Strong in gold and stone, thousands of miles are equally good;

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 05:58 AM

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He quoted an ancient Chinese saying, "If we get along the right path, we will be together for thousands of miles; if we are firm in glue and paint, we will be firm in gold and stone." He praised China and South Korea as like-minded travelers.

Strong in gold and stone, thousands of miles are equally good;


The BRICS countries refer to five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The five countries are located on four continents, spanning the northern and southern hemispheres, and have different historical backgrounds, social systems, development levels, cultural traditions, and values.

Although the BRICS countries have different national conditions, they are all in similar stages of development and share the same development goals.

Strong in gold and stone, thousands of miles are equally good;

Those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as distant. As representatives of emerging market countries and developing countries, the five countries have come together to build partnerships and achieve the grand goal of common development. They have also come together to promote the democratization of international relations and the noble cause of promoting human peace and development. For the past 17 years, facing turbulent waves and wind and rain, although the five countries are far apart, they have responded with one voice and pursued the same spirit, always adhering to the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation of the BRICS, ensuring that the big ship of the BRICS can ride the wind and waves with courage and perseverance.

The direction of one's aspirations cannot be limited by the distance between a poor mountain and the sea. With the deepening of practical cooperation in various fields, the improvement of cooperation mechanisms, the expansion of cooperation areas, and the emergence of cooperation achievements among the five countries, not only has unity and mutual trust been deepened, the well-being of the people of the five countries been enhanced, interests and emotional ties have been tightened, but also outstanding contributions have been made to the stabilization and recovery of the world economy and the return to the path of growth.

The cooperation process of the BRICS countries has provided the best practice for the exchange of world civilizations. For the past 17 years, the BRICS countries have upheld the spirit of the BRICS, strengthened unity and cooperation, advocated fairness and justice, and pursued common development. While pursuing their own interests, they have also taken into account the interests of other countries, benefiting their own country and the world, and promoting a path of win-win cooperation and positive interaction among major powers. The success of cooperation among BRICS countries fully demonstrates that different social systems can be mutually inclusive, different development models can cooperate with each other, and different values and cultures can exchange with each other.

Strong in gold and stone, thousands of miles are equally good;

The BRICS cooperation mechanism has gone through 17 years of development and achieved fruitful results. It has become a major platform for cooperation between emerging markets and developing countries worldwide. The significance of BRICS cooperation has exceeded the scope of the five countries and carries the expectations of emerging market countries, developing countries, and even the entire international community. Nowadays, more and more countries hope to open the door of the BRICS and participate in BRICS cooperation, which fully demonstrates the strong vitality and influence of the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

The BRICS countries share the same breath and destiny, and are sincere good friends, brothers, and partners. This friendship and cooperation will continue to deepen. Looking towards the future, BRICS countries should unite more, gather strength, work together to build closer partnerships, continue to expand and consolidate their circle of friends, and jointly embark on a new journey of BRICS cooperation.

Author: Yang Lixin

Strong in gold and stone, thousands of miles are equally good;
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