Struggling and strengthening the army under the banner of the party -- A review of the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to promote the leadership of the people's army and the construction of the party in the new era

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:27 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 19th. Title: Striving to strengthen the army under the banner of the party -- A review of the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to promote the leadership and party building of the People's Army in the new era

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Mimi, Liberation Army Daily reporter Fei Shiting, Li Bingzheng

The leadership and construction of the Party are the key to the development of our military construction, which is related to the success or failure of the strong military cause and the long-term stability of the Party and the country.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has insisted on strengthening the leadership and party building of our army in the new great project of promoting party building, and in promoting the construction of a powerful country and national rejuvenation. Planning in the historical process--

Implementing the overall requirements of Party building in the new era, implementing the organizational line of the Party in the new era, adhering to and strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee as the highest principle, taking loyalty as the fundamental mission to protect the Party, and fully promoting and strengthening the Party as the fundamental mission, taking solving the unique problems of the major Party and improving the comprehensive and strict governance system as the major task, adhering to the absolute leadership of the Party over the military, adhering to the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and focusing on preparing for war, the leadership and construction of the Party in our military have undergone comprehensive and profound changes, providing a strong political guarantee for the historic achievements and changes in the cause of strengthening the military.

The path of building a strong military with Chinese characteristics profoundly demonstrates that comprehensively strengthening the leadership and construction of the Communist Party of China in the new era is an inevitable requirement for advancing the new great project of party building and advancing the construction of a strong military.

This is also a key move to achieve the centenary goal of building the People's Army as scheduled and accelerate the construction of the People's Army into a world-class military - comprehensively strengthening the Party building of the People's Army, and ensuring that the guns always obey the Party's command.

"Adhering to the Party's absolute leadership over the military is the primary task for our army to strengthen the Party's leadership and Party building work."——

The People's Army firmly upholds its core, listens to the Party's command, and upholds its roots and soul

During the period before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the weakening of the Party's leadership, the lack of Party building, and the inadequate comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the People's Army were quite prominent. If not completely resolved, it not only affected the combat effectiveness, but also related to the major political principle of the Party commanding the gun.

In October 2014, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Xi decided to convene the Gutian Army Political Work Conference to establish a political army building strategy for the new era, lead the entire army to revitalize political discipline, reorganize and start again, and firmly establish ideals and beliefs, party spirit principles, The four fundamental things of combat effectiveness standards and political work prestige are far-reaching plans for strengthening our army's party leadership and party building in the new era.

In October 2017, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China elevated "adhering to the absolute leadership of the Party over the People's Army" to a basic strategy for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and established the system of Chairman's responsibility in the Party Constitution of the Central Military Commission.

In August 2018, the Central Military Commission's Party Building Conference was held in Beijing.

In the new era, the People's Liberation Army deeply understands the decisive significance of the "two consolidations" and resolutely upholds the "two safeguards". Fundamentally, it adheres to the absolute leadership of the Party over the military and comprehensively and deeply implements the system of the Chairman of the Military Commission being responsible.

In the leadership and command system of the military, by deepening national defense and military reform, a new pattern has been formed in which the Military Commission manages the overall affairs, theater commands the main operations, and branches of the military are the main builders, better concentrating the highest leadership and command power of the military on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission.

In terms of military policy system, the construction of the military party building system stipulates that the implementation of the responsibility system of the Chairman of the Military Commission will be solidified in important regulations.

In promoting the implementation of work, we will establish and improve three mechanisms: request reports, supervision and inspection, and information services. We will introduce measures and regulations on the supervision and implementation of instructions, major matter request reports, and supervision and accountability. We will promote the implementation of the responsibility system of the Chairman of the Military Commission in all aspects and throughout the process of national defense and military construction.

In the golden autumn of 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to improve and implement the system and mechanism of the Chairman of the Military Commission's responsibility system, fully reflecting the firm will of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to continue promoting the implementation of the Chairman of the Military Commission's responsibility system. Afterwards, the Central Military Commission successively issued the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Implementation of the Military Commission Chairman Responsibility System" and the "Several Provisions on Fully and Deeply Implementing the Military Commission Chairman Responsibility System", formulated and implemented the Military Commission Chairman Responsibility System learning and education plan, revised and issued the "Military Commission Chairman Responsibility System Learning Reader", and promoted the entire military to implement the Military Commission Chairman Responsibility System with higher standards and stricter requirements.

