Strengthening Confidence and Joining Hands to Create a New Era of Global Development - Written on the First Anniversary of the Global Development High Level Dialogue China | Digital | Global

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:07 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 24th (Xinhua) - Strong Confidence, Working Together to Create a New Era of Global Development - Written on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Global Development High Level Dialogue

Xinhua News Agency reporter Su Liang, Du Jing, Zhang Yuan

"We need to recognize the global development trend, strengthen our confidence, take action, tie together a rope, rivet together with strength, promote global development, and jointly create a development pattern of inclusive balance, coordination and inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win, and common prosperity."

On June 24, 2022, at the Global Development High-level Dialogue, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a series of pragmatic measures on the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, pointing out the direction for the advancement of the initiative, marking that the initiative has entered a new stage of pragmatic cooperation.

Those who seek righteousness will achieve it, and those who seek the cause of the people will achieve it. Over the past year, in the face of complex international situations, China has actively implemented global development initiatives, continuously gathered broader international consensus, gathered stronger development forces, and conveyed the strong voice of the times to achieve common development and prosperity.

Promoting a "refocusing" of global development

The development of the world today is facing unprecedented challenges. The century long changes have evolved with unprecedented intensity, and the characteristics of turbulence and change have become more prominent. The global economic growth momentum is insufficient, the North South divide continues to widen, and food and energy crises are plaguing many countries. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is already halfway through, and the implementation progress has fallen behind expectations.

The global development process is facing severe challenges, and humanity is facing an urgent choice of where to go.

Development is an eternal theme of human society.

"The proposition put forward by President Xi Jinping is in the interests of the Chinese people and also in the interests of the people of the world." British 48 group club chairman Stephen Perry said.

In recent years, China has continuously made practical contributions to global development. Ten years after the proposal of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, more than three-quarters of the world's countries and 32 international organizations have been attracted to participate in it, stimulating investment of nearly a trillion dollars, forming more than 3000 cooperation projects, creating 420000 jobs for countries along the line, and helping 40 million people out of poverty.

Since the proposal of the Global Development Initiative, it has created new opportunities and injected new momentum into global common development. At present, more than 100 countries and international organizations have supported the initiative, and nearly 70 countries have participated in the Global Development Initiative Friends Group.

"Thailand's accession to the 'Group of Friends of Global Development Initiative' fully demonstrates its confidence in China's cooperation and development with other countries." Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and Chairman of the Thailand China Cultural Promotion Committee, Phinni, emphasized that in the current complex international environment, China calls on the international community to 'refocus' on global development, which is of great significance.

To simplify the road, practical work is essential. Since the high-level dialogue on global development was held a year ago, various practical measures proposed by China have been implemented one after another, and many projects have been completed or achieved early results. Over the past year, the Chinese government has initiated and arranged 1000 human resource development cooperation projects, providing 20000 training slots, covering almost all countries of the Friends of the Global Development Initiative. The Global Development and South South Cooperation Fund and the China United Nations Peace and Development Fund established by China have become two important funding platforms for China to support global development initiative project cooperation. At present, the total number of practical cooperation projects in the global development initiative project library has exceeded 100, and nearly 40 developing countries are benefiting from it.

"In the process of global development, many countries say more and do less, and the initiatives and plans proposed and implemented by China are very important," emphasized Zhao Suisheng, a professor at the University of Denver in the United States.

Egyptian Chinese affairs expert and President of Egypt's Hikmat Cultural Industry Group, Ahmad Said, stated that China's measures have brought practical assistance to countries around the world, effectively promoted common development, and enhanced the confidence of other developing countries in their development.

Cultivate a global development accelerator

The world today is brewing new and tremendous changes. New technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality have brought about a new round of technological and industrial revolution. The emergence of digital technology and green low-carbon technology has brought broader opportunities for the common development of countries around the world.

How to better serve global development with new technologies and avoid further widening the technological gap between North and South is a major issue faced by countries around the world.

Innovation is the primary driving force for development.

