shield tunnel excavation of the Jintang underwater tunnel. In the near future, the roaring trains passing through the tunnel will fill the gap of the last district in Zhejiang Province where there is no railway connection.

Not far away, the Zhoushan Cross Sea Bridge features a long rainbow lying on the waves, with endless traffic on the bridge.

From then on, the heavenly moat became a gateway.

Key projects are important engines of economic growth.

The "Five Billion Project" includes projects related to water conservancy, electricity and transportation, informatization, science, education, culture and health, ecological environment, and poverty alleviation, covering all aspects of economic development, social undertakings, sustainable development, and people's lives. Many infrastructure projects in Zhejiang were launched at that time.

According to the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the average annual growth rate of infrastructure investment in Zhejiang has been 12.4%, which is 3.3 percentage points higher than the overall average annual growth rate of investment. The infrastructure in the province is gradually improving.

Qin Shili, Chief Researcher of the Provincial Development Planning Research Institute, believes that Zhejiang, with its "seven mountains, one water, and two fields", has limited environmental capacity. However, through major engineering construction, the barrier between the mountains has been "leveled", new capacity has been released, and the gap between urban and rural areas and regions has been continuously narrowed. In addition, continuous optimization of various policies and services has achieved new advantages in development.

Suichang, located in the southwest of Zhejiang Province, has rewritten the history of transportation in mountainous areas with the arrival of highways such as Longli and Lining, as well as the Quning Railway. It has also helped Xianxia Lake, which is "raised in the depths of the woods and unknown to people," attract "talent from big factories" such as Alibaba Cloud and NetEase. Last year, 70 new digital economy enterprises were introduced to the "City of Heavenly Crafts · Digital Green Valley" by the lake.

This year, our province has deployed and implemented the "Ten Major Projects", including expanding effective investment in the "Thousand Trillion Project", enhancing the carrying capacity of county towns and deepening the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, and the "Seven Preferential Enjoyments" project for public services. From "Five" to "Ten" in the past 20 years, what remains unchanged is to focus on key projects as a breakthrough to promote new development in the province, and what "doubles" will be the "hard core force" for overall development.

The development of a region is supported by projects, the key lies in policies, and the key lies in the environment.

20 years later, Zhejiang people witness that the business environment is becoming the "main track" for building core competitiveness in regions and cities.

Yuyao has a leading enterprise with the largest market share in China and the second largest in the world - Ningbo Jiangfeng Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. Founder Yao Lijun was born in Harbin and has served as a senior executive in a multinational corporation. In 2005, he resolutely returned to China and chose to start a business in Yuyao, which was inseparable from the favorable local business environment.

In 2022, Zhejiang actually utilized 19.3 billion US dollars in foreign investment, accelerating the formation of a global high-quality foreign investment cluster.

This year, Zhejiang is intensifying its efforts to strive for the best business environment in the country.

Firstly, the competition is fierce. Nowadays, when competing in the business environment, we are competing in the overall environment such as the industrial chain and ecosystem.

Recently, the Implementation Plan for the "No.1 Reform Project" to optimize and enhance the business environment in Zhejiang Province has been released, focusing on 35 main tasks of comprehensively improving the five environmental deployments of government affairs, rule of law, market, economic ecology, and culture. Among them, only "comprehensively optimizing and improving the economic ecological environment" includes 10 aspects such as strengthening infrastructure, improving logistics accessibility, and optimizing the industrial ecological system.

"To start a business in Zhejiang, just bring technology," sighed Wu Qianghong, the general manager of Hangzhou Yongjun Machine Tool Co., Ltd. What he values when starting a business in Tonglu is the environment and supporting facilities. In terms of hard environment, there is an intelligent equipment high-tech industrial park in the county, which matches the supply of upstream components and parts, and has convenient transportation and logistics to ensure the smooth supply chain of the industrial chain; In a soft environment, Tonglu can provide one-stop services from enterprise establishment, talent recruitment, land acquisition and construction, financial support, and more.

According to the "Report on the Business Environment Evaluation of Ten Thousand Private Enterprises" by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhejiang Province ranked first in the country in terms of business environment satisfaction for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022.

Efficiency upgrade, governance starts from oneself

Summary of the 20th Anniversary Series of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Part 6: The "Golden Corridor" Project Towards Dreams | Economy | Dreams

"We need to promote streamlining administration and delegating power, fully implement the negative list system for market access, and support enterprises to better participate in market cooperation and competition."

-Speech by Xi Jinping at the Entrepreneur Symposium, July 21, 2020

Yiwu International Trade City is bustling with people. Nepalese businessmen have been doing business here for over 20 years and feel that Yiwu is becoming more and more convenient and intelligent, with the style of an international metropolis.

The necessary sense of achievement cannot be achieved without the continuous institutional supply in Yiwu. It has not been more than half a year since the release of the "Ten Measures to Optimize the International Business Environment and Foreign Related Services" last year. In April of this year, Yiwu City also released the "Ten Measures to Optimize the Business Environment", including 24/7 government services, global government services, and comprehensive foreign services.

According to statistics, in the first five months of this year, there were over 12000 foreign businessmen stationed in Yiwu. This value is 2.4 times higher than the full year of 2003.