All levels of the military regard the implementation of the responsibility of the Chairman of the Military Commission as the highest political requirement to follow and the highest political discipline to strictly abide by, adhere to the historical achievements and changes made in the cause of building a strong military in the new era, and constantly strengthen political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity, and emotional identity, improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, firmly adhere to the core of loyalty, support, maintenance, and defense.

There is a soul in the heart, and a root under the feet.

When President Xi came to the company to visit the officers and soldiers, he encouraged them to carry forward their fine traditions, keep close to the times, practice, and officers and soldiers, and do a good job in arming their minds with the party's innovative theories.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the entire army has persisted in using the Party's innovative theories to concentrate and forge the soul, laying a solid ideological and political foundation of listening to the Party's words and following the Party's footsteps——

Solidly carry out the party's mass line education and practice activities, "three strict and three solid" special education rectification, "two studies and one action" learning education, "Do not forget your initiative mind, keeping in mind the mission" theme education, party history learning education, learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era The theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we will further promote the theme education activities of reforming and strengthening the army, "maintaining the core and obeying the command" and "inheriting the red gene and taking on the important task of strengthening the army", and educational practice activities of "learning the idea of strengthening the army and building up the cause of strengthening the army". We will continue to deepen the party's innovative theoretical arms, compile and print "Xi Jinping on strengthening the army", "Xi Jinping's study outline of strengthening the army thought," and, we will hold a rotation training course on political theory for officers at or above the major general level, pay close attention to the style of study of officers at or above the lieutenant colonel level, strive to build an ideological and political education system for the people's army in the new era, and guide the broad masses of officers and men to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and resolutely listen to the party's command.

Gutian set off again. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Xi, the whole army insisted on promoting political rectification and training in the spirit of rectification--

Strictly enforce political discipline and rules, resolutely investigate and punish serious violations of discipline and law cases such as Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Fang Fenghui, Zhang Yang, etc., and comprehensively and thoroughly eliminate their harmful influence; We will firmly rectify our thinking, personnel, organization, and discipline, highlight the two tough battles of ideological and organizational clean-up, and conduct in-depth discussions and analysis on 12 major right and wrong issues; Promoting the normalization and institutionalization of political rectification and training, resolutely investigating and punishing those who ignore, downplay, and do not emphasize politics... The People's Army has achieved ideological baptism, organizational purity, and political unity.

"Clear love, only for China!" and "Guns listen to my words, I listen to the Party." These are the common voices of the officers and soldiers in the new era, reflecting the firm and pure faith and beliefs of the entire army. Absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability integrate into one's blood and soul, becoming highly conscious.

"The construction of the military party must closely revolve around the ability to fight and win battles, becoming an enhancer and amplifier of the military's combat effectiveness."——

The People's Army has firmly established combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, and its modernization level and practical combat capabilities have significantly improved

Being able to fight and win battles is the mission and responsibility of the military, as well as the fundamental focus of party building in the military.

The whole army should focus all its energy on fighting, put all its work into fighting, accelerate the improvement of its winning ability, and effectively fulfill the mission and tasks of our army in the new era.

From Zhu Rihe's military parade on the battlefield to the sea parade in the South China Sea;

——Rectify the focus of work and establish a clear direction

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Xi has led the convening of the Central Military Commission's military work conference, the Central Military Commission's military training conference, etc., to promote the establishment of the new era military strategic thinking, the establishment of the new era military strategic policy, and the establishment of the baton of preparing for war., Take the responsibility of grasping and preparing for war.

Party committees at all levels resolutely implement the chairman's important decision-making instructions on preparing for war, insist on preparing for war as the top priority, and resolutely return the focus of work to preparing for war. All public opinion, work, employment, and policy directions for improving combat effectiveness are clearly established.

Reconstruct the leadership and command system, modern military force system, and military policy system to unleash the vitality of all combat effectiveness elements; Introduce the Opinions on Implementing the Standards of Combat Power in the Leading Work of Party Committees, and promote Party committees at all levels to take improving the combat power of the army as the starting point and foothold; Establish a sound operational mechanism for coordinating resources according to combat effectiveness standards, and focus human, material, and financial resources on preparing for war.