"In promoting global development cooperation, China has many practices that can be shared with the world." Navid Hanif, the Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development of the United Nations, said that as China continues to promote high-quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road" and practical measures to implement global development initiatives, China has made important achievements in promoting the achievement of sustainable development goals, green transportation, green infrastructure construction and other fields.

In September 2022, China held a ministerial meeting of the "Friends of the Global Development Initiative" and released the first batch of project lists in the Global Development Initiative project library. It proposed to promote cooperation in "Special Action to Promote Food Production", "Global Clean Energy Partnership", "Smart Customs, Smart Borders, and Smart Access", and initiated the establishment of the World Digital Education Alliance. Together with the International Bamboo and Vine Organization, it launched the "Bamboo Replacing Plastic Global Action Plan" and announced that China's "Sustainable Development Science Satellite 1" data launched in November 2021 will be open for global sharing.

"China will add new momentum to global common development," said Ding Ke, director of the Asian Economic Research Institute of the Japan Trade Revitalization Agency. China actively shares experiences with developing countries in digital and green transformation, which will effectively bridge the digital divide and promote green growth.

In recent years, China has actively promoted the implementation of new technologies in developing countries, effectively promoting global sustainable development. In Pakistan, the Karot hydropower station built by Chinese companies has become a "green pearl" on the Jehelum River; In countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, China's cloud computing and digital technology have been applied in crop cultivation, further improving agricultural efficiency; In Africa, China and Africa work together to build a "digital Africa", helping African countries bridge the "digital divide", changing the face of Africa and the lives of ordinary people in Africa

Kenyan international expert Kavins Adhill stated that in the past decade, China has stimulated the innovation and growth potential of emerging economies through various means, helping African countries create employment and promoting inclusive growth in the digital economy. The contribution rate of non Chinese enterprises to African economic development exceeds 20%, fully reflecting the pragmatic and mutually beneficial partnership between China and Africa.

Building a global community with a shared future for development

Currently, nearly 1.2 billion people in nearly 70 countries around the world are facing pandemic, food, energy, and debt crises, with nearly 800 million people living in hunger. The Human Development Index has been declining for two consecutive years. How to make development achievements benefit everyone is the key to promoting global common development and supporting the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

"Only when people of all countries live a good life can prosperity last, security can be guaranteed, and human rights have a foundation." At the Global Development High-level Dialogue, President Xi Jinping called on developed countries to fulfill their obligations, developing countries to deepen cooperation, and the North and South to meet each other in the opposite direction to build a united, equal, balanced, and inclusive global development partnership. No country or anyone is left behind.

"Economic development that allows the people to live a good life is good development!" Gonzalo Guigino, an assistant researcher at the National Council for Science and Technology Research of Argentina, said that President Xi Jinping's people-centered development concept has provided a new paradigm for global development in the 21st century, and is more balanced and beneficial on a global scale. The development of more countries and people has drawn a blueprint.

In recent years, China has jointly implemented aid projects with nearly 20 international organizations and non-governmental organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme, benefiting millions of people from over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and other regions

At the same time, China continues to contribute its experience and solutions to the capacity building of developing countries. China assists Grenada in formulating a national development strategic plan, provides policy advice for Zimbabwe on special economic zones, state-owned enterprise reforms, and assists Cambodia in formulating national road network plans and modern agricultural development plans

"China has conveyed a voice to the world that development should be people-oriented and improve the well-being of all mankind, rather than just serving the interests of a certain country or group." Renowned Spanish expert on China, Julio Rios, praised that just world economic recovery is far from enough, and people from all countries must feel the fruits of common development firsthand.

Zhang Yun, director of the New Zealand China Trade Association, said that President Xi Jinping emphasized people-centered and continuously improved people's happiness and satisfaction, which demonstrated China's development philosophy.

If one's heart is in agreement, all plans will come to fruition.From the high-level joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" to the proposal and continuous promotion of practical cooperation in global development initiatives, China's practice of promoting global common development will continue to open up new space, provide new opportunities and inject new impetus into the world's common development cooperation. China and other countries around the world are working together to create a better future of development and prosperity on the path of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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