Steady progress in modernization of agriculture and rural areas (promoting effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity of the economy) | Responsible person | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:55 AM

"The 24 harvesters of the professional cooperative are shared and used day and night, ensuring that the wheat grains of the villagers are returned to the warehouse and that summer corn is fully sown." Wang Xiaoming, the head of Xiangming Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Yucheng City, Shandong Province, dispatched agricultural machinery. Just as Chen Guangfeng, a major grain grower, finished harvesting over 700 acres of wheat field, he was busy planting summer corn.

Grain production and stubble pressing promotion. According to the agricultural situation dispatch by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on July 2nd, 95.9% of winter wheat has been harvested, and 83.1% of summer grain has been sown nationwide.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "judging from the great changes that have not occurred in the world in a century, stabilizing the basic plate of agriculture and keeping the foundation of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the 'ballast stone' for the contingency bureau and the opening of a new bureau '."

This year marks the beginning of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, opening up a new chapter in the development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and taking new steps in building a strong agricultural country. In the first quarter, the national primary industry fixed assets investment was 242.5 billion yuan, up 0.5% year on year. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 6131 yuan, an actual increase of 4.8% after deducting price factors, 2.1 percentage points higher than the growth rate of urban residents' income. The modernization of agriculture and rural areas is steadily advancing, laying a solid foundation for the stable operation of the economy and society.

The three rural issues are improving, and the overall situation is proactive. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that we must solidly do a good job in all aspects of agriculture and rural work, maintain the bottom line of food security, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and continuously promote rural revitalization to a new level.

Implementing detailed measures and ensuring the supply of grain and important agricultural products

Food security is the greatest concern of a country.

Although China's grain production has remained stable at over 1.3 trillion kilograms for 8 consecutive years, the pattern of tight and balanced grain supply and demand has not changed, and structural contradictions remain prominent. Grain production must be tightened year by year.

The key to ensuring the supply of grain and important agricultural products lies in implementation. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have aimed to stabilize the area and production, expand soybeans and oilseeds, increase unit yield and self-sufficiency rate, and continuously consolidate the foundation of food security.

——Optimize the planting structure to ensure good and optimal supply.

During this period, Gou Tianming, a grain grower in Guangming Village, Baishui Town, Wangcang County, Sichuan Province, has been busy: "Rapeseed yields 250 kilograms of seeds per mu, with a gross income of over 800 yuan per mu." Luo Yonghai, a farmer from neighboring Kuaishuo Village, attempted to intercrop corn with soybeans for the first time last year. He harvested 600 kilograms of corn and 150 kilograms of soybeans per mu. This year, he chose the "Chuandou 155" soybean variety, which has strong resistance and high quality rates.

Stable area, stable production, and shared responsibility. This year, for the first time, China included the task of soybean production in the assessment of party and government responsibilities for food security, and introduced a package of support policies. At present, the annual target planting area for grain is over 1.77 billion mu, striving for steady growth.

——Strengthen technological support, increase and improve grain production.

The 10000 acre wheat field in Dongfengli Village, Songjia Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province has just been harvested. Looking at the golden wheat, Liu Shoucheng, the agricultural technology instructor at the Songjia Town Agricultural Technology Station, is very happy: "Unified prevention and control, one spray and three defenses. Due to the effective technical measures, the number of wheat ears per mu and the weight of 1000 grains are the best in recent years."

More and better grain production and income growth cannot be achieved without technological support. This year, the country has implemented a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by billions of kilograms, with a focus on soybeans and corn. It has launched a project to increase the yield of major grain and oil crops, consolidating the foundation of grain production.

——Improve social services and achieve a one-stop process from planting to harvesting.

"Before the wheat harvest this year, all the agricultural machinery was maintained and repaired, which really came in handy!" In mid May, Lv Mingxue, the chairman of the Yinong Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Xinxiang County, Henan Province, took seven wheat harvesters and agricultural machinery operators to Nanyang to harvest wheat. In early June, he returned to the county to harvest local wheat, "the time difference was just right.".

Socialized services have improved the efficiency of grain production. Currently, the number of agricultural socialized service organizations in China has exceeded 950000, providing full chain and multi link agricultural production services to small farmers, with a service area of nearly 1.7 billion acres. During this year's "Three Summers" period, more than 600000 combine harvesters, over 800000 agricultural machinery operators, and over 6100 emergency operation service teams of agricultural machinery worked hard on the front line of wheat harvesting.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that the next step will be to compact the planting area by variety, tap into the potential for increased production in different stages, establish a classified and sound disaster prevention and reduction mechanism, and make every effort to achieve a bountiful grain harvest throughout the year, ensure the smooth operation of the grain market, and ensure that the rice bowl mainly contains Chinese grain.

Tightening and compacting responsibilities, continuously consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation

Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation is the bottom line task of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

Although China has won the battle against poverty, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses in the development of poverty-stricken areas. Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization is a major mission and task, and it is necessary to continuously deepen and implement to achieve tangible results.

Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have tightened their responsibilities, continuously strengthened dynamic monitoring to prevent poverty return, and focused on supporting industrial employment. As of the end of March this year, 65% of monitoring objects have eliminated the risk of returning to poverty, while the rest have implemented assistance measures.

——Cultivate and enhance characteristic industries, effectively driving stable income growth for poverty-stricken people.

In Songba Tea Garden, Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, Wu Qiongzhen, a poverty-stricken household from Siling Village, Tianmashan Town, is weeding and pruning. "The tea garden is right at my doorstep, and working can earn more than 2000 yuan per month." Yu Anbo, the head of Songba Tea Industry Co., Ltd., introduced that by arranging employment and purchasing tea, the company has driven more than 500 households of villagers to increase their annual income by more than 10000 yuan.