——Rectify the accumulated drawbacks of peace, gather strength to train troops and prepare for war

In 2014, the "Battle Effectiveness Standards Discussion" sparked a ideological storm throughout the entire army, focusing on "what is the combat effectiveness standard, how to view the current situation of combat effectiveness, and what to do with combat effectiveness construction". Through layer by layer comparison and inspection, everyone participated in the entire process, searched and solved deep-seated contradictions, and promoted the establishment and implementation of the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness.

Carry out a major uprising and thorough cleaning of the accumulated drawbacks of peace, and use the spirit of rectification to correct stubborn illnesses and chronic illnesses in the preparation for war; Organize surprise inspections of the entire army's combat readiness and promote the restructuring of the troops, test the level of military readiness, and expose and eliminate peaceful lesions in the Party committee organs; Strengthen military training supervision, promote practical training style, performance style, and examination style towards combat; Carry out special inspections on preparing for war, with a focus on inspecting the implementation of the Party Committee's discussions and training, the fulfillment of the first responsibility of the chief and deputy secretaries for preparing for war, the training of the leadership organs, and the supervision and training of the leadership cadres

A series of hard and precise tactics have been employed, and party committees at all levels have focused on fighting, planning, and seizing battles, achieving deep rectification of accumulated problems, a true return to their main responsibilities, and a new improvement in their combat capabilities. They have answered the questions of "victory", "value", and "skill" in battles against strong enemies and emergency responses.

——Enhance combat skills and faithfully fulfill missions

Seriously implement the Outline of the Joint Operations of the People's Liberation Army of China, establish and improve the institutional mechanism for the leadership of the theater party committee in joint operations, solidly carry out live combat exercises, cross regional base training, mission topic training, and Sino foreign joint exercises and training activities, closely adhere to the leadership's preparation for war, strengthen the construction of the party committee's strategic planning and command capabilities, forge a combat oriented party committee team, and cultivate combat oriented leadership cadres.

Commanders at all levels enter command positions, step into their own positions, and step onto the front line of military training. In urgent, difficult, and challenging tasks, they "sharpen their morale" and "strengthen their abilities", significantly enhancing their ability to plan, command, and lead troops in battle.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of strengthening the army, there are training grounds in the north and south of the great river, with iron armour rushing, warships galloping, war eagles whistling, long swords leading bows, and the upsurge of the whole army's elite military strength continues to surge, laying out a magnificent picture of preparing for war.

Looking back at the journey of building a strong military, the People's Army focuses on its main responsibility and business, and moves towards war - firmly grasping the fundamental standard of combat effectiveness, the fundamental direction of being able to fight and win, strengthening strategic forces and new areas and new quality combat forces, strengthening the joint combat command system and capacity building, vigorously rectifying peace accumulated shortcomings, vigorously promoting practical military training, and building a strong and stable modern border, sea, and air defense.

Looking back on the journey of strengthening the army, the people's army has strengthened its winning advantages and fulfilled its mission -- firmly and flexibly carried out military struggle, effectively responded to external military provocations, deterred separatist acts of "Taiwan independence", and carried out major tasks such as border defense struggle, maritime rights protection, anti-terrorism and stability maintenance, emergency rescue and disaster relief, fight against epidemics, peacekeeping and escort, humanitarian rescue, and international military cooperation. Safeguard national sovereignty, security, development interests.

"The strength of the Party comes from the organization, and if the organization is strong, the military will be strong."——

The leadership, organizational, and execution capabilities of party organizations at all levels of the People's Liberation Army continue to strengthen, and the unique advantages of building a strong and prosperous military continue to be strengthened

In Yongxin, Jiangxi, amidst the green mountains and rivers, a majestic Three Bay Reconstruction Monument stands tall. On the top of the monument, a red flag with a sickle and hammer head fluttered in the wind, and a powerful hand held a steel gun tightly, with the muzzle pointing straight towards the sky.

96 years ago, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the People's Army, which set out from here, underwent the baptism of the Three Bays reorganization, relied on a rigorous party organizational system, and rose up even more in setbacks and bravely advanced in hardships, forging a steel and iron army that could not be defeated, defeated, conquered, and defeated.

The People's Army has come a long way, with a rigorous party organizational system, which is a unique political advantage of our army and also a magic weapon for overcoming difficulties and defeating the enemy.

National defense and military construction have entered a new era, and the organizational structure and force system of the military have achieved a revolutionary reshaping. The system structure, type setting, and functional configuration of various levels and types of party organizations have undergone significant changes.

