Stepping Forward towards a Strong Cyber Country: A Review of the Development of China's Cyberspace Industry Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:35 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 14th (Xinhua) -- A Comprehensive Review of the Development of China's Internet and Information Industry since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Sibei and Bai Ying

In today's world, the wave of information technology is surging and the atmosphere is diverse.

In contemporary China, the development of the internet information industry is advancing rapidly and thriving.

Under the guidance of this important thought, China's Internet development and governance are constantly creating new situations, and China is striding forward from a network power to a network power.

Creating a clear and clear network ecosystem

The cyberspace is the common spiritual home of millions of people.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must be responsible to society and the people, strengthen cyberspace governance in accordance with the law, strengthen network content construction, strengthen positive online publicity, cultivate a positive, healthy, and positive network culture, and use socialism. The core values and the outstanding achievements of human civilization nourish people's hearts and society, achieve full positive energy and high theme, and create a clean and upright cyberspace for the majority of netizens, especially young people.

Persisting in positive energy is the overall requirement, being able to manage it is the hard truth, and using it well is the true skill. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, relevant departments have closely cooperated and collaborated to deeply implement the network content construction project, solidly promote the construction of network civilization, strengthen the governance of cyberspace in accordance with the law, and cultivate a positive, healthy, and upward oriented network culture.

Strengthening the online mainstream ideological and public opinion battlefield——

Young writers born in the 1990s who have returned to their hometowns use new media to assist in rural revitalization, and Chinese style musicians compose ancient poetry and literature into songs, actively promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture... In February of this year, the excellent story of the 6th "Chinese Young Good Netizens" was unveiled. 50 exciting stories showcase the protagonists' positive outlook on life and values, attracting attention and praise from netizens.

The clear sky and gentle breeze embody the people's yearning for a better life in online homes.

Launch online themed promotional activities around major themes, such as "Embracing a Thousand Years of Glory is a Hundred Year Prosperity"; Deepen the implementation of the new media dissemination project of Chinese culture, the collection and exhibition activities of China's positive energy network, and the theme activities of the "Internet China Festival", making the voice of the Party the strongest voice in the online space; Plan a series of activities to celebrate the achievements and new journey of internet celebrities in the new era, with positive energy internet celebrities helping to sing the good voice of the internet.

Increase the supply of high-quality content, launch a batch of phenomenal new media works such as "The Magnificent View of the Main Peak" and "Holding Mom's Hand", and let the innovative theories of the Party "fly into the homes of ordinary people"; Accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and narrative system, launch online international communication activities such as "China has commitments" and "Check in China", so that the voice of China can spread further and more widely.

Strengthening comprehensive governance of cyberspace——

The Internet is not a place outside the law, and it must operate healthily on the track of the rule of law.

Implement the Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Comprehensive Network Governance System, and widely consolidate the joint efforts of network comprehensive governance;

The Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, the Regulations on the Management of Internet User Account Information, the Regulations on the Management of Internet Pop up Information Push Service, the Regulations on the Management of Internet Posting and Comment Service, etc. were introduced to provide the basis for the pipeline network, network governance and network use in accordance with laws and regulations;

We will carry out a series of special actions such as "clearing the air", "protecting seedlings", and "purifying the internet" in depth, concentrate on rectifying various illegal and harmful information online, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of netizens

With the concerted efforts of relevant departments and local governments, a comprehensive network governance system has been basically completed, promoting the fundamental transformation of the Internet from "management" to "governance".

A new trend of co building and sharing network civilization——

"Credibility Doubts", "Panda Catches Rumors", "Earthquake Rumors"... In May this year, the fifth excellent works of Chinese Internet rumor refutation were released in Beijing. 60 selected works have revealed the harmfulness of rumors in a way that is popular among the public, helping netizens improve their ability to recognize and discern rumors.

Network civilization is an important part of social civilization in the new situation, and the construction of network civilization requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

From actively hosting the China Cyber Civilization Conference to consolidating social consensus on the upward and upward development of cyber civilization, to continuously hosting the China Cyber Integrity Conference, actively creating a good social atmosphere of trustworthiness, mutual trust, and joint practice, and finally to the release of the "Oppose Cyber Rumors and Build Cyber Civilization" initiative, advocating for the whole society to jointly manage and govern cyber rumors, and jointly build and share cyber civilization

Nowadays, a new pattern of jointly building and sharing a beautiful online spiritual home is taking shape in the whole society.

