Striving hard at the time Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward-exclusive manuscript | Striving hard at the time |

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:09 PM

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made strategic arrangements for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. This year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. How can we accurately position ourselves in the grand strategy of rural revitalization?

Strategize the overall situation and focus on key areas.

The granary is truly safe for the world

Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture. Small seeds, connected to the "great of the country," are an important force in achieving the strategy of rural revitalization.

This base integrates aquatic feed, seedlings, and aquaculture, undertaking tasks such as cultivating high-quality fishery species.

He pointed out that we should focus on the two key points of seeds and farmland, strengthen the matching of good seeds and farmland, and build a higher level "Tianfu granary" in the new era.

In recent years, China has orderly promoted the revitalization of the seed industry in areas such as breeding innovation, germplasm resource survey, and support for seed industry enterprises. The National Crop Germplasm Resource Bank and Marine Fisheries Resource Bank have been completed and put into operation, and the Livestock and Poultry Germplasm Resource Bank has started construction... The revitalization of the seed industry is on the way!

One ridge and one acre, carrying people's livelihood.

Looking at the vast fields, he pondered deeply: "There are 1.5 billion acres of saline alkali land in China, of which 500 million acres are suitable for growing food. If it can be developed and utilized, it will be of great significance for expanding China's arable land area and maintaining national food security."

He walked into the field, carefully observing the growth of wheat and chili peppers, and asked the on-site agricultural technicians about the construction of high standard farmland.

Farmland is the lifeblood of food production. From the development of saline alkali land to the construction of high standard farmland, China has deeply implemented the strategy of storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology, seeking potential from the land and benefits from technology, and continuously consolidating the foundation of food security. As of the end of 2022, China has built a total of 1 billion acres of high standard farmland. In 2023, 45 million acres will be newly built and 35 million acres will be renovated and upgraded.

Striving hard at the time Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward-exclusive manuscript | Striving hard at the time |

Chinese crops in Chinese fields, Chinese grains in Chinese bowls! According to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the total summer grain production in China in 2023 was 146.13 million tons, and a bumper harvest of summer grain was achieved. Summer grain grains are returned to the warehouse, and the new season of autumn grain is being pressed and pushed forward. Looking at the fertile fields, a new harvest is brewing.

Industrial prosperity and rural revitalization

Maoming, Guangdong, is a lychee that leads revitalization.

Baiqiao Village is located in the golden area of lychee cultivation, with a history of over 2000 years of lychee cultivation. At present, the lychee planting area in the village reaches 6800 acres, accounting for more than 87% of the village's cultivated area. In recent years, Baiqiao Village has developed cooperatives according to local conditions and connected the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the lychee industry. Various industries such as fresh fruit processing, e-commerce sales, and rural tourism are flourishing. In 2022, the per capita income of villagers is about 51000 yuan.

In this "hometown of lychees", he pointed out that "developing characteristic industries is an important way to achieve rural revitalization. We should focus on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas through industrial revitalization by focusing on the development of 'local specialties'."

Rural areas must be revitalized, and industries must be revitalized.

The most important thing is the visible component.

In recent years, Yan'an apples, Datong yellow flowers, Lanzhou lilies, Dandong strawberries... In response to local conditions, various regions have focused on promoting industrial revitalization, cultivating and developing new rural industries and formats, and a large number of characteristic agricultural products are renowned throughout the country. As of the end of 2022, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, and 200 strong agricultural industry towns have been established nationwide.

One industry leads a hundred industries, and all industries promote the overall situation.

Sincerely instruct and guide the direction.

Striving hard at the time Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward-exclusive manuscript | Striving hard at the time |

Across the north and south of the Yangtze River, various regions are vigorously promoting the entire industrial chain and advancing towards agricultural modernization. Guizhou applies the concept of sustainable development and circular economy to agricultural production, enabling a virtuous cycle of ecology and agricultural economy; Henan takes rural tourism as the leading factor and rural industrial development as the core to promote the development of leisure agriculture; Zhejiang solidifies the foundation of rural digital economy, and the vitality of rural e-commerce industry continues to burst out

In the vast countryside, characteristic industries bloom in full bloom.

Shared development and prosperity

On the road to common prosperity, no one can fall behind.

These border ethnic areas cannot fall behind on the road to common prosperity.

Common prosperity is an old topic, accompanied by new ones: how to achieve common prosperity in rural revitalization? How to follow the path of rural modernization? How to build livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside?

"We should actively promote the construction of new urbanization with county towns as important carriers, accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system, develop new rural collective economy, deeply implement rural construction actions, and promote common prosperity."

"Establish a sound system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development, improve the policy system for equal exchange and two-way flow of urban and rural factors, promote the orderly flow of urban resource elements to rural areas, and enhance the vitality of agricultural and rural development."

Striving hard at the time Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward Xi Jinping guided the rural revitalization stride forward-exclusive manuscript | Striving hard at the time |

"Continuously deepen the improvement of rural living environment, strengthen the protection of traditional villages and rural characteristics, strengthen the construction of rural spiritual civilization, and cultivate a civilized rural atmosphere."


A thousand words indicate the path.

——Promote continuous increase in agricultural income. From driving the employment and entrepreneurship of farmers, to enhancing the ability of small farmers to develop modern agriculture, and then increasing the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting and enriching farmers, gradually improving the level of rural social security, and steadily increasing subsidies for farmers... Various regions and departments are doing everything possible to broaden the channels for increasing farmers' income and wealth.

——Beautify the rural living environment. Aiming at the goal of "basic modern living conditions in rural areas", the five-year action plan for improving rural living environment has been continuously promoted. Various regions and departments have made great efforts in improving rural living environment, rural infrastructure construction, and enhancing basic public service capabilities.

——Establish a civilized rural culture. Rural revitalization needs to shape itself, but more importantly, it needs to forge its soul. Various regions and departments are vigorously strengthening the construction of rural public culture, solidly promoting the transformation of rural customs, continuously improving the spiritual outlook of farmers, and continuously revitalizing rural civilization. Nowadays, all administrative villages across the country have established new era civilization practice centers, opened rural libraries, electronic reading rooms, and cultural activity rooms, and the cultural life of farmers is becoming increasingly rich and colorful.

A series of practical and effective policy measures have been solidly promoted to enrich, care for, and improve farmers, releasing multiplier benefits and injecting surging momentum into rural revitalization.

On the plain, the fragrance of rice wafts.

Between the countryside, the scenery is abundant.

The road to revitalization is walking with resounding steps!

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