Zhejiang is ambitious in creating a first-class business environment that conforms to international practices and has international competitiveness. This year, the World Bank has implemented a new evaluation project, and the province has issued a special action plan for benchmarking and improving the World Bank and national evaluation standards.

"The goal of Zhejiang's business environment, from benchmarking against the Yangtze River Delta 20 years ago, to now striving for the best in the country and benchmarking against international first-class, reflects the courage to carry out reforms to the end." Cai Ning, Vice President of the Provincial Institute of Public Policy Research, said that the focus of Zhejiang's reform has shifted from the reconstruction of market entities and market systems to the self-improvement of governance systems and methods.

Reform is only ongoing and not completed.

On February 2, 2004, the provincial conference on strengthening the efficiency construction of government agencies was held.

The relevant person in charge of the Reform Office of the Provincial Party Committee introduced that the "efficiency revolution" that began in 2004 forced the government to reform through goals such as "doing things immediately", and opened the prelude to comprehensively improving the development environment in Zhejiang. From 2002 to 2013, Zhejiang carried out multiple rounds of administrative approval system reform, using the government's "subtraction" to exchange for the "addition" of the public's sense of gain.

In November 2013, Zhejiang took the lead in launching the construction of "four lists and one network" based on the "power list" nationwide. Industry insiders see it as the beginning of Zhejiang's systematic reform of the government administrative management system.

Through this battle, Zhejiang has accelerated the construction of a "limited", "promising", and "effective" government, significantly reducing the government's direct allocation of resources, significantly reducing its management and intervention in micro affairs, and significantly reducing its intervention in resource factor prices.

In December 2016, the "maximum one run" reform was officially proposed. This reform adheres to an inward and public perspective, quickly becoming the golden signboard of Zhejiang's "streamlining administration, delegating power, and improving services" reform, and promoting it nationwide.

As a pilot city for the "maximum one-time" reform, Quzhou has been selected as a national benchmark city for business environment for many consecutive years. At present, 90% of administrative approval and licensing matters in Quzhou are handled online, on the go, locally, and with one certificate. Last year, the registered market entities in Quzhou exceeded 290000 households, an increase of nearly twice compared to ten years ago.

"Providing the best service with the power of reform is our magic weapon for attracting investment," said Li Wenyang, director of the Quzhou Business Office Government Service Center.

Just like a golden corridor that requires a canopy to shelter from wind and rain, a good environment cannot do without necessary supervision. This is an inherent requirement for creating a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment.

In Hangzhou, the Internet capital, Xiao Lai has been engaged in online catering takeout for six years. He said: "Now the business is very good, because there are fewer checks; but the requirements are also high, because the supervision has never been relaxed."

The relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau explained that behind a small take away, the relevant departments supervised the whole process of platform trading, kitchen cooking, rider delivery, etc. through new models such as "Internet plus+supervision", which is both "nothing bothers" and "everywhere".

This is just a typical example of digital reform driving the transformation of the business environment in Zhejiang. "Double random+credit" spot checks, flexible supervision, trigger based supervision... Zhejiang's environment is becoming increasingly open and transparent. Last May, at the first International Exchange Conference on China's Experience in Optimizing Business Environment Reform, Zhejiang, as a representative, shared its experience with the world.

The reform of Project One is only ongoing

"There is only a better business environment, not the best."

-- On November 5, 2018, Xi Jinping's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo

"The business environment in Zhejiang is far from reaching the ceiling."

On April 17th, at the "No.1 Reform Project" conference for optimizing and improving the business environment in the province, the words of Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary Yi Lianhong were thought-provoking and inspiring.

Why does Zhejiang continue to optimize its business environment?

The answer can be found in "Zhijiang Xinyu": We emphasize seeking practical results and long-term goals, seeking not only short-term results, but more importantly, seeking long-term results.

Looking at both domestic and international markets, the competition for a business environment is a struggle for the long-term.

In China, such as the leading city in the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai, the "First Session of the New Year" is the city wide optimization of business environment construction conference; At the "New Year's Eve" event in Guangdong, the largest economic province, the business environment is also a highlight. Internationally, emerging market countries such as Georgia, Malaysia, and Rwanda have made rapid progress in the World Bank's Global Doing Business Report ranking; China jumped from 91st place in 2005 to 31st place in 2020, ranking behind Japan and Spain, and before France.

Summary of the 20th Anniversary Series of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" Part 6: The "Golden Corridor" Project Towards Dreams | Economy | Dreams

By optimizing and improving the business environment, we can break through the constraints of interests when coordinating major reforms. Only by doing so can we deepen and deepen the article on reform, highlighting the forward-looking thinking and long-term vision of a province that prioritizes high-quality and efficient reform. Zhejiang, a top student, dares to step out of its comfort zone and explore deeper waters.

The Comprehensive Service Hall of Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone has greatly improved the convenience of enterprise services in four areas: commercial registration, investment projects, real estate registration, and public services. This year, the province's "New Year First Session" proposed to achieve a major breakthrough in optimizing and improving the business environment through the "No. 1 Reform Project". With the high positioning and great courage of the "No. 1 Project", we will systematically optimize and enhance the "five major environments" of government affairs, rule of law, market, economic ecology, and culture.

