Strive to promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Jiangsu encourages the broad masses of cadres and the masses to stride forward on a new journey of Chinese-style modernization

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:59 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 7th. Title: Striving to promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development -- An important speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Jiangsu inspired the broad masses of cadres and the masses to stride forward on a new journey

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Take the lead in realizing socialist modernization, strive to promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangsu, and write a new chapter in the modernization of the new Jiangsu." From July 5th to 7th, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech during his inspection tour of Jiangsu, which not only pointed out the direction for the development of Jiangsu, but also guided all walks of life to promote Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development.

Everyone said that this year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On the new journey, we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and implement it in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner. New development concepts, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, and move forward bravely, and realize the dream of national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization.

The only way: the key to Chinese path to modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology

Accelerating the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the only way to promote high-quality development.

"The important speech of the General Secretary made us deeply feel that there can be no Chinese path to modernization without scientific and technological modernization. We should firmly adhere to the principle of self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology, and never relax, deepen industrial intelligent manufacturing, and make more breakthroughs and achievements in high-end technology."

In the face of increasingly fierce international competition, opening up new fields and tracks for development, and forming new advantages in international competition, the key is to grasp the lifeline of technology in one's own hands.

"General Secretary emphasized the need to take a practical and solid path of innovation, and make contributions to achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. We must closely adhere to this' practical 'character, solidly devote ourselves to the front line of scientific research, take the laboratory to a new level, undertake more strategic scientific research tasks for the country, and make greater contributions to China's scientific and technological development for humanity." Academician Liu Yunjie, Director and Chief Scientist of Zijinshan Laboratory, said.

"Our laboratory is a vivid practice for enterprises and universities to deepen the cooperation between industry, academia, and research in the aquaculture seed industry. The important speech of General Secretary has given us more confidence to strengthen the research and development of cutting-edge aquaculture breeding technology, accelerate the breeding process of important marine aquaculture objects such as yellow croaker, continuously improve the level of high-quality breeding in the marine aquaculture industry, and provide high-quality seed protection for the industry," said Xu Peng.

"General Secretary emphasized the need to strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote the aggregation of innovative elements to enterprises, and continuously improve the level of scientific and technological achievement transformation and industrialization. GAC will firmly seize the historical opportunity of traditional automobiles' transformation to new energy intelligent connected vehicles, resolutely implement the innovation driven development strategy, promote high-quality development of independent brands, and strive to achieve lane changing and overtaking."

Building a Solid Foundation: Adhering to the Real Economy and Building a Modern Industrial System

The real economy has laid a solid foundation for Chinese path to modernization.

"General Secretary's important speech points out the direction for high-quality development." Zhang Qiao, Deputy Mayor of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, said that in 2022, Suzhou's total industrial output value above designated size reached 4.36 trillion yuan, ranking second among cities in China. "We will adhere to placing the focus of economic development on the real economy, guided by technological innovation, continuously consolidating the foundation and foundation of the manufacturing industry, promoting high-end manufacturing, and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system."

Without a strong real economy, a solid material and technological foundation for Chinese path to modernization cannot be formed.

In Nanrui Group Co., Ltd., General Secretary Xi Jinping learned in detail about the company's core technology research, service grid security, power supply and energy transformation.

"The General Secretary interacted with young technology workers in our company and raised earnest expectations," said Leng Jun, Chairman of Nanrui Group Co., Ltd. The company will continue to lead all technology workers to bravely tackle challenges, focus on forward-looking and basic application research, strive to build a modern industrial system, and make greater contributions to the safe and stable operation of the power grid.

With the rapid development of the new generation of information technology, the digital economy is becoming an important force driving industries to leap to higher levels.

"The General Secretary emphasized the deep integration of the digital economy with advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, which has strengthened the development direction and confidence of enterprises." Fang Yi, founder of Zhejiang Daily Interactive Co., Ltd., said that digital technology is accelerating its integration into various fields of economic and social development. In the future, enterprises will further explore more industrial digital application scenarios and use digital technology to promote the transformation and upgrading of the real economy.