Hundreds of millions of people share the fruits of Internet development

Mobile banking, QR code payment, online government affairs, live streaming sales, and cloud visiting museums... Nowadays, from home travel to government work, information technology and digital technology have deeply integrated into all aspects of the economy and society.

"In order to develop the network information industry, we must implement the people-centered development thought." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are sincere.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made arrangements to accelerate the construction of a strong online country and a digital China. The National 14th Five Year Plan and the 2035 Vision Outline propose to adapt to the new trend of fully integrating digital technology into social interaction and daily life, promote innovation in public services and social operation methods, and build a digital life that is accessible to all.

Adapting to the new expectations of the people, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Informatization Development Strategy Outline, the 14th Five Year National Informatization Plan, and the Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China have been introduced, which have drawn a grand blueprint for the construction of Digital China and provided a good policy environment for the development of informatization. Relevant departments have made significant progress in implementing information technology construction.

Digital infrastructure has achieved leapfrog development - mobile communication technology has gone from "3G breakthrough" and "4G synchronization" to "5G leadership", and currently has built the world's largest network infrastructure; The mobile IoT terminal users have exceeded 2.05 billion, becoming the first country among major economies in the world to achieve "Superman of Things"; The new generation of information infrastructure is accelerating its development towards high-speed ubiquitous, integrated heaven and earth, cloud network integration, intelligent and agile, green and low-carbon, and safe and controllable directions.

Empowering high-quality economic and social development through informatization - In 2022, the scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world in total, accounting for 41.5% of GDP. The digital economy is increasingly demonstrating enormous development potential and infinite innovation vitality. Digital technologies such as digital consumption, intelligent manufacturing, and 5G applications are constantly innovating, and a number of digital industry leaders and specialized and innovative enterprises have emerged, injecting new momentum into economic development.

Hundreds of millions of people share the achievements of Internet development - "Internet plus" is deeply integrated into education, medical care, old-age care and other fields; "Palm based services" and "fingertip services" have become standard configurations for government services, and "one-stop services" and "cross provincial services" have achieved positive results; Continuing to promote online poverty alleviation and digital rural construction, accelerating the bridging of the digital divide between urban and rural areas; Sharing economy, smart travel, mobile payment and other new Internet products and new business formats are emerging. Information services that are available, affordable and well used are benefiting more people. Online public welfare continues to release positive energy for public welfare, and hundreds of millions of people have more sense of gain, happiness and security in sharing the achievements of Internet development.

Building a Strong Network Security Barrier

On June 1, 2023, the sixth anniversary of the implementation of the Cybersecurity Law. This fundamental law in the field of cybersecurity in China has made clear provisions on the security protection of key information infrastructure, personal information protection, governance of online fraud, and implementation of the real name system, becoming an important milestone in the construction of the rule of law in China's cyberspace.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that without network security, there will be no national security, there will be no stable economic and social operation, and it will be difficult to protect the interests of the broad masses of the people.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, guided by the overall national security concept, China has continuously improved the network security work system and mechanism, strengthened the network security guarantee system and capacity building, and significantly enhanced the awareness and protection capabilities of network security in the whole society.

Promulgate network security laws, regulations, and strategic documents such as the Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, National Cyberspace Security Strategy, and Key Information Infrastructure Security Protection Regulations; Establish a series of important systems, including data security management, personal information protection, network security review, cloud computing service security evaluation, data export security evaluation, and personal information export standard contract methods, by introducing the National Network Security Emergency Plan, Network Security Review Measures, Cloud Computing Service Security Evaluation Measures, Data Export Security Evaluation Measures, and so on; From the formulation and release of 367 national standards for cybersecurity, to the promotion of the release of multiple international standards led and participated in by China... The "four pillars and eight pillars" of cybersecurity in China have been basically established.

The Internet reaches hundreds of millions of people and connects the hearts and minds of the Party and the people.