——Optimizing organizational settings to rejuvenate new vitality

Adapt to the adjustment of military system and staffing, standardize the functional positioning, composition, and main tasks of party organizations at all levels and types, and build a party organization system that is connected with the new leadership and command system, matched with the new scale structure and force composition, and integrated with the effective performance of military missions and tasks in the new era——

The Party Committee of the Theater Command shall exercise centralized and unified leadership over the daily combat readiness and military operations of the troops under its jurisdiction; The Party Committee of the Military and Armed Services adheres to the principle of leading by war and focusing on building as a battle, and plays a leading role in promoting the strategic transformation of military and armed services construction; The Party Committee of the Military Branch of the Theater Command strengthens work coordination and fulfills the dual functions of combat command and construction management; Grassroots party organizations highlight their political functions, enhance their organizational strength, and promote comprehensive progress and excellence in grassroots construction.

——Improve regulatory system and unleash new efficiency

Persist in the same direction of ideological party building and system governance, concretize the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Xi's deployment of the military party building system reform, and further promote the theoretical and institutional innovation of the military party building. Regulations on Party Building, Regulations on the Work of the Military Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Regulations on the Implementation of the Main Responsibility of the Military Party Committee, revise the "Regulations on Political Work in the Army" to form a systematic and complementary system of the party's command gun system.

The vitality of regulatory systems lies in their implementation. In May 2021, 200 officers above Major General participated in two batches of training on military party building regulations. Taking this as a demonstration, all levels adopt a coordinated and hierarchical organizational approach, systematically strengthen the learning and training of new regulations and the standardized construction of party organizations, follow up on supervision and inspection, and promote the comprehensive entry into the "new regulatory time".

——Strengthening functional roles and leading new development

From the towering "5592" outpost to the escort ships in the Gulf of Aden thousands of miles away, to the Huoshenshan Hospital on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control, wherever the mission and tasks of the People's Army are expanded, the leadership and construction of the Party are strengthened.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all levels of the military have adhered to the organizational line serving the political line, adapted to the new expansion of the military's mission and tasks, the new changes in force composition, and the new state of work operation. We have insisted on strengthening the functions of the organization and leading the grassroots with high-level leadership. The political and organizational functions of the party organization have been continuously strengthened, and the leadership, organizational, and execution capabilities have been continuously enhanced.

The Central Military Commission held a democratic life meeting, carefully comparing and inspecting, deeply investigating and analyzing, and carrying out criticism and self-criticism seriously, setting an example for the entire army. At all levels, we must keep up closely, starting from burning the "melting pot" with strict measures, truly pulling our sleeves, sweating with red faces, and promoting the spirit of seriousness and struggle... The political, contemporary, principled, and combative nature of political life within the Party has significantly increased.

The high-level party committees at or above the military level hold an important position and significant responsibility in the organizational system of our military party. The entire army highlights political standards and combat capabilities, selects and strengthens the high-level party committee team, strengthens regular learning and training on democratic centralism, improves the implementation of party committee decision-making rules and decision-making supervision mechanisms, and enhances the practical ability to manage direction, overall situation, make decisions, and ensure implementation.

Starting from March 2022, three types of demonstration training will continue to be held for the Party Secretary of the entire army's battalion and company, Party Branch Secretary of departments, and Party Organization Secretary of reserve units at the grassroots level, exploring the formation of a "learning, speaking, researching, practicing, and taking exams" training model to provide reference for the military. At all levels, in accordance with the requirements of comprehensively forging the "three strong" grassroots level, we will expand the use of the demonstration training results of grassroots party organization secretaries in the entire army, classify and strengthen the training of party affairs and party abilities, establish a system for coordinating and guiding grassroots work, and make good use of the "dual struggle" and "three major organizations" joint construction and innovation to unleash the vitality of self construction. We will cultivate revolutionary soldiers with the "four haves" in the new era and forge "four iron" strong troops, providing a solid foundation and support for promoting the cause of building a strong military.

The strength of the Party comes from the organization, and a strong organization leads to a strong military. Advancing the construction of the military through politics, reform, technology, talent, and rule of law, adhering to the principles of simultaneous struggle, preparation, and construction, accelerating the integrated development of mechanization, informatization, and intelligence, and comprehensively advancing the modernization of military theory, organizational form, personnel, and weapons and equipment... In the journey of promoting high-quality development and advancing towards modernization, all levels of party organizations in the army unite and strive, forge ahead, and unleash unprecedented creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness. Party members are not afraid of sacrifice, take practical responsibilities, overcome difficulties, and create miracles. The party flag flies high on the front line of tasks.