Developing industries is the fundamental strategy to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. This year, the central government will strive to increase the proportion of rural revitalization subsidies used for industrial development to over 60%. At present, each poverty alleviation county has formed 2 to 3 characteristic leading industries, and nearly 3/4 of the poverty alleviation population has established close interest connections with new business entities.

——Stabilizing and expanding job opportunities, ensuring more stable employment for the poverty-stricken population.

"My job is stable now, and my monthly salary has increased from 6000 yuan to 8000 yuan." More than two years ago, Liu Gen, a poverty-stricken person from Zhenyuan County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, came to work at Tianjin Aima Car Industry Technology Co., Ltd. through the East West labor cooperation mechanism.

Actively expanding employment is an important lever to stabilize the foundation of poverty alleviation. Last year, the total number of poverty alleviation workers in China reached 32.779 million, exceeding the annual target of 2.587 million. This year, various regions and departments have actively implemented the action to prevent poverty and employment. As of the end of March, the number of migrant workers who have lifted themselves out of poverty has reached 30.74 million.

——Internal breakthroughs are being sought, and the endogenous development momentum of poverty-stricken areas and people is increasing.

In the Love Bag Micro Factory in Lianzaolin Village, Qiandamo Township, Wei County, Hebei Province, workers are busy operating sewing machines. "The factory employs more than 70 people on a daily basis, with continuous orders," said Wang Junbo, the person in charge of the micro factory. Guo Fulin, Director of the Rural Revitalization Bureau of Wei County, introduced that the county has developed labor-intensive processing industries such as luggage and clothing through "internal linkage" and "external attraction". 125 "micro factories" have been established, attracting more than 6000 jobs and achieving an annual output value of 300 million yuan.

The internal driving force of the poverty-stricken population in the vast poverty-stricken areas is becoming stronger, and their determination to rely on their own strength for development is becoming more and more abundant. The relevant person in charge of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau stated that while continuously consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, the main focus should be on increasing the income of poverty-stricken people and promoting the accelerated development of poverty-stricken counties. Various resources and assistance measures should be focused on promoting industrial development and expanding employment, continuously narrowing the income gap and development gap.

Solidly promoting rural revitalization and continuously improving the happiness of farmers

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

Rural modernization is an inherent requirement and necessary condition for building a strong agricultural country. At present, agriculture and rural areas are still the shortcomings of China's modernization construction. To build an agricultural strong country, we need to promote both agricultural and rural modernization, and achieve a comprehensive improvement of rural areas from the outside to the inside, with both form and spirit.

The key to rural revitalization lies in doing. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have tailored measures to local conditions, solidly promoting the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations, and striving to create a new situation of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

——The rural industry is growing rapidly, expanding its pockets and gathering popularity.

The sea of roses is fragrant, and now over 1000 acres of roses have bloomed in Daizhao Township, Hanshan District, Handan City, Hebei Province. Harvesting, cleaning, processing... Roses are transformed into flower tea, flower cakes, essential oils, and other products, which are popular in the market. Zhou Miyuan, Secretary of the Party Branch of Xiniezhuang Village in Daizhao Township, said, "By playing the unique card well and extending the industrial chain, it is expected that our village's collective income will exceed 200000 yuan this year."

"The integrated development of rural industries has brought more and more benefits!" Zhang Yun, a "new farmer" from Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, returned to his hometown to start a business growing blueberries. "With precise drip irrigation, green prevention and control, and mechanized planting, blueberries not only have good quality, but also increased production by more than 40%. Last year, we received more than 30000 tourists and achieved sales exceeding 3 million yuan."

Industrial revitalization is of utmost importance in rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have strengthened their leading positions, supplemented their supply chains, developed their business models, and established their brands, promoting the upgrading of the entire rural industry chain. 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, and 200 strong agricultural industry towns have been newly approved for creation nationwide.

——Rural construction is being orderly promoted, with a favorable environment and beautiful days.

"The yard is cleaned inside and outside every day, and vegetables and flowers are grown. After cleaning up, we live comfortably." said Guan Hongwu, a villager from Luojia Village, Maoping Town, Zigui County, Hubei Province. "The village has laid sewage pipes and hired cleaners. With less garbage and sewage, the environment is getting better and better."

Rural construction, one step at a time. Various regions and departments are vigorously promoting the construction of livable, business friendly and beautiful rural areas, improving the completeness of rural infrastructure, convenience of public services, and comfort of living environment. At present, the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets in China exceeds 73%, and over 91% of natural village household waste is collected and treated. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that we will solidly promote the improvement of rural living environment, continue to carry out rural construction, and make the vast countryside more beautiful.

——The civilized rural wind blows vigorously in the fields, the people's customs are new, and the heart is full of energy.

"My daughter gets married and doesn't accept any 'neighborhood gifts'!" Zhang Xingyong, a villager from Shuitang Village, Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, recently held a happy and simple wedding for her daughter. "Gathering with family and friends saves money on banquets and strengthens relationships." Shuitang Village formulated village rules and regulations, established a Red and White Council, and launched new events.

Whether it's new or not depends on the customs of the people. Each region and department adheres to cultivating civilized rural customs, good family traditions, and simple folk customs, continuously improving the spiritual outlook of farmers, and enabling the vast countryside to achieve modernization of both "things" and "people".

Rural revitalization needs to shape itself, but more importantly, it needs to forge its soul.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that the next step is to coordinate and promote rural construction, refine the special promotion plan for rural construction actions, coordinate and promote the construction of rural roads, rural water supply, digital countryside and other infrastructure, carry out the third batch of "100 townships and 1000 villages" national rural governance demonstration villages and towns, continue to promote the transformation of rural customs, make the beautiful countryside accessible, and make the lives of villagers more comfortable.

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