Focusing on the issue of illegal and irregular collection and use of personal information such as mandatory authorization and excessive claims, since 2019, the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Market Regulation have jointly launched a special campaign to crack down on the illegal and irregular collection and use of personal information on apps, effectively deterring illegal and criminal activities.

Cybersecurity is for the people, and cybersecurity relies on the people. Maintaining cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of the entire society.

Since 2014, the National Cybersecurity Awareness Week has been held annually nationwide, promoting the concept of cybersecurity, popularizing cybersecurity knowledge, and promoting cybersecurity skills in an easy to understand manner, effectively promoting the improvement of cybersecurity awareness and protection skills throughout society.

The competition in cyberspace ultimately boils down to talent competition. In recent years, various regions and departments have introduced a series of policy measures to accelerate the construction of cybersecurity disciplines and the process of talent cultivation, and promote the integrated development of cybersecurity education, technology, and industry.

In June 2016, the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Cybersecurity Discipline and Talent Training were issued, proposing to accelerate the construction of cybersecurity discipline majors and departments, and innovate the mechanism for cultivating cybersecurity talents. At present, more than 60 universities have established cybersecurity colleges, and more than 200 universities have established undergraduate majors in cybersecurity.

The Central Cyberspace Administration, together with relevant departments, guides Wuhan to build a national cybersecurity talent and innovation base, actively exploring new mechanisms and models for the integration and development of cybersecurity education, technology, and industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Beijing jointly build a national cybersecurity industrial park, with a focus on promoting the agglomeration and development of the cybersecurity industry, breakthroughs in core cybersecurity technologies, and implementing a cybersecurity talent cultivation plan

The network is boundless, and security is bounded. With the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the network security defense line is being built at a high level.

Actively participate in global Internet development governance

With the acceleration of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, the Internet has turned the world into a "global village", and countries share weal and woe in cyberspace.

Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by digitalization to human society, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "China is willing to work with other countries in the world to work together to build and share digital resources, the vitality of the digital economy, the precision and efficiency of digital governance, and the prosperity and development of digital culture. A global digital development path featuring strong digital security guarantees and mutual benefit and win-win digital cooperation, and accelerate the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, contribute wisdom and strength to the peaceful development of the world and the progress of human civilization", demonstrating the courageous responsibility of a responsible power.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has promoted the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace, actively participated in global Internet governance, and increasingly gained international voice and influence in cyberspace. China's ideas, propositions, and programs have won more recognition and support.

Release the Strategy for International Cooperation in Cyberspace, put forward the Global Data Security Initiative, signed the G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative, and launched the "China Africa Joint Initiative for Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace" to promote the reform and improvement of the global Internet governance system; Holding Global Development Initiative Digital Cooperation Forum, APEC Digital Poverty Reduction Seminar, China ASEAN Information Port Forum, China Russia Network Media Forum, etc., to continuously promote the construction of a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative, and orderly cyberspace.

In May this year, the collection of the world's leading scientific and technological achievements on the Internet in 2023 was launched. As an important part of the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference, the exhibition of leading scientific and technological achievements aims to lead cutting-edge innovation in science and technology, advocate technical exchanges and cooperation, and have a positive impact on the development of world Internet science and technology.

Since 2014, the World Internet Conference has been held in Wuzhen, a beautiful water town, for nine consecutive years. It has released a series of important achievements such as the concept document of "Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace", and the Action Initiative of Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace, to build an international platform for interconnection between China and the world and a Chinese platform for international Internet sharing and common governance; The "four principles", "five propositions", "four commons" and other Chinese wisdom on global Internet development and governance have been widely recognized by the international community.

On July 12, 2022, the International Organization of the World Internet Conference was established in Beijing to build a global Internet sharing platform, promote the international community to comply with the trend of digitalization, networking and intelligence, meet security challenges, seek common development and welfare, and work together to build a cyberspace community of destiny.

The way of benefiting all things, keep up with the times.

Looking back, in the past 30 years, China has formed the largest and dynamic digital society in the world, with more than 1 billion Internet users and the largest e-commerce transaction volume and mobile payment transaction scale in the world since 1994, when it was fully connected to the Internet.

Standing at a new historical starting point, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has led the Chinese people to stride forward on the road to a network power, stirring up the vigorous force of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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