"We should place more emphasis on cultivating cadres and talents, focus on forging a loyal, clean, and responsible high-quality cadre team, and gather outstanding talents from all aspects who are determined to strengthen the military and win."——

The People's Army adheres to the Party's management of cadres and talents, and the talent formation capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of building a strong military is accelerating its rise

The way to strengthen a military is to win people. The Party's management of cadres and talents is a glorious tradition of our Party and army.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has placed the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the army with talents in the new era in a prominent position in the development of the cause of strengthening the army, revitalizing the party's political discipline in managing talents, establishing a clear orientation for war and educating people, and optimizing The layout of talent team building, deepening the reform of human resources policies and systems, and promoting the opening and integration of the talent field, have made historic achievements in our army.

——Adhere to the Party's management of cadres and talents, and always maintain the correct political direction of our military's talent work

Entering a new era, from the first proposal to implement the strategy of building a strong military through talent, to the Central Military Commission's Talent Work Conference emphasizing "deepening the implementation of the strategy of building a strong military through talent in the new era, ensuring solid support for achieving the centenary goal of building the military.";

The selection and appointment of personnel is the baton for the construction of the cadre team and the compass of the political ecology. The Central Military Commission has established a talent work leadership group and a cadre evaluation committee to conduct comprehensive inspections, identify and exchange cadres on a large scale, continue to deepen the inspection of cadre work, rectify the selection and employment culture, and purify the senior cadre team. Party committees at all levels should strengthen the identification of loyalty and political assessment of cadres, strictly implement the "Eight Adherences", "Ten Prohibitions", and "Four Musts for Every Mention" in personnel selection and appointment, adhere to the guidance of emphasizing grassroots, practical work, and recognition by officers and soldiers, and rely on their abilities to stand firm and make progress is becoming a trend.

——Persist in educating people for war, improve the ability and level of talent supply for war preparation and combat

Implementing the policy of military education in the new era, we have issued the Decision on Accelerating the Construction of the Three in One New Military Talent Training System, the Regulations on Military Academy Education, and the Regulations on Military Vocational Education... The institutional framework of the Three in One New Military Talent Training System has basically been formed, advancing to a higher level of military education.

Persist in cultivating whatever talents are needed for war, accelerate the forging of joint combat command talents, advance the positioning of new combat force talents, encourage and support high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, compound the cultivation of high-level strategic management talents, and anchor the construction of the "four types of talents" to win future wars. Press the fast forward button.

Based on the actual preparation for military struggle, we focus on cultivating and discovering talents in major military operations and major training tasks, take the path of cultivating and adjusting scarce emergency response talents, explore the implementation of "talent+projects" and "talent zones" construction, and build a "talent pool" that is sufficient to win future wars. Through the magnificent military practice, all the officers and soldiers of the army have weathered the wind and rain, seen the world, strengthened their muscles and bones, and developed their abilities. One group after another, excellent commanders and soldiers have entered the hot training ground and walked towards the front line of military struggle preparation.

——Adhere to reform and innovation, deeply stimulate the vitality of the talent team

Deep optimization of personnel structure layout. Significantly reduce the number of active personnel in all corps level and above institutions, streamline service and support institutions and personnel; Relying on targeted training of soldiers in local universities, the order based recruitment has continuously increased the professional matching rate; Moving away from civilian positions and directly introducing high-level talents, academicians are dressed in "peacock blue"... Our army is accelerating the transformation from quantity and scale oriented to quality and efficiency oriented, and from manpower intensive to technology intensive.

Significant breakthroughs have been made in policy and institutional reforms. The professionalization system of Chinese military officers, marked by the Interim Regulations on the Management of Active Service Officers, has made substantial progress. The reform of the systems for sergeants, conscripts, and civilian personnel has been promoted in one, and a large number of policy measures have been introduced, including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status and Rights of Military Personnel, the Regulations on the Recognition of Military Merit and Honor, as well as military visits, consolation, and relief, military recuperation, preferential education for military children, parental support subsidies, spouse honor payments, and medical treatment guarantees for military personnel and related personnel. This has gathered the passion and enthusiasm for dedicating oneself to national defense and building a strong military.

