Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference urges people to forge ahead. Ecological Environmental Protection Conference | Response

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:43 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 19th. Title: Striving to write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference is inspiring

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection was held in Beijing from July 17th to 18th.

We must have confidence, focus on practical work, solidly promote key work such as pollution prevention and control, and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.

The achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have attracted worldwide attention

Opening the "temperament calendar" of atmospheric environmental quality in Hebei Province, the page colors gradually transitioned from dark colors representing pollution to light colors representing excellence, recording a huge change from "heavy haze" to "permanent blue sky": the number of excellent days in 2022 increased by 121 days compared to 2013.

"The butterfly change of Hebei's atmospheric environment is a vivid manifestation of the construction of ecological civilization in the new era." Qian Peng, director of the Atmospheric Environment Division of the Hebei Provincial Department of Ecological Environment, said, "General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that after tenacious efforts, China's sky is bluer, the ground is greener, the water is clearer, and the rivers and mountains are more colorful. This makes every one of us environmentalists proud."

In the midsummer season, Anji, Zhejiang, is surrounded by lush bamboo mountains. Relying on the picturesque ecological background, new formats such as camping bases and cultural and creative industrial parks continue to emerge, attracting tourists from all over the world and enriching the pockets of local villagers.

General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed four "major changes", in which he insisted on changing concepts, compacting responsibilities, continuously enhancing the consciousness and initiative of the whole party and the country to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and realizing a major change from passive response to active action. The masses of Anji felt deeply.

Pan Chunlin, a villager from Anji Yu Village, said that Anji is the birthplace of the "Two Mountains" concept. Local cadres and people actively participate in ecological civilization construction, and rural areas including Yu Village have achieved a transformation from "garbage is blown by the wind, sewage is evaporated" to "the whole village is a scenic area, and the door is a garden". Nowadays, the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" has deeply rooted in people's hearts, and protecting the ecological environment has become a conscious action of the local people.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech: "Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have taken the construction of ecological civilization as a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and carried out a series of pioneering work. The determination, strength, and effectiveness are unprecedented. The construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, turning, and overall changes from theory to practice, and major steps have been taken in the construction of a beautiful China." Wan Jun, chief engineer of the Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, was deeply touched by this.

"The achievements in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era have attracted worldwide attention. Over the past decade, while China's economy has continued to grow rapidly, the quality of the ecological environment has continued to improve and the level of green development has continued to rise." Wan Jun said that under the guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, my country has embarked on a civilized development path of production development, affluent life, and good ecology.

Deeply understand the significant relationships that need to be handled well in promoting ecological civilization construction on the new journey

Summarizing the ten years of practical experience in the new era and analyzing the new situations and problems currently facing, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded at the conference several major relationships that need to be handled in the new journey to promote the construction of ecological civilization.

Listening to General Secretary's important speech on site, Wang Lei, Director of the Department of Land and Space Ecological Restoration of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said, "As ecological protection and restoration workers, we are very encouraged and also deeply feel the great responsibility. General Secretary's important speech has pointed out the direction of our next work."

Wang Lei said: it is necessary to thoroughly study and understand the General Secretary's important exposition on "the relationship between natural restoration and artificial restoration," adhere to the principle of giving priority to conservation, protection, and natural restoration, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, respect the laws of nature, and implement scientific and classified policies to ensure that ecological protection and restoration achieve tangible results.

The Haizhu National Wetland Park, known as the "green heart" of Guangzhou, is the largest central wetland in China's mega cities. The good ecological environment of wetlands has enhanced the core competitiveness of the region. At present, Pazhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone adjacent to the wetland has attracted more than 50 Internet and digital economy enterprises.

Chen Weifeng, deputy mayor of Guangzhou's Haizhu District, said, "The General Secretary pointed out that new kinetic energy and new advantages for development are constantly being shaped through high levels of environmental protection. The protection and development of the Haizhu wetland vividly demonstrates that we can explore a path where ecological protection and economic development complement each other."

In July, Chagan Lake rippled with blue waves. By the lake, plants such as verbena, lilies, and peonies form a colorful sea of flowers, attracting tourists to stop and take photos.

Wang Yan, a staff member of Jilin Chagan Lake Ecological Tourism Group Co., Ltd., said that the ecological environment of Chagan Lake is getting better and better, and more and more birds are coming to inhabit it.

Contribute to the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China through practical actions

Recently, the Ecological Environment Bureau of Xinxiang City, Henan Province, received good news that the number of days with good air quality in Xinxiang City increased by 6 days year-on-year in the first half of this year.

Wang Hongzhen, director of the Xinxiang City Ecological Environment Bureau, said: "We are very excited to study the important speech of the General Secretary and the direction of our work is more clear." She said that it is necessary to use "embroidery" efforts to strengthen precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and pollution control in accordance with the law, continue to fight the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land, and jointly build a "big environmental protection" work pattern to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China. Own contribution.

In the scorching summer, in the Karamaili Mountain Nature Reserve of ungulates in Xinjiang, Adabiat, a patrol officer at the Qiaomu Xibai Protection Station, and his companions travel hundreds of kilometers every day to transport clean water to the wildlife replenishment points in their jurisdiction. In summer, wild animals are replenished with water, and in winter, they are fed with grass. The number of wild animals has significantly increased in recent years.

"The important speech of General Secretary has further strengthened our determination to protect the diversity of the ecosystem." Adabiat said that in the next step, they will effectively strengthen the supervision of ecological protection and restoration, carry out the construction and repair of national park management stations and roads, make good use of new technologies, provide support for scientific management and research, and leave a natural environment of blue sky, green earth, and clear water for future generations.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods, adhere to green and low-carbon development as a fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems, accelerate the formation of green production methods and lifestyles, and build a green background for high-quality development.

On the banks of Erhai Lake, in Gusheng Village Science and Technology Academy, Wanqiao Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province, Tang Bowen, a master's student from China Agricultural University, was busy going out with his teachers and classmates to collect samples of farmland wastewater.

Tang Bowen introduced that they have established an agricultural non-point source pollution monitoring network within the village and surrounding area of about 4.8 square kilometers, and are working hard to promote green ecological planting models, guide local villagers to use green intelligent fertilizers, reduce pollution to the Erhai Lake, and solve the problem of high-quality coordinated development between Erhai Lake protection and agriculture.

To establish a sound guarantee system for the construction of a beautiful China, we need to coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces from all sides, and effectively combine the rule of law, market, technology, and policy.

Huang Rongmin, the person in charge of the Anhui Provincial Regional Company of Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group, a subsidiary of Three Gorges Group, stated that on the new journey, we should start with solving prominent ecological and environmental problems according to the deployment of General Secretary, pay attention to the combination of points and surfaces, address both symptoms and root causes, highlight technological support, and use urban smart water management as the overall focus to help prioritize ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and contribute to the protection of the mother river of the Chinese nation.

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