Inevitable requirement: Building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation

The General Secretary stressed that building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese path to modernization and an important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

"Green bricks accompanied by tile paint, white horses treading on new mud..." On a Pingjiang Road, half of the city of Gusu. The Pingjiang Road, with a total length of 1606 meters, is known as the "Jiangnan Cultural Museum without walls".

"The Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District is a precious asset for inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and strengthening the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. We will protect, excavate, and utilize the ancient city with resilience, patience, and determination, create a new era of Suzhou gardens and 'Soviet style life', and inject more humanistic connotations into high-quality development. After listening to the speech of the General Secretary on site, Fang Wenbang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Gusu District Party Committee, was greatly inspired.".

Through creative transformation and innovative development, the excellent traditional Chinese culture continues to thrive, providing profound nourishment for comprehensively enhancing the scientific and cultural literacy of the people and promoting the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

As summer approaches, batches of young people come to experience archaeological excavations, learn how to throw pots and shoot arrows at the Daming Palace Academy Archaeological Exploration Center in the Daming Palace National Heritage Park in Xi'an. The former palace has been awakened in the form of a "national heritage park", achieving the integration and symbiosis of culture, tourism, commerce, and life.

"In the face of the increasing public interest in historical and cultural heritage, we will explore new ways of showcasing cultural heritage through modern means on the basis of protection, and enrich the spirit of contemporary people in inheriting the context." said Chang Yu, Deputy General Manager of Xi'an Qujiang Daming Palace National Heritage Park Management Co., Ltd.

The Yangtze River flows eastward, the canal runs through the north and south, and the two major Chinese cultural symbols intersect on the land of Jiangsu; One horizontal and one vertical, complementing each other, showcasing the enduring vitality of Chinese civilization.

"Actively participating in the construction of the two national cultural parks, the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal, Jiangsu is dutiful. We will strive to create a beautiful home where people, rivers, cities, and rivers are intertwined, and contribute to the new glory of Chinese culture." Yang Zhichun, Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said with deep emotion.

Putting the People at the Center: Ensuring and Improving Livelihood, Promoting Modernization of Social Governance

The happiness and health of the people are the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development.

Since the beginning of this year, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province has been exploring the construction of a public employment service system such as the gig market and the "doorstep" employment service station in Jiangsu Province. Through various forms such as "live streaming job promotion" and "campus offline online and offline dual selection meetings", 233 recruitment activities have been held, adding 21000 new jobs to urban and rural areas.

"The General Secretary emphasized the need to accelerate the improvement of the social security system, improve the employment promotion mechanism and public service system, and do a good job in the employment of key groups. We deeply feel the responsibility is significant." Dong Hongxia, Director of the Jiangning District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that we will keep in mind the instructions of the General Secretary, focus on stabilizing employment, promote the development of diverse positions, promote vocational training and empowerment, and fully guarantee stable and high-quality employment for all types of groups.

Since the beginning of this year, his community has encouraged participation in volunteer activities through credit points, and many veteran party members and enthusiastic volunteers have established a volunteer team for a virtuous and healthy lifestyle, solving more than 100 urgent and difficult problems that residents hope for.

"Grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance, directly related to the happiness index of the people. As grassroots party members and cadres, we will follow the guidance of General Secretary, adhere to and develop the 'Fengqiao Experience' and 'Pujiang Experience' of the new era, continuously innovate and improve methods based on the needs of the people, and strive to enhance the capacity of grassroots social governance." Li Huayong said.

At present, the education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era is being carried out in the whole party. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that party organizations at all levels should educate and guide party members and cadres to implement the requirements of "emphasizing practice", adhere to the integration of learning, thinking and use, the unity of knowledge, trust and practice, correct the orientation of doing, strengthen the motivation of doing, and form a joint force of doing. Real results have been achieved in promoting work.

To learn and understand the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary, Feng Wenmeng, a researcher of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that through thematic education, it has strengthened the cohesion and combat effectiveness of all directors in entrepreneurship, and also guided the central and local governments to follow the direction of the General Secretary's guidance, firmly cultivate the concept of political achievements that benefit the people, adhere to the people centered development idea, and unswervingly promote Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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