The People's Army marches with its head held high, calling for the recruitment of talents to strengthen the military. A series of new ideas and concepts have entered the mind and heart, and new ideas and measures have been successively launched. Practical contradictions and difficulties have been solved one by one, and policies that love and benefit the military have boosted the morale of the military. The path to building a strong military with talents is becoming wider and wider, and the path to success for officers and soldiers is becoming wider and wider.

"We must adhere to the principle of 'strictness first', 'comprehensive strictness', and' one strictness to the end 'with unwavering persistence and perseverance on the road, and deepen the construction of our army's party conduct and clean governance, as well as the fight against corruption."——

The political ecology of the People's Army has fundamentally improved, and the new atmosphere and righteousness continue to rise

A good work style can forge a heroic army, while a loose work style can bring down a victorious army.

Forge ahead in a new era and a new journey-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core firmly grasped the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the army, and led the entire army to continue to maintain a positive atmosphere, strict rules, and punish corruption, and play a set of self-revolution. "Combined fist" to promote the revolutionary forging of the people's army.

Showcasing a new atmosphere and new appearance - the entire army, from top to bottom, has carried out strict discipline, anti-corruption and punishment, rectification and rectification. The glorious tradition and excellent work style have effectively returned, and the anti-corruption struggle has achieved overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation, establishing a good example of the People's Army.

——Adhere to a strict tone of integrity and discipline

Improving work style must be top-down and led by superiors. For the military, we must start from the Military Commission.

The Central Military Commission has formulated ten regulations and their implementation rules, which have been continuously implemented, setting a benchmark for improving the work style of the entire army.

We must firmly grasp the "key minority" of leading cadres, strengthen the constraints and supervision on the lawful and regulated performance of their duties, the implementation of salary regulations, the regulation of social interaction, and the management of family members and children, and urge them to guard the ideological defense line, the bottom line of power use, the red line of law and discipline, and the boundary line of family conduct, and use the influence of the "key minority" to drive the "vast majority".

We will carry out the "eight special clean-up and rectification" campaign, deepen the expansion of grassroots customs supervision and contact points, and thoroughly crack down on bad customs such as illegal drinking, inviting people to eat, and accepting gifts and gifts online... We will promote the transformation of the rectification of the "four customs" from centralized rectification to a normalized system of governance. Corruption on the wheels, privileges on housing, and waste on the tip of the tongue have been effectively addressed, putting an end to some long-standing bad customs and rectifying some stubborn malaria diseases that have not been eliminated for many years.

——Adhere to a zero tolerance attitude towards anti-corruption and punishing evil

With firm determination and will, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Xi insisted on not daring to corrupt, not corrupt, and not wanting to corrupt. They will always blow the charge and resolutely win the protracted battle against corruption.

We will adhere to the principle of no restricted areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, strictly abide by the legal and disciplinary red line of "corruption and bribery of more than 30000 yuan will be transferred to justice", investigate bribery and bribery together, and crack down on "tigers" and "flies" together, vigorously rectifying corruption and misconduct around officers and soldiers; Deeply promote the rectification and governance of key industries, dig deep into the "big rats" and "bad insects" that gnaw on combat effectiveness in key areas, and form a high-pressure and strict governance situation in all areas, all directions, and all time periods.

We will adhere to the principles of party spirit, conduct, and discipline, deepen anti-corruption education for military cadres, improve and perfect the ideological education system that combines theoretical indoctrination, cultural shaping, and case warnings. We will regularly carry out party spirit education, moral education, and disciplinary education, strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, and strive to achieve a fundamental transformation from not daring to corrupt or not wanting to corrupt.

——Adhere to the governance of pure ecology through a system

Strengthening discipline and anti-corruption, from addressing the symptoms to addressing the root cause, and then crossing over to governance, rely on determination, determination, and decisive measures to fight tough battles. It is even more necessary to address both the root cause and the root cause, and to fight a protracted war through systematic governance.


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The Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation injects inexhaustible spiritual Power into the Promotion of Chinese-style Modernization-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural inheritance and Development aroused strong repercussions in China | Chinese Civilization | General Secretary
The Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation injects inexhaustible spiritual Power into the Promotion of Chinese-style Modernization-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural inheritance and Development aroused strong repercussions in China | Chinese Civilization | General Secretary

Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points
Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points

The National Version Museum of China has undergone three years of construction and was completed on July 23, 2022