Reform and upgrade, and further expand the scope.

"It still has to be Zhejiang!" Recently, staff from the Fuyang District Administrative Service Center in Hangzhou continued to host business for enterprises during off work hours, making it a hot search topic. This is actually a routine operation of "beyond expectations" government services such as delayed services newly launched by Fuyang.

Zhong Hongqiang, Deputy Director of the Fuyang District Audit and Management Office, introduced that in the past, the reform focused on improving convenience and other "prescribed actions", but now it has added "optional actions" such as proactive, advanced, and personalized unconventional services, which have been applied throughout the entire life cycle of enterprises. "We empower the entrepreneurial environment with services."

Yu Jianxing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University of Business and Technology, stated that unconventional service projects should be provided according to the actual needs of enterprises, and can accurately and systematically solve universal and personalized problems, further promoting the transformation and reshaping of government functions.

Efficient and meticulous service, never neglecting small matters.

"Those who seek the growth of trees must firmly establish their roots." The "No.1 Reform Project" emphasizes the comprehensive creation of a strong atmosphere where "everyone is a business environment, everything is related to the business environment, and the business environment is reflected everywhere.".

Several business leaders from Gaobu Street in Yuecheng District, Shaoxing lamented that recently, they just casually said to the visiting police that "the delivery seems to be slow." The police then went to the surrounding enterprises to verify and coordinated with the street, traffic police, and delivery companies to jointly solve the problem.

"Every 'roast' of an enterprise cannot be ignored easily, and every police officer in the station should not be left out." Ruan Linyao, director of Gaobu Police Station, explained that the street, as the location of Shaoxing Integrated Circuit Industrial Park, has a large and complex demand for enterprise services. The station learned from the experience of Fengqiao to launch the "580" police mechanism, establish the "enterprise police station" and other police enterprise linkage and joint debugging mechanisms, stimulate police officers to do what they want, and coordinate all parties to build and share.

Profound political and business relationships are more heartwarming and reassuring.

Economic development cannot do without a good atmosphere of respecting and loving enterprises. According to the Implementation Plan of the "No.1 Reform Project" for optimizing and improving the business environment in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang is fully promoting the business environment brand of "no need to demand people for services, legal and regulatory compliance, convenient and efficient services, and warm and refreshing services".

Wu Weijun, General Manager of Taizhou Yiwei Cultural Development Co., Ltd., said that the experience of "having difficulty dealing with the government" in the previous generation has long been a thing of the past, and "being pro Qing in political and business relations" has become an idiom for the new generation.

In the Luqiao District where Wu Weijun is located, there is a "two health" integrated reform aimed at the development of non-public economy; For industrial upgrading, there are vocational skills and diploma "double enhancement" training aimed at industrial workers and other groups; In response to the package of problems that are easy to encounter in entrepreneurship, the district is promoting the reform of "one thing" for youth entrepreneurship... "Make the statement of" truly treating entrepreneurs as their own people "a reality," said Ling Yizheng, Secretary of the Road and Bridge Youth League District Committee.

The golden corridor has a step-by-step view, and the "No.1 Reform Project" has more new reform landscapes:

Zhejiang continues to optimize the legal business environment, and has successively issued the first provincial-level local regulations in related fields, such as the "Zhejiang Province Guarantee" Reform Regulations, "Zhejiang Province Private Enterprise Development Promotion Regulations," and "Zhejiang Province Promotion of Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Regulations." The "Zhejiang Province Optimizing Business Environment Regulations" have been included in this year's legislative work plan.

Zhejiang is promoting the upgrading of the "four major constructions" with the connotation of the construction of the Greater Bay Area, Grand Garden, and Grand Passage metropolitan areas. High energy metropolitan areas have stronger comprehensive strength and greater attraction in various aspects such as economic development, social governance, and living environment, which is the latest trend in optimizing the business environment both domestically and internationally.


In 2022, the registered market entities in Zhejiang reached 9.44 million households, with an average of one entrepreneur per seven Zhejiang residents. This proportion is 2.3 times higher than in 2012.

The footsteps of the fighters prove that Zhejiang, the "golden corridor" that enables millions of people to build and pursue their dreams, is shining brightly.

[Counting 20 Years]

Improve and optimize the business environment. From 2020 to 2022, Zhejiang Province ranked first in the country in terms of business environment satisfaction for three consecutive years.

Hardware facilities are constantly improving. By the end of 2022, the total length of highways in the province was 122900 kilometers, including 5289 kilometers of expressways. At the end of 2002, the total length of highways in the province reached 45000 kilometers, including 1307 kilometers of expressways.

The quantity and quality of market entities have increased simultaneously. By the end of 2022, there were 3.085 million private enterprises and 6.04 million individual industrial and commercial households in Zhejiang Province. At the end of 2002, there were nearly 250000 private enterprises and nearly 1.53 million individual industrial and commercial households in Zhejiang Province. The proportion of private economy in GDP has increased from 45% to 67